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Winter Sale: Styles up to 70% off! Details

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All sale prices are as marked. Offer valid at www.JackRogersUSA.com and Jack
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Georgica Jelly

Originally $50.00 $24.99
 * Black
 * Gold
 * Brown
 * White / Black
 * Bone
 * Camo
 * Rose

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Boating Jacks

Originally $128.00 $49.99
 * Light Gold
 * Midnight / White
 * White
 * Rose Gold
 * Magenta
 * Midnight
 * Natural / Platinum
 * Midnight Gingham
 * Bone / Black
 * Camo
 * Fire Red
 * Cayenne
 * Lemon

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Slotted Sloane X-Band Sandal

Originally $98.00 $39.99
 * Luggage
 * Black
 * White
 * Platinum
 * Blush

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Audrey Loafer

Originally $128.00 $79.00
 * Bone / Black
 * Black
 * Mocha
 * Haircalf
 * Black
 * Midnight
 * Green Leopard
 * Gunmetal
 * Blush
 * Platinum

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Lauren Mid Heel

Originally $148.00 $69.00
 * Platinum
 * Midnight
 * White
 * Cork / Gold
 * Midnight / White

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Ruby Rainboot

Originally $98.00 $49.00
 * Midnight
 * Blush

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Brianna Bootie

Originally $168.00 $99.00
 * Black
 * Midnight
 * Mocha

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Harper Hiker Bootie

Originally $188.00 $119.00
 * Black
 * Midnight
 * Oak

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Hayley Duck Boot

Originally $88.00 $39.99
 * Plaid
 * Pine Green
 * Blush

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Margot Bootie

Originally $178.00 $109.00
 * Black
 * Midnight
 * Pine Green
 * Leopard

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Pippa Suede Bootie

Originally $148.00 $59.99
 * Oak
 * Midnight
 * Pine Green

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Berkley Bootie

Originally $178.00 $99.00
 * Black
 * Mocha
 * Leopard
 * Pine Green
 * Green Leopard

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Serena Sling Back Flat

Originally $128.00 $69.00
 * Black
 * Bone / Black
 * Midnight
 * Platinum
 * Blush

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Haircalf Jacks Flat Sandal

Originally $128.00 $69.00
 * Haircalf
 * Bone / Black
 * Green Leopard

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Haircalf Slotted Sloane X-Band Sandal

Originally $118.00 $49.99

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Delaney Mule

Originally $108.00 $59.00
 * Cork
 * Natural
 * Black
 * Blush
 * Black
 * Mocha
 * Midnight

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Crackled Metallic Jacks Flat Sandal

Originally $128.00 $89.00
 * Gold
 * Gunmetal

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Miranda Mid Heel

Originally $148.00 $109.00
 * Black
 * Leopard
 * Midnight

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Gingham Palmer Mid Wedge

Originally $138.00 $49.99
 * Midnight Gingham

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Abigail Mid Heel

Originally $138.00 $69.00
 * Platinum
 * Black
 * Mocha
 * Midnight Gingham

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Delaney Cozy Mule

Originally $98.00 $59.00
 * Oak
 * Midnight

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Delaney Mule

Originally $108.00 $59.00
 * Cork
 * Natural
 * Black
 * Blush
 * Black
 * Mocha
 * Midnight

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Jacks Slipper

Originally $88.00 $39.99
 * Midnight
 * Rose

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Croc Slotted Sloane X Band Sandal

Originally $98.00 $39.99
 * Midnight
 * Cayenne

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Miranda Mid Heel

Originally $148.00 $109.00
 * Black
 * Leopard
 * Midnight

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Delaney Cozy Mule

Originally $98.00 $59.00
 * Oak
 * Midnight

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Delaney Mule

Originally $108.00 $59.00
 * Cork
 * Natural
 * Black
 * Blush
 * Black
 * Mocha
 * Midnight

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Sadie Sherpa Bootie

Originally $158.00 $99.00
 * Oak
 * Black
 * Dark Chocolate

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Serena Sling Back Flat

Originally $128.00 $69.00
 * Black
 * Bone / Black
 * Midnight
 * Platinum
 * Blush

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Boating Jacks

Originally $128.00 $49.99
 * Light Gold
 * Midnight / White
 * White
 * Rose Gold
 * Magenta
 * Midnight
 * Natural / Platinum
 * Midnight Gingham
 * Bone / Black
 * Camo
 * Fire Red
 * Cayenne
 * Lemon

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Millie Moccasins

Originally $98.00 $59.00
 * Platinum
 * Natural
 * Haircalf
 * Mocha
 * Midnight
 * Bone / Black
 * Blush

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Millie Moccasins

Originally $118.00 $59.00
 * Platinum
 * Natural
 * Haircalf
 * Mocha
 * Midnight
 * Bone / Black
 * Blush

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