edel.fa.us2.oraclecloud.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

URL: https://edel.fa.us2.oraclecloud.com/hcmUI/CandidateExperience/en/sites/CX/requisitions/job/8926
Submission: On October 10 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 2 forms found in the DOM

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                                             'aria-label': item.text + ' ' + item.totalCount}" for="locations300000003046903" aria-label="Sunnyvale,  CA,  United States 194">
                    <span class="cx-checkbox" data-bind="css: {'cx-checkbox--checked': item.selected() }"></span>
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                                             'aria-label': item.text + ' ' + item.totalCount}" for="locations100000000379619" aria-label="Burnaby,  BC,  Canada 120">
                    <span class="cx-checkbox" data-bind="css: {'cx-checkbox--checked': item.selected() }"></span>
                      <span data-bind="text: item.textParts.main">Burnaby, BC, </span>
                      <span class="text--wrap"><span data-bind="text: item.textParts.last, attr: {title: item.text}" title="Burnaby,  BC,  Canada"> Canada</span> (<span data-bind="text: item.totalCount">120</span>)</span>
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                                             'aria-label': item.text + ' ' + item.totalCount}" for="locations100000000383219" aria-label="Ottawa,  ON,  Canada 54">
                    <span class="cx-checkbox" data-bind="css: {'cx-checkbox--checked': item.selected() }"></span>
                      <span data-bind="text: item.textParts.main">Ottawa, ON, </span>
                      <span class="text--wrap"><span data-bind="text: item.textParts.last, attr: {title: item.text}" title="Ottawa,  ON,  Canada"> Canada</span> (<span data-bind="text: item.totalCount">54</span>)</span>
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                                             'aria-label': item.text + ' ' + item.totalCount}" for="locations300000000361340" aria-label="Germany 47">
                    <span class="cx-checkbox" data-bind="css: {'cx-checkbox--checked': item.selected() }"></span>
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                      <span class="text--wrap"><span data-bind="text: item.textParts.last, attr: {title: item.text}" title="Germany">Germany</span> (<span data-bind="text: item.totalCount">47</span>)</span>
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                                             'aria-label': item.text + ' ' + item.totalCount}" for="locations300000217314736" aria-label="READING,  BERKSHIRE,  United Kingdom 35">
                    <span class="cx-checkbox" data-bind="css: {'cx-checkbox--checked': item.selected() }"></span>
                      <span data-bind="text: item.textParts.main">READING, BERKSHIRE, United </span>
                      <span class="text--wrap"><span data-bind="text: item.textParts.last, attr: {title: item.text}" title="READING,  BERKSHIRE,  United Kingdom"> Kingdom</span> (<span data-bind="text: item.totalCount">35</span>)</span>
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                    data-bind="attr: {'id': $parent.getFormattedId() + item.value}, hasFocus: $parent.isItemFocused(item), checked: item.selected(), event: {change: $parent.itemClicked, blur: $parent.blurHandler}, a11y.keysHandler: {keys: 'enter', handler: $parent.onPressEnter}"
                  <label class="cx-checkbox-label cx-checkbox-label-flex" data-bind="attr: {'for': $parent.getFormattedId() + item.value,
                                             'aria-label': item.text + ' ' + item.totalCount}" for="job_functionsSALES" aria-label="Sales 353">
                    <span class="cx-checkbox" data-bind="css: {'cx-checkbox--checked': item.selected() }"></span>
                      <span data-bind="text: item.textParts.main"> </span>
                      <span class="text--wrap"><span data-bind="text: item.textParts.last, attr: {title: item.text}" title="Sales">Sales</span> (<span data-bind="text: item.totalCount">353</span>)</span>
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                                             'aria-label': item.text + ' ' + item.totalCount}" for="job_functionsSE" aria-label="Sales Engineering 255">
                    <span class="cx-checkbox" data-bind="css: {'cx-checkbox--checked': item.selected() }"></span>
                      <span data-bind="text: item.textParts.main">Sales </span>
                      <span class="text--wrap"><span data-bind="text: item.textParts.last, attr: {title: item.text}" title="Sales Engineering"> Engineering</span> (<span data-bind="text: item.totalCount">255</span>)</span>
              <li class="facet-item">
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                  <label class="cx-checkbox-label cx-checkbox-label-flex" data-bind="attr: {'for': $parent.getFormattedId() + item.value,
                                             'aria-label': item.text + ' ' + item.totalCount}" for="job_functionsRD" aria-label="Research/Development 232">
                    <span class="cx-checkbox" data-bind="css: {'cx-checkbox--checked': item.selected() }"></span>
                      <span data-bind="text: item.textParts.main"> </span>
                      <span class="text--wrap"><span data-bind="text: item.textParts.last, attr: {title: item.text}" title="Research/Development">Research/Development</span> (<span data-bind="text: item.totalCount">232</span>)</span>
              <li class="facet-item">
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                  <input type="checkbox" class="cx-checkbox-input"
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                  <label class="cx-checkbox-label cx-checkbox-label-flex" data-bind="attr: {'for': $parent.getFormattedId() + item.value,
                                             'aria-label': item.text + ' ' + item.totalCount}" for="job_functionsSUPPORT" aria-label="Service/Support 215">
                    <span class="cx-checkbox" data-bind="css: {'cx-checkbox--checked': item.selected() }"></span>
                      <span data-bind="text: item.textParts.main"> </span>
                      <span class="text--wrap"><span data-bind="text: item.textParts.last, attr: {title: item.text}" title="Service/Support">Service/Support</span> (<span data-bind="text: item.totalCount">215</span>)</span>
              <li class="facet-item">
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                  <input type="checkbox" class="cx-checkbox-input"
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                  <label class="cx-checkbox-label cx-checkbox-label-flex" data-bind="attr: {'for': $parent.getFormattedId() + item.value,
                                             'aria-label': item.text + ' ' + item.totalCount}" for="job_functionsMRK" aria-label="Marketing 100">
                    <span class="cx-checkbox" data-bind="css: {'cx-checkbox--checked': item.selected() }"></span>
                      <span data-bind="text: item.textParts.main"> </span>
                      <span class="text--wrap"><span data-bind="text: item.textParts.last, attr: {title: item.text}" title="Marketing">Marketing</span> (<span data-bind="text: item.totalCount">100</span>)</span>
              <!-- /ko -->
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      <hr class="filter-separator" data-bind="visible: facet.items().length > 0">
      <div data-bind="component: {name: facet.name + '-facet', params: { data: facet }}"><!-- ko if: facet.items().length -->
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          <div class="facet-list-wrapper" data-bind="css: { 'facet-list-expanded': expanded }, attr: {'id': facet.type + '-facet-items-list'}" id="CATEGORIES-facet-items-list">
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            <ul class="facet-list">
              <!-- ko foreach: {data: displayedItems, as: 'item'} -->
              <li class="facet-item">
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                  <input type="checkbox" class="cx-checkbox-input"
                    data-bind="attr: {'id': $parent.getFormattedId() + item.value}, hasFocus: $parent.isItemFocused(item), checked: item.selected(), event: {change: $parent.itemClicked, blur: $parent.blurHandler}, a11y.keysHandler: {keys: 'enter', handler: $parent.onPressEnter}"
                  <label class="cx-checkbox-label cx-checkbox-label-flex" data-bind="attr: {'for': $parent.getFormattedId() + item.value,
                                             'aria-label': item.text + ' ' + item.totalCount}" for="categories300000010292600" aria-label="Systems Engineering 231">
                    <span class="cx-checkbox" data-bind="css: {'cx-checkbox--checked': item.selected() }"></span>
                      <span data-bind="text: item.textParts.main">Systems </span>
                      <span class="text--wrap"><span data-bind="text: item.textParts.last, attr: {title: item.text}" title="Systems Engineering"> Engineering</span> (<span data-bind="text: item.totalCount">231</span>)</span>
              <li class="facet-item">
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                  <label class="cx-checkbox-label cx-checkbox-label-flex" data-bind="attr: {'for': $parent.getFormattedId() + item.value,
                                             'aria-label': item.text + ' ' + item.totalCount}" for="categories300000010292392" aria-label="Major Accounts 117">
                    <span class="cx-checkbox" data-bind="css: {'cx-checkbox--checked': item.selected() }"></span>
                      <span data-bind="text: item.textParts.main">Major </span>
                      <span class="text--wrap"><span data-bind="text: item.textParts.last, attr: {title: item.text}" title="Major Accounts"> Accounts</span> (<span data-bind="text: item.totalCount">117</span>)</span>
              <li class="facet-item">
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                  <input type="checkbox" class="cx-checkbox-input"
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                  <label class="cx-checkbox-label cx-checkbox-label-flex" data-bind="attr: {'for': $parent.getFormattedId() + item.value,
                                             'aria-label': item.text + ' ' + item.totalCount}" for="categories300000010292526" aria-label="Technical Support 108">
                    <span class="cx-checkbox" data-bind="css: {'cx-checkbox--checked': item.selected() }"></span>
                      <span data-bind="text: item.textParts.main">Technical </span>
                      <span class="text--wrap"><span data-bind="text: item.textParts.last, attr: {title: item.text}" title="Technical Support"> Support</span> (<span data-bind="text: item.totalCount">108</span>)</span>
              <li class="facet-item">
                <div class="facet-link">
                  <input type="checkbox" class="cx-checkbox-input"
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                  <label class="cx-checkbox-label cx-checkbox-label-flex" data-bind="attr: {'for': $parent.getFormattedId() + item.value,
                                             'aria-label': item.text + ' ' + item.totalCount}" for="categories300000009998482" aria-label="Software Development 99">
                    <span class="cx-checkbox" data-bind="css: {'cx-checkbox--checked': item.selected() }"></span>
                      <span data-bind="text: item.textParts.main">Software </span>
                      <span class="text--wrap"><span data-bind="text: item.textParts.last, attr: {title: item.text}" title="Software Development"> Development</span> (<span data-bind="text: item.totalCount">99</span>)</span>
              <li class="facet-item">
                <div class="facet-link">
                  <input type="checkbox" class="cx-checkbox-input"
                    data-bind="attr: {'id': $parent.getFormattedId() + item.value}, hasFocus: $parent.isItemFocused(item), checked: item.selected(), event: {change: $parent.itemClicked, blur: $parent.blurHandler}, a11y.keysHandler: {keys: 'enter', handler: $parent.onPressEnter}"
                  <label class="cx-checkbox-label cx-checkbox-label-flex" data-bind="attr: {'for': $parent.getFormattedId() + item.value,
                                             'aria-label': item.text + ' ' + item.totalCount}" for="categories300000010292549" aria-label="Named Account 44">
                    <span class="cx-checkbox" data-bind="css: {'cx-checkbox--checked': item.selected() }"></span>
                      <span data-bind="text: item.textParts.main">Named </span>
                      <span class="text--wrap"><span data-bind="text: item.textParts.last, attr: {title: item.text}" title="Named Account"> Account</span> (<span data-bind="text: item.totalCount">44</span>)</span>
              <!-- /ko -->
        <!-- /ko -->
      <hr class="filter-separator" data-bind="visible: facet.items().length > 0">
      <div data-bind="component: {name: facet.name + '-facet', params: { data: facet }}"><!-- ko if: facet.items().length -->
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                   attr: {'aria-controls': facet.name + '-facet-items-list'}, boolAttr:{'aria-expanded': expanded()}" aria-controls="postingDates-facet-items-list" aria-expanded="false">
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                                                                                      'aria-label': item.text + ' ' + item.totalCount}" for="posting_datesundefined" aria-label="All undefined">
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                  <label class="cx-checkbox-label cx-checkbox-label-flex" data-bind="attr: {'for': $parent.getFormattedId() + item.value,
                                                                                      'aria-label': item.text + ' ' + item.totalCount}" for="posting_dates31" aria-label="Greater than 30 days 1002">
                    <span class="cx-checkbox" data-bind="css: {'cx-checkbox--checked': item.selected() }"></span>
                      <span data-bind="text: item.textParts.main">Greater than 30 </span><span class="text--no-wrap" data-bind="if: item.textParts.last"><span data-bind="text: item.textParts.last"> days</span> (<span
                          data-bind="text: item.totalCount">1002</span>)</span>
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                  <label class="cx-checkbox-label cx-checkbox-label-flex" data-bind="attr: {'for': $parent.getFormattedId() + item.value,
                                                                                      'aria-label': item.text + ' ' + item.totalCount}" for="posting_dates30" aria-label="Less than 30 days 256">
                    <span class="cx-checkbox" data-bind="css: {'cx-checkbox--checked': item.selected() }"></span>
                      <span data-bind="text: item.textParts.main">Less than 30 </span><span class="text--no-wrap" data-bind="if: item.textParts.last"><span data-bind="text: item.textParts.last"> days</span> (<span
                          data-bind="text: item.totalCount">256</span>)</span>
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                  <label class="cx-checkbox-label cx-checkbox-label-flex" data-bind="attr: {'for': $parent.getFormattedId() + item.value,
                                                                                      'aria-label': item.text + ' ' + item.totalCount}" for="posting_dates7" aria-label="Less than 7 days 55">
                    <span class="cx-checkbox" data-bind="css: {'cx-checkbox--checked': item.selected() }"></span>
                      <span data-bind="text: item.textParts.main">Less than 7 </span><span class="text--no-wrap" data-bind="if: item.textParts.last"><span data-bind="text: item.textParts.last"> days</span> (<span
                          data-bind="text: item.totalCount">55</span>)</span>
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      data-qa="searchKeywordsInput" data-bind="textInput: keywordLabel, hasFocus: shouldGrabFocus,
                          autocomplete: {model: keyword, source: suggester.keyword, appendTo: '#keyword-input',
                                         position: autocompletePosition, id: 'search-suggestions', calculateLeft: calculateAutosuggestLeftPosition, shouldDisableTabKey: true},
                          i18nAttr: {placeholder: 'search.keyword-placeholder'},
                          a11y.keysHandler: {keys: 'enter', handler: performSearch},
                            a11y.skipTo: {elementsFocused: '#keyword'}" autocomplete="off" aria-expanded="false" placeholder="Job title, skill, keyword">
    <search-input-tooltip params="keyword: keywordLabel"><!-- ko if: isVisible --><!-- /ko -->
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            i18n: 'search.mode-menu.location'">Location</button>
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                i18n: 'search.mode-menu.geolocation'">My Location</button>
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                    i18n: 'search.mode-menu.zipcode'">Postal Code</button>
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                          textInput: locationAsText,
                          autocomplete: {
                            model: location,
                            source: locationSuggester,
                            appendTo: '#location-input',
                            id: 'location-suggestions',
                            response: onSuggesterResponse
                          locationSearchFocus: { location: location }" placeholder="City, state, country" autocomplete="off" aria-expanded="false">
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                    attr: { 'aria-label' : submitAriaLabel },
                    click: performSearch,
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                    disable: !isLocationLevelSet()" aria-label="Search for undefined within 25 Miles" disabled="">Go</button>
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            <!-- ko if: geolocation.queryStatus() === 'error' --><!-- /ko -->
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<form class="cs-confirm-dialog__form" novalidate="" data-bind="submit: next">
  <email-verification-form><!-- ko with: $parent -->
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    <!-- ko if: activeForm -->
    <!-- ko component: { name: 'form-builder', params: { form: activeForm } } --><!-- ko foreach: {data: form.elements, as: 'element'} -->
    <!-- ko ifnot: element.isHidden -->
    <!-- ko component: {
            name: element.component,
            params: {
                element: element
        } -->
    <div class="input-row input-row--text" data-bind="css: {'input-row--focused': isFocused,
                      'input-row--filled': isFilled,
                      'input-row--invalid': isInvalid,
                      'input-row--empty-disabled': isEmptyDisabled}">
      <form-element-label params="element: element, forId: attributes.id"><!-- ko if: element.label -->
        <label class="input-row__label input-row__label--required" data-bind="css: {'input-row__label--required': element.isRequired,
                            'input-row__label--disabled': element.isDisabled},
                      attr: {for: forId, id: id}" for="primary-email-0">
          <span class="input-row__linebreak"><!-- ko text : element.label -->Email Address<!-- /ko --></span>
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        <input class="input-row__control" data-bind="value: element.value,
                           attr: attributes,
                           disable: element.isDisabled,
                           hasFocus: hasFocus,
                           a11y.setFocusOnTab: {focusOn: element.focusNextSelector, delay: 10, when: isFilled } ,
                           event: {blur: blurHandler.bind($data)} " id="primary-email-0" name="primary-email" type="email" autocomplete="email" aria-label="Email Address">
        <div class="input-row__control-decorator"></div>
        <!-- ko if: isInvalid --><!-- /ko -->
    <!-- /ko -->
    <!-- /ko -->
    <!-- /ko -->
    <!-- /ko -->
    <!-- /ko -->
    <!-- ko if: candidate.verificationMethod() === verificationMethods.SMS --><!-- /ko -->
    <!-- ko if: enableLegalDisclaimer --><!-- /ko -->
    <!-- /ko -->
  <button type="submit" class="apply-flow-dialog__button apply-flow-dialog__button--primary" data-bind="disable: isVerificationInProgress">
    <inline-spinner params="
                        isLoading: isVerificationInProgress,
                        i18n: isSMSVerificationEnabled ? 'general.next-button' : 'candidate-self-service.confirm-dialog-button'"><span class="inline-spinner" data-bind="css: cssClass">
        <!-- ko if: label -->
        <span class="inline-spinner__label" data-bind="i18n: label">Send Email</span>
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 * NEW GRADS 2022
   Sunnyvale, CA, United States
   Are you the next FORTIHIRE? Fortinet Teams are looking for NEW GRADS for a
   variety of skill domains such as Software Development Engineers, Embedded
   Software Engineers, Web Developers, Software Dev QA Engineers, DevOps
   Engineers, Hardware Engineers and more!
   Are you the next FORTIHIRE? Fortinet Teams are looking for NEW GRADS for a
   variety of skill domains such as Software Development Engineers, Embedded
   Software Engineers, Web Developers, Software Dev QA Engineers, DevOps
   Engineers, Hardware Engineers and more!
   New Grads 2022 Add Job to My Job Selections

 * NEW GRAD JOBS (2022)
   Burnaby, BC, Canada
   Are you the next FORTIHIRE? Fortinet Teams are looking for NEW GRADS (2022)
   for a variety of skill categories. Please visit out job postings to find
   suitable opportunities to send your application.
   Are you the next FORTIHIRE? Fortinet Teams are looking for NEW GRADS (2022)
   for a variety of skill categories. Please visit out job postings to find
   suitable opportunities to send your application.
   New Grad Jobs (2022) Add Job to My Job Selections

   Ottawa, ON, Canada
   Are you the next FORTIHIRE? Fortinet Teams are looking for NEW GRADS (2022)
   for a variety of skill domains skill domains such as: Software Developers
   Embedded Software Engineers Web Developers Software Dev QA Engineers Release
   QA Engineers ...and more!
   Are you the next FORTIHIRE? Fortinet Teams are looking for NEW GRADS (2022)
   for a variety of skill domains skill domains such as: Software Developers
   Embedded Software Engineers Web Developers Software Dev QA Engineers Release
   QA Engineers ...and more!
   New Grad Jobs 2022 Add Job to My Job Selections

   Objective: We are looking for a Systems Engineer to work closely with a sales
   representative in a defined territory. The Systems Engineer's main mission
   will be to support the sales organization in all technical matters regarding
   pre-sales, sales calls, and post-sales.
   Objective: We are looking for a Systems Engineer to work closely with a sales
   representative in a defined territory. The Systems Engineer's main mission
   will be to support the sales organization in all technical matters regarding
   pre-sales, sales calls, and post-sales.
   Systems Engineer II Add Job to My Job Selections

   The Professional Services Engineer works with clients and partners remotely
   and/or onsite on engagements of high complexity.
   The Professional Services Engineer works with clients and partners remotely
   and/or onsite on engagements of high complexity.
   Professional Services Engineer Add Job to My Job Selections

   Ottawa, ON, Canada
   The product specialist will demonstrate leadership in driving our business
   results in assigned geography through active partnership in sales and
   marketing efforts. From an understanding of what the customer is trying to
   accomplish, work in partnership with sales team to demonstrate product
   capabilities and applicability to the customer and their application needs.  
   The product specialist will demonstrate leadership in driving our business
   results in assigned geography through active partnership in sales and
   marketing efforts. From an understanding of what the customer is trying to
   accomplish, work in partnership with sales team to demonstrate product
   capabilities and applicability to the customer and their application needs.  
   Product Specialist Add Job to My Job Selections

   Burnaby, BC, Canada
   Fortinet is calling for an experienced Senior Software Developer who can
   think outside the box, has a logical approach to coding, and looking to grow
   their career in the network security industry.
   Fortinet is calling for an experienced Senior Software Developer who can
   think outside the box, has a logical approach to coding, and looking to grow
   their career in the network security industry.
   Principal Software Developer Add Job to My Job Selections

   France and 4 more
   We are looking for a passionate, highly motivated and experienced Program
   Manager with a proven track record of developing specifically SMB Partners in
   We are looking for a passionate, highly motivated and experienced Program
   Manager with a proven track record of developing specifically SMB Partners in
   SMB Channel Program Manager Add Job to My Job Selections

   Burnaby, BC, Canada
   Fortinet has an exciting opportunity for you to join our team!
   Fortinet has an exciting opportunity for you to join our team!
   Staff Software Developer Add Job to My Job Selections

   Burnaby, BC, Canada
   Fortinet has an exciting opportunity for you to join our team!
   Fortinet has an exciting opportunity for you to join our team!
   Staff Software Developer Add Job to My Job Selections

   Reg.-Bez. Düsseldorf, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany and 3 more
   The Professional Services Consultant works with clients and partners remotely
   and/or onsite on engagements of high complexity. The consultant has
   demonstrated his/her ability to participate to the success of projects from
   the pre-sales/scoping phase to project closure.
   The Professional Services Consultant works with clients and partners remotely
   and/or onsite on engagements of high complexity. The consultant has
   demonstrated his/her ability to participate to the success of projects from
   the pre-sales/scoping phase to project closure.
   Professional Services Consultant Add Job to My Job Selections

   Burnaby, BC, Canada
   The FortiCare team of the IT Department at Fortinet is looking for a Software
   Applications Developer who is eager to work on multi-tier web applications
   and the latest web client technologies. This team develops and supports
   multiple applications including product registration, order fulfillment,
   service contract/license management, service renewal, and a CRM support
   ticket application. The FortiCare systems are pure 3-tier web applications
   using MS .Net technologies and MS SQL server as the backend database. The
   ideal candidate will have an opportunity to work alongside very experienced
   developers and enhance their program design skillset.
   The FortiCare team of the IT Department at Fortinet is looking for a Software
   Applications Developer who is eager to work on multi-tier web applications
   and the latest web client technologies. This team develops and supports
   multiple applications including product registration, order fulfillment,
   service contract/license management, service renewal, and a CRM support
   ticket application. The FortiCare systems are pure 3-tier web applications
   using MS .Net technologies and MS SQL server as the backend database. The
   ideal candidate will have an opportunity to work alongside very experienced
   developers and enhance their program design skillset.
   Software Applications Developer Add Job to My Job Selections

   Burnaby, BC, Canada
   The FortiCare Team of the IT Department at Fortinet is looking for a Software
   Applications QA who is eager to work on multi-tier web applications and the
   latest web client technologies. This team develops and supports multiple
   applications including product registration, order fulfillment, service
   contract/license management, service renewal, and a CRM support ticket
   The FortiCare Team of the IT Department at Fortinet is looking for a Software
   Applications QA who is eager to work on multi-tier web applications and the
   latest web client technologies. This team develops and supports multiple
   applications including product registration, order fulfillment, service
   contract/license management, service renewal, and a CRM support ticket
   Software Development QA Specialist Add Job to My Job Selections

   Tokyo, Japan
   As a Technical Support Engineer (EDR), you will be part of the top-notch
   technical support organization, working alongside our global exceptional team
   of professionals in Engineering, QA, Security and Product Support. You will
   be working as an integral part of the Support team, being the main link
   between Support and Product Development and developing and maintaining tools
   to accelerate customer ticket handling.  This will involve a wide range of
   skills, including mentoring Support engineers, reading source code, log
   files, dump files, network and endpoint traces in order to track down field
   related product malfunctions, updating internal tools and writing internal
   and external Knowledge Base articles.
   As a Technical Support Engineer (EDR), you will be part of the top-notch
   technical support organization, working alongside our global exceptional team
   of professionals in Engineering, QA, Security and Product Support. You will
   be working as an integral part of the Support team, being the main link
   between Support and Product Development and developing and maintaining tools
   to accelerate customer ticket handling.  This will involve a wide range of
   skills, including mentoring Support engineers, reading source code, log
   files, dump files, network and endpoint traces in order to track down field
   related product malfunctions, updating internal tools and writing internal
   and external Knowledge Base articles.
   Technical Support Engineer (FortiEDR) - Tokyo Add Job to My Job Selections

   Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
   Role Overview: Fortinet is growing and we are expanding our APAC technical
   support teams, we are looking for strong technical support
   engineers/specialists at a senior level. We require candidates with the
   ability to identify and resolve problems in a timely manner; gather and
   analyze information and skillfully develop alternative solutions for
   customers. As Senior Technical Support and Operations Engineer you will
   possess a proven aptitude for learning new technologies and a desire for
   continuous learning. You will be highly analytical with the ability to derive
   facts quickly, methodically, and accurately through mature and mindful
   interactions with customers. You will work to optimize the efficiency of
   FortiEDR cloud operations and the performance of customer cloud environments.
   Role Overview: Fortinet is growing and we are expanding our APAC technical
   support teams, we are looking for strong technical support
   engineers/specialists at a senior level. We require candidates with the
   ability to identify and resolve problems in a timely manner; gather and
   analyze information and skillfully develop alternative solutions for
   customers. As Senior Technical Support and Operations Engineer you will
   possess a proven aptitude for learning new technologies and a desire for
   continuous learning. You will be highly analytical with the ability to derive
   facts quickly, methodically, and accurately through mature and mindful
   interactions with customers. You will work to optimize the efficiency of
   FortiEDR cloud operations and the performance of customer cloud environments.
   Cybersecurity Support Engineer (FortiEDR) - Malaysia Add Job to My Job

   Union City, CA, United States
   Fortinet is growing and we are looking to hire Jr. RMA Specialist to join our
   team. The dedicated RMA Specialist will work closely with our RMA team.
   Fortinet is growing and we are looking to hire Jr. RMA Specialist to join our
   team. The dedicated RMA Specialist will work closely with our RMA team.
   Jr. RMA Specialist Add Job to My Job Selections

   Sunnyvale, CA, United States
   Fortinet is looking for a Staff Software Development Engineer to assist
   FortiSwitch Team
   Fortinet is looking for a Staff Software Development Engineer to assist
   FortiSwitch Team
   Staff Software Development Engineer Add Job to My Job Selections

   Sunnyvale, CA, United States
   Working at Fortinet is not just another job, it’s about making a difference
   and enable the best in class systems. At Fortinet ,our culture is defined by
   our values of Openness, Team work and Innovation. The FortiSwitch team is
   looking for an Embedded Software Engineer to join their team, its an exciting
   time to build these products and make an impact!
   Working at Fortinet is not just another job, it’s about making a difference
   and enable the best in class systems. At Fortinet ,our culture is defined by
   our values of Openness, Team work and Innovation. The FortiSwitch team is
   looking for an Embedded Software Engineer to join their team, its an exciting
   time to build these products and make an impact!
   Software Development Engineer Add Job to My Job Selections

   Osaka-Shi, Osaka, Japan and 1 more
   In this key role, you will manage, direct and drive Systems Engineers
   assigned to Major Accounts in your assigned region. Create and implement
   strategic plans focused on attaining enterprise-wide deployments of Fortinet
   products and services. Develop executive relationships with key buyers and
   influencers in Major accounts and leverage these relationships. Coordinate
   with appropriate internal groups to generate and deliver winning Contract
   Bids, Proposals, RFI/RFP Responses and Statements of Work. Negotiate terms of
   business with clients to achieve win/win results that provide the basis for
   strong ongoing relationships.
   In this key role, you will manage, direct and drive Systems Engineers
   assigned to Major Accounts in your assigned region. Create and implement
   strategic plans focused on attaining enterprise-wide deployments of Fortinet
   products and services. Develop executive relationships with key buyers and
   influencers in Major accounts and leverage these relationships. Coordinate
   with appropriate internal groups to generate and deliver winning Contract
   Bids, Proposals, RFI/RFP Responses and Statements of Work. Negotiate terms of
   business with clients to achieve win/win results that provide the basis for
   strong ongoing relationships.
   Manager, Systems Engineering - Osaka/Nagoya Add Job to My Job Selections

   Osaka-Shi, Osaka, Japan
   プリセールスSE部門に属し、フォーティネットの他チーム、ハイタッチ営業、代理店営業、または製品営業、 及びセールス
   プリセールス技術サポートの面において、担当アカウントでの案件の開拓から受注までのプロセスで、様々な役割を担います。 We are looking for
   a Systems Engineer to work closely with Major Account Manager in a defined
   set of accounts in the Service provider vertical. The Systems Engineer's main
   mission will be to support the sales organization in all technical matters
   regarding pre-sales, sales calls, and post-sales.
   プリセールスSE部門に属し、フォーティネットの他チーム、ハイタッチ営業、代理店営業、または製品営業、 及びセールス
   プリセールス技術サポートの面において、担当アカウントでの案件の開拓から受注までのプロセスで、様々な役割を担います。 We are looking for
   a Systems Engineer to work closely with Major Account Manager in a defined
   set of accounts in the Service provider vertical. The Systems Engineer's main
   mission will be to support the sales organization in all technical matters
   regarding pre-sales, sales calls, and post-sales.
   Systems Engineer (Telco) - Osaka Add Job to My Job Selections

   Tokyo, Japan
   This Systems Engineer is a senior consulting person who will work as a
   business consultant for local accounts teams. Systems Engineer engages in
   strategic deals/accounts where his/her knowledge of IT network/security
   architecture will affect the reach of Fortinet solution, bring to our
   customer a broader approach to their security needs by grand design. Systems
   Engineer works with peer account teams that may be involved, throughout the
   sales process. Systems Engineer is expected to shape the positive outcome of
   customer engagements such as presentations, meetings while showing the
   benefits of the proposed solution/architecture through assessment.
   This Systems Engineer is a senior consulting person who will work as a
   business consultant for local accounts teams. Systems Engineer engages in
   strategic deals/accounts where his/her knowledge of IT network/security
   architecture will affect the reach of Fortinet solution, bring to our
   customer a broader approach to their security needs by grand design. Systems
   Engineer works with peer account teams that may be involved, throughout the
   sales process. Systems Engineer is expected to shape the positive outcome of
   customer engagements such as presentations, meetings while showing the
   benefits of the proposed solution/architecture through assessment.
   Systems Engineer (Enterprise) - Tokyo - 9 openings Add Job to My Job

   Shanghai, China
   As a member of the Technical Account Support Team, you will use your deep
   understanding of network/security architectures and general knowledge about
   the current trends in the market to help promote product quality, while
   providing best in class solutions. You will work with research and
   development groups, sales teams and regional support teams in a fast paced
   environment. This position requires strong oral and written communication
   skills. Oral communication skills include the ability to speak clearly and
   persuasively, to listen carefully to ensure full understanding of the
   situation, and to respond well to questions when dealing with both positive
   and negative situations. This position also requires the ability to write
   clearly to provide full information as well as to understand and interpret
   written information.
   As a member of the Technical Account Support Team, you will use your deep
   understanding of network/security architectures and general knowledge about
   the current trends in the market to help promote product quality, while
   providing best in class solutions. You will work with research and
   development groups, sales teams and regional support teams in a fast paced
   environment. This position requires strong oral and written communication
   skills. Oral communication skills include the ability to speak clearly and
   persuasively, to listen carefully to ensure full understanding of the
   situation, and to respond well to questions when dealing with both positive
   and negative situations. This position also requires the ability to write
   clearly to provide full information as well as to understand and interpret
   written information.
   Technical Account Manager - Shanghai Add Job to My Job Selections

   Bangalore East, Karnataka, India
   Professional Services within Fortinet, is an integral part of the support and
   services organization, as a result the Consultant will collaborate
   effectively with peers to drive customer satisfaction. The Consultant
   delivers Professional Services as part of their regional team, on site and
   remotely to customers.
   Professional Services within Fortinet, is an integral part of the support and
   services organization, as a result the Consultant will collaborate
   effectively with peers to drive customer satisfaction. The Consultant
   delivers Professional Services as part of their regional team, on site and
   remotely to customers.
   Professional Services Consultant - III Add Job to My Job Selections

   Bangalore East, Karnataka, India
   Professional Services within Fortinet, is an integral part of the support and
   services organization, as a result the Consultant will collaborate
   effectively with peers to drive customer satisfaction. The Consultant
   delivers Professional Services as part of their regional team, on site and
   remotely to customers.
   Professional Services within Fortinet, is an integral part of the support and
   services organization, as a result the Consultant will collaborate
   effectively with peers to drive customer satisfaction. The Consultant
   delivers Professional Services as part of their regional team, on site and
   remotely to customers.
   Professional Services Consultant - I Add Job to My Job Selections

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Cybersecurity Support Engineer (FortiMail) - Malaysia Add Job to My Job
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Show Search Results
Job Identification
Job Category
Technical Support
 * Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Posting Date
03/08/2022, 10:27 AM
Job Schedule
Full time
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Fortinet is growing and we are expanding our APAC technical support teams in
Kuala Lumpur Technical Assistance Centre, we are looking for strong technical
support engineers at all levels.  We require candidates with the ability to
identify and resolve problems in a timely manner; gather and analyze information
and skillfully develop alternative solutions for customers.

All positions require strong oral and written communication skills. Oral
communication skills include the ability to speak clearly and persuasively,
listen carefully to ensure full understanding of the situation, and respond well
to questions when dealing with both positive and negative situations.  All
positions also require the ability to write clearly to provide full information
as well as to understand and interpret written information.


 * To provide direct technical support via the phone and ticketing system to our
   customers and partners throughout the APAC Region.
 * Analysis, technical investigation and resolution of reported problems
   involving the following products: FortiMail, FortiSandbox, FortiVoice,
 * Reproduction of customer environments on lab equipment.
 * Collect data and traces for investigation or to escalate the issue to the
   next level.
 * Manage technical cases, escalate, and control the right expectation until the
   closure of the cases.
 * Develop core competency in Fortinet product line and technologies.


 * 5 years or more of previous experience.
 * Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering or related field,
   or an equivalent combination of training and experience.
 * Advanced knowledge of English (written and spoken) and other languages
 * Solid understanding of Mail Security Gateways and/or Voice.
 * Advanced knowledge of Windows, and Linux skills an advantage.
 * Working experience with VMware and/or other virtualization
 * Working knowledge of common open source apps such as SendMail, postfix,
   openLDAP, iptables, etc.
 * Knowledge of common mail systems Domino servers, Microsoft Exchange.
 * Advanced knowledge about encryption technologies such as SSL and security
 * Working knowledge with VoIP (SIP), IP camera & NVR an advantage.

Fortinet is an equal opportunity employer.

We will only notify shortlisted candidates. 

Fortinet will not entertain any unsolicited resumes, please refrain from sending
them to any Fortinet employees or Fortinet email aliases. Should any Agency
submit any resumes to Fortinet, these resumes if considered, will be assumed to
have been given by the Agency free of any related fees/charges.



Fortinet (NASDAQ: FTNT) secures the largest enterprise, service provider, and
government organizations around the world. Fortinet empowers its customers with
intelligent, seamless protection across the expanding attack surface and the
power to take on ever-increasing performance requirements of the borderless
network - today and into the future. Only the Fortinet Security Fabric
architecture can deliver security without compromise to address the most
critical security challenges, whether in networked, application, cloud or mobile
environments. Fortinet ranks number one in the most security appliances shipped
worldwide and more than 500,000 customers trust Fortinet to protect their



   Shanghai, China
   Fortinet (NASDAQ: FTNT) protects the most valuable assets of some of the
   largest enterprise, service provider and government organizations across the
   globe. The company's fast, secure and global cyber security solutions provide
   broad, high-performance protection against dynamic security threats while
   simplifying the IT infrastructure. If you're looking for a fast-paced,
   challenging and rewarding environment, then Fortinet is the place for you.
   With office in Shanghai, we are an equal opportunity employer offering
   exciting work, competitive compensation and benefits. Fortinet is looking for
   the best and the brightest to join our highly motivated team.
   Fortinet (NASDAQ: FTNT) protects the most valuable assets of some of the
   largest enterprise, service provider and government organizations across the
   globe. The company's fast, secure and global cyber security solutions provide
   broad, high-performance protection against dynamic security threats while
   simplifying the IT infrastructure. If you're looking for a fast-paced,
   challenging and rewarding environment, then Fortinet is the place for you.
   With office in Shanghai, we are an equal opportunity employer offering
   exciting work, competitive compensation and benefits. Fortinet is looking for
   the best and the brightest to join our highly motivated team.
   Cybersecurity Support Engineer - Shanghai Add Job to My Job Selections

   Beijing, China
   Fortinet (NASDAQ: FTNT) protects the most valuable assets of some of the
   largest enterprise, service provider and government organizations across the
   globe. The company's fast, secure and global cyber security solutions provide
   broad, high-performance protection against dynamic security threats while
   simplifying the IT infrastructure. If you're looking for a fast-paced,
   challenging and rewarding environment, then Fortinet is the place for you.
   With office in Beijing, we are an equal opportunity employer offering
   exciting work, competitive compensation and benefits. Fortinet is looking for
   the best and the brightest to join our highly motivated team.
   Fortinet (NASDAQ: FTNT) protects the most valuable assets of some of the
   largest enterprise, service provider and government organizations across the
   globe. The company's fast, secure and global cyber security solutions provide
   broad, high-performance protection against dynamic security threats while
   simplifying the IT infrastructure. If you're looking for a fast-paced,
   challenging and rewarding environment, then Fortinet is the place for you.
   With office in Beijing, we are an equal opportunity employer offering
   exciting work, competitive compensation and benefits. Fortinet is looking for
   the best and the brightest to join our highly motivated team.
   Cybersecurity Support Engineer - Beijing Add Job to My Job Selections

   Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
   Fortinet is growing and we are expanding our APAC technical support teams in
   Kuala Lumpur Technical Assistance Centre, we are looking for strong technical
   support engineers at all levels. We require candidates with the ability to
   identify and resolve problems in a timely manner; gather and analyze
   information and skilfully develop alternative solutions for customers. All
   positions require strong oral and written communication skills. Oral
   communication skills include the ability to speak clearly and persuasively,
   listen carefully to ensure full understanding of the situation, and respond
   well to questions when dealing with both positive and negative situations.
   All positions also require the ability to write clearly to provide full
   information as well as to understand and interpret written information.
   ***Please note that this is not an IT/system administration position
   Fortinet is growing and we are expanding our APAC technical support teams in
   Kuala Lumpur Technical Assistance Centre, we are looking for strong technical
   support engineers at all levels. We require candidates with the ability to
   identify and resolve problems in a timely manner; gather and analyze
   information and skilfully develop alternative solutions for customers. All
   positions require strong oral and written communication skills. Oral
   communication skills include the ability to speak clearly and persuasively,
   listen carefully to ensure full understanding of the situation, and respond
   well to questions when dealing with both positive and negative situations.
   All positions also require the ability to write clearly to provide full
   information as well as to understand and interpret written information.
   ***Please note that this is not an IT/system administration position
   Cybersecurity Support Engineer (FortiManager/FortiAnalyzer) - Malaysia (5
   openings) Add Job to My Job Selections

   Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
   Role Overview: Fortinet is growing and we are expanding our APAC technical
   support team, we are looking for strong technical support
   engineers/specialists at a senior level. We require candidates with the
   ability to identify and resolve problems in a timely manner; gather and
   analyze information and skillfully develop alternative solutions for
   Role Overview: Fortinet is growing and we are expanding our APAC technical
   support team, we are looking for strong technical support
   engineers/specialists at a senior level. We require candidates with the
   ability to identify and resolve problems in a timely manner; gather and
   analyze information and skillfully develop alternative solutions for
   Cybersecurity Support Engineer (FortiSIEM) - Malaysia Add Job to My Job
   See More Jobs

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