www.hawaiianairlines.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://flightnotifications.hawaiianairlines.com/LinkTracking?id=6056440&url=https://www.hawaiianairlines.com/legal/privacy-policy
Effective URL: https://www.hawaiianairlines.com/legal/privacy-policy
Submission: On February 15 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 3 forms found in the DOM

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    <h5>Frequently Asked Questions </h5>
        <a class="search" href="http://hawaiianair.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1890">What do I need to do to change or cancel my reservation?<span class="sr-only">Opens external link to page that may not meet accessibility guidelines</span></a>
      <li><a class="search" href="http://hawaiianair.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/80">How much are baggage fees on my flight?<span class="sr-only">Opens external link to page that may not meet accessibility guidelines</span></a></li>
      <li><a class="search" href="http://hawaiianair.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/957">How do I check in online?<span class="sr-only">Opens external link to page that may not meet accessibility guidelines</span></a></li>
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Name: formNativeappLinkSms

<form name="formNativeappLinkSms" id="formNativeappLinkSms" class="contact-info current ng-pristine ng-invalid ng-invalid-required ng-valid-pattern ng-valid-mask" novalidate="" ha-include-notify="">
  <div class="row form-group">
    <div class="col-12 ng-scope" ha-form-nativeapp-link-sms="" form-name="formNativeappLinkSms" ng-init="isModal = false">
      <!-- ngIf: !IsCountryDataReady -->
      <!-- ngIf: IsCountryDataReady -->
      <div class="row ng-scope" ng-if="IsCountryDataReady">
        <div class="col-4">
          <label class="ha-label">
            <select disabled="" ng-model="recipient.CountryCode" required="" ha-errors="" name="CountryCode" class="ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-not-empty ng-valid-required" aria-invalid="false">
              <!-- ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="USA" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+1 USA</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="AUS" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+61 AUS</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="CHN" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+86 CHN</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="JPN" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+81 JPN</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="KOR" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+82 KOR</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="NZL" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+64 NZL</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="ABW" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+297 ABW</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="AFG" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+93 AFG</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="AGO" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+244 AGO</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="AIA" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+1 AIA</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="ALA" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+358 ALA</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="ALB" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+355 ALB</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="AND" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+376 AND</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="ARE" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+971 ARE</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="ARG" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+54 ARG</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="ARM" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+374 ARM</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="ASM" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+1684 ASM</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="ATF" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+33 ATF</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="ATG" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+268 ATG</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="AUT" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+43 AUT</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="AZE" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+994 AZE</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="BDI" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+257 BDI</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
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              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="BES" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+599 BES</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="BFA" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+226 BFA</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="BGD" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+880 BGD</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="BGR" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+359 BGR</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="BHR" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+973 BHR</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="BHS" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+242 BHS</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="BIH" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+387 BIH</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
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              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="BLR" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+375 BLR</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="BLZ" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+501 BLZ</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="BMU" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+441 BMU</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="BOL" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+591 BOL</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="BRA" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+55 BRA</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="BRB" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+246 BRB</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
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              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="BTN" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+975 BTN</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="BVT" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+47 BVT</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="BWA" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+267 BWA</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="CAF" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+236 CAF</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="CAN" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+1 CAN</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="CCK" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+61 CCK</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
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              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="CMR" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+237 CMR</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="COD" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+243 COD</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="COK" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+682 COK</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="COL" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+57 COL</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="COM" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+269 COM</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="CPV" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+238 CPV</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="CRI" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+506 CRI</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="CUB" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+53 CUB</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="CUW" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+599 CUW</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="CXR" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+61 CXR</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="CYM" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+345 CYM</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
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              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="CZE" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+420 CZE</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="DEU" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+49 DEU</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
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              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="DNK" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+45 DNK</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="DOM" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+8 DOM</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="DZA" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+213 DZA</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="ECU" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+593 ECU</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="EGY" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+20 EGY</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="ERI" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+291 ERI</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="ESP" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+34 ESP</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="EST" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+372 EST</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="ETH" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+251 ETH</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="FIN" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+358 FIN</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="FJI" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+679 FJI</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="FLK" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+500 FLK</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="FRA" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+33 FRA</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="FRO" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+298 FRO</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="FSM" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+691 FSM</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="GAB" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+241 GAB</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="GBR" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+44 GBR</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="GEO" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+995 GEO</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="GGY" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+44 GGY</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="GHA" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+233 GHA</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="GIB" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+350 GIB</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="GIN" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+224 GIN</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="GRC" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+30 GRC</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="GRL" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+299 GRL</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="GTM" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+502 GTM</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="GUM" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+1 GUM</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="GUY" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+592 GUY</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="HKG" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+852 HKG</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="HMD" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+61 HMD</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="HND" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+504 HND</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="HRV" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+385 HRV</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="HTI" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+509 HTI</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="HUN" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+36 HUN</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="IDN" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+62 IDN</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="IMN" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+44 IMN</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="IND" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+91 IND</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="IOT" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+246 IOT</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="IRL" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+353 IRL</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="IRN" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+98 IRN</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="IRQ" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+964 IRQ</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="ISL" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+354 ISL</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="ISR" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+972 ISR</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="ITA" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+39 ITA</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="JAM" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+876 JAM</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="JEY" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+44 JEY</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="JOR" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+962 JOR</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="KAZ" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+7 KAZ</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="KEN" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+254 KEN</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="KGZ" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+996 KGZ</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="KHM" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+855 KHM</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="KIR" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+686 KIR</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="LAO" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+856 LAO</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="LBN" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+961 LBN</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="LBR" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+231 LBR</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="LBY" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+218 LBY</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="LIE" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+423 LIE</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="LKA" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+94 LKA</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="LSO" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+266 LSO</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="LTU" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+370 LTU</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="LUX" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+352 LUX</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="LVA" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+371 LVA</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="MAC" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+853 MAC</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="MAF" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+590 MAF</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="MAR" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+212 MAR</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="MCO" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+377 MCO</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="MDA" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+373 MDA</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="MDG" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+261 MDG</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="MDV" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+960 MDV</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="MEX" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+52 MEX</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="MHL" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+692 MHL</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="MKD" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+389 MKD</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="MLI" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+223 MLI</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="MLT" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+356 MLT</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="MMR" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+95 MMR</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="MNE" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+382 MNE</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="MNG" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+976 MNG</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="MNP" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+1 MNP</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="MOZ" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+258 MOZ</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="MRT" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+222 MRT</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="MSR" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+1664 MSR</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="MUS" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+230 MUS</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="MWI" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+265 MWI</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="MYS" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+60 MYS</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="NAM" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+264 NAM</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="NCL" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+687 NCL</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="NER" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+227 NER</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="NFK" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+672 NFK</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="NGA" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+234 NGA</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="NIC" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+505 NIC</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="NIU" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+683 NIU</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="NLD" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+31 NLD</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="NOR" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+47 NOR</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="NPL" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+977 NPL</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="NRU" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+674 NRU</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="PAK" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+92 PAK</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="PAN" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+507 PAN</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="PCN" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+870 PCN</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="PER" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+51 PER</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="PHL" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+63 PHL</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="PLW" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+680 PLW</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="PNG" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+675 PNG</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="POL" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+48 POL</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="PRI" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+1 PRI</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="PRK" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+850 PRK</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="PRT" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+351 PRT</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="PRY" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+595 PRY</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="PYF" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+689 PYF</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="QAT" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+974 QAT</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="ROU" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+40 ROU</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="RUS" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+7 RUS</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="RWA" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+250 RWA</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="SAU" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+966 SAU</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="SDN" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+249 SDN</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="SEN" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+221 SEN</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="SGP" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+65 SGP</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="SGS" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+44 SGS</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="SHN" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+290 SHN</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="SJM" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+47 SJM</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="SLB" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+677 SLB</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="SLE" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+232 SLE</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="SLV" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+503 SLV</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="SMR" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+378 SMR</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="SOM" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+252 SOM</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="SPM" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+508 SPM</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="SRB" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+381 SRB</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="SSD" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+211 SSD</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="SUR" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+597 SUR</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="SVK" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+421 SVK</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="SVN" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+386 SVN</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="SWE" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+46 SWE</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="SWZ" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+268 SWZ</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="SXM" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+1 SXM</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="SYR" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+963 SYR</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="TCA" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+1649 TCA</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="TCD" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+235 TCD</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="TGO" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+228 TGO</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="THA" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+66 THA</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="TKL" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+690 TKL</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="TLS" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+670 TLS</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="TON" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+676 TON</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="TUN" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+216 TUN</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="TUR" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+90 TUR</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="TUV" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+688 TUV</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="TZA" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+255 TZA</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="UGA" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+256 UGA</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="UKR" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+380 UKR</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="UMI" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+699 UMI</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="URY" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+598 URY</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="UZB" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+998 UZB</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="VAT" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+379 VAT</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="VEN" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+58 VEN</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="VGB" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+1 VGB</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="VIR" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+1 VIR</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="VNM" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+84 VNM</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="VUT" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+678 VUT</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="WLF" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+681 WLF</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="WSM" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+685 WSM</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="YEM" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+967 YEM</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="ZAF" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+27 ZAF</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="ZMB" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+260 ZMB</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
              <option ng-repeat="code in countryCodeData" value="ZWE" class="ng-binding ng-scope">+263 ZWE</option><!-- end ngRepeat: code in countryCodeData -->
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Privacy Policy
 * Addendum to Governing Travel Agency Agreements (GTAA)
 * Bid Up Terms & Conditions
 * Hawaiian Airlines Booking and Ticketing Policy
 * Customer Service Plan
 * Domestic Contract of Carriage
 * Employee Assault Policy
 * Fare-Hold Terms & Conditions
 * Fare Rules Terms and Conditions
 * Gift Cards Terms & Conditions
 * HawaiianMiles Terms & Conditions
 * International Contract of Carriage
 * Neighbor Island Travel Plan Terms & Conditions
 * Privacy Policy
 * Purchase Order Terms and Conditions
 * Schedule Change Policy and Procedures
 * Contingency Plan for Lengthy Tarmac Delays
 * The Plumeria Lounge Pass Terms and Conditions
 * Trademark and Keyword Usage Policy
 * Trademarks
 * Travel Credit Terms and Conditions
 * Website Terms of Use

Last Revised: Aug. 19, 2020

Hawaiian Airlines (“Hawaiian”, “we”, “us” or “our”) respects the importance of
protecting your personal information. Please read this Privacy Policy (“Policy”)
carefully so that you understand what personal information we collect, use, and
share when you interact with our websites, mobile applications, email, social
media, and online services (“Services”).

As described further below, our Services contain links to other entities’
websites and online services, and also contain embedded services that are
operated by third parties as a convenience to you. Please be aware that we are
not responsible for the content of the third-party services linked from or
embedded within our Services, or for the privacy practices of their owners. We
encourage you to read the privacy policies of each online service that collects
information from you.

We may make changes to this Policy from time to time. We will post any changes,
and such changes will become effective when they are posted. Your continued use
of our Services following the posting of any changes will mean you accept those


Providing and Marketing Our Services.

When you book with Hawaiian, or use HawaiianAirlines.com or our mobile
application to make an online travel reservation, you may be asked by Hawaiian
or an agent on behalf of Hawaiian to provide certain information such as your
name, contact information, payment information, information about your
identification documents, and dietary requirements and health information
relevant to your travel. For international flights, we also collect passport
information. We will also collect the names and email addresses of any
companions who will be traveling on the reservation that you create. All of this
information is used by Hawaiian and its vendors for processing and confirming
your reservation, issuing boarding passes and tickets, billing you for the
services you purchase, notifying you of any flight changes and cancellations,
and notifying you and your travel companions of opportunities to enroll in our
HawaiianMiles program and of discounted air travel offers and other special
offers that we think may be of interest. We may also obtain personal information
from third parties and combine it with the other information that we collect.

We also collect your date of birth and gender as part of the Transportation
Security Administration’s (TSA) Secure Flight program and we may also use that
information for our operational purposes.

HawaiianMiles Information.

Member Enrollment. When you enroll in our HawaiianMiles program, we collect
information including your name and contact information. When you enroll, you
will also have an opportunity to sign up for Hawaiian email updates about
special discounted air fares, travel specials, credit card and check card
programs, HawaiianMiles Partner programs, and other communications.
(HawaiianMiles Partners are selected airlines and other companies that provide
benefits to HawaiianMiles members.) The information you provide when you enroll
is used for purposes such as establishing your HawaiianMiles account, ensuring
that you receive appropriate mileage credit for travel purchases and purchases
of qualifying products and services from participating Partners, communicating
with you about your account status, sending you any updates you request, and
notifying you of special offers and promotions we think may be of interest to

Children may become members of HawaiianMiles if enrolled by a parent or
guardian, but the Services are not intended for children and children may not
submit information through this site. Any information submitted electronically
regarding HawaiianMiles members 13 years of age and under must be submitted by
their parent or legal guardian.

Account Security. When you enroll in HawaiianMiles via the Internet, you will be
asked to select a password and establish other security measures such as
answering security questions. These security measures are intended to protect
your account information from future unauthorized access. Hawaiian will not be
responsible for any lost, stolen, or otherwise disclosed passwords or security
question responses. Additionally, Hawaiian will not replace or reinstate any
flight credits or HawaiianMiles, Partner miles, or program awards that are
generated or redeemed through the unauthorized use of your security question
responses or password. Accordingly, you should guard your password and security
question responses carefully and not provide them to anyone.

Account Profiles with Travel Companion and Stored Payment Card Information. If
you enroll in HawaiianMiles, you can choose to establish a personal profile that
stores information about your travel companions and the payment cards that you
use to book your travel arrangements. This is an optional service and is
provided for your convenience. You are not required to store any information in
your profile about your travel companions or payment cards to become a
HawaiianMiles member or to use our website to make online reservations. However,
if you choose to store this information in your profile, you generally will be
able to complete the online reservation process more quickly. We use the
information you store in your personal profile to pre-populate certain data
fields in the online forms we use during the reservation process (so as to
eliminate the need for you to retype the same information multiple times), to
perform a variety of booking functions, and to bill you for the services that
you purchase. When you store travel companion information in your profile, you
will be asked to enter information such as the names of your travel companions,
information about their ages, and their HawaiianMiles enrollment status and
account numbers.

To store payment card information in your profile, we ask for information such
as your payment card type, card number, expiration date, billing address(es) and
a payment card “nickname” (e.g., “My Platinum MasterCard”) that you can use to
quickly recognize your account. Payment card information is stored in an
encrypted form. (See “Security” below for more details regarding our encryption
practices.) You can modify, update or delete stored travel companion or payment
card information in your profile at any time by logging into ‘My Account’ and
accessing the Update Travel Companions page and/or Update Payment Info page.

Group Travel Information.

If you use our Services to inquire about the availability of special group fares
for wedding parties, organizations, event attendees or other special interest
groups, we will ask you to provide your name and contact information, as well as
certain details about your organization, wedding or other planned event related
to your group air travel needs. We may also ask you to describe any special
requests or requirements that you or anyone in your group may have in connection
with your group travel plans. We will use this information to evaluate your
group air travel needs and to contact you with a fare quote and flight
availability information.

Travel Agent Registration Information.

If you are a travel agent, you can use our Services to register to receive email
alerts and other notifications about special fares, commissions and other news.
To register for these updates, we will request your ARC/CLIA number and your
contact information. We will also request information about the nature of your
agency, as well as the volume of sales that your agency has generated for
Hawaiian. This information is used to send you the notifications you request and
to help us design offers and incentives that are appropriate for you and your

Sweepstakes and Other Promotions.

From time to time, we may offer sweepstakes or other promotions. If you enter a
sweepstakes or promotional contest, we'll ask you to provide information about
yourself (such as your name, address, and email address). We'll need this
information to administer the sweepstakes or contest, including to contact you
if you win and announce the identities of the winners.

We may also use this information for marketing purposes. We may share this
information with co-sponsors, shipping or fulfillment companies, or other
third-party service providers who are responsible for some aspects of
administering our promotions, such as conducting drawings and/or delivering
prizes to winners.

Email Marketing.

Where permitted by law, when you use the Services you may be signed up to
receive email updates regarding the availability of discounted fares and special
offers from Hawaiian and our HawaiianMiles Partners. We will ask for your
consent to receive email marketing where required by law. Please see below
regarding your choices for this email marketing.

Automatically-Collected Information.

We may collect information automatically about visitors to our Services by
placing a cookie, a very small text file, on our visitors’ hard drives. The
cookie contains an ID number that allows us to track the pages you've visited
within our website. We may also use other automated online collection
technologies similar to cookies. The data collected may include, for example,
the type of browser software that you use, the operating system you're running,
the resolution of your computer monitor, the speed of your Internet connection,
the website that referred you to our site and/or the search terms you entered
into a search engine to reach our site, and your IP address.

When you access your HawaiianMiles account online, we also use a session cookie
to authenticate your login information. This cookie will remain on your hard
drive until you close your browser window or terminate your user session so that
you can enjoy the personalized features of our website without having to reenter
your password.

Hawaiian also works with third-party services that use cookies and other similar
technologies to collect and analyze information about user activities on our
website, which helps us to understand the use and operation of our website, and
to serve and personalize some of the advertisements, promotions and other
marketing information that you see on the pages of our website and Hawaiian
advertisements on other websites. Our third-party services collect and analyze
information about users’ activities on our site and on other websites.

Our emails may include tracking technologies that allow us to determine whether
our guests have opened those e-mails and/or clicked on links in those e-mails.
We use the information that we and our third-party services collect to enhance
your experience on the site and through email, for customer service, to improve
the administration of our website, and to provide our visitors with information
tailored to their needs.

The “help” function on most web browsers contains information on how to set your
browser to notify you before accepting a cookie or to disable cookies entirely.
If you don't accept cookies, you may not be able to take full advantage of
various personalized features on our site that are available to other visitors.
Please see below for more information about the choices available to you in
connection with automatically-collected information.

Location Information.

When you utilize the Hawaiian mobile application, your device settings or the
settings of the app may enable us to collect information about your device’s
precise location. You may change your preferences regarding geo-location
tracking by reviewing your settings in the Hawaiian app, or by changing your
device settings according to manufacturer instructions.

We may also collect information about your general location through web beacons
and other tracking technologies. We use this information and share it with our
third-party Advertising Providers (as described below) in order to deliver
relevant content to you, including ads, based on your location.

Deidentified or Aggregate Information.

We may deidentify or aggregate the information that we collect and use it for
any lawful purpose.


We may share automatically-collected information, as well as any other
information that has been de-identified or aggregated so that it does not
identify you personally, without restriction. We may disclose personal
information for the following purposes and with the following parties:

With Your Consent or at Your Direction.

We may disclose personal data to third parties based on your consent or your
intentional direction, which may be obtained in writing, online, or orally. For
example, if you agree, we may disclose your information to selected third-party
entities, so that they can provide you with offers and promotions that may
interest you.

Third-Party Travel Service Providers.

Certain third parties offer services through our Services, such as “concierge”
services to book or purchase travel, entertainment or dining services, event
tickets, accommodations or other services. If you use these services provided by
third parties, you will be asked to provide personal information directly to
these third parties and/or we may share information about you, including contact
and billing information, to the applicable third-party service providers in
connection with your transaction. The personal information that these
third-party services collect will be governed by their privacy policies, and not
by this Policy.

Vendors, Contractors and Agents.

Hawaiian routinely enters into contracts with various vendors, contractors and
agents to help us operate and improve our business. For example, we may provide
contact information for our HawaiianMiles members to certain third-party mailers
and e-mailers we rely on to notify you of special offers and ways to earn travel
awards through HawaiianMiles. These vendors, contractors and agents may be given
access to information that we collect from you to the extent that we deem such
access to be necessary or useful for these companies to perform services for
Hawaiian or our customers.

Governmental and Law Enforcement Agencies.

Under the TSA Secure Flight program, Hawaiian is required to collect and
disclose date of birth and gender to the TSA. Hawaiian may disclose any
information it collects (whether online or through offline sources) with or
without notice to the affected individuals, if required to do so by law or court
order, or if requested by a governmental or law enforcement authority in any
country, or if such information is sought pursuant to a subpoena or other legal
process. For international flights, we also collect passport information.

Other Disclosures.

In certain circumstances, Hawaiian may disclose information to perform charge
verifications, to report or collect debts owed, or to protect the rights,
security or property of Hawaiian, our customers, or others.

In the event that Hawaiian, or any part or all of our assets are acquired by
another entity, the information that we collect from our customers and website
visitors may be included among the transferred assets.


The personal information we collect is stored using reasonable security measures
such as servers maintained in protected environments. Passwords and any payment
card information you provide to us online are secured for transmission using
industry standard measures.


To make a request to access personal information about you that Hawaiian holds,
you should contact Hawaiian at PO Box 30008, Honolulu, HI 96820. Hawaiian may
require you to verify your identity and to specify what information you require.

Hawaiian reserves the right to limit the personal information that we can
provide in response to your request or charge a fee to cover the cost of
verifying applications and locating, retrieving, reviewing and copying any
material requested, where permitted by applicable law.

There are certain circumstances in which Hawaiian will refuse a request for
access to personal information, including if the request would have an
unreasonable impact on the privacy of others. If Hawaiian refuses your request
for access to your personal information, Hawaiian will provide reasons for the
refusal. Hawaiian will also provide reasons for a refusal to correct your
personal information.


Residents of countries other than the United States may be entitled to
additional disclosures or rights related to privacy, depending on your country.
This section provides more information for our international visitors. The
specific rights available to you will depend on the laws of your country.

In some areas, we may engage in profiling, for example, by analyzing your
interactions with us to recommend products or services to you that we think may
interest you. Please see the “Digital Advertising and Analytics” section for
more information.

Lawful bases of processing: Where permitted by law, we may process any of the
personal information described above on the following legal bases: (1) with your
consent; (2) as necessary to perform our agreement with you to provide our
services to you; (3) to comply with our legal obligations; (4) to protect your
vital interests; and (5) as necessary for our legitimate interests in providing
our services (see below for details). The provision of information is sometimes
required by law and at other times is a result of a contractual requirement. You
may be required to provide information, for example in a case where we sign a
contract with you, and the non-provision of information could, in certain
circumstances, prevent a transaction from concluding.

Legitimate interests: Where permitted by law, we may process any of the personal
information described above to conduct our business and pursue our legitimate
interests, including: (1) for administrative purposes, such as accounting or
auditing; (2) to analyze and improve our Services; (3) to exercise or defend our
rights or comply with legal process; and (4) for security and fraud detection

Your rights: All users can request access to certain personal information we
hold about you as discussed in the “Access to Personal Information” section
above. Individuals that reside in certain countries, including the European
Economic Area (EEA) countries, the United Kingdom, and Switzerland also have the
following additional rights to the extent required by applicable local law:

 * The right to request that we rectify or erase your personal information;
 * The right to object to processing, or request that we restrict or block the
   processing of your personal information;
 * The right to data portability; and
 * Where we previously obtained your consent to process your personal
   information, the right to withdraw such consent.

Retention: We will process and store your personal information only for the
period necessary to achieve the purpose of the storage, or as permitted by law.
The criteria used to determine the period of storage is the respective statutory
retention period for such information as required by the U.S. Department of
Transportation or other applicable government agencies or by our internal
policies. After expiration of that period, the corresponding information is
routinely deleted, as long as it is no longer necessary for the fulfillment of a
contract or the initiation of a contract.

Complaints: Individuals that reside in the EEA, UK, or Switzerland have the
right to lodge a complaint about our data collection and processing actions with
the supervisory authority concerned. Contact details for data protection
authorities are available hereOpens external link to page that may not meet
accessibility guidelines. Individuals in other countries may also have this
right where provided by local law.


Hawaiian has widespread international operations. Accordingly, any or all of the
disclosures of information described in the Policy may involve the transfer of
your information across national and international borders to individuals and
organizations located outside of the country where your information was
collected. For example, we may transfer your information to any Hawaiian office
worldwide, and to Hawaiian’s vendors, contractors, agents and third-party travel
providers overseas. We ensure that cross-border transfers of personal
information are subject to contractual or other safeguards to the extent legally

In accordance with Article L 237 -7 of French Homeland Security Code, please be
informed that air carriers may transmit reservation, checking and boarding data
collected from their passengers ( API/PNR) to the French national public
services and competent authorities for the purposes and under conditions as
defined in the Decret N° 2014-1095 dated 26/09/2014, modified by decree 2018/714
dated August 3rd 2018.


Email Marketing and Other Email Communications.

If at any time you would like to unsubscribe from receiving future marketing
emails from Hawaiian, you can click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any
email communication or log into HawaiianMiles My Account and access our ‘Email
Update/Account Info’ page. Alternatively, you can use the contact information
below. We will continue to send you email messages related to our relationship
or transactions with you.

As described above, we may share personal information with third parties with
your consent or direction, and they may use it to send you email marketing. If
you no longer want to receive such email marketing, you must opt out with each
of these third parties directly.

Digital Advertising and Analytics.

We may work with ad networks and other ad serving providers (“Advertising
Providers”) that serve ads on behalf of us and others on non-affiliated
platforms. Some of those ads may be personalized, meaning that they are intended
to be relevant to you based on information Advertising Providers collect about
your use of the Services and other sites or apps over time, including
information about relationships among different browsers and devices. This type
of advertising is known as interest-based advertising.

You may visit the DAAOpens external link to page that may not meet accessibility
guidelines WebChoices tool, the Network Advertising InitiativeOpens external
link to page that may not meet accessibility guidelines, or the European
Interactive Digital Advertising InitiativeOpens external link to page that may
not meet accessibility guidelines to learn more about this type of advertising
and how to opt out of this advertising on your browser by companies
participating in industry self-regulatory programs.

To opt-out of interest-based advertising through apps on your mobile device from
participating companies, you can use the DAA AppChoices tool available at the
following links:

 * DAA AppChoices iOSOpens external link to page that may not meet accessibility
 * DAA AppChoices AndroidOpens external link to page that may not meet
   accessibility guidelines
 * DAA AppChoices AmazonOpens external link to page that may not meet
   accessibility guidelines

If you delete your cookies or use a different browser or device, you will need
to renew your opt-out choices exercised through these tools. Note that electing
to opt out will not stop advertising from appearing in your browser or
applications. It may make the ads you see less relevant to your interests.
Additionally, your browser may offer tools to limit the use of cookies or to
delete cookies; however, if you use these tools, our Service may not function as

We may work with third parties that collect data about your use of the Services
and other sites and apps over time, for non-advertising purposes. For example,
the Services use Google Analytics to improve performance and for other analytics
purposes. For more information about how Google collects and uses data when you
use our Services, visit https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/partners/Opens
external link to page that may not meet accessibility guidelines, and to opt out
of Google Analytics, visit https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout/Opens
external link to page that may not meet accessibility guidelines.


Hawaiian endeavors to ensure that personal information it holds is accurate and
up-to-date. You may seek to update your personal information held by Hawaiian by
logging into ‘My Account’ and accessing our ‘Email Update/Account Info’ page.
Alternatively, you can also call us toll-free at 877-HA-MILES (426-4537).


You may contact us at any time using the following information:

 * Email: [https://www.hawaiianairlines.com/contact-us/email/request]
 * Toll-Free: 877-HA-MILES (426-4537)
 * In writing: Hawaiian Airlines, PO Box 30008, Honolulu, HI 96820

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+1 USA+61 AUS+86 CHN+81 JPN+82 KOR+64 NZL+297 ABW+93 AFG+244 AGO+1 AIA+358
ALA+355 ALB+376 AND+971 ARE+54 ARG+374 ARM+1684 ASM+33 ATF+268 ATG+43 AUT+994
AZE+257 BDI+32 BEL+229 BEN+599 BES+226 BFA+880 BGD+359 BGR+973 BHR+242 BHS+387
BIH+590 BLM+375 BLR+501 BLZ+441 BMU+591 BOL+55 BRA+246 BRB+673 BRN+975 BTN+47
BVT+267 BWA+236 CAF+1 CAN+61 CCK+41 CHE+56 CHL+225 CIV+237 CMR+243 COD+682
COK+57 COL+269 COM+238 CPV+506 CRI+53 CUB+599 CUW+61 CXR+345 CYM+357 CYP+420
CZE+49 DEU+767 DMA+45 DNK+8 DOM+213 DZA+593 ECU+20 EGY+291 ERI+34 ESP+372
EST+251 ETH+358 FIN+679 FJI+500 FLK+33 FRA+298 FRO+691 FSM+241 GAB+44 GBR+995
GEO+44 GGY+233 GHA+350 GIB+224 GIN+30 GRC+299 GRL+502 GTM+1 GUM+592 GUY+852
HKG+61 HMD+504 HND+385 HRV+509 HTI+36 HUN+62 IDN+44 IMN+91 IND+246 IOT+353
IRL+98 IRN+964 IRQ+354 ISL+972 ISR+39 ITA+876 JAM+44 JEY+962 JOR+7 KAZ+254
KEN+996 KGZ+855 KHM+686 KIR+856 LAO+961 LBN+231 LBR+218 LBY+423 LIE+94 LKA+266
LSO+370 LTU+352 LUX+371 LVA+853 MAC+590 MAF+212 MAR+377 MCO+373 MDA+261 MDG+960
MDV+52 MEX+692 MHL+389 MKD+223 MLI+356 MLT+95 MMR+382 MNE+976 MNG+1 MNP+258
MOZ+222 MRT+1664 MSR+230 MUS+265 MWI+60 MYS+264 NAM+687 NCL+227 NER+672 NFK+234
NGA+505 NIC+683 NIU+31 NLD+47 NOR+977 NPL+674 NRU+92 PAK+507 PAN+870 PCN+51
PER+63 PHL+680 PLW+675 PNG+48 POL+1 PRI+850 PRK+351 PRT+595 PRY+689 PYF+974
QAT+40 ROU+7 RUS+250 RWA+966 SAU+249 SDN+221 SEN+65 SGP+44 SGS+290 SHN+47
SJM+677 SLB+232 SLE+503 SLV+378 SMR+252 SOM+508 SPM+381 SRB+211 SSD+597 SUR+421
SVK+386 SVN+46 SWE+268 SWZ+1 SXM+963 SYR+1649 TCA+235 TCD+228 TGO+66 THA+690
TKL+670 TLS+676 TON+216 TUN+90 TUR+688 TUV+255 TZA+256 UGA+380 UKR+699 UMI+598
URY+998 UZB+379 VAT+58 VEN+1 VGB+1 VIR+84 VNM+678 VUT+681 WLF+685 WSM+967 YEM+27
ZAF+260 ZMB+263 ZWE


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