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POST /#gf_1

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            <option value="" selected="selected" class="gf_placeholder">WHEN DO YOU PLAN TO MOVE?</option>
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          class="gfield_label gform-field-label" for="input_1_5">HOW MANY BEDROOMS DO YOU NEED?<span class="gfield_required"><span class="gfield_required gfield_required_asterisk">*</span></span></label>
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            <option value="" selected="selected" class="gf_placeholder">HOW MANY BEDROOMS DO YOU NEED?</option>
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Text Content

 * Amenities
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 * Marina Arts District
 * About The Art
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   Say hello to a lifestyle that merges modern design, art culture and coastal
   living in the flourishing Marina Arts District. Stylish high-end apartments
   featuring communal work spaces, mess hall, game rooms and a pool deck,
   surrounded by inspiring murals and street art. All in a central westside
   location close to the places you love, from Venice and Santa Monica to Culver
   City and beyond. Creative and connected, this is G8 living.


 * OLI-B
   Since his teenage spray paint period, Oli-B, an artist from Brussels, Belgium
   has painted what he loved, shapes and colors. His work ranges across a huge
   array of media including acrylic, spray paint, digital and screen printing
   techniques on a variety of surfaces. From abstract and figurative shapes
   charged with vivid colors, Oli-B molds the frontiers of his singular
   universe, where each piece writes its story and unveils new facets.


   Living in Los Angeles, Colette Miller is a visual artist and performer from
   Richmond, Virginia. Known for her fine and street art "Global Angel Wings
   Project", started in 2012 to lift the spirits of people on the streets,
   Miller has created and installed angel wings in countries across the world
   including the US, Kenya, Mexico, Cuba, France and Australia.

 * artist credit: WRAPPED
   Let’s hear it for staying in. Sunny afternoons by the pool. Friends around
   the grill. Sunsets from the rooftop. Need we say more?
   View Amenities


   Kelly Graval, better known by his graffiti tag RISK, was one of the first
   artists to exhibit graffiti and street art in galleries. With a background in
   fine art, his style is defined by cleanly executed lettering paired with
   graphic imagery and architectural lines. In the course of his nearly 30-year
   career, Graval has become one of the most influential figures for subsequent
   generations of graffiti artists, particularly in Los Angeles.

   Based in Venice, CA, WRAPPED Studios creates museum-quality custom art for
   residential, commercial, multifamily, and hospitality industries worldwide.
   From conception to installation, their holistic approach provides each
   project with a curated body of artwork. From immersive street side murals to
   a set of canvases that bring warmth to an interior corridor, the artwork aims
   to bring joy into the everyday.


   Bunnie Reiss is a muralist and fine artist whose work is heavily influenced
   by her Eastern European background, with its tradition of folk art, saturated
   colors, animals, nature and community engagement. Her extensive travels add
   an extra layer of interest, which make her creations extremely unique.

   Contemporary apartments that embody the virtues of loft living with generous
   open space and light, complemented with contemporary finishes and modern
   View Floor Plans

   DUCE is a self-taught artist that derives from the mid 80's spray paint
   subculture of Los Angeles. During the height of the LA Graffiti scene he was
   a staple on the city’s transit, Cal-trans and bridge surfaces. He has gone on
   to develop his skills in several mediums and styles and has painted over 364
   murals for corporate, private and nonprofit groups in LA and around the



Thank you for registering. We appreciate your interest in G8 and look forward to
sharing more details soon.


Now leasing with studios starting from $2,695 per month.
Be one of the first to experience vibrant Marina Arts District living at its

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 * 310.307.7988
 * 13448 Beach Ave. Los Angeles, CA. 90292

 * Site Design
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Any representation as to square footage is approximate. The exact square footage
of each unit or of the common areas or amenities is determined by the wall or
boundaries of the units, common areas or amenities, as constructed. The
developer reserves the right to change features, amenities, and pricing without
notice. Renderings, photography, illustrations, floorplans, amenities, finishes
and other information described herein are representative only and are not
intended to reflect any specific feature, amenity, unit condition or view when
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We use the information you provide for the above purpose if:

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(b) we have obtained your consent, or

(c) We have a legitimate interest in the information (including a legitimate
interest in conducting sales activities, studies, data analysis and internal
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Subject to applicable law, you may have the right to request access to and
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Please check this Privacy Policy periodically to review any changes. If we
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If you have any questions, concerns or comments about our Privacy Policy you may
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10600 Santa Monica Blvd.,
Los Angeles, CA 90025



California Landmark is committed to providing usable and accessible content to
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We are constantly striving to improve the accessibility of our website to ensure
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 * Marina Arts District
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 * Contact
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