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Rs.750.00 Rs.550.00
Its time for some Summer Deals. Don't miss out on these Amazing Deals!In this
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Premimum Summer Deal

Rs.1,550.00 Rs.1,299.00
Its time for some Summer Deals. Don't miss out on these Amazing Deals!In this
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Standard Summer Deal

Rs.850.00 Rs.650.00
It's time for some Summer Deals. Don't miss out on these Amazing Deals!In this
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Basic Summer Deal

Rs.950.00 Rs.699.00
It's time for some Summer Deals. Don't miss out on these Amazing Deals!In this
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Platinum Summer Deal

Rs.850.00 Rs.599.00
It's time for some Summer Deals. Don't miss out on these Amazing Deals!In this
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Golden Summer Deal

Rs.1,150.00 Rs.799.00
It's time for some Summer Deals. Don't miss out on these Amazing Deals!In this
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Silver Summer Deal 2

Rs.750.00 Rs.550.00
Its time for some Summer Deals. Don't miss out on these Amazing Deals!In this
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Premimum Summer Deal

Rs.1,550.00 Rs.1,299.00
Its time for some Summer Deals. Don't miss out on these Amazing Deals!In this
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Navia Whitening Serum

Rs.0 Rs.120.00
Pro-Radiant skin brightening serum, All skin types for external use only
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Navia BB cream(40gm)

Rs.0 Rs.250.00
Whitens,moisturizes & smooths complexion.
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Navia one step facial Women(20gm)

Rs.0 Rs.30.00
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Navia 24K Gold Creme Bleach(28gm)

Rs.0 Rs.50.00
▪Navia crème Bleach lightens excessive dark hair on face, arms and body makes
you fairer,...
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Navia Whitening Serum

Rs.0 Rs.120.00
Pro-Radiant skin brightening serum, All skin types for external use only
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Navia BB cream(40gm)

Rs.0 Rs.250.00
Whitens,moisturizes & smooths complexion.
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Navia one step facial Women(20gm)

Rs.0 Rs.30.00
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Navia 24K Gold Creme Bleach(28gm)

Rs.0 Rs.50.00
▪Navia crème Bleach lightens excessive dark hair on face, arms and body makes
you fairer,...
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Navia Beauty cream(22gm)

Rs.0 Rs.250.00
Beauty cream, Whitening, remove acne, pimples, dark spots & dark circle
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Navia Shampoo

Rs.0 Rs.220.00
Restore your hair's strength against breakage with progressively nourishing
system for damage hair.Three variants Navia...
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Navia Men Whitening cream(22gm)

Rs.0 Rs.250.00
Beauty cream,Whitening, remove acne,pimples,dark spots & dark circle
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Navia Instant facial Herbal(25gm)

Rs.0 Rs.30.00
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Navia women facewash(100ml)

Rs.0 Rs.180.00
cleanses and removes oil without harming the protection barrier & all day
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Navia one step facial Men(20gm)

Rs.0 Rs.30.00
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Navia men facewash(100ml)

Rs.0 Rs.180.00
Max power, extreme bright & oil control
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Navia soap(100gm)

Rs.0 Rs.80.00
whitens skin color,removes acne,pimples & dark spots.
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Address: Small Industrial Estate
Near gourmet factory glotian more Daska, Sialkot Punjab

Phone: +92 300 0403491


Working Days/Hours: Mon - Sun / 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM


Navia Pax Oxy White


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Address: Small Industrial Estate
Near gourmet factory glotian more Daska, Sialkot Punjab

Phone: +92 300 0403491


Working Days/Hours: Mon - Sun / 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM


Navia Pax Oxy White


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