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<div class="title">Warten auf Genehmigung</div>
<div class="text">Zugriff auf Mikrofon erlauben, um Sprachsuche zu aktivieren</div>
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var a = {
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lang: "en-US",
text: {
start: "What would you like to search for?",
listening: "Listening...",
nomatch: "Didn't get that.",
error: "Please check your microphone and audio levels.",
retry: "Try again.",
or: "or"
trending: {
market: "en-us"
function e(e) {
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t = t || webkitSpeechGrammarList,
o = o || webkitSpeechRecognitionEvent;
i.recognition = new n;
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t.addFromString("#JSGF V1.0;", 1), i.recognition.grammars = t, i.recognition.continuous = !0, i.recognition.lang = i.config.lang, i.recognition.interimResults = !0, i.recognition.maxAlternatives = 1, i.voiceButton && (i.voiceButton
.onclick = function() {
i.recognition.start(), i.permissionGuideTimer && c.clearTimeout(i.permissionGuideTimer), i.permissionGuideTimer = c.setTimeout(function() {
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}), i.retryLink && (i.retryLink.onclick = function() {
i.isRecognitionStart || (i.recognition.start(), i.sendBeacon("clk", "voicesearch_panel_retry"))
}), i.speechOverlay && (i.speechOverlay.onclick = function() {
i.recognition.stop(), i.sendBeacon("clk", "voicesearch_cancel_outside"), i.closePanel(i)
}), i.closeButton && (i.closeButton.onclick = function() {
i.recognition.stop(), i.sendBeacon("clk", "voicesearch_cancel"), i.closePanel(i)
}), i.permissionGuideClose && (i.permissionGuideClose.onclick = function() {
i.recognition.stop(), i.sendBeacon("clk", "voicesearch_permission_close"),, i.hidePermissionGuide(i)
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i.resultTimer && c.clearTimeout(i.resultTimer), i.submitTimer && c.clearTimeout(i.submitTimer), i.resultTimer = c.setTimeout(function() {
}, 100)
}, i._processResult = function(e) {
for (var n = [], t = 0; t < e.results.length; t++) n.push(e.results[t][0].transcript);
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}, i.submitDelay)
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}, i.recognition.onerror = function() {
i.speechText && (i.speechText.innerText = i.config.text.error), i.hideTrending(i), i.showRetryLink(i),
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i.speechButtonContainer && i.speechButtonContainer.classList.add("listening")
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i.speechButtonContainer && i.speechButtonContainer.classList.remove("listening")
}, i.recognition.onsoundstart = function() {
i.hideTrending(i), i.noSpeech = !1, i.speechButtonContainer && (i.speechButtonContainer.classList.remove("listening"), i.speechButtonContainer.classList.add("speaking"))
}, i.recognition.onsoundend = function() {
i.speechButtonContainer && i.speechButtonContainer.classList.remove("speaking")
}, i.recognition.onstart = function() {
i.recognitionInit(i), i.startRecognition(i)
}, i.recognition.onend = function() {
i.isRecognitionStart = !1, 0 == i.noSpeech && "" == i.speechResult && (i.speechText && (i.speechText.innerText = i.config.text.nomatch), i.hideTrending(i), i.showRetryLink(i),
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e.prototype.recognitionInit = function(e) {
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}, e.prototype.getTrending = function(n) {
var e;
n.config.enable_voice_trending && n.trending && (e = "" + + "&features=trending.voice", n.ajaxReq(e, function(e) {
e && e.response && && &&["trending.voice"] && (n.trendingData =["trending.voice"].data, n.showTrending(n))
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var n, t = e.trendingData;
!Array.isArray(t) || t.length < 3 || e.trending && e.termSpans && e.termSpans[0] && (n = "", n += '"' + t[0].text + '", ', n += '"' + t[1].text + '" ', n += e.config.text.or + " ", n += '"' + t[2].text + '"', e.termSpans[0].innerText = n, e
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e.retryLink && e.retryLink.classList.add("hide")
}, e.prototype.startRecognition = function(e) {
e.hidePermissionGuide(e), e.getTrending(e),, e.speechText && (e.speechText.innerText = e.config.text.start, c.setTimeout(function() {
e.speechText.innerText = e.config.text.listening
}, 2e3)), e.speechPanel && (e.speechPanel.classList.remove("s2tb-h"), e.speechPanel.classList.add("s2tb")), e.hideRetryLink(e)
}, e.prototype.closePanel = function(e) {, c.setTimeout(function() {
e.speechPanel && (e.speechPanel.classList.remove("s2tb"), e.speechPanel.classList.add("s2tb-h")), e.hideTrending(e), e.hideRetryLink(e), r.removeEventListener("keydown", e.onEscKeyDown)
}, 100)
}, e.prototype.handlePunctuation = function(e) {
var n;
0 < e.speechResult.length && ("." !== (n = e.speechResult.charAt(e.speechResult.length - 1)) && "?" !== n && "。" !== n && "?" !== n || (e.speechResult = e.speechResult.slice(0, -1)))
}, e.prototype.setFr2 = function(n) {
n.searchBoxForm && (n.searchBoxForm.fr2.value = n.config.fr2 || "p:s,v:w,m:voice-search,ct:others", (!Array.isArray(n.trendingData) || n.trendingData.length < 3) && (n.trendingData = []), n.trendingData.forEach(function(e) {
new RegExp(n.speechResult, "gi").test(e.text) && (n.searchBoxForm.fr2.value = n.config.tnFr2 || "p:s,v:w,m:voice-search,ct:trending")
}, e.prototype.sendBeacon = function(e, n) {
var t = c.YAHOO.ULT || {},
i = c.YAHOO.NB || {},
o = c.YAHOO.SB || {};
t.beacon_click && (n = {
_S: o.config.i13n.spaceid,
_I: o.config.i13n.pvid,
actn: e,
sec: "search",
slk: n
}, i.has(this.config, "beaconParams") && i.merge(n, this.config.beaconParams), c.YAHOO.ULT.beacon_click(n))
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s = new XMLHttpRequest;
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i = JSON.parse(t), n(i)
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},"GET", e), void s.send();
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if (s.readyState === o)
if (200 === s.status) {
t = s.responseText;
try {
i = JSON.parse(t), n(i)
} catch (e) {
} else n(i)
},"GET", e, !0), s.timeout = 1e4, s.send()
}, c.YAHOO || (c.YAHOO = {}), c.YAHOO.Util || (c.YAHOO.Util = {}), c.YAHOO.Util.VoiceSearch = e
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if (window.YAHOO && window.YAHOO.Util && window.YAHOO.Util.VoiceSearch) {
window.YAHOO.voiceSearch = new window.YAHOO.Util.VoiceSearch({
"lang": "de-DE",
"text": {
"start": "Wonach suchen Sie?",
"listening": "H\u00f6rmodus ...",
"nomatch": "Eingabe wurde nicht verstanden.",
"error": "Bitte die Mikrofon- und Audiopegel \u00fcberpr\u00fcfen.",
"retry": "Bitte erneut versuchen.",
"or": "oder"
<div class="sa-tray-ctn">
Text Content
SAFERBROWSER YAHOO SUCHE WEB SUCHE Saferbrowser Yahoo Suche Suchbegriff Warten auf Genehmigung Zugriff auf Mikrofon erlauben, um Sprachsuche zu aktivieren 1. * Alle * Bilder * Videos * Lokale Suche * Nachrichten Mehr 2. * Alle Treffer * Letzter Tag * Letzte Woche * Letzen Monat Alle Treffer 1. Etwa 622.000 Suchergebnisse 1. ANZEIGEREADERS DIGEST - OFFIZIELLE AMAZON WEBSITE wurde im letzten Monat von mehr als 1.000.000 Nutzern besucht Bei uns finden Sie zahlreiche Produkte von namhaften Herstellern auf Lager. Wähle aus unserer großen Auswahl an diversen Büchern. Jetzt online shoppen! * Offizielle Amazon Website Bei uns finden Sie zahlreiche Produkte von namhaften ... * Kostenlose Lieferung Jetzt bei Amazon bestellen und kostenlose Lieferung sichern! SUCHERGEBNISSE 1. SUCHERGEBNISSE: 1. VIDEOS * 11:29 10 Mins Thigh Workout to Get LEAN LEGS IN 30 DAYS | NOT BULKY THIGHS 28. März 2019 9.3M Aufrufe * 11:12 Stretches To Get Thinner Legs & Slim Thighs | 10 Mins Routine 25. März 2019 1.8M Aufrufe * 6:51 Thin Thighs in 30 days with Wendy Stehling: We show you the exercises! 23. Mai 2017 7.2K Aufrufe Alle anzeigen 2. TRAINERJOSH.COM › WORKOUTS › EXERCISES-LOSE-THIGH-FAT11 BEST EXERCISES TO LOSE THIGH FAT FAST (IN A WEEK) - TRAINER... › workouts › exercises-lose-thigh-fat * Im Cache 2. Feb. 2021 · You can get rid of your thigh fat despite genetics and hormones so you can fit into your skinny jeans. I’ll show you the 10 best exercises to get rid of thigh fat fast so you can get quick results now. How To Lose Thigh Fat In A Week. Do you hate your thunder thighs and tree trunk legs? No woman or man today likes having big thighs ... * 10 Best Lower Ab Exercises Try setting a timer for 30 seconds for each exercise before... * How to Get Rid of Thigh Fat Women naturally have a higher body fat percentage than men... * Workouts October 30, 2023 July 8, 2022. Want to know the secret on... * How to Get Rid of Hip Dips If you have excess fat on your hips, abs, and thighs then... 3. FITFOUNDME.COM › 30-DAY-LEG-CHALLENGE-SLIMMING-THIGHS30 DAY LEG CHALLENGE FOR SLIMMING THIGHS - FIT FOUND ME › 30-day-leg-challenge-slimming-thighs * Im Cache * What Is The 30 Day Leg Challenge? * Can I Tone My Legs in 30 days? * What Is The Best 30 Challenge For thighs? * 30 Day Leg Lift Challenge * 30 Day Leg Challenge to Get Rid of Your Mom Butt A 30 day legs challenge is exactly what it sounds like. You commit to doing leg-focused workouts each day for 30 days to tone your legs. That doesn’t mean you have to do the same exact workout each day during those 30 days. The 30 day thigh slimming challenge is similar to the popular squat challenge, only better. Both challenges include a variety ... Komplette Liste auf With a 30 day leg challenge like this, you can tone up your legs with daily workouts when done in conjunction with another cardio exercise and a healthy diet. Your legs are the largest muscles in your body, and thus, can burn the most calories when used. A leg challenge is a great way to burn body fat and tone your legs. Again, this is not a quick ... Komplette Liste auf There is not one specific 30 day leg challenge that will be more successful than another. Everyone has different leg workouts that work best for them. Additionally, it’s often a good idea to mix up your fitness routine in order to get the best results. That’s why many people will spend a month doing one leg challenge, and at the end of that month, ... Komplette Liste auf Day 1 – Day 5: 8 Side Leg Lifts, 8 Plie Squats, 8 Side Lunges, 8 Leg Swings Day 6 – Day 10: 10 Side Leg Lifts, 10 Plie Squats, 10 Side Lunges, 10 Leg Swings Day 11 – Day 20: 15 Side Leg Lifts, 15 Plie Squats, 15 Side Lunges, 15 Leg Swings Day 21 – Day 25: 18 Side Leg Lifts, 18 Plie Squats, 18 Side Lunges, 18 Leg Swings Komplette Liste auf Day 1 – Day 5: 8 Squats, 8 Heel Kicks, 8 Pointed Butt Lifts, 8 Bridges Day 6 – Day 10: 10 Squats, 10 Heel Kicks, 10 Pointed Butt Lifts, 10 Bridges Day 11 – Day 20: 15 Squats, 15 Heel Kicks, 15 Pointed Butt Lifts, 15 Bridges Day 21 – Day 25: 18 Squats, 18 Heel Kicks, 18 Pointed Butt Lifts, 18 Bridges Komplette Liste auf 4. WWW.WIKIHOW.COM › GET-THINNER-THIGHS5 WAYS TO GET THINNER THIGHS - WIKIHOW › Get-Thinner-Thighs * Im Cache 20. März 2024 · How to Get Thinner Thighs. Download Article. methods. 1 Toning Your Thighs. 2 Doing Cardio Exercise. 3 Losing Weight by Dieting. + Show 2 more... Other Sections. Expert Q&A. Video WATCH NOW. References. Article Summary. Co-authored by Julian Arana, M.S.eD., NCSF-CPT and Danielle Blinka, MA, MPA. Last Updated: March 20, 2024 Approved. * Videolänge: 1 Min. * Ansichten: 2,4M * Autor: Julian Arana, M.S.eD., NCSF-CPT * * * * * 5. WWW.WIKIHOW.COM › LOSE-THIGH-FATHOW TO LOSE THIGH FAT: 14 EXPERT-BACKED TIPS TO TONE UP - WIKIHOW › Lose-Thigh-Fat * Im Cache 20. März 2024 · Article Summary. Co-authored by Julian Arana, M.S.eD., NCSF-CPT and Madeleine Flamiano. Last Updated: March 20, 2024 Fact Checked. Want to slim down your thighs so you can shimmy into any outfit? It’s definitely a confidence booster to have toned legs, so we’re here to help out on your weight loss journey. * Videolänge: 1 Min. * Ansichten: 7,1M * Autor: Julian Arana, M.S.eD., NCSF-CPT 6. WWW.YOUTUBE.COM › WATCHTHIN THIGHS IN 30 DAYS WITH WENDY STEHLING: WE SHOW YOU THE... › watch * Im Cache Thin Thighs in 30 days with Wendy Stehling: We show you the exercises! An instant sensation when it was first released in 1982, "Thin Thighs in 30 Days by Wendy Stehling" stayed on... * Videolänge: 7 Min. * Ansichten: 7,2K * Autor: Eileen Prose 7. WWW.SHAPE.COM › FITNESS › WORKOUTS10 BEST THIGH-SLIMMING EXERCISES - SHAPE › fitness › workouts * Im Cache 22. Sept. 2021 · 10 Thigh Workout Moves for a Stronger Lower Body. By Jessica Smith. Updated on September 22, 2021. Photo: undrey/Getty. These thigh-slimming exercises will work every angle of your lower body to build super strong legs — and all you need is your bodyweight. The 10 Best Cyber Monday Fitness Deals to Shop for Up to 60% Off Today. 8. WWW.PENGUINRANDOMHOUSE.COM › BOOKS › 305835THIN THIGHS IN 30 DAYS - PENGUIN RANDOM HOUSE › books › 305835 * Im Cache One of the simplest and smartest diet/fitness thigh-trimming methods known to womankind. The Thin Thighs in 30 Days singular, three-pronged approach consists of: *The Work-Off: six essential leg exercises to be performed each day for thirty days *The Walk-Off: a brisk walk to be taken each day for thirty days 9. WWW.GOODREADS.COM › BOOK › SHOWTHIN THIGHS IN 30 DAYS BY WENDY STEHLING | GOODREADS › book › show * Im Cache 1. Jan. 1982 · One of the simplest and smartest diet/fitness thigh-trimming methods known to womankind. The Thin Thighs in 30 Days singular, three-pronged approach consists * The six essential leg exercises to be performed each day for thirty days * The a brisk walk to be taken each day for thirty days * The a calorie-counting program to be ... 10. BOOKS.GOOGLE.COM › BOOKS › ABOUTTHIN THIGHS IN 30 DAYS - WENDY STEHLING - GOOGLE BOOKS › books › about * Im Cache One of the simplest and smartest diet/fitness thigh-trimming methods known to womankind. The Thin Thighs in 30 Days singular, three-pronged approach consists of: *The Work-Off: six essential leg exercises to be performed each day for thirty days *The Walk-Off: a brisk walk to be taken each day for thirty days *The Weight-Off: a calorie-counting ... 11. WWW.BLOGILATES.COM › BLOG › 30-DAY-THIGH-SLIMMING-CHALLENGE-630 DAY THIGH SLIMMING CHALLENGE! - BLOGILATES › blog › 30-day-thigh-slimming-challenge-6 * Im Cache 30 Day Thigh Slimming Challenge! Legs & Thighs. Feb 28, 2015. 427. Hey guys! I hope you are loving all the new avocado recipes! They are so delish. I can’t stop eating the Avocado Toast for breakfast. It is just so good and super filling. Well, with a new month, comes a new monthly challenge! 12. BILDER * * * * * Alle anzeigen 1. VERWANDTE SUCHBEGRIFFE ZU READERS DIGEST 30 DAYS TO THINNER THIGHS how to get thinner thighs fast30 day thigh challengehow to thinner thighsthinner thighshow to lose thinner thighshow to reduce thighs quickly30 day thigh slimming challengehow to slim down thighs 1. 12345 Weiter Nuremberg, BYErmittelt über IP-AdresseErneut ermitteln * Einstellungen * Anliegen melden * Hilfe * Datenschutz * AGB * Datenschutz- und Cookie-Einstellungen * Infos zu Anzeigen * Powered by Bing™