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|  TF: 1-877-475-2468  |  E: INFO@SJCFL.US

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     Development Emergency Management Engineering Environmental Fire Rescue
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 * At the Jan. 16 St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) regular
   meeting, the BOCC voted 4-1 to approve a motion instructing the County
   Attorney to draft an economic development grant agreement totaling $118,784
   for Vermeer Southeast Sales & Service, Inc. and place the proposed grant
   agreement for consideration by the BOCC at a later regularly scheduled
 * Starting Jan. 26, three consecutive weekend closures of the Shands Bridge are
   planned to allow for grating replacement.
 * The public has until 5 p.m., January 27 to apply for emergency rental
   assistance to help low-income renters catch up on past due rent and
   utilities, specifically as they recover from housing instability experienced
   during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Registration for the program is open
   for tenants and landlords at www.sjcera.com while funds remain available.
 * At the regular meeting on Jan. 16, the St. Johns County Board of County
   Commissioners approved construction contracts totaling $2,545,486.81 for
   capital improvement projects park projects benefitting Treaty Park and Alpine
   Groves Park.
 * The St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners unanimously voted to adopt
   an updated beach code ordinance at its regular Jan. 16 meeting.
 * At the Jan. 16, 2024, St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC)
   regular meeting, the BOCC voted 5-0 to adopt Ordinance No. 2018- 42 regarding
   the regulation of the operation of golf carts, low-speed vehicles, and mini
   trucks within St. Johns County in the interest of public safety, conforming
   to recent changes in State statues. The new ordinance outlines requirements
   to operate a golf cart or similar vehicle on designated County roads or
   multi-use paths.
 * St. Johns County Encourages Its Community to Voice Support for Proposed
   Florida Museum of Black History Location in St. Augustine – St. Johns
   County has put out a call to action to its residents to help encourage the
   State to locate the proposed Florida Black History Museum in St. Augustine.
   In December 2023, Florida Secretary of State Cord Byrd announced the release
   of a public survey to gather input for the legislatively created Florida
   Museum of Black History Task Force. The public survey is available online
   through February 29, 2024. The Department of State is distributing the survey
   on behalf of the Florida Museum of Black History Task Force, which was
   created by legislation signed into law by Governor Ron DeSantis on May 11,
 * St. Johns County is moving forward with plans to provide a new ADA-accessible
   beach walkover and additional off-beach parking at Crescent Beach Park, 6930
   A1A S., St. Augustine. The beach walkover and expanded parking will utilize
   the space previously occupied by the former restaurant named South Beach
   Grill. St. Johns County purchased the South Beach Grill location at 45
   Cubbedge Road, St. Augustine, for $2 million in June 2022.
 * St. Johns County Parks and Recreation Department Sees Major Improvements
   After Investing More Than $1.4 Million into Playground Upgrades –
   Throughout 2023, the St. Johns County Parks and Recreation Department
   invested a total of $1,415,095 into substantial upgrades and additions to the
   County’s park playgrounds. These ranged from all-new play areas at
   Cornerstone Park and Collier-Blocker-Puryear Park to less expansive
   refurbishments and new shade coverings at several parks.
 * On December 19, 2023, during the St. Johns County Board of County
   Commissioners (BOCC) Regular Meeting, FCC Environmental Services Florida, LLC
   was identified as the top ranked firm, and a contract for residential solid
   waste collection including household garbage, recycling, and yard waste
   collection services was approved. The new contract begins August 1, 2024.
   There will be no increase in customer fees for the first year of service. All
   current service levels will remain in place which include weekly curbside
   collection of household garbage, yard waste, recycling, and bulk waste as
   well as scheduled services like appliance pick up requested by customers.
 * During the Dec. 19th regular meeting, the St. Johns County Board of County
   Commissioners (BOCC) approved Phase 2 of the State Road 207 Water Reclamation
   Facility Project. This included awarding the Design-Build Agreement with
   Jacobs Project Management Co., for the New SR 207 Water Reclamation Facility
   and Associated Improvements for a total not to-exceed amount of $191,820,000
   including a contingency of $6,230,000.
 * St. Johns County annual beach driving passes for 2024 are on sale now. St.
   Johns County resident passes are $50, non-resident passes are $100, and
   ADA-accessible passes are $40.
 * In early November, all of the sea turtle nests on the beaches of St. Johns
   County finished hatching, and the results were stellar. According to numbers
   provided by the St. Johns County Environmental Division Habitat Conservation
   Section, 2023 is the first year our county ever recorded triple-digit green
   sea turtle nests on its beaches, with a total of 133 nests out of the 1,205
   counted by volunteers. Of the remaining 1,072 nests, 1,057 belonged to
   loggerhead turtle nests and 15 to leatherback sea turtles. In total, St.
   Johns County estimates 79,811 hatchlings emerged from these nests and made
   their way to the Atlantic Ocean.
 * St. Johns County Launches Recycle Coach – Recycle Coach is live! We have
   teamed up with Recycle Coach to help educate our residents on proper
   recycling! By downloading the Recycle Coach app or
   visiting recyclestjohns.com, you can get your curbside collection schedule,
   sign up for alerts, and quickly learn how to dispose of different waste
   materials properly. The Recycle Coach app also has image recognition
   software. Just take a picture of an item, and it will tell you if it is
   recyclable! Download the Recycle Coach app on the Apple App
   Store or Google Play.  Learn more about Recycle Coach.
 * St. Johns County launched a new emergency notification system to provide
   residents with critical information during emergency situations. The new
   Alert St. Johns system will enable residents to get critical information in a
   variety of situations including severe weather, unexpected road closures,
   water advisories, missing persons, evacuations of buildings or neighborhoods,
   and incidents that may threaten public safety. To receive alerts, sign up at
 * The Fire Watch Program and App. According to the U.S. Department of Veterans
   Affairs, approximately twenty veterans commit suicide each day in the United
   States. To respond to this national epidemic, St. Johns County has joined
   surrounding communities and local organizations in Fire Watch, a program that
   provides a support system for veterans in crisis. The Fire Watch launched a
   mobile app that enables veterans and volunteers to foster positive
   relationships and ensure veterans get the help they need. Available on both
   the Apple App Store and Android Google Play, the app will allow veterans in
   crisis to quickly receive emergency assistance and connect them with a
   variety of local resources and allies that will help them build relations and
   provide one-on-one counseling and support. www.thefirewatch.org. 



View Meeting Notices, Events, and Advisory Calendars

Board of County Commissioners Regular Meetings are held monthly on the first and
third Tuesdays at 9 a.m. in the County Auditorium. Agendas | Minutes | Calendar

County Commissioner Invitations – The County Commissioners receive invitations
to attend various events and, on occasion, more than one Commissioner may attend
and participate. BOCC Invitations

Boards and Committees Volunteer Opportunities – Residents interested in serving
their community and participating in local government may apply for a variety of
board and committee opportunities. Current Board Vacancies

American Rescue Plan Act Funding


January 25, 2024 - St. Johns County Proposes $118,784 Economic Development Grant
Agreement for Vermeer Southeast Sales & Service, Inc. – At the Jan. 16 St. Johns
County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) regular meeting, the BOCC voted 4-1
to approve a motion instructing the County Attorney to draft an economic
development grant agreement totaling $118,784 for Vermeer Southeast Sales &
Service, Inc. and place the proposed grant agreement for consideration by the
BOCC at a later regularly scheduled meeting. The agreement would provide
incentives for Vermeer Southeast to bring its regional headquarters and 18
high-wage jobs to St. Johns County. The average annual wage of these jobs would
be $69,722, providing $1.75 million annually in labor income for St. Johns
County. Vermeer Economic Development Grant Agreement

January 24, 2024 - Florida Department of Transportation Announces Shands Bridge
to See Multiple Weekend Closures for Grating Replacement – Starting Jan. 26,
three consecutive weekend closures of the Shands Bridge are planned to allow for
grating replacement. Shands Bridge Closures

January 22, 2023 - St. Johns County Announces January 27 Application Deadline
for Rental Assistance Program – The public has until 5 p.m., January 27 to apply
for emergency rental assistance to help low-income renters catch up on past due
rent and utilities, specifically as they recover from housing instability
experienced during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Registration for the program
is open for tenants and landlords at www.sjc-era.com while funds remain
available. Rental Assistance Program

January 19, 2024 - St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners Greenlights
More Than $2.5 Million Investment in Treaty Park and Alpine Groves Park
Improvement Projects –  At the regular meeting on Jan. 16, the St. Johns County
Board of County Commissioners approved construction contracts totaling
$2,545,486.81 for capital improvement projects benefitting Treaty Park and
Alpine Groves Park. Treaty Park and Alpine Groves Park Improvement Projects

January 17, 2024 - St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners Adopts Updated
Beach Code Ordinance – The St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners
unanimously voted to adopt an updated beach code ordinance, containing
regulations for the operation of electric motorized vehicles, aircraft, and
regular motor vehicles on beaches, at its regular Jan. 16 meeting. Updated Beach
Code Ordinance

January 17, 2024 - St. Johns County Adopts Golf Cart Ordinance, Conforming to
State Statute – At the Jan. 16, 2024, St. Johns County Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC) regular meeting, the BOCC voted 5-0 to adopt Ordinance No.
2024- 7, amending Ordinance No. 2018-42, regarding the regulation of the
operation of golf carts, low-speed vehicles, and mini trucks within St. Johns
County in the interest of public safety, conforming to recent changes in State
statute. The new ordinance outlines requirements to operate a golf cart or
similar vehicle on designated County roads or multi-use paths. Golf Cart
Ordinance Adoption and Video

>> News Archives


St. Johns County Offering Assistance with Past Due Energy Bills for Low-Income
Seniors – The Emergency Home Energy Assistance for the Elderly Program (EHEAP)
provides heating/cooling (Electric) bill assistance to an elder who is in
immediate danger of losing home energy. For eligibility guidelines and
application, visit the Social Services page or call 904-209-6140.


Current FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps & Information – Flood Zone Viewer | NFIP
Rating Insurance Discounts for Some SJC Property Owners

Projects, Advisories, Status Updates – For right of way projects, advisories,
and status updates as well as permitting activity, please visit the St. Johns
County Neighborhood Bill of Rights Application



Government records may be seen and copied from a records custodian at the County
Administration building, via specific County Departments responsible for their
own records, from records custodians at Elected Officials Offices and at other
levels of government such as state agencies, local, county and state
authorities. Public records requests to the County may be made by completing the
Public Records Request Form or by contacting the County’s Public Records
Custodian at:

> Office of the County Attorney, Attn: Public Records Custodian
> 500 San Sebastian View, St. Augustine, Florida 32084-8686
> E: publicrecords@sjcfl.us   |  P: (904) 209-0805  |  F: (904) 209-0806

For more information, please view the Public Records Request Brochure or visit
the Public Records / Open Government page.


Special Districts Information can be found at www.sjcfl.us/SpecialDistricts



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 * Public Libraries
 * Golf Course
 * Florida's Historic Coast
 * Historic Coast Culture

LOCAL: (904) 209-0655   |   TOLL FREE: 1-877-4SJCGOV (1-877-475-2468)
General Information: info@sjcfl.us   |   Website Technical Support:

SJC Employee Connection


Please Note: Under Florida law, email addresses are public records.
If you do not want your email address released in response to a public records
do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by
phone or in writing.

Accessibility Statement: The St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners is
committed to ensuring accessibility of its website. To report an accessibility
issue, request accessibility assistance regarding our website content, or to
request a specific electronic format, please contact our accessibility
coordinator at (904) 209-0650. We will make reasonable efforts to accommodate
all needs.







 * Commissioners
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   Online Services
 * Utilities / Bill Pay
 * GIS / iMap / Map Mart
 * Building Department
 * Employment
 * Parks & Recreation
 * Pet Center
 * Public Records Requests

 * Capital Improvement Plans
 * Budget Calendar
 * Alert St. Johns
 * Emergency Management
 * Land Development Code
 * Development Tracker
 * Economic Development
 * School Zones
 * Coastal Projects
 * Fee Schedule
 * Boards & Committees

 1. Issue Tracking Online: Enter issues, questions, feedback, requests, etc. &
    track right online.
 2. Residents' Information & Resource Guide: A guide to county services and
    related info.
 3. Pay Your Utility Bill Online: Pay your SJC utility bill online with our Bill
    Pay system.
 4. Beach Use Permits: For special events, 4x4 driving horseback riding, &
    commercial fishing.
 5. Evacuation Zone: Know your zone before hurricane season begins June 1.

 1. SJC Beaches: Over 40 miles of beautiful beaches perfect for recreation and
 2. Local Events: From concerts and festivals to art walks, and more!
 3. FloridasHistoricCoast.com: A wealth of information about visiting St. Johns
 4. Parks: Play, picnic, and explore...SJC even has parks for dogs and
 5. Maps: Free maps help you find everything from the right road to a bald
    eagle's nest.

 1. Small Business Development Center: Get expert advice for your small business
 2. Local Business Tax: Search/Pay Local Business Tax Receipts Online.
 3. Doing Business with County: Purchasing's Open Bids are available online.
 4. Contractor Licensing: Requirements and applications for working as a
    contractor in SJC.
 5. Economic Development: Attracting new and supporting current businesses in

 1. Tax Collector: Personal, property & business taxes, Department of Motor
    Vehicles & more.
 2. Sheriff's Office: Info includes prisoner & predator lookup, register alarms,
    safety & more.
 3. Supervisor of Elections: Voter registration, poling places, elected
    officials, and candidates.
 4. Property Appraiser: Estimate taxes, property record search, homestead & ag
 5. Clerk of Courts: Official records, passports, ordinances & many more


Americans with Disabilities & Civil Rights Acts – St. Johns County does not
discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability,
religion or family status in any of its programs or services. For questions
about Civil Rights or the Americans with Disabilities Act with regards to St.
Johns County owned facilities or sponsored programs or to view our Title VI
Plan, visit our Compliance Coordination page, or contact Katie Diaz at (904)
209-0650, kdiaz@sjcfl.us.

Fair Housing – For questions about the Fair Housing Act compliance, please
contact Housing and Community Development at (904) 827-6894.

Equal Opportunity Employment – For questions about Equal Opportunity Employment
compliance, please contact the Human Resources department at (904) 209-0635.