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 1. Roamer SMART App Guide
    Edited 9 days ago
    With the launch of our latest and greatest SMART4 batteries …
 2. Setting up a Renogy DC-DC Charger 20/40/60A for use with a Roamer LiFePO4
    lithium battery
    Edited 28 days ago
    Once the charger is wired up, the settings for charging …
 3. Setting up a Renogy DCC30/50S MPPT and DC-DC Combo for a Roamer LiFePO4
    lithium battery
    Edited 2 months ago
    The Renogy DCC30/50S is a combined Solar (MPPT) and …
 4. Setting up a Renogy RBM500 Battery Monitor for a Roamer LiFePO4 lithium
    Edited 2 months ago
    We'll run through how to setup a Renogy Shunt …

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Roamer SMART App Guide
Edited 9 days ago
With the launch of our latest and greatest SMART4 batteries, we've added and
improved so much that we needed a new app! Here's a quick guide to walk y...
Installing your Roamer battery
Edited 21 days ago
Your Roamer battery should be installed according to a few guidelines, read
below for in depth details and explanations. Your Roamer battery should al...
What voltages should I charge my Roamer SMART4 battery at?
Edited last month
Charging your Roamer battery to the correct voltages ensures it will last a long
time and not stress the battery unnecessarily. Charge Stage 12V Batte...
Storing your Roamer Battery
Edited 2 months ago
Your Roamer battery should be charged according to a few guidelines, read below
for in depth details and explanations. If you need to store your Roame...
Charging your Roamer Battery
Edited 2 months ago
Your Roamer battery should be charged according to a few guidelines, read below
for in depth details and explanations. You need to charge your Roamer ...
What voltages should I charge my Roamer SMART3 battery at?
Edited 2 months ago
Charging your Roamer battery to the correct voltages ensures it will last a long
time and not stress the battery unnecessarily. Charge Stage 12V Batte...
Set-up guides
Victron Energy

5 articles


3 articles


Lippert / Schaudt


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Sterling Power

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Storing you vehicle for winter

Preparing your vehicle for use during winter

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Safety Information

Installation help
Pre-charging an inverter

Running Roamer LiFePO4 lithium batteries in series or parallel

Fuse Types
Edited 27 days ago
We get asked a lot which fuses are best, and which ratings to use; so we've made
this handy guide. This type of fuse is the gold standard for use with...
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