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Submitted URL: http://utahwildlife.net/threads/what-if.209145/
Effective URL: https://www.utahwildlife.net/threads/what-if.209145/
Submission: On December 22 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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3K views 75 replies 20 participants last post by  backcountry  3d ago
taxidermist Discussion starter
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#1 · Dec 12, 2023
Got to thinking of the difficulty in drawing a GS deer tag has become lately,
and, the future. "What IF" in order to apply for a tag, the applicant would be
required to provide 1-2 hours of service? Similar to the Dedicated Hunter
program, but not being required that many hours.

Many threads have showed or spoke of trash in the woods, lake shores, community
ponds, WMA's etc. Maybe a "program" I mention could clean the place up and
available permits becoming more available to those who donate their time.

Just a thought during a little idle time.

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506 posts · Joined 2017
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#2 · Dec 12, 2023
I think it's a great idea. No different than how you used to be able to help a
farmer with chores so you can hunt their property.

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76 posts · Joined 2014
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#3 · Dec 12, 2023
I actually think the idea has merit. I would also like to see that one could not
buy their way past the requirement.


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2272 posts · Joined 2018
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#5 · Dec 12, 2023 (Edited)
Hey now, that’s usually how I do things. My money does just as much for the
wildlife as a service project. In some cases, more.

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#4 · Dec 12, 2023
I don’t like the look of it


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4396 posts · Joined 2008
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#6 · Dec 12, 2023
I have no idea how the record keeping would work. Seems like it wouldn't be much
of a gate to keep people from applying. Do their hours accumulate if they don't

With mandatory reporting coming next year that may be as effective as anything.

Anybody have any idea how many less applicants there were when they excluded
those behind on child support?

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4396 posts · Joined 2008
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#10 · Dec 13, 2023
There were 104,528 resident applicants that applied for 40,043 general deer tags
last year. You need to eliminate 64,485 applicants to get your wish of a tag
every year.

All ideas are entertaining for sure. Amazing how many can come up with ideas to
eliminate the competition to their tag.


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9184 posts · Joined 2009
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#11 · Dec 13, 2023
There were only 40,043 resident general deer tags last year?

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4396 posts · Joined 2008
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#16 · Dec 13, 2023

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12564 posts · Joined 2010
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#12 · Dec 13, 2023
There were 64,725 General Season deer tags in 2023

So there may of only been 40,043 resident tags but 24,000 non resident tags
sounds a little big

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5279 posts · Joined 2007
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#13 · Dec 13, 2023
What if.......... People actually cared about the environment and their fellow
man and just volunteered more often on their own.

see my latest wildlife pictures on I.G.
Follow me @ antler_chaser_


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#25 · Dec 13, 2023
I want what you're smokin!


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#14 · Dec 13, 2023
Just to clarify, the idea is to add a hurdle with the hope that fewer people
will apply?

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taxidermist Discussion starter
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#15 · Dec 13, 2023
I'm looking along the lines of cleaning up the trash more than having an
advantage of drawing a tag. This "Idea" was just a way to begin cleaning up.

I'd like to think that the majority of "Sportsperson's" are responsible, and
clean up after themselves. But in reality, I know this isn't the standard seeing
the amount of trash. Yes, it isn't just the shooting/hunting sports creating the
mess. I'm sure the general public tossing the fast food bags in a WMA parking
lot, or the canyon roads are guilty too.

We all need to be a steward of our favorite places we visit. I try to do my part
in finding my hulls while hunting waterfowl, and pack them out. The BRBR north
dike was littered with spent shells this year when I was hunting swan.

I'm not a Saint, and never will be. But dang, it's getting bad.

Maybe we Forum members could organize a day and place to clean up. Talk to the
DWR and have the project be part of DH hours?

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#17 · Dec 13, 2023
I have no problem if people want to give back and clean up areas. I do it myself
as I travel around, but trying to make it a requirement to apply to hunt just
seems a step too far.

Can it be applied to fishing license's too? How about to register a ATV/UTV?
There are a ton of user groups in them there hills. Can it be applied to all or
just those pesky big game hunters?

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taxidermist Discussion starter
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#22 · Dec 13, 2023
Sure, why not? You want to register your car, bring a sack of trash to the DMV.
Then again, some are driving that sack of trash.

It wouldn't matter what was required to apply for a permit anymore, there
is/will always be that person or group that complains about it. I'm just getting
sick of the trash every time I go out. It's getting worse, not better.

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4507 posts · Joined 2016
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#18 · Dec 13, 2023
Most outdoor communities have been contending with the rise in poor stewardship
amongst their ranks since I began recreating decades ago. Clean ups & education
seem to be the perennial tools that work the best.

Can't say I support any attempt to require work hours for application
privileges. And I'd wager most hunters are in the same boat.

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137 posts · Joined 2020
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#20 · Dec 13, 2023
Just to clarify and object on a story I have nothing to attribute to,- I would
like to add to my post count.

I will type out some sort of random bull$hit for back(****ry) to respond to.

Jeezus dude.

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12564 posts · Joined 2010
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#21 · Dec 13, 2023
> middlefork said:
> https://wildlife.utah.gov/pdf/bg/2023/23_deer_odds.pdf
> Click to expand...

> Vanilla said:
> That doesn't include dedicated hunter or lifetime licenses that obtained
> general deer tags, so that makes a little more sense. I was thinking all
> general deer tags, so that is where my surprise to that number came from.
> Click to expand...

I looked at the odds report and here is what I came up with:

General deer tags to residents 40043
General deer tags to non res 3552
Dedicated hunters resident 1999
Dedicated hunters NR 91
Lifetime Resident 3520
Lifetime NR 335
Youth Resident 7369
Youth NR 335
Youth Dedicated Hunter Res 260
Youth DH NR 2
Total 57506

Which leaves 7219 that went elsewhere that I can't see.

If you don't care where you are, you are not lost


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9184 posts · Joined 2009
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#23 · Dec 13, 2023
> Critter said:
> Which leaves 7219 that went elsewhere that I can't see.
> Click to expand...

When we are talking about Utah big game permits and how they are distributed,
the powers that be believe some questions are better left not asked.



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#26 · Dec 13, 2023
This thread title has me jamming out to Creed now. 🤟


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5494 posts · Joined 2008
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#28 · Dec 13, 2023
While the idea is interesting and the intention probably good, I cannot conceive
a more problematic program to administer for a government agency already
challenged with a lot of varying responsibilities. I fear it would be a
bureaucratic nightmare if attempted. Additionally, I would third the "where do
you draw the line" concern. Why only big game hunters? What about granola
munching tree hugging pet owners that hike in the mountains with their dogs,
collect psychedelic shrooms and leave poop on the ground and BO in the air? They
certainly have an impact on the resource too. As for an option to "buy out" of
the requirement, we have a name for this. it's called a price increase.

Cleaning up and service should be its own reward. The need is always there as
slobs are always with us.


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4326 posts · Joined 2009
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#32 · Dec 13, 2023
I had no idea that there were nonresident dedicated hunter and lifetime license
tags. How much did those nonres lifetime license tags go for when they sold?

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9184 posts · Joined 2009
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#33 · Dec 13, 2023
> colorcountrygunner said:
> How much did those nonres lifetime license tags go for when they sold?
> Click to expand...

They were not sold to nonresidents at the time. It’s people that were residents
and have since moved out of Utah, but retain their lifetime privileges just as


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9184 posts · Joined 2009
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#38 · Dec 13, 2023
Just so we’re clear, I’d give up my lifetime license if you could somehow figure
out how to let me go back to this date in 2010 and invest that $500 in bitcoin.


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#39 · Dec 13, 2023
Stack sats and hodl! Six figure Bitcoin by 2025!

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2075 posts · Joined 2017
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#41 · Dec 14, 2023
I have an idea for community service. All the old hands give an education
seminar to all these FNG's from out of state about how to crap in the woods,
what to do with their trash, their campfires, and basic etiquette on the
mountain, etc. All new residents are required to attend before they can put in
for a draw, or buy an OTC tag.

Yes, I've been drinking again.

I like the mountains and maybe three people.


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taxidermist Discussion starter
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#43 · 8d ago
What's the drink of choice? I prefer WIld Turkey myself.

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461 posts · Joined 2016
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#42 · Dec 14, 2023
Why do you expect hunters to pickup garbage; which most likely is from hikers
and campers? Sportsmen already give time, treasure and talents to support
wildlife and habitat.

Here's an idea. Require hikers and climbers to pay for and complete safety class
so they don't need to get rescued constantly. Then put excise tax on outdoor
gear the REI, Subaru crowd purchase.


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6072 posts · Joined 2011
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#48 · 8d ago
> OriginalOscar said:
> Why do you expect hunters to pickup garbage; which most likely is from hikers
> and campers? Sportsmen already give time, treasure and talents to support
> wildlife and habitat.
> Click to expand...

The sad thing is, in my experience hunting public lands in numerous states,
hunters on average leave more litter than the granola crowd or even the average
camper not using established campground facilities. And residents of a given
state tend to be the worst offenders.


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4326 posts · Joined 2009
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#44 · 8d ago
I like how everybody in every state always thinks it's the out of state riff
raff leaving all the junk in the mountain. I could believe that were it not for
all the things I have seen from Utah's finest with my own two eyes. We didn't
start calling each other Utards for no reason.


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2075 posts · Joined 2017
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#45 · 8d ago
> colorcountrygunner said:
> I like how everybody in every state always thinks it's the out of state riff
> raff leaving all the junk in the mountain. I could believe that were it not
> for all the things I have seen from Utah's finest with my own two eyes. We
> didn't start calling each other Utards for no reason.
> Click to expand...

Well, the reason I think it, is because of all the schitt (literally) ive been
finding on the ground, not to mention the TP streamers flowing in the breeze. I
NEVER saw that before 2020. Now, I realize it could be all the urban jackwagons
who suddenly discovered the outdoors in the year of the coof. BUT, what also
adds to my thinking, is all the trash, and graffiti as well. You know that
sunken house leftover from thistle just south of the shooting range along 89? I
think 3 or 4 years ago, it was unmolested, now it's covered in graffiti last I
looked. And What kind of asshat tags trees and camping locations, say along the
nebo? And the trash? Holy cow, have you ever driven along a CA freeway and
noticed All the trash? Yeah, that's starting here now, as well as on the

It's all basically, the stuff that I haven't seen since I lived in the PRC years
ago. Not to mention the people. I can spot them a mile away. I see it in their
attitudes, the way they dress, how they talk, how they effing drive. It may not
be obvious to some, but to me the signs are in flashing neon, and my nostrals
are flaring every time I see it.

> taxidermist said:
> What's the drink of choice? I prefer WIld Turkey myself.
> Click to expand...

I just had a couple too many Miller Lites last night. Haven't been to the liqur
store in probably about a year. Usually we stock up on Captain Morgan, Jim Bean,
Vodka and Kallua, and sip it throughout the year once in awhile after dinner.
We're not heavy drinkers. You'll know it when I have though, i might end up
schitt posting. Above reply not withstanding, that's just me being the bitter
and angry old man I'm turning into.

I like the mountains and maybe three people.

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#46 · 8d ago
@Lone_Hunter the human fecal matter all over the place is an avant-garde
artistic expression popularized on the streets of San Francisco that is slowly
making its way over here. Stop being such a hillbilly and learn to appreciate
the stylings of more refined cultures.🍷


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#47 · 8d ago
LOL fair enough, and a good laugh. Thanks.

I like the mountains and maybe three people.

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#50 · 7d ago
It's sad but I have to agree with JC.

We tried to camp in one spot during the general deer hunt but there were
homesteaders there from the spike elk hunt every year. But when they would pull
their trailer out each year we would stop by and collect quite a few items. They
ranged from a box of .300 Winchester Mag ammo, a couple knives, disinfectant
wipes, and various other items that we put to use.

We turned them into the BLM a couple of times but nothing ever happened to my
knowledge. We gave the BLM both the trailer license and their truck license but
I guess that littering is not on their list to check out.

It also seams that whenever we used a area that was a established camping area
that we could collect a couple of bags of trash from the area with quite a bit
of it coming from the fire pits that were littered with half melted beer and pop

If you don't care where you are, you are not lost


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