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505-404-3071 * Facebook * Instagram * Twitter * Linkedin * Pinterest * YouTube * Facebook * Instagram * Twitter * Linkedin * Pinterest * YouTube * Write a Review * Gift Card * Jobs * Home * Story * Services * Albuquerque and Rio Rancho * Santa Fe and Los Alamos * Cleaning to Care * We Love Local * Shop * Get in Touch * Blog * Claim Your Weekend Select Page * Home * Story * Services * Albuquerque and Rio Rancho * Santa Fe and Los Alamos * Cleaning to Care * We Love Local * Shop * Get in Touch * Blog * Claim Your Weekend * Write a Review * Gift Card * Jobs ALBUQUERQUE’S FAVORITE AWARD-WINNING HOME CLEANING SERVICE Claim Your Weekend FEATURED ON FINALLY, A CLEAN YOU CAN FEEL GOOD ABOUT We know your home is important to you. It’s important to us, too. That’s why we do more than just clean your home. By only using green, eco-friendly products, we take care of your house – and everyone who calls it home. And, because our professional teams are paid a real living wage (the highest in the state!), they take pride in their work, making your home look and feel good. No other house cleaning company in the city does what we do. Learn more about our services PEACE OF MIND FROM START TO FINISH From green products to professionally trained teams, we do everything we can to make having us clean your home completely worry-free (top to bottom!). With Sandia Green Clean, you’ll never have to worry about: finding your next great cleaner, rescheduling problems, or having enough cleaning solution on hand – we take care of all that for you. We’re also fully licensed, bonded, and insured house cleaners. Plus, with a 100% satisfaction guarantee behind everything we do, we’ll go above and beyond to make working with us easy. Book our professional house cleaning services to start experiencing the most complete worry-free house cleaning experience ever! Get in touch with us today to learn more IT’S TIME TO CLAIM YOUR WEEKEND We’re big believers in saving time. We’re also big believers in spending time, especially when it’s with your family or outside enjoying all that New Mexico has to offer. That’s why Sandia Green Clean is here to help you get your time back, spending less time cleaning and more time living. When your spare time is yours to spend, what will you do to #claimyourweekend? Schedule your first clean today! ALREADY LOVE WHAT WE DO? LET ABQ KNOW! Leave A Review STAY IN TOUCH Follow us on all of our social platforms! * Error: 412: Account id 17841405326787185 not found to fetch user profile. * Error: 412: Account id 17841405326787185 not found to fetch user media. * Follow * Follow * Follow * Follow * Follow * Follow A REAL LOCAL BUSINESS MAKING A DIFFERENCE As native New Mexicans raising families in the Duke City, we care (a lot) about our community. Our customers and every member of our teams aren’t just like neighbors — they are neighbors. And that drives us to be the best. We’re always looking for ways to give back, from sponsoring local athletics to partnering with UNMH to clean the homes of cancer patients for free. LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR CLEANING TO CARE INITIATIVE Learn more LATEST POSTS HOW TOXIC IS YOUR KITCHEN? THE TOP KITCHEN PRODUCTS AND INGREDIENTS TO AVOID (AND WHAT TO USE INSTEAD) May 16, 2023 Humans are creatures of habit, which is why knowing we should do something and actually doing something are two very different things. Take your household cleaners, for example. So many of us have heard how harmful some of these products can be,... THE VERTICAL SECRET TO ORGANIZING YOUR KITCHEN THE RIGHT WAY Apr 15, 2023 It’s easy for our kitchens to become disorganized quickly. Just getting them cleaned up after a home cooked meal can feel like enough of a chore for the day. Organizing it is one task too many for most days. But just because we don’t feel like we... 6 HERBS TO PLANT TO HELP YOUR HOME FEEL MORE LIKE SPRING Mar 31, 2023 With springtime weather still being fickle here in New Mexico, it’s easy to grow impatient. While you wait for forecasts to get in sync with calendar dates, why not try planting one (or all) of these herbs at your home? Not only will the pop of... « Older Entries View All Posts TEXT US NOW! (505) 404-3071 WHAT OTHERS IN ALBUQUERQUE ARE SAYING “I just want to say that your team did the best cleaning job I’ve ever been privileged to witness. Fast, but extremely thorough, the team whisked through our large home like a hot knife through butter. I went behind and did the finger test on the blinds, etc, and I’m happy to report that all surfaces were dust free. The vacuum they used was incredible and actually smelled nice, unlike our own Oreck vacuum. I will certainly use your service in the future. You can call or email me about how often we would like the cleaners, but I know for sure at least once a month. I really like that the team wore uniforms and had an attractive car with your logo. Just first class!” - JLS “Sandia Green Clean is truly amazing. Their professional and polite team came to my house last week and I am thrilled with how clean my house looks! They cleaned the lint behind the drier, every last corner of each closet, return air vents in the ceiling and more. I’m sure I haven’t done that myself in ages. The level of clean they achieved is impressive to say the least! Thank you!!!” - KAREN PETTINE “Exceptional! No other service have I found in Albuquerque that I feel good about recommending. Not only is the cleaning excellent the teams they hire have a good attitude and are trustworthy. It’s actually a cleaning service that makes you feel good about having it done. Phenomenal.” - DANIEL LUSKO “Claudia Knight was our contact throughout the whole process of working with Sandia Green Clean. She is very professional, prompt in returning phone calls, excellent communications skill and show a genuine concern for the customer. Her staff that actually did cleaning pointed out area of the Rental home that needed attention. This was very helpful. We are located out of state. So the Realtor was able to provide us feedback on the work they performed. She stated it was a TOP NOTCH cleaning.” - BILL MARIN “We've been a customer now for 8-9 months and are impressed every time we come home to a clean house. The staff are friendly, and they work incredibly fast (a huge bonus since I work from a home office and enjoy not having to leave for long periods of time). We had a few very small issues early on which Brandon (the owner) graciously handled and rectified immediately and upon the next visit. I feel like Sandia Green Clean is really looking out for us, listening to our needs, and providing consistent service visit after visit.” - AVRAM GONZALES “Very pleased with the service provided by Sandia Green Clean. I appreciate the text updates about their arrival and departure. Best of all my house is sparkling clean when I get home from work. I am particularly impressed by the time they take to remove every trace of dog hair from my living room furniture. Much appreciated!” - MELISSA SCHULTZ “Thank you so much! It was wonderful to come home to such a clean house. I am definitely interested in additional cleanings. It would be nice to have my weekend time back!” - JAMINA OOMEN-HAJAGOS “Sandia Green Clean might consider changing to DREAM TEAM. Their crew came into my house today and left it looking brand new. My wife was ecstatic, and I look like a hero. It was unlike any service we had ever experienced. I would recommend them to anyone!” - BRENT GORDON “The Sandia Green Clean team did an AMAZING job on our home! We are a military family that had orders to move during this crazy COVID-19 times, which made everything more difficult and stressful. Sandia Green Clean first did a virtual walk through and flexible scheduling (amazing!). Then the actual clean team did an INCREDIBLE job, every area was spotless ranging from light fixtures to the inside of our kitchen appliances. The only thing I regret is not using them every week when we still lived there! Thank you guys!!” - RICH CUDDHY “I scheduled for a deep clean to be done in my home. Being quoted and scheduling were easy via text and email. The team arrived within the quoted timeframe and finished quite quickly! Besides being a little disappointed the window glass wasn't cleaned, I am very happy with the results. Clean and disinfected!” - LEILA FAKHRAI PreviousNext CLAIM YOUR WEEKEND! CLAIM YOUR WEEKEND Our top-of-the-line cleaning services allow you to get back time – something that very few of us feel like we have much of. Our expert trained teams know exactly how you want your home to look and feel, and they deliver every time. CONTACT INFO 4001 Ellison St. NE Albuquerque, NM 87109 (505) 404-3071 QUICK LINKS Story Services Claim Your Weekend We Love Local Get In Touch Employment FAQ SANDIA GREEN CLEAN BLOG * How Toxic Is Your Kitchen? The Top Kitchen Products and Ingredients to Avoid (And What to Use Instead) * The Vertical Secret to Organizing Your Kitchen The Right Way * 6 Herbs to Plant to Help Your Home Feel More Like Spring * 5 (New-ish) Reasons to Crush on ABQ’s Food Scene * Nobody Talks About These 11 Spring Cleaning Tips – And They’re Awesome * Facebook * Instagram * Twitter * Linkedin * Pinterest * YouTube © 2022 Sandia Green Clean via FreshySites - WordPress Website Design Now Serving Santa Fe & Los Alamos - Limited AvailabilityReserve Your Clean Here * WHO ARE YOU NOMINATING? * First name* * Last name* * Nominee's Phone* * Nominee's Email * Reason for nomination* Please include the nominee's address if you have it available. * Your Name* * Your last name* * Email* * Name This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ × * CLAIMING YOUR WEEKEND IS EASY! * First name* * Last name* * Email* * Street Address* * ZIP Code * Phone* * How did your hear about us? (Google, Yelp, HomeAdvisor, Friend, etc.) Feel free to mention the person who referred you so that they can receive a referral bonus. * Schedule Your Estimate Choose "Calendly" to pick your specific time now, or choose "Call Back" to have someone reach out to you for scheduling. * Calendly (pick your time now) * Call Back (we'll reach out to schedule you) * Phone This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ × Notifications