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Speakers Bureau 2021-2021 topics Search form

Current field-testing methods for fluoride, arsenic, etc. Our research develops
low-cost sensors for trace inorganic contaminants in drinking water, with the
goal of providing real-time feedback on water safety for low-resource
communities and empowering decision making that improves human and environmental
health by informing choice of appropriate drinking water treatment strategies
with the minimum necessary impact. The design of safer, better materials and
systems for drinking water requires that we consider human health and
environmental impacts as performance criteria from the outset.

The impacts of chemistry-based design choices are particularly striking when
considering impacts on drinking water. From upstream chemical use in
waterproofing and product preservation, to chemicals intentionally added in
water treatment, greater intentionality is needed to provide clean, safe
drinking water to communities, and to empower these communities to measure the
safety of their own water and make informed decisions. This approach is beyond
what can be accomplished by a single chemist or engineer, and requires
engagement of researchers and community leaders across a range of disciplines
including public health, green chemistry, toxicology, microbiology, process
design, and civil and environmental engineering.

This talk will highlight the role of green chemistry in a scalable process for
developing greener solutions to important global challenges in drinking water
and beyond. This presentation will explore the relationship between resource
consumption, economic growth and personal happiness. This talk on sustainable
energy production will deal with alternate energy sources—applying new features
of energy conversion, from ambient energy forms, with applications in land-based
structures like bridges and buildings.

This talk addresses the technical challenges of clearing our orbital space and
ocean base of debris deposited as fragments. In Victoria, we are lucky to be
able turn on a tap and know that safe drinking water will come out. Heather
Buckley talks about how we "zoom in" to see what is in our water, and projects
at UVic designing new sensors for hard-to-spot molecules, helping people around
the globe monitor and protect their drinking water.

This lecture will address the field of repeat photography and its use as a
research method for assessing landscape change, and for monitoring in ecological
restoration projects. The presentation will cover: 1 the history of repeat
photography, 2 its different goals, 3 examples of projects which used repeat
photography to assess change i.

Mark Klett's Rephotographic Survey Project, the Mountain Legacy Project , and 4
using repeat photos to monitor plant communities for ecological restoration
projects. This lecture is better suited for an older crowd, however I can
simplify it and make it interactive for a younger audience. The cocoa bean, the
primary ingredient in chocolate, is grown in tropical ecosystems in the Global
South, while chocolate is consumed predominantly in industrialized economies in
the Global North.

Despite growing media attention about these issues, the average chocolate
consumer remains in the dark about the exact social and environmental impacts of
their purchases. The chocolate industry is addressing these issues at this very
moment, and this presentation will explain the challenges and opportunities in
doing so.

This highly illustrated presentation explores community initiatives for food
security in four challenging contexts: Indigenous Canada, Indigenous Colombia,
refugee communities in Jordan, and urban and rural South Africa.

This speaker will discuss the connections between climate change and human
mobilities, including displacement and migration, and explore the ways in which
the issue is being approached at the international and national levels. We all
have intentions to improve ourselves and the world, but we don't always act on
those intentions. Why not? This talk gathers together the many "dragons of
inaction" that hold us back, and suggests some ways to "slay" them. The focus is
on climate change and sustainability actions, but the dragons might also apply
to diet, exercise and other good works.

Climate science has warned for more than three decades that carbon emissions
from fossil fuels cause global warming. Increasingly, we are engulfed by the
effects, which will continue to worsen even if we radically reduce emissions
tomorrow. The large corporations dominating the energy sector are at the centre
of a regime of obstruction, which this lecture maps out.

Do you know how much electricity you use in your personal office, cubicle or
home? Do you know how much energy your desktop computer or laptop uses? Will you
save more electricity by turning off your computer at night or shortening your
daily shower by five minutes? Discover some counter-intuitive facts about saving
energy, money and the environment.

Sustainability jobs cover a range of different disciplines addressing
environmental, economic and social needs. This discussion includes information
about different career paths in the field of sustainability; covering current
emerging careers in energy, agriculture, and finance. Information and advice on
pursuing a post-secondary education; obtaining valuable skills sets for industry
and public service sustainability careers.

What can you do to take climate action? Climate action is needed at every level
from international cooperation to local community projects. This workshop is a
great way to jump start your own climate action project. The specific workshop
content and delivery methods can be adapted to the needs of the audience. How is
Canada contributing to climate change and being impacted by it?

Current and proposed policy in place across Canada addressing climate change
will also be discussed. This presentation looks at how we talk about science and
conservation, and what the barriers are to uptake and engagement among target

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Changes in land use have made human-wildlife interactions more frequent, both in
the wilderness and within our cities—with media representation shaping our
perception of those interactions. As land use intensifies and climate changes,
issues of coexistence with wildlife becomes an interesting issue.

An overview of a number of ecological restoration projects including rain
gardens, invasive species removal and stream enhancements that occur in the
city. But in Canada we have an ecological footprint equivalent to almost five
planets worth of biocapacity—and in the Greater Victoria Region it is between 3
and 4 planets worth.

Since we only have one planet, we face the challenge of reducing our footprint
about per cent, while at the same time ensuring good health and a good quality
of life for all who live here—including other species. This talk also describes
the work of Conversations for a One Planet region, a new NGO I have established
to help us come to grips with this challenge.

Abortion is defined by the Canadian Medical Association as the active
termination of a pregnancy before fetal viability. This presentation considers
the ethics of abortion. It begins with a brief historical look at abortion,
includes the position of major Christian figures on the status of the human
fetus, and deals with the so-called Doctrine of Double Effect.


After over twenty years of administrative, legal, religious and ethical debate,
the Medical Assistance in Dying MAiD Act came into force in , and it is now
legal in Canada for physicians and nurse practitioners to provide an incurably
ill competent patient suffering from an irremediable condition whose death is
reasonably foreseeable in a short period of time with assisted death. This
presentations considers the ethics of MAiD as it concerns health care
professionals and patients. Police officers are social servants with special
rights and duties.

This presentation examines the ethical issues that surround the conduct of
police officers in the exercise of their duties. The presentation is based on
the experience of the presenter as ethics consultant to the Office of the BC
Police Complaint Commissioner. It has sometimes been argued that deliberate
death—euthanasia, assisted suicide and providing assistance in dying—violates
fundamental ethical principles. This presentation examines the historical and
ethical validity of that claim. This description, while accurate, masks the fact
that philosophers who pursue these grand questions frequently, and of necessity,
also perceive themselves to have "skin in the game.

Claims that live bacterial cultures, known as probiotics, are beneficial to
human health date back over years. The health claims associated with these
products have ranged from improved digestive function to bolstered immune
systems, and the scientific validity for these claims will be critically

This presentation will focus mainly on how recent research findings could lead
to the development of more effective probiotics. Uncover the mechanics of
confidence and how to build it with self-talk, visualization and preparation.
Develop peak routines, habits and recovery protocols for flourishing. The
evidence is in — doing regular physical activity has numerous health benefits
including improved immune function and reduced risk of death.

This presentation will discuss the health benefits of physical activity, why
light-intensity physical activity is also important, precautions, and general
guidance to get started. Physical inactivity is among the top four modifiable
risk factors related to non-communicable disease. This talk discusses how
exercise and physical activity is effective across all ages children to seniors
in enhancing health and treating, managing and preventing a large number of
chronic diseases.

This set of presentations considers the impact regular exercise has on certain
aspects of health and life. That might be growth and development of children and
youth, regaining or maintaining health in older years, or exercise as a means of
counteracting disease be that prevention or rehabilitation. An underlying theme
is that exercise, physical activity and movement are very much like a good
medicine that can be taken anytime, anywhere, with a little understanding of its
benefits. This presentation considers the impact regular exercise has on certain
aspects of health and life. That might be growth and development of children and
youth, regaining or maintaining health in older years, exercise as a means of
counteracting disease be that prevention or rehabilitation.

An underlying theme is that exercise, physical activity and movement are very
much like a good medicine that can be taken anytime, anywhere with a little
understanding of its benefits.

Many of us focus on our financial portfolio to prepare to retire but how many of
us consider our leisure portfolio? Retirement brings opportunities to learn new
things, build grow our networks and help our communities.


Learn how to be ready to grow your leisure portfolio! This presentation
addresses the importance of staying active as we grow older dealing with some
important health issues in a light hearted way! The presentation will cover the
many aspects of health that are improved through a commitment to regular
physical activity, including some of the recent research showing the value to
cognitive functioning.

Simple suggestions for staying active and improving strength will be addressed
with time to address specific questions. This presentation on fun, fitness and
fatness asks the question are you eating right and getting enough physical
activity to have health benefits as well as discussing the merits of different
types of physical activity.

The presentation examines some serious health issues in a light hearted way no
pun intended!




Conjoint Professor David Durrheim Online ambiguity Newcastle, KwaZulu-Natal

Conclusions: Research and innovation will be critical to make further progress
toward achieving the GVAP measles and rubella elimination goals. The results of
this survey can be used to inform decision-making for investments in research
activities at the global, regional, and national levels. The experts identified
19 priority research questions in the four strategic areas to address key areas
of work necessary to further progress toward elimination.

Future commitments from partners will be needed to develop a platform for
improved coordination with adequate and predictable resources for research
implementation and innovation to address these identified priorities.
Participants: Blood donors attending Red Cross collection centres during October
¿ June who provided sera and completed a questionnaire on Q fever vaccination
status, diagnosis and knowledge, and exposure history.

Results: donors Crude antibody seroprevalence was 3. Standardised seroprevalence
was higher in non-metropolitan than metropolitan regions NSW, 3.


Independent predictors of antibody seropositivity were regular contact with
sheep, cattle, or goats adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 5. Having lived in a rural
area but having only rare or no contact with sheep, cattle or goats was itself a
significant risk factor v never lived rurally: aOR, 2. Conclusions: Given their
exposure to multiple risk factors, vaccination against Q fever should be
considered for all rural residents.

Ensuring drinking water safety in the parks requires the application of a
considered risk management approach.

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Between March and August , drinking water supplies in 54 national and three
state recreational sites in regional Hunter New England were surveyed to
evaluate whether the recommendations from the initial survey of ¿ were
implemented. The results were compared to the first survey results. All
recreational sites developed and implemented drinking water quality assurance
programs, compared to four during the first survey. Further research is required
to understand the ongoing challenges of drinking water management in
recreational parks.

Methods: Invitations were mailed by the Australian Department of Human Services
to people in the Medicare database aged 55¿60 years; reminders were sent 2 weeks
later. Invitees could respond in hard copy or electronically. Direct recruitment
was supplemented by asking invitees to extend the invitation to friends and
family snowball sampling and by Facebook advertising.

Main outcome: Proportions of invitees completing screening questionnaire and
recruited for participation in the RCT. Socio-economic disadvantage did not
markedly influence response rates. Facebook advertising and snowball sampling
did not increase recruitment. Conclusions: Trial participation rates are low,
and multiple concurrent methods are needed to maximise recruitment.

Social media strategies may not be successful in older age groups. There are
compelling epidemiological, economic There are compelling epidemiological,
economic, and ethical arguments for setting a global measles eradication goal.
The 6 chairpersons of Regional Verification Commissions for Measles and Rubella
elimination advocate that the time for courageously accelerating efforts to
ensure a world where no child dies of measles, is NOW! The system was acceptable
to staff, and the data demonstrated rates of reported symptoms within expected
rates for influenza vaccines from clinical trials.

Rates of medical attendance were similar to previous surveillance. Participant
centred real-time safety surveillance proved useful in this staff influenza
vaccination context, providing reassurance with expected rates and profile of
common adverse events following staff influenza vaccination. The World Health
Organization's Tailoring Immunization Programmes approach was used to develop a
new strategy to increase child vaccination coverage in a disadvantaged community
in New South Wales, Australia, including reminders, outreach and home visiting.

After 18 months, the strategy hasn't been fully implemented. A process
evaluation was conducted to identify barriers and facilitators for research
translation. Participants included child health nurses, Population Health staff,
managers and general practitioners. Twenty-four participants took part in three
focus groups and four interviews. Five themes emerged: i designing and adopting
new ways of working is time-consuming and requires new skills, new ways of
thinking and changes in service delivery ii genuine engagement and interaction
across fields and institutions helps build capacity and strengthen motivation
iii implementation of a new strategy requires clarity who's doing what, when and

There was strong motivation and opportunity for change, but a need to enhance
service capability.


Areas requiring support and resources were identified. Following major
immunisation policy initiatives, the New Sout Following major immunisation
policy initiatives, the New South Wales NSW Public Health Network undertook an
audit to estimate true immunisation coverage of NSW children at one year of age,
and explore reasons associated with under-reporting. Survey data were analysed
using population weights.

Results: Estimated true coverage of fully vaccinated one-year-old children in
NSW is Of the children reported as overdue on AIR, No significant association
was found between under-reporting and socioeconomic status, rurality or reported
local coverage level.

Conclusions: Despite incentives to record childhood vaccinations on AIR,
under-reporting continues to be an important contributor to underestimation of
true coverage in NSW. Implications for public health: More reliable transmission
of encounters to AIR at provider level and removal of duplicates would improve
accuracy of reported coverage.

However C. Stud staff and veterinarians have significant exposure to parturient
animals and reproductive materials in their routine work. To investigate the
zoonotic potential associated with the emergence of C. This programme comprised
cross-notification of equine cases to public health agencies, and active
follow-up of known human contacts, including stud workers, foaling staff,
veterinarians and laboratory staff. We identified no confirmed cases of acute
psittacosis despite intensive surveillance and testing of heavily exposed
contacts; however, further work in the area is needed.

In late September , the Americas became the first region in the world to have
eliminated endemic transmission of measles In late September , the Americas
became the first region in the world to have eliminated endemic transmission of
measles virus. Several other countries have also verified measles elimination,
and countries in all six World Health Organization regions have adopted measles
elimination goals. The public health strategies used to respond to measles
outbreaks in elimination settings are thus becoming relevant to more countries.

This review highlights the strategies used to limit measles spread in
elimination settings: 1 assembly of an outbreak control committee; 2 isolation
of measles cases while infectious; 3 exclusion and quarantining of individuals
without evidence of immunity; 4 vaccination of susceptible individuals; 5 use of
immunoglobulin to prevent measles in exposed susceptible high-risk persons; 6
and maintaining laboratory proficiency for confirmation of measles.


Nonrespondents received duplicate questionnaires 8 weeks later. More by Tinder
See. There is value in proactive public health surveillance and dating app
Newcastle Suid-Afrika. Scopus - 10 Web of Science - Independent predictors of
antibody seropositivity were regular contact with sheep, cattle, or goats
adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 5. Most of the common questions our users ask are
dating app Newcastle Suid-Afrika. Newcastle has all of the countries religious
organizations represented. There was agreement that programs to deliver existing
influenza, pneumococcal, herpes zoster vaccines, and future COVID vaccines to
over a billion older adults who are at substantially higher risk of death and
disability due to vaccine-preventable diseases are more urgent than ever. There
is a strong connection between people and water, as well as a need to appreciate
the social factors associated with the unique cultural and socioeconomic factors
that the provision of drinking water has for Aboriginal communities. I had just
gotten out of a relationship, and Annie had just started dating women, so we
were both nervous and treading lightly for a little bit!

Deciding on the extent of containment efforts should be based on the expected
benefit of reactive interventions, balanced against the logistical challenges in
implementing them. The importance of active, participant-cen The importance of
active, participant-centred monitoring of adverse events following immunisation
AEFI is increasingly recognised as a valuable adjunct to traditional passive
AEFI surveillance.

Only studies which sought participant response after vaccination were included.
A total of articles published since the year were identified. After the
application of screening inclusion and exclusion criteria, 25 articles
describing 23 post-marketing AEFI systems were identified. All studies
considered either a single vaccine or specified vaccines or were time limited
except one Australian system, which provides continuous automated participant-
centred active surveillance of all vaccines.

Post-marketing surveillance systems using solicited patient feedback are
emerging as a novel AEFI monitoring tool. A number of exploratory systems
utilising e-technology have been developed and their potential for scaling up
and application in low and middle income countries deserves further
investigation. Problem The emergence of Zika virus has challenged outbreak
surveillance systems in many at-risk, low-resource countries. As the virus has
been linked with Guillain-Barré syndrome, routine data on the incidence of acute
flaccid paralysis AFP may provide a useful early warning system for the
emergence of Zika virus.

Approach We documented all Zika virus outbreaks and cases in 21 Pacific Islands
and territories for the years to We extracted data from the Global Polio
Eradication Initiative database on the reported and expected annual incidence of
AFP in children younger than 15 years. Using a Poisson probability test, we
tested the significance of unexpected increases in AFP in years correlating with
Zika virus emergence.

Data were analysed separately for each Pacific Island country and territory.
Local setting In most Pacific Island countries, early warning surveillance for
acute public health threats such as Zika virus is hampered by poor health
infrastructure, insufficient human resources and geographical isolation.
Relevant changes Only one example was found Solomon Islands in of a significant
increase in reported AFP cases correlating with Zika virus emergence.

Lessons learnt We found no conclusive evidence that routinely reported AFP
incidence data in children were useful for detecting emergence of Zika virus in
this setting. More evidence may be needed from adult populations, who are more
likely to be affected by Guillain-Barré syndrome. Reporting of AFP may be
deficient in regions certified as polio-free. This study explored the Walhallow
Aboriginal community's experiences with drinking water to gain a shared
understanding about community concerns and to develop ways to address these
concerns together. There is a strong connection between people and water, as
well as a need to appreciate the social factors associated with the unique
cultural and socioeconomic factors that the provision of drinking water has for
Aboriginal communities.

We used a mixed method design within a community-based participatory action
Research PAR framework. Water hardness and parental influence were the key
factors associated with participants' decisions to drink rainwater. This study
provides important insights for water supply authorities when assessing health
risks and when choosing appropriate mitigation measures for water quality
improvement programs in Aboriginal communities.

Flutracking is a national online community influenza-like illness ILI
surveillance system that monitors weekly ILI activity and impact in the
Australian community. This article This article reports on the findings from
Flutracking. From to there was a A similar percentage of Flutracking
participants took two or more days off from work or normal duties in peak level
2. Flutracking fever and cough peaked in the same week as Influenza
Complications Alert Network surveillance system influenza hospital admissions.
The percentage of Flutracking participants aged 5 to 19 years with cough and
fever in was the highest since The season was marked by a transition to
predominantly influenza B strain circulation, which particularly affected
younger age groups.

However, for those aged 20 years and over, the national Flutracking influenza
season was similar to in community ILI levels and impact. We aimed to: We aimed
to: 1 assess the vaccine completion rates achieved when general practice is used
for completing doses missed at school; 2 estimate the extent of
under-notification by general practices of vaccine doses administered; and 3
assess the reasons reported by parents of students for non-completion of HPV

Methods: A postal survey was conducted of parents and carers of students and
identified, using school-program records, as incompletely vaccinated in a large
regional area of northern NSW vaccinated during Information about additional HPV
vaccine doses received or reasons for non-completion were sought. Results: Of
parents or carers contacted, These could be addressed by extending provision of
catch-up HPV doses in school and by developing practice software solutions for
automatic notification of doses from GPs.

Reasons given by parents for non-completion, mostly logistical barriers,
indicate a high degree of acceptance of HPV vaccination. This evaluation aims to
assess whether the PSSS is meeting its objectives, what progress has been made
since a formative evaluation of the system was conducted in , and provides
recommendations to enhance the PSSS's performance in the future.

Methods: Twenty-one informant interviews were conducted with national operators
of the system and regional public health agencies that use information generated
by it. Historic PSSS data were analysed to assess timeliness and completeness of
reporting. Results: The system is simple, acceptable and useful for public
health decision-makers. The PSSS has greatly enhanced Pacific island countries'
ability to undertake early warning surveillance and has contributed to efforts
to meet national surveillance-related International Health Regulation capacity
development obligations.

Despite this, issues with timeliness and completeness of reporting, data quality
and system stability persist. Conclusion: A balance between maintaining the
system's simplicity and technical advances will need to be found to ensure its
long-term sustainability, given the low-resource context for which it is
designed. This article outlines Australia's approach to addressing the
guideline's five lines of evidence, which led to formal verification of
elimination by the WHO Regional Verification Commission RVC in March Results
Australia met or exceeded all indicator targets with either national or sentinel

There is ongoing commitment by the Australian Government to increase
immunization coverage, and the absence of sustained transmission of any single
measles genotype was demonstrated. The indicators afford some flexibility but
appear to provide appropriate rigor to judge achievement of measles elimination.

Our experience could assist other countries seeking to verify their elimination
status. Encephalitis is a complex neurological syndrome caused by inflammation
of the brain parenchyma. The management of encephalitis is The management of
encephalitis is challenging because: the differential diagnosis of
encephalopathy is broad; there is often rapid disease progression; it often
requires intensive supportive management; and there are many aetiologic agents
for which there is no definitive treatment.

Patients with possible meningoencephalitis are often encountered in the
emergency care environment where clinicians must consider differential
diagnoses, perform appropriate investigations and initiate empiric
antimicrobials. For patients who require admission to hospital and in whom
encephalitis is likely, a staged approach to investigation and management is
preferred with the potential involvement of multiple medical specialties.

Key considerations in the investigation and management of patients with
encephalitis addressed in this guideline include: Which first-line
investigations should be performed? Water supplies in 57 recreational parks were
surveyed to assess implementation of the Guidelines.

A random sample of five parks excluding reticulated town water supply or
rainwater was selected for microbiological sampling over a month period.
Additional nine samples were collected from carted water supplies. Forty-four of
the 57 water supplies were untreated.




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I would say that no matter what your background, if you get access to tertiary
education, there is an opportunity for you within South Africa. Organisations
like the Citrus Academy are there to assist youngsters, and I would encourage
them to enquire and apply.

Her natural habitat, according to her, is in her laboratory amongst a collection
of hand-labelled jars and bottles used by her and her colleagues. Yes, when you
look around you, you see me in my natural habitat. I am truly a lab rat. She
applied to do a BSc degree at University of Fort Hare in Alice, where she was
accepted, and began her studies in It was a tough decision, as the university
was an hour and a half s drive from home and I was not used to living away from
home, she said.

Phumeza coped with the course and took Microbiology and Entomology as her major
subjects. After graduating she wanted to do an Honours degree in Agricultural
Entomology. But, as the course was not offered at Fort Hare, she opted to study
Environmental Microbiology. I spoke to the Professor of Microbiology at Rhodes
and heard that there was a citrus industry project underway researching
bio-controls for citrus pathogens.

I was interested, and so applied for a Citrus Academy bursary, which I received,
and I started my Master s degree at Rhodes in , she said. I took a chance and
the Citrus Academy supported and encouraged me.

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Candice Burgin from the Academy could not finish telling me that I had been
granted the bursary when she called, as I was so excited. Moving to Rhodes from
Fort Hare was a big and interesting change in her learning environment. She
completed her Master s degree at Rhodes in March and started with her Doctorate
in May Right now I just want to complete my Doctorate in , and I hope to follow
this up with research for a while, she said. Phumeza s parents paid for her
first year of studies, and thereafter she used NSFAS for her second and third
years. My parents are very proud of me.

My mom bought and sold goods and my father works for Spoornet. I am one of five
siblings. My sister is doing a marketing course at Tech and our other sister has
a HR and nursing diploma. At school we had very limited resources. We did not
have a school library or computers and we even shared text books between five
pupils. When we were in Matric the advice we received did not inspire us to go
any further.

We were told to just get our Matric so that we could apply for a job, perhaps
just across the road at the supermarket. I did not really receive career advice
at school. I did well in science and as a result was selected to meet Mark
Shuttleworth when he visited our township during my Grade 10 year. This was
quite an inspiration for me.

Of my matric class of 29 pupils, 11 passed and 5 went to university. Taking this
into consideration I still find it difficult to believe that I am here
completing my PhD. The Citrus Academy has made it possible for me to focus on my
studies without having to worry about funding.

Without this I probably would not be where I am now. I am learning the skills
for my future. I want to finish my studies before thinking about a family, she
said. And it is a nasty experience that Western Cape farmworkers have to face,
thanks to two species of invasive stingers that have upped their risk of being
stung on the job. The paper wasp Polistes dominula arrived in the country in It
has invaded primarily urban areas and has slowly spread from the Cape metro to
peri-urban areas such as Durbanville and Stellenbosch.

The German wasp Vespula germanica also known as yellowjackets, has established
populations in Wellington, Franschoek, and Grabouw. Dr Ruan Veldtman, who leads
the South African National Biodiversity Institute s invasive wasp project, said
these wasps can be a great nuisance on farms, especially during harvest time: It
s not good for worker morale when you get stung by things while doing your job.

I have been stung twice by the paper wasp and it burns for a good 15 minutes and
then swells for up to three days during which time the stinged area is hot and
uncomfortable. While the stings are painful, there is also a risk that workers
might have an allergic reaction to the sting. Veldtman has had to deal with many
cases where farmworkers were getting stung during harvest time. Three years ago
he received a call from a farming operation where contract workers were getting
stung in the face.

In a massive underground German wasp colony was discovered at a farm in Somerset
West near Cape Town. Eleven black bags full of nest were removed, which is more
than two fridges, according to Veldtman.

The wasps were generally limited to areas near rivers, but agricultural areas
increased their capacity to spread by offering more resources than natural
habitat. These include food, such as discarded fruit, and water via irrigation.
It was restricted to the Cape Peninsula for about 25 years, but in the wasps
jumped over the Cape Flats to the Boland where the species is slowly spreading.

While both species presented a health risk, Veldtman said the two should not be
confused with one another: The German wasp love orchards, because of the cool
microclimates provided, while the paper wasp would prefer the warmer
temperatures provided by vineyards.


Veldtman cautioned that unhygienic behaviour, such as when farmers dispose of
their waste in a single pile, increased risks, as wasps see it as a resource and
home in on it. On the brighter side, smallholder farmers with a few orchard
trees could benefit from pest control by the wasp such as clearing off army worm
and eating vine hawk moth. However, large-scale farmers were unlikely to derive
any benefits. While the recent drought has taken a toll on agricultural
productivity, it has left Veldtman and his team of wasp eradicators optimistic
in the battle against the European invader wasps, which does not cope well with
dry conditions.


This year s drought has really hammered them and we think that there is quite a
good chance that we will drive the German wasp to extinction in the next two
years, he said. You re responsible for your farm, your workers, your assets,
your home and your family. At Santam we understand just how much a farmer does.

That s why we take an in-depth, scientific approach to protecting your crops and
assets on and off the farm. Because we believe you deserve one-of-a-kind
insurance. Thando and his mentor, Annalene Sadie, talked about this experience.
The Fresh Produce Exporters Forum Internship programme is aimed at facilitating
entry and participation of black South Africans into core commercial roles
within fruit export companies in South Africa. Since Thando has a National
Diploma in Logistics, his placement at Capespan was within the logistics
department. As the chief mentor, Annalene Sadie is responsible for planning and
supervising the internship programme and guiding Thando through the process.

Judging by the enthusiasm that both Thando and Annalene have for the internship
process, it seems to be working well. The internship initiative was something
new and a big responsibility and I started to plan the internship programme
immediately. Thando s internship with Capespan is for a year in which he will
become familiarised with the fruit industry logistical chain. The internship
would possibly lead to a permanent position, if both parties are amenable to
this. At home I was taught to seize opportunity with both hands and with the
internship I have followed this advice, he says.

Thando is from Grahamstown and matriculated at Gqebera High School in Port
Elizabeth in He was head boy and student leader in his matric year. While I was
in Matric, our school attended a careers expo and I heard about Logistics as a
career path. I needed to choose something suited to my character and as I had
always wanted to be an active, on-the-move businessman, Logistics appealed to

She encouraged him about the prospect of a career in logistics and showed him
around at Volkswagen. From then on I was sold on a career in Logistics, Thando
says. During our discussions, she told me about the Fresh Produce Exporters
Forum Internship and what this opportunity could mean to me. I was immediately
interested and she helped me to apply for the internship programme. The first
interview with Capespan was in December and the final interview was in February
this year.

Thando started with Capespan in March I was welcomed at Capespan with open arms.
In fact, when I arrived at the office before office hours on the first day, I
was surprised that the cleaning staff greeted me by name and offered me coffee.
When I later asked my supervisor how the cleaners knew who I was, she said that
everyone had been told that I would be starting with the company and they wanted
to make me feel welcome, he says.

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I am learning something new every day. My colleagues ensure that I understand
the tasks they set for me and then have the confidence to delegate this to me. I
am proud to say that I am currently doing vessel planning. I complete the
loading plan and then my colleagues check that this has been done successfully.
I have visited orchards and fruit intake depots and have also been to the port
to see the vessels, he says.


The data is sent to Capespan from various fruit intake depots or farms and an
important part of the administrative process is verifying this information and
aligning it with Annalene Sadie left and Thando Landu share their experiences of
being part of the FPEF Internship programme. This is fundamental to the company
s operations and finances as this information is linked to payment schedules.
Currently Thando is spending time in the operations department and his next move
will be to the Claims department, also residing under Operations.




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He gained the MA with distinction in In mid he successfully landed a lectureship
and charge of a new department at the University College of Fort Hare. He was to
repeat that pioneering work when he later took charge of the establishment of a
new sub department, under even more difficult working conditions, on the Durban
campus of NUC in In he became a senior lecturer in the Geography Department at

Joe Getz passed away on 4 November He matriculated in and went on to study
Medicine at the University of the Witwatersrand, obtaining his degree in Whilst
working at the Johannesburg General Hospital, he became one of the first doctors
in the country to treat infections with the then new antibiotic, penicillin.
After his internship and hospital medical officer positions, he went into
private practice in Jeppe Street, Johannesburg, when it was the "Harley Street"
of South Africa, establishing a very successful solo practice, and later,
partnership practice.

He is remembered as a compassionate doctor, well-read, possessing excellent
diagnostic skills. He held senior posts at Coronation and Baragwaneth, both of
which were teaching hospitals affiliated to the University of the Witwatersrand
Medical School. In recognition of his service to the university he was appointed
an Associate Professor of Surgery in David sat on school management committees
as well as being elected president of the Governing Body of the
Parkview-Greenside Synagogue in Johannesburg.

In the very earliest days of his practice, he hired a driver to drive him from
Bethal to his patientsin outlying areas so that he could study in the car for
the duration of the journey. He remained evercommittedto his twin passions: to
learn and to teach. Riaz is also a medical doctor. The thesis he was referring
to was his second doctorate, a D. Dr Karim had previously obtained, at the age
of 70, a PhD from the University of Cape Town fora thesis on the mystical nature
of a very early Cape Muslim ritual called the Ratib, which hepostulated helped
to preserve Islam in South Africa, when the practice of Islam as a religion
waspunishable by death.

The thesis deduces that the zikr chanted by the participants producesendorphins
that transform their consciousness, thus protecting them from the physical
injury theyappear to be trying to inflict on themselves during the performance.
In his lifetime, Dr. Karim attended numerous conferences all over the world:
from aninternational conference on education in Mecca, to conferences on various
aspectsof psychology, public health, neuro-biology and medicine, including the
medicine of the Propheton whom be peace - known as "Tib-un Nabawi".

He played a significant role in renewing anawareness of Prophetic medicine both
in South Africa, at the conferences of the Islamic MedicalAssociation of South
Africa, and abroad. Karim was the first black radio ham in the country ZS6VQ. He
had a passion forelectronics and in his student days studying for his Science
and Medical degrees built his owntape recorder. He also made a unique feature
film on Hajj in with the permission of theSaudi authorities, at a time when such
movie-making was not only unheard of but thevery taking of photographs in Mecca
was forbidden.

He had a love of photography anddeveloped his own photographs — this before the
time of digital or instant photography.


He wasproficient in Arabic, Urdu, English and Afrikaans. He served as the
chairperson of the Bethal Muslim Jamaat for over thirty years,
helpingdisadvantaged students by teaching them how to type and use computers,
and then finding themjobs. Karim was instrumental in having a community clinic
built in Mzinoni Township, inBethal, near his home.

He had great compassion not only for the young but also for the old; not only
for men but alsofor women, who, he knew, are often marginalised and
discriminated against, both in their localcommunities and within society at
large. This was a continuation inthe struggle for justice that in his early
adulthood had resulted in his being imprisoned for ninetydays in solitary
confinement. But it was his medical knowledge and his passion for learning that
were most extraordinary. Karim not only had an incredible ability to diagnose
illnesses, but because of his deepunderstanding of medicine and the human body
and human soul he was able to offer hismostly-poor patients very cheap, yet
possibly more effective medication, than that whichmight have been prescribed by

As for his desire for knowledge, there is no wayto describe his passion
adequately. He read relentlessly in his large library, adding more andmore books
to his collection over the years — books lie sprawling on shelves, work-tops,
tablesand on the floor.

And it was easy to see if the books had been read for he made prolific notes
inthem as he went along. Karim stumbled over his first and only real illness.
Knowing his radiant mind, it was not easyto recognize that his body was human
after all. Perhaps he had given too much to his work andso much of his life to
others that when he needed some reserve of energy to fight a new battle
theenergy was no longer there. He was a teacher, a mentor, a friend, a doctor,
and a scholar - ahuman being.


It is with deep sadness that we inform you of the passing of Walter Mony in the
early hours of 1 January after many months battling debilitating and painful
cancer. She had remarkable success in the treatment of nocturnal enuresis nigh
bed-wettingan area in which she specialised. Manlike dateer in Nkowakowa
Suid-Afrika, 9. Veldbrande in die omgewing het van die jaers benoude oomblikke
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deur digte rook en selfs vlamme moes jaag. Baie geluk aan Theunis Fourie wat
Saterdag sy geboortedag herdenk. Hilary was born on 5 August and died on 15
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entertainment area with build-in braai and sparkling pool. Skakel die Laerskool
vir meer besonderhede: She was the first Loewenstein Professor of Community
Paediatrics at Wits and held this chair from its inception in to when she
retired from academic practice.

But most of all, perhaps unknown even to himself, he was a unique
Islamicmissionary. He played rugby for Transvaal and Scotland, playing play nine
internationals for Scotland as a lock or wing forward in and He was a founder
member of the South African Barbarians and was in charge of the team when it
toured Britain in He was a successful businessman, who started up his own
engineering firm in Johannesburg on his return from Britain in the late s.

Henderson sat on the board of many South African companies, while also
continuing his rugby career as a coach, serving Transvaal as a coach and then a
selector. As well as his business and rugby interests, Henderson made a name for
himself as a television and radio commentator. He died in Johannesburg aged
Jonathan Paton born in Pietermaritzburg on 6 July , he died in Johannesburg on
26 June , just days short of his 70th birthday. He taught briefly in Natal
before joining the Wits English department where he was in charge of the
training of English teachers for 35 years.

He was also involved in numerous productions both at Wits and other theatres. He
completed two books and received an English Academy Award for innovative
education activities and for his vital role in the promotion of South African
literature. Julian Phillips was an LLB graduate of in the class with Nelson
Mandela and was an early emigrant for political reasons, leaving South Africa in
When he returned to South Africa he challenged the status quo that privileged
him and used his legally conventional approach to get justice in the courts.

He was effective because of his credibility as a fine professional. He was
briefed by the firm of Mandela and Tambo, and when after his release Mandela
went to Australia, Phillips was the one person he insisted on visiting. The
Sharpeville massacre in convinced Phillips and his wife, Norma to leave the
country. His knowledge and commitment to justice saw him appointed as chairman
of the Victorian Committee on Discrimination in Employment, and became the
chairman of the Victorian Government s Equal Opportunity Council.

Phillips died of renal failure in a hospice in Kew. Hilary was born on 5 August
and died on 15 November after a long illness. She leaves a son, Bruce, and a
daughter, Colleen, and three grandchildren. He also worked for the South African
National Tuberculosis Association until a few years before his death.

Alexander Gonski was born in Lodz, Poland. He immigrated to South Africa in with
his parents, two brothers and sisters. After completing his schooling at King
Edward High School he won a science scholarship to the University of
Witwatersrand, and having completed his science degree, was finally able to
study medicine, tutoring anatomy to pay for his fees.

In , in his final year of medicine, he was elected president of the university
student council. A year later Gonski joined the South African Army as a medical
officer. After three years he returned to South Africa and worked as surgical
registrar at Johannesburg General Hospital. In he was made a fellow of the Royal
College of Surgery, Edinburgh. There he trained under Professor Norman Dott and
after four years at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh Gonski was awarded a
six-month scholarship to visit neglected neurosurgical centers in the US.

On returning to South Africa in he began the neurosurgical unit at Groote Schuur
Hospital, Cape Town, and for 10 years was its head. In that time he was involved
in medical education, which became a great interest.

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He trained a number of surgeons, including Christi n Barnard, who would later
perform the first human heart transplant. Gonski performed the first
neurosurgical operation at Prince Henry and continued to provide medical and
surgical services almost until his death, 45 years after he performed that first


Abednego Thekwo Magooa passed away on the 15th July five days before his 86th
birthday. He had a 33 year battle with cancer having been diagnosed in Abednego
Thekwo Magooa qualified as a doctor in For most of his career he was in private
practice, however he ran a clinic family planning clinic for the YWCA and later
for the municipality. He worked at the Orange Psychiatric Hospital and in he
became a member of the Psychiatric Hospital Board until when he became ill. John
Jerman was born in Durban and educated at Hilton College.


A house prefect and head of house, he distinguished himself there, amongst other
things, in cross-country competitions breaking the course record in and on the
rugby field playing scrum half for the unbeaten first XV and being invited to
Natal Schools trials. He graduated in after three years with the "Donga
Doctors", which sharpened his awareness and concern for the preservation of the

His crusade for the conservation of fragile land and water resources took him to
the then southern Rhodesia, where he gained much from their worthy programmes,
then to Swaziland. There he worked for Her Majesty's Overseas Civil Service,
educating farmers on good agricultural practice. His extension efforts were
recognised with the award of the MBE. During these times he married Anne Killen
and became father to three children Peter, Carolyn and Nicholas.

On retiring in , John got involved with the early days of the Pennington
Environmental Group, holding office and the chairmanship for several years. He
took on the challenge of preserving the coastal strip, including lobbying for
the enforcement of environment protection legislation and responsible
development. In his campaigns he was an avid writer of letters to editors,
politicians and officials while launching programmes at local schools promoting
environmental awareness.

John s legacy continues with Anne growing and supplying indigenous trees for
worthwhile causes, daughter Carolyn keeping and eagle eye on developmental
intrusions into nature, on behalf of WESSA and grandchildren Miquela and James
budding into enthusiastic naturalists. Awards for artwork at junior schools in
the locality for the cause of preservation of the land, flora and fauna are now
made in memory of John Jerman.

After graduating Anthony worked in anaesthetics for over eight years prior to
joining the Wits School of Public Health. He started his registrarship training
in and was the first successful graduate after a five year hiatus in the
training of specialists in public health medicine. He taught both undergraduate
and postgraduate students in the School of Public Health in subjects such as
research methodology, biostatistics, epidemiology and infectious diseases. He
was devoted to education and research in the field of mineral processing
engineering and had been exceptional as both an administrator and a teacher as
Head of the Department of Metallurgy at Wits, President of the South African
Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Director of the USBM Generic Mineral
Technology Center for Comminution and most recently as Chairman of the
Department of Metallurgical Engineering at the University of Utah from which
position he retired in As a teacher he received accolades from his students for
excellent teaching.

Prior to retirement he extended his teaching approach beyond the traditional
classroom and demonstrated his leadership in the field of mineral processing
education by being the first to develop and give a mineral processing course to
an international student body over the internet. In addition, Peter initiated
and developed virtual laboratory software for undergraduate education in mineral
processing. He developed and perfected precise measurement techniques involving
image analysis and advanced models to interpret the resulting data.

This work was recognized by honoring him with the A. Gaudin Award, the Society
of Mining Engineering's most prestigious research award in the field of mineral
processing. His legacy includes papers and 2 textbooks. Hymie Barney Klugman
passed away in Johannesburg on 11 August after struggling with ill health for
many years He was born in Lithuania in and came to South Africa at the age of 5.

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