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                  <h1>Quality <strong>Controlled</strong></h1>
                  <h2>Deliver a quality product</h2>
                  <p>We define quality control as a process by which entities combine inherent expertise and understanding of the entire operation coupled with advanced technology to maintain the quality of the end product. Our motto is to combine
                    reliable technology with well managed processes, derived from a team of highly motivated and competent personnel with the requisite knowledge, skill, and experience.</p>
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                  <h1>Homogenously <strong>Blended</strong></h1>
                  <h2>Desired Coal Product</h2>
                  <p>We envisage to deliver homogeneously blended coal, representative of what a Supplier may have offered to provide to an end user, with a greater control on the end quality. With three separate storage bins, capable of
                    accommodating more than 50,000 MT, we are able to offer a number of blending options to achieve the desired end product. Added to this our high load rate (above 30,000 MT per day) and integrated deterrents built in to our loading
                    system is also our strongest suite, for our clients.</p>
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                  <h1>Modern <strong>Assets</strong></h1>
                  <h2>Well-Integrated and Efficient</h2>
                  <p>Collaboration of heavy equipment and well-integrated support machinery, suitably modified for the operating environment, uniformly and systematically designed and laid out for ease of operation, along with appropriate Safety and
                    Operating protocols and procedures is how we position ourselves with our modern assets. Our Floating loaders and Storage platform are equipped with a variety of additional equipment, to meet and go beyond our client needs and
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                  <h1>Technologically <strong>improved</strong></h1>
                  <h2>Developing the best technology</h2>
                  <p>We offer relatively young, well designed and appointed equipment, with the most robust and reliable technology and our goal is to grow to be a leader for technological advances in area of logistics for offshore transshipment.
                    Some of our add on features are Belt scales, Auto/mechanical sampler, metal detector and metal separator in order to deliver a clean product.</p>
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                  <h1>Quality <strong>Controlled</strong></h1>
                  <h2>Deliver a quality product</h2>
                  <p>We define quality control as a process by which entities combine inherent expertise and understanding of the entire operation coupled with advanced technology to maintain the quality of the end product. Our motto is to combine
                    reliable technology with well managed processes, derived from a team of highly motivated and competent personnel with the requisite knowledge, skill, and experience.</p>
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                  <h1>Homogenously <strong>Blended</strong></h1>
                  <h2>Desired Coal Product</h2>
                  <p>We envisage to deliver homogeneously blended coal, representative of what a Supplier may have offered to provide to an end user, with a greater control on the end quality. With three separate storage bins, capable of
                    accommodating more than 50,000 MT, we are able to offer a number of blending options to achieve the desired end product. Added to this our high load rate (above 30,000 MT per day) and integrated deterrents built in to our loading
                    system is also our strongest suite, for our clients.</p>
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<h3>Floating Storage Terminal &amp; Transhipper</h3>
                    <p>Designed with three separate storage bins capable of storing more than 50,000 MT and technologically advanced double line conveyor system, capable of loading using 2 spouts simultaneously at a very high speed. We are able to
                      perform homogenous blending without compromising our high loading rate.</p>
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<h3>Off shore Floating Facilities (Transhippers)</h3>
                    <p>PNTS has 3 floating Transhippers that uses long arm travelling, high bucket capacity Excavators coupled to a conveyor belt system, which is then able to unload bulk material from the barge to mother vessel with a sustained high
                      loading rate.</p>
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                    <h3>Tug and Barge</h3>
                    <p>PNTS offers barging services for Domestic, Longhaul as well as Transshipment destinations. 20 sets of 270 feet and 300 feet barge coupled to suitable Tugs of the appropriate power are available to the discerning Customer to
                      meet his requirements. PNTS also operates about 20 to 30 sets on a Voyage as well as Time Charter basis to meet its customers requirements.</p>
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                    <p>We also provide grabs with 20 t crane lifting capacity with 4-8 m3 grab volume as a solution for the loading of geared Ocean going vessels.</p>
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                  <h3><a href="http://www.pntsindonesia.com/News/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/1/Coaltrans-Asia">Coaltrans Asia</a></h3>
                  <p><span style="background: #f7fcff;">
                  <p style="text-align: justify;">Coaltrans, is a reputable conference in coal industry, which offers a dynamic platform for stakeholders, market leaders, and even industry experts to exclusively meet and discuss most pressing issues
                    in this specific sector. Coal is playing an increasingly pivotal role since it is predicted will surpass oil as fuel source in the near future. Therefore, to cater the demand for top level networking in this emerging coal
                    industry, a highly focused discussion is considered indispensable.</p>
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                  <h3><a href="http://www.pntsindonesia.com/News/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/4/Bali-Golf-2014">Bali Golf 2014</a></h3>
                  <p><span style="background: #f7fcff;">
                  <p style="text-align: justify;">In today’s fast paced world of business, cultivating stronger relationship and acquiring new potential markets are instrumental to the success of the company. Given golf’s continued growth, it
                    eventually becomes a vehicle to serve and prospect valuable customers. Hold on this notion, PNTS (PT. Pelayaran Nasional Tanjungriau Servis) &amp; SNB (PT. Sakti Nusantara Bakti) initiated a Golf Event which had been held on
                    1<sup>st</sup> of June 2014 in Bali, Indonesia.</p>
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PT. Pelayaran Nasional Tanjungriau Servis


 * Home
 * About PNTS
 * Our Services
   * Floating terminal (WHS Iskandar 1)
   * Floating Crane
     * Ocean Flow 1
     * Ocean Flow 3
     * Padmasari
   * Tug and barge (prime series)
   * Grab
 * Contact Us

Home About PNTS Our Services Contact Us



We define quality control as a process by which entities combine inherent
expertise and understanding of the entire operation coupled with advanced
technology to maintain the quality of the end product. Our motto is to combine
reliable technology with well managed processes, derived from a team of highly
motivated and competent personnel with the requisite knowledge, skill, and

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We envisage to deliver homogeneously blended coal, representative of what a
Supplier may have offered to provide to an end user, with a greater control on
the end quality. With three separate storage bins, capable of accommodating more
than 50,000 MT, we are able to offer a number of blending options to achieve the
desired end product. Added to this our high load rate (above 30,000 MT per day)
and integrated deterrents built in to our loading system is also our strongest
suite, for our clients.

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Collaboration of heavy equipment and well-integrated support machinery, suitably
modified for the operating environment, uniformly and systematically designed
and laid out for ease of operation, along with appropriate Safety and Operating
protocols and procedures is how we position ourselves with our modern assets.
Our Floating loaders and Storage platform are equipped with a variety of
additional equipment, to meet and go beyond our client needs and expectations.

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We offer relatively young, well designed and appointed equipment, with the most
robust and reliable technology and our goal is to grow to be a leader for
technological advances in area of logistics for offshore transshipment. Some of
our add on features are Belt scales, Auto/mechanical sampler, metal detector and
metal separator in order to deliver a clean product.

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We define quality control as a process by which entities combine inherent
expertise and understanding of the entire operation coupled with advanced
technology to maintain the quality of the end product. Our motto is to combine
reliable technology with well managed processes, derived from a team of highly
motivated and competent personnel with the requisite knowledge, skill, and

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We envisage to deliver homogeneously blended coal, representative of what a
Supplier may have offered to provide to an end user, with a greater control on
the end quality. With three separate storage bins, capable of accommodating more
than 50,000 MT, we are able to offer a number of blending options to achieve the
desired end product. Added to this our high load rate (above 30,000 MT per day)
and integrated deterrents built in to our loading system is also our strongest
suite, for our clients.

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Designed with three separate storage bins capable of storing more than 50,000 MT
and technologically advanced double line conveyor system, capable of loading
using 2 spouts simultaneously at a very high speed. We are able to perform
homogenous blending without compromising our high loading rate.

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PNTS has 3 floating Transhippers that uses long arm travelling, high bucket
capacity Excavators coupled to a conveyor belt system, which is then able to
unload bulk material from the barge to mother vessel with a sustained high
loading rate.

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PNTS offers barging services for Domestic, Longhaul as well as Transshipment
destinations. 20 sets of 270 feet and 300 feet barge coupled to suitable Tugs of
the appropriate power are available to the discerning Customer to meet his
requirements. PNTS also operates about 20 to 30 sets on a Voyage as well as Time
Charter basis to meet its customers requirements.

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We also provide grabs with 20 t crane lifting capacity with 4-8 m3 grab volume
as a solution for the loading of geared Ocean going vessels.

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Coaltrans, is a reputable conference in coal industry, which offers a dynamic
platform for stakeholders, market leaders, and even industry experts to
exclusively meet and discuss most pressing issues in this specific sector. Coal
is playing an increasingly pivotal role since it is predicted will surpass oil
as fuel source in the near future. Therefore, to cater the demand for top level
networking in this emerging coal industry, a highly focused discussion is
considered indispensable.


In today’s fast paced world of business, cultivating stronger relationship and
acquiring new potential markets are instrumental to the success of the company.
Given golf’s continued growth, it eventually becomes a vehicle to serve and
prospect valuable customers. Hold on this notion, PNTS (PT. Pelayaran Nasional
Tanjungriau Servis) & SNB (PT. Sakti Nusantara Bakti) initiated a Golf Event
which had been held on 1st of June 2014 in Bali, Indonesia.



Gedung Pondok Indah Office Tower 2 LT.1 Suite 102
Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda
Pondok Pinang Kebayoran Lama
Jakarta Selatan - DKI Jakarta

+62 21 2970 5400

+62 21 2970 5401


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