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Dear fellow neighbors and business leaders,

With great enthusasum I have James (Jimmy) Redding officially announced my
running of the city of Norcross council. My slogan for running for office is for

                            “Present and the Future”

What exactly does that mean. That means I plan to run for the existing public
and the future to come. I plan to listen and implement sound logical ideas in to
movement. The days of tabling and waiting on my watch will be over.

I have been in the metro area of Atlanta for 29 years. I have thrived in two
careers while living in Atlanta metro area. I worked in public service for
approximately ten years for Dekalb County Police Department. I had learned a lot
of survival and service skills. The police department taught me to make decisive
quick action that were fair and concise. I had to learn quickly who was a bad
actor and a person with a heart that needed assistance. I learned what it was
like to work with the public and local businesses. I also was taught to be a
team player and work on coming up with solutions and following through. I was
able to work with all walks of lives and diversity. I worked Buford Hwy with a
huge diverse population and work south Dekalb with another very large diverse
population. With all the experience I was able to connect with the public and
grow as a person who sees and understands the wants and desires of all walks of

I took all that I had learned from my experience in as a  public servant in the
Police department and moved it to the private sector. Myself and my wife have
accomplished building four successful local restaurants with visions of the a
team  aspect and service. Our goal is to listen to the customers and to give
them what they deserve.

They deserve a quality meal at a fair price with exceptional service. This is
what we strive for using the team concept and working together. I plan to follow
those same ideals working for you as city council. I plan to implement fair and
concise solutions and acting on them. With the proper team in place the city
will move forward at a pace that is consistent with Brookhaven, Chamblee, and
Dorraville. We will not be left behind while other cities implement railroad
silent crossing technology. Parking  solutions and so many other concerns that
involved what my fellow neighbors desire.

I plan to work with developers who desire to develop whats needed In the city. I
plan to continue to keep downtown Norcross protected and preserve its old school
charm. At the same time I plan to invite developers that can keep the consistent
look and charm of old school downtown and bring us all new exciting places to
eat or shop.

I also plan to work closely with public safety of our city. I believe we have
the only chief of police who walks his city on a consistent basis. (Amazing) I
want to be sure he has all the tools and resources he needs to keep his stuff
happy and desire to work in the city of Norcross. This is very near and dear to
my heart. I not only worked in there shoes I still have family currently working
in Law Enforcement and its a job the takes a special person.

Lastly Im James (Jimmy) Redding and if given the opportunity to serve my fellow
neighbors I aim to please. I feel I’m the best candidate because I’m not that
type of person who is going to tell you what you want to hear but take action on
what you say. It time for new blood Norcross and let’s show them what we can
accomplish as team players

Sincerely your neighbor and business associate,
James (Jimmy)Redding 

B&W Burgers Buns & Brews
Jimmys tequilas & Carnes
Las Costas Nayaritas
Pollo Pelon Rotisserie Chicken


Dear fellow neighbors and business leaders, With great enthusasum I have James
(Jimmy) Redding officially announced my running of the city of Norcross council.
My slogan for running for office is for the; “Present and the Future” What
exactly does that mean. That means I plan to run for the existing public and the
future to come. I plan to listen and implement sound logical ideas in to
movement. The days of tabling and waiting on my watch will be over. I have been
in the metro area of Atlanta for 29 years. I have thrived in two careers while
living in Atlanta metro area. I worked in public service for approximately ten
years for Dekalb County Police Department. I had learned a lot of survival and
service skills. The police department taught me to make decisive quick action
that were fair and concise. I had to learn quickly who was a bad actor and a
person with a heart that needed assistance. I learned what it was like to work
with the public and local businesses. I also was taught to be a team player and
work on coming up with solutions and following through. I was able to work with
all walks of lives and diversity. I worked Buford Hwy with a huge diverse
population and work south Dekalb with another very large diverse population.
With all the experience I was able to connect with the public and grow as a
person who sees and understands the wants and desires of all walks of lives. I
took all that I had learned from my experience in as a  public servant in the
Police department and moved it to the private sector. Myself and my wife have
accomplished building four successful local restaurants with visions of the a
team  aspect and service. Our goal is to listen to the customers and to give
them what they deserve. They deserve a quality meal at a fair price with
exceptional service. This is what we strive for using the team concept and
working together. I plan to follow those same ideals working for you as city
council. I plan to implement fair and concise solutions and acting on them. With
the proper team in place the city will move forward at a pace that is consistent
with Brookhaven, Chamblee, and Dorraville. We will not be left behind while
other cities implement railroad silent crossing technology. Parking  solutions
and so many other concerns that involved what my fellow neighbors desire. I plan
to work with developers who desire to develop whats needed In the city. I plan
to continue to keep downtown Norcross protected and preserve its old school
charm. At the same time I plan to invite developers that can keep the consistent
look and charm of old school downtown and bring us all new exciting places to
eat or shop. I also plan to work closely with public safety of our city. I
believe we have the only chief of police who walks his city on a consistent
basis. (Amazing) I want to be sure he has all the tools and resources he needs
to keep his stuff happy and desire to work in the city of Norcross. This is very
near and dear to my heart. I not only worked in there shoes I still have family
currently working in Law Enforcement and its a job the takes a special person.
Lastly Im James (Jimmy) Redding and if given the opportunity to serve my fellow
neighbors I aim to please. I feel I’m the best candidate because I’m not that
type of person who is going to tell you what you want to hear but take action on
what you say. It time for new blood Norcross and let’s show them what we can
accomplish as team players Sincerely your neighbor and business associate,
James (Jimmy)Redding CEO B&W Burgers Buns & Brews Jimmys tequilas & Carnes Las
Costas Nayaritas Pollo Pelon Rotisserie Chicken

113 S Peachtree St, Norcross, GA

© 2023 James Redding for Norcross City Council