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MAY 31, 2022



  1:00 PM ET | 12:00 PM CT | 10:00 AM PT | 240 MINUTES

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Join us as we address the important and hot topics for tax and estate planning
in 2022. This course will cover the latest in the legislation, court decisions,
and IRS rulings that emerge in late 2021 and in 2022. Will the new
administration succeed in changing how planning should be done? What
opportunities exist to guard against higher tax rates in the future? Can new
laws be made retroactively effective? Also, we’ll have an in-depth discussion of
the key planning issues that most clients must consider as they look forward to
their future. We will explore in greater depth areas of income tax planning and
the ideal entity choice, as well as highlighting estate planning concerns.

Learning Objectives:

Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to:

 * Gain a practical and useful understanding of current hot issues announced by
   the legislature, the courts, and the IRS
 * Become familiar with income tax, entity choice, and estate planning
   strategies to benefit clients
 * Address planning, both in the near and long-term, to get ahead of the curve
   in dealing with both changes in laws and how to advise clients to proceed
 * The Mathematical Pillars of Income Tax Deferral, Bracket Management,
   Conversion of Ordinary Income to Long-Term Capital Gain and to Tax-free
   Insurance Death Benefits
 * The Mathematics of Four Types of Trusts and Beneficiary Distributions from
 * Designated Beneficiary Trusts
 * Eligible Designated Beneficiary Trusts
 * The Good and Bad Math of Conduit Trusts after Secure
 * The Math of Avoiding the Five Year Rule in Favor of the Ten Year Rule or the
   Life Expectancy Rule
 * Developing an Understanding of the Tax Rate Arbitrage of Spreading Income
   Across Trust Beneficiaries and Across Family Members
 * Changes to Estate Tax Planning for IRAs After Secure including when to use
   portability and when to fund the bypass trust
 * Life insurance after the SECURE Act

Who Will Benefit:

 * Certified Public Accountants (CPAs)
 * Enrolled Agents (EAs)
 * Tax Attorneys
 * Financial Planners
 * Other Tax Preparers
 * Anyone else who would like to know more about the new IRA distribution rules
   in the Secure Act

Credits and Other information:

 * Recommended CPE credit – 4.0 Tax Hours
 * Recommended field of study – Tax
 * Session Prerequisites and preparation: None
 * Session learning level: Basic to Intermediate
 * Location: Virtual/Online
 * Delivery method: Group Internet Based
 * NASBA Sponsor: 138804
 * IRS Course ID: DFFSC
 * Attendance Requirement:  Yes
 * Session Duration: 4 Hours
 * Case Studies and Live Q&A session with speaker
 * PowerPoint presentation for reference

Download Conference Material

 * Download Here (Password Needed)

Taxmarketwatch is registered with the National Association of State Boards of
Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the
National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final
authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints
regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE
Sponsors through its website:


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