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Submission: On September 11 via manual from US — Scanned from CA

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<form data-v-3ea42425="" data-v-d08af6e0="" aria-hidden="true" role="search" class="search-bar-desktop search-bar-elem" aria-live="polite" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"><svg data-v-3ea42425="" xmlns="" width="24px"
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<form data-v-f244b96c="" data-v-0a52ad89="" action="" id="orion-registration-form">
  <p data-v-f244b96c="" aria-hidden="true" style="display: none;"><span data-v-f244b96c="" class="required">* </span>Denotes Required </p>
  <div data-v-f244b96c="" class="form-fields">
    <div data-v-59d9cc9e="" class="form-field input-field"><label data-v-59d9cc9e="" id="firstNameLabel" for="First Name"> First Name <span data-v-59d9cc9e="" class="required">*</span></label> <input data-v-59d9cc9e="" type="text" name="First Name"
        aria-required="true" aria-labelledby="firstNameLabel" aria-errormessage="firstNameError"> <span data-v-59d9cc9e="" id="firstNameError" aria-live="assertive" role="alert" class="validation-error hidden"></span></div>
    <div data-v-59d9cc9e="" class="form-field input-field"><label data-v-59d9cc9e="" id="lastNameLabel" for="Last Name"> Last Name <span data-v-59d9cc9e="" class="required">*</span></label> <input data-v-59d9cc9e="" type="text" name="Last Name"
        aria-required="true" aria-labelledby="lastNameLabel" aria-errormessage="lastNameError"> <span data-v-59d9cc9e="" id="lastNameError" aria-live="assertive" role="alert" class="validation-error hidden"></span></div>
    <div data-v-f98139dc="" class="form-field dropdown-field"><label data-v-f98139dc="" id="std7Label"> Select the job title that best fits your position <span data-v-f98139dc="" class="required">*</span></label> <select data-v-f98139dc=""
        name="std7" aria-required="true" aria-labelledby="std7Label" aria-errormessage="std7Error">
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="">Please Select...</option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="CHRO, CHCO, CPO"> CHRO, CHCO, CPO </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="President, Partner, Principal"> President, Partner, Principal </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Vice President"> Vice President </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Director or Asst/Assoc Director"> Director or Asst/Assoc Director </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="HR Manager"> HR Manager </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="HR Specialist"> HR Specialist </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Supervisor"> Supervisor </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Administrator"> Administrator </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Consultant"> Consultant </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Legal Counsel"> Legal Counsel </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Other"> Other </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="None (Student/Unemployed)"> None (Student/Unemployed) </option>
      </select> <span data-v-f98139dc="" id="std7Error" aria-live="assertive" role="alert" class="validation-error hidden"></span></div>
    <div data-v-f98139dc="" class="form-field dropdown-field"><label data-v-f98139dc="" id="std2Label"> Select the job function that best fits your position <span data-v-f98139dc="" class="required">*</span></label> <select data-v-f98139dc=""
        name="std2" aria-required="true" aria-labelledby="std2Label" aria-errormessage="std2Error">
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="">Please Select...</option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Administrative"> Administrative </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Communications"> Communications </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Comp/Benefits"> Comp/Benefits </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Consultant"> Consultant </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Diversity/EEO/Affirmative Action"> Diversity/EEO/Affirmative Action </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Employee Relations"> Employee Relations </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Health, Safety, Security"> Health, Safety, Security </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="HR Generalist"> HR Generalist </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="HRIS"> HRIS </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="International HRM"> International HRM </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Labor/Industrial Relations"> Labor/Industrial Relations </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Organizational Development/Training"> Organizational Development/Training </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Payroll"> Payroll </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Recruitment/Talent Acquisition"> Recruitment/Talent Acquisition </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Relocation"> Relocation </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Strategic Planning"> Strategic Planning </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Talent/Workforce Management"> Talent/Workforce Management </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Other"> Other </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="None (student; unemployed; not currently in HR)"> None (student; unemployed; not currently in HR) </option>
      </select> <span data-v-f98139dc="" id="std2Error" aria-live="assertive" role="alert" class="validation-error hidden"></span></div>
    <div data-v-59d9cc9e="" class="form-field input-field"><label data-v-59d9cc9e="" id="emailLabel" for="Work Email"> Work Email <span data-v-59d9cc9e="" class="required">*</span></label> <input data-v-59d9cc9e="" type="text" name="Work Email"
        aria-required="true" aria-labelledby="emailLabel" aria-errormessage="emailError"> <span data-v-59d9cc9e="" id="emailError" aria-live="assertive" role="alert" class="validation-error hidden"></span></div>
    <div data-v-59d9cc9e="" class="form-field input-field"><label data-v-59d9cc9e="" id="workPhoneLabel" for="Work Phone"> Work Phone <span data-v-59d9cc9e="" class="required">*</span></label> <input data-v-59d9cc9e="" type="text" name="Work Phone"
        aria-required="true" aria-labelledby="workPhoneLabel" aria-errormessage="workPhoneError"> <span data-v-59d9cc9e="" id="workPhoneError" aria-live="assertive" role="alert" class="validation-error hidden"></span></div>
    <div data-v-59d9cc9e="" class="form-field input-field"><label data-v-59d9cc9e="" id="companyLabel" for="Company"> Company <span data-v-59d9cc9e="" class="required">*</span></label> <input data-v-59d9cc9e="" type="text" name="Company"
        aria-required="true" aria-labelledby="companyLabel" aria-errormessage="companyError"> <span data-v-59d9cc9e="" id="companyError" aria-live="assertive" role="alert" class="validation-error hidden"></span></div>
    <div data-v-f98139dc="" class="form-field dropdown-field"><label data-v-f98139dc="" id="std3Label"> Company Size (# of employees) <span data-v-f98139dc="" class="required">*</span></label> <select data-v-f98139dc="" name="std3"
        aria-required="true" aria-labelledby="std3Label" aria-errormessage="std3Error">
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="">Please Select...</option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="1-49"> 1-49 </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="50-99"> 50-99 </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="100-249"> 100-249 </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="250-499"> 250-499 </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="500-999"> 500-999 </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="1,000-2,499"> 1,000-2,499 </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="2,500-9,999"> 2,500-9,999 </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="10,000-24,999"> 10,000-24,999 </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="25,000+"> 25,000+ </option>
      </select> <span data-v-f98139dc="" id="std3Error" aria-live="assertive" role="alert" class="validation-error hidden"></span></div>
    <div data-v-f98139dc="" class="form-field dropdown-field"><label data-v-f98139dc="" id="companyIndustryLabel"> Select the industry that best fits your organization <span data-v-f98139dc="" class="required">*</span></label> <select
        data-v-f98139dc="" name="companyIndustry" aria-required="true" aria-labelledby="companyIndustryLabel" aria-errormessage="companyIndustryError">
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="">Please Select...</option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Arts, Entertainment, Recreation"> Arts, Entertainment, Recreation </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Automotive, Transportation"> Automotive, Transportation </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Consulting"> Consulting </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Education"> Education </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Energy, Utilities"> Energy, Utilities </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Financial Services"> Financial Services </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Government"> Government </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Health Care"> Health Care </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Hospitality, Food, Leisure Travel"> Hospitality, Food, Leisure Travel </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Manufacturing, Construction"> Manufacturing, Construction </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Nonprofit / Association"> Nonprofit / Association </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Real Estate"> Real Estate </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Retail / Wholesale Trade"> Retail / Wholesale Trade </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Services"> Services </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Technology"> Technology </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="None/Not applicable (unemployed/student)"> None/Not applicable (unemployed/student) </option>
      </select> <span data-v-f98139dc="" id="companyIndustryError" aria-live="assertive" role="alert" class="validation-error hidden"></span></div>
    <div data-v-59d9cc9e="" class="form-field input-field"><label data-v-59d9cc9e="" id="addressStreet1Label" for="Street Address 1"> Street Address 1 <span data-v-59d9cc9e="" class="required">*</span></label> <input data-v-59d9cc9e="" type="text"
        name="Street Address 1" aria-required="true" aria-labelledby="addressStreet1Label" aria-errormessage="addressStreet1Error"> <span data-v-59d9cc9e="" id="addressStreet1Error" aria-live="assertive" role="alert"
        class="validation-error hidden"></span></div>
    <div data-v-59d9cc9e="" class="form-field input-field"><label data-v-59d9cc9e="" id="addressStreet2Label" for="Street Address 2"> Street Address 2 <!----></label> <input data-v-59d9cc9e="" type="text" name="Street Address 2"
        aria-labelledby="addressStreet2Label" aria-errormessage="addressStreet2Error"> <span data-v-59d9cc9e="" id="addressStreet2Error" aria-live="assertive" role="alert" class="validation-error hidden"></span></div>
    <div data-v-59d9cc9e="" class="form-field input-field"><label data-v-59d9cc9e="" id="cityLabel" for="City"> City <span data-v-59d9cc9e="" class="required">*</span></label> <input data-v-59d9cc9e="" type="text" name="City" aria-required="true"
        aria-labelledby="cityLabel" aria-errormessage="cityError"> <span data-v-59d9cc9e="" id="cityError" aria-live="assertive" role="alert" class="validation-error hidden"></span></div>
    <div data-v-f98139dc="" class="form-field dropdown-field"><label data-v-f98139dc="" id="std1Label"> State/Province/Other <span data-v-f98139dc="" class="required">*</span></label> <select data-v-f98139dc="" name="std1" aria-required="true"
        aria-labelledby="std1Label" aria-errormessage="std1Error">
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="">Please Select...</option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="AA"> AA </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="AB"> AB </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="AE"> AE </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="AK"> AK </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="AL"> AL </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="AP"> AP </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="AR"> AR </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="AS"> AS </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="AZ"> AZ </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="BC"> BC </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="CA"> CA </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="CO"> CO </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="CT"> CT </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="DC"> DC </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="DE"> DE </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="FL"> FL </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="FM"> FM </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="GA"> GA </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="GU"> GU </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="HI"> HI </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="IA"> IA </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="ID"> ID </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="IL"> IL </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="IN"> IN </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="KS"> KS </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="KY"> KY </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="LA"> LA </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="MA"> MA </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="MB"> MB </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="MD"> MD </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="ME"> ME </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="MH"> MH </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="MI"> MI </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="MN"> MN </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="MO"> MO </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="MP"> MP </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="MS"> MS </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="MT"> MT </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="NB"> NB </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="NC"> NC </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="ND"> ND </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="NE"> NE </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="NH"> NH </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="NJ"> NJ </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="NL"> NL </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="NM"> NM </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="NS"> NS </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="NU"> NU </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="NV"> NV </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="NY"> NY </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="OH"> OH </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="OK"> OK </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="ON"> ON </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="OR"> OR </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="PA"> PA </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="PE"> PE </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="PR"> PR </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="PW"> PW </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="RI"> RI </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="SC"> SC </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="SD"> SD </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="SK"> SK </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="TN"> TN </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="TX"> TX </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="UT"> UT </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="VA"> VA </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="VI"> VI </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="VT"> VT </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="WA"> WA </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="WI"> WI </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="WV"> WV </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="WY"> WY </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="YT"> YT </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Not in U.S. or Canada"> Not in U.S. or Canada </option>
      </select> <span data-v-f98139dc="" id="std1Error" aria-live="assertive" role="alert" class="validation-error hidden"></span></div>
    <div data-v-59d9cc9e="" class="form-field input-field"><label data-v-59d9cc9e="" id="zipLabel" for="Postal Code"> Postal Code <span data-v-59d9cc9e="" class="required">*</span></label> <input data-v-59d9cc9e="" type="text" name="Postal Code"
        aria-required="true" aria-labelledby="zipLabel" aria-errormessage="zipError"> <span data-v-59d9cc9e="" id="zipError" aria-live="assertive" role="alert" class="validation-error hidden"></span></div>
    <div data-v-f98139dc="" class="form-field dropdown-field"><label data-v-f98139dc="" id="countryLabel"> Country <span data-v-f98139dc="" class="required">*</span></label> <select data-v-f98139dc="" name="country" aria-required="true"
        aria-labelledby="countryLabel" aria-errormessage="countryError">
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="">Please Select...</option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Afghanistan"> Afghanistan </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Albania"> Albania </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Algeria"> Algeria </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="American Samoa"> American Samoa </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Andorra"> Andorra </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Angola"> Angola </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Anguilla"> Anguilla </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Antarctica"> Antarctica </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Antigua and Barbuda"> Antigua and Barbuda </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Argentina"> Argentina </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Armenia"> Armenia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Aruba"> Aruba </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Ashmore and Cartier Islands"> Ashmore and Cartier Islands </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Australia"> Australia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Austria"> Austria </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Azerbaijan"> Azerbaijan </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Bahamas, The"> Bahamas, The </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Bahrain"> Bahrain </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Baker Island"> Baker Island </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Bangladesh"> Bangladesh </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Barbados"> Barbados </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Bassas da India"> Bassas da India </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Belarus"> Belarus </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Belgium"> Belgium </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Belize"> Belize </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Benin"> Benin </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Bermuda"> Bermuda </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Bhutan"> Bhutan </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Bolivia"> Bolivia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Bosnia and Herzegovina"> Bosnia and Herzegovina </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Botswana"> Botswana </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Bouvet Island"> Bouvet Island </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Brazil"> Brazil </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="British Indian Ocean Territory"> British Indian Ocean Territory </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="British Virgin Islands"> British Virgin Islands </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Brunei"> Brunei </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Bulgaria"> Bulgaria </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Burkina Faso"> Burkina Faso </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Burundi"> Burundi </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Cambodia"> Cambodia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Cameroon"> Cameroon </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Canada"> Canada </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Cape Verde"> Cape Verde </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Cayman Islands"> Cayman Islands </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Central African Republic"> Central African Republic </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Chad"> Chad </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Chile"> Chile </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="China"> China </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Christmas Island"> Christmas Island </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Clipperton Island"> Clipperton Island </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Cocos (Keeling) Islands"> Cocos (Keeling) Islands </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Colombia"> Colombia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Comoros"> Comoros </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Congo, Democratic Republic of"> Congo, Democratic Republic of </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Cook Islands"> Cook Islands </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Costa Rica"> Costa Rica </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Cote d'Ivoire"> Cote d'Ivoire </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Croatia"> Croatia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Cyprus"> Cyprus </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Czech Republic"> Czech Republic </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Denmark"> Denmark </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Djibouti"> Djibouti </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Dominica"> Dominica </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Dominican Republic"> Dominican Republic </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Ecuador"> Ecuador </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Egypt"> Egypt </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="El Salvador"> El Salvador </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Equatorial Guinea"> Equatorial Guinea </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Eritrea"> Eritrea </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Estonia"> Estonia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Ethiopia"> Ethiopia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Europa Island"> Europa Island </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Falkland Islands"> Falkland Islands </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Faroe Islands"> Faroe Islands </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Fiji"> Fiji </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Finland"> Finland </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="France"> France </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="French Guiana"> French Guiana </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="French Polynesia"> French Polynesia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="French Southern and Antarctic"> French Southern and Antarctic </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Gabon"> Gabon </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Gambia, The"> Gambia, The </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Gaza Strip"> Gaza Strip </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Georgia"> Georgia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Germany"> Germany </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Ghana"> Ghana </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Gibraltar"> Gibraltar </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Glorioso Islands"> Glorioso Islands </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Greece"> Greece </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Greenland"> Greenland </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Grenada"> Grenada </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Guadeloupe"> Guadeloupe </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Guam"> Guam </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Guatemala"> Guatemala </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Guernsey"> Guernsey </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Guinea"> Guinea </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Guinea-Bissau"> Guinea-Bissau </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Guyana"> Guyana </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Haiti"> Haiti </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Heard and McDonald Islands"> Heard and McDonald Islands </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Holy See (Vatican City)"> Holy See (Vatican City) </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Honduras"> Honduras </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Hong Kong S.A.R."> Hong Kong S.A.R. </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Howland Island"> Howland Island </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Hungary"> Hungary </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Iceland"> Iceland </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="India"> India </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Indonesia"> Indonesia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Iraq"> Iraq </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Ireland"> Ireland </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Israel"> Israel </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Italy"> Italy </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Jamaica"> Jamaica </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Jan Mayen"> Jan Mayen </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Japan"> Japan </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Jarvis Island"> Jarvis Island </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Jersey"> Jersey </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Johnston Atoll"> Johnston Atoll </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Jordan"> Jordan </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Juan de Nova Island"> Juan de Nova Island </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Kazakhstan"> Kazakhstan </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Kenya"> Kenya </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Kingman Reef"> Kingman Reef </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Kiribati"> Kiribati </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Korea, South"> Korea, South </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Kuwait"> Kuwait </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Kyrgyzstan"> Kyrgyzstan </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Lao People's Democratic Republic"> Lao People's Democratic Republic </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Latvia"> Latvia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Lebanon"> Lebanon </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Lesotho"> Lesotho </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Liberia"> Liberia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Libya"> Libya </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Liechtenstein"> Liechtenstein </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Lithuania"> Lithuania </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Luxembourg"> Luxembourg </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Macao S.A.R."> Macao S.A.R. </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Macedonia"> Macedonia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Madagascar"> Madagascar </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Malawi"> Malawi </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Malaysia"> Malaysia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Maldives"> Maldives </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Mali"> Mali </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Malta"> Malta </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Marshall Islands"> Marshall Islands </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Martinique"> Martinique </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Mauritania"> Mauritania </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Mauritius"> Mauritius </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Mayotte"> Mayotte </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Mexico"> Mexico </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Micronesia, Federated States"> Micronesia, Federated States </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Midway Islands"> Midway Islands </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Moldova"> Moldova </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Monaco"> Monaco </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Mongolia"> Mongolia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Montenegro"> Montenegro </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Montserrat"> Montserrat </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Morocco"> Morocco </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Mozambique"> Mozambique </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Myanmar"> Myanmar </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Namibia"> Namibia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Nauru"> Nauru </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Navassa Island"> Navassa Island </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Nepal"> Nepal </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Netherlands"> Netherlands </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Netherlands Antilles"> Netherlands Antilles </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="New Caledonia"> New Caledonia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="New Zealand"> New Zealand </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Nicaragua"> Nicaragua </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Niger"> Niger </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Nigeria"> Nigeria </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Niue"> Niue </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Norfolk Island"> Norfolk Island </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Northern Mariana Islands"> Northern Mariana Islands </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Norway"> Norway </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Oman"> Oman </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Pakistan"> Pakistan </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Palau"> Palau </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Palmyra Atoll"> Palmyra Atoll </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Panama"> Panama </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Papua New Guinea"> Papua New Guinea </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Paracel Islands"> Paracel Islands </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Paraguay"> Paraguay </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Peru"> Peru </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Philippines"> Philippines </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Pitcairn Islands"> Pitcairn Islands </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Poland"> Poland </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Portugal"> Portugal </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Puerto Rico"> Puerto Rico </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Qatar"> Qatar </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Reunion"> Reunion </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Romania"> Romania </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Russia"> Russia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Rwanda"> Rwanda </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Saint Helena"> Saint Helena </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Saint Kitts and Nevis"> Saint Kitts and Nevis </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Saint Lucia"> Saint Lucia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Saint Pierre and Miquelon"> Saint Pierre and Miquelon </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Saint Vincent and Grenadines"> Saint Vincent and Grenadines </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Samoa"> Samoa </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="San Marino"> San Marino </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Sao Tome and Principe"> Sao Tome and Principe </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Saudi Arabia"> Saudi Arabia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Senegal"> Senegal </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Serbia"> Serbia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Seychelles"> Seychelles </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Sierra Leone"> Sierra Leone </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Singapore"> Singapore </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Slovakia"> Slovakia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Slovenia"> Slovenia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Solomon Islands"> Solomon Islands </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Somalia"> Somalia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="South Africa"> South Africa </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="South Georgia"> South Georgia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="South Sudan"> South Sudan </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Spain"> Spain </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Spratly Islands"> Spratly Islands </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Sri Lanka"> Sri Lanka </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Suriname"> Suriname </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Svalbard"> Svalbard </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Swaziland"> Swaziland </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Sweden"> Sweden </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Switzerland"> Switzerland </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Taiwan"> Taiwan </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Tajikistan"> Tajikistan </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Tanzania"> Tanzania </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Thailand"> Thailand </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Timor-Leste"> Timor-Leste </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Togo"> Togo </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Tokelau"> Tokelau </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Tonga"> Tonga </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Trinidad and Tobago"> Trinidad and Tobago </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Tromelin Island"> Tromelin Island </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Tunisia"> Tunisia </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Turkmenistan"> Turkmenistan </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Turks and Caicos Islands"> Turks and Caicos Islands </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Tuvalu"> Tuvalu </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Uganda"> Uganda </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Ukraine"> Ukraine </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="United Arab Emirates"> United Arab Emirates </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="United Kingdom"> United Kingdom </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="United States"> United States </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Uruguay"> Uruguay </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Uzbekistan"> Uzbekistan </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Vanuatu"> Vanuatu </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Venezuela"> Venezuela </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Vietnam"> Vietnam </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Virgin Islands"> Virgin Islands </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Wake Atoll"> Wake Atoll </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Wallis and Futuna"> Wallis and Futuna </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="West Bank"> West Bank </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Western Sahara"> Western Sahara </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Yemen"> Yemen </option>
        <option data-v-f98139dc="" value="Zambia"> Zambia </option>
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 1. SHRM Webcasts
 2. Charting Evolving Workforce Trends: Economic Outlooks for 2024 and Beyond



Sept 12, 2024 2:00 PM EDT
In today’s era of rapid technological advancements and shifting economic
patterns, understanding workforce trends is more critical than ever. Staying
ahead of the...
Learn More





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In today’s era of rapid technological advancements and shifting economic
patterns, understanding workforce trends is more critical than ever. Staying
ahead of the curve means arming yourself with the insights and strategies needed
to successfully navigate the complexities of the modern economy. Karina
Monesson, Director of Global Strategic Workplace Insights at Great Place to
Work®, leads an enlightening discussion with Dr. Bill Beach, Former Commissioner
of Labor Statistics at the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), and Eddie Hearn,
Lead Labor Economist at UKG, on key trends, challenges, and opportunities that
will define the future of work and economic growth.

 Join us for this webcast where these two renowned labor experts will explore
the critical economic trends shaping the frontline industry and what leaders can
do to prepare for tomorrow. You’ll gain valuable insights to help you
successfully navigate key challenges and changes — from continued staffing
shortages to the impact of immigration and more — while securing a competitive
advantage for your organization.

This informative keynote session will address:

 * The current state of the economy and where it’s heading
 * Top-of-mind issues affecting the frontline employment landscape
 * Practical recommendations to prepare for frontline success moving forward



Bill Beach is the Former Commissioner of Labor Statistics, Bureau of Labor
Statistics. Beach served under two U.S. presidential administrations as the
bureau’s 15th Commissioner of Labor Statistics, appointed to a four-year term at
the BLS in 2019. While at the BLS, among many priorities, Dr. Beach focused on
improving the ways the bureau tracks employee productivity as well as enhancing
BLS price programs, such as the Producer Price Index (PPI) and the Consumer
Price Index (CPI), both key indicators in measuring economic performance across
the country. Prior to joining the BLS, Dr. Beach was Vice President for Policy
Research at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University from 2016 to 2019. He
also served as the Chief Economist for the U.S. Senate Budget Committee,
Republican Staff, from 2013 through early 2016. Among his other professional
positions, Dr. Beach was the Lazof Family Fellow in Economics at the Heritage
Foundation and Founder and Director of Heritage’s Center for Data Analysis

Eddie Hearn is the Lead Labor Economist at UKG. As the Lead Labor Economist at
UKG, Eddie studies current trends in the workforce. Eddie’s career background
runs the gamut from educational not-for-profits to large financial institutions
to legal consulting and expert testimony. His work focuses on how individuals
join, progress through, move between, and retire from the organizations that
employ them. Eddie holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Georgia
where he specialized in Labor Economics and Econometrics.

Karina Monesson is the Director, Global Strategic Workplace Insights, Great
Place to Work. As Director of Global Strategic Workplace Insights, Karina
Monesson leads the Great Place to Work renowned Best Workplaces™ List function.
A seasoned expert in applied research and data-driven consulting, Karina has
spent nearly 10 years advising executive clients on workplace trends, culture,
and the future of work.


SHRM Certification has approved this webcast for 1 PDC toward SHRM-CP and
SHRM-SCP recertification. A program code will be provided at the end of the
webcast. The program also meets recertification credit standards set by the HR
Certification Institute and other HR certifying bodies, but candidates must
manually enter their activity into their records.


This webcast is sponsored by UKG

Closed captioning is available for this program. Registration for this event is
subject to SHRM's Privacy Policy.



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