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Close Menu Search CATEGORIES Cat Food * Dry Food * Wet Food * Raw Food * Prescription Food Cat Treats * Soft Treats * Dental Treats * Natural Treats Cat Toys * Interactive Toys * Balls and Chasers * Catnip Toys Cat Beds * Igloo Beds * Donut Beds * Orthopedic Beds * Window Perches Cat Litter and Accessories * Paper Litter * Tofu Litter * Crystal Litter * Pine Litter * Litter Box * Litter Scoops Cat Furniture * Cat Trees * Scratching Posts * Cat Condos * Cat Shelves BRANDS World's Best Cat Litter Whisker Zeny Durascoop Iris Usa, Inc. Van Ness Small Pet Select Potaroma Vibrant Life Petstages Smartykat Greenies Meow Mix Hill's Prescription Diet Stella & Chewy's Rachael Ray Nutrish Blue Buffalo Purina ARTICLES Partners The Best Cat Toys for Kittens to Senior Felines Tracing the Roots of Our Feline Friends 7 Must-Have Products for Every Cat Owner The Benefits of Raw Cat Food Exploring the Pros and Cons of Wet and Dry Cat Foods Create Account Login Loading... Country AE AU BE BR CA DE EG ES FR GB IN IT JP MX NL PL SA SE SG TR US CATS RULE AND WE HAVE THE SUPPLIES TO PROVE IT. Create Account Login Online Store Categories Cat Food * Dry Food * Wet Food * Raw Food * Prescription Food Cat Treats * Soft Treats * Dental Treats * Natural Treats Cat Toys * Interactive Toys * Balls and Chasers * Catnip Toys Cat Beds * Igloo Beds * Donut Beds * Orthopedic Beds * Window Perches Cat Litter and Accessories * Paper Litter * Tofu Litter * Crystal Litter * Pine Litter * Litter Box * Litter Scoops Cat Furniture * Cat Trees * Scratching Posts * Cat Condos * Cat Shelves Brands World's Best Cat Litter Whisker Zeny Durascoop Iris Usa, Inc. Van Ness Small Pet Select Potaroma Vibrant Life Petstages Smartykat Greenies Meow Mix Hill's Prescription Diet Stella & Chewy's Rachael Ray Nutrish Blue Buffalo Purina Articles Partners The Best Cat Toys for Kittens to Senior Felines Tracing the Roots of Our Feline Friends 7 Must-Have Products for Every Cat Owner The Benefits of Raw Cat Food Exploring the Pros and Cons of Wet and Dry Cat Foods Open Menu Feline Palace Cat Supplies Search Facebook Loading... Country AE AU BE BR CA DE EG ES FR GB IN IT JP MX NL PL SA SE SG TR US * Special offers Access our discounts * Sign up for our newsletter Exclusive sales, tips and news * View our articles Expert buying guides FELINE PALACE CAT SUPPLIES - ULTIMATE DESTINATION FOR ALL THINGS CATS Your one-stop shop for all things feline! Browse Products Welcome to a world where every whisker, purr, and leap is celebrated. As you enter Feline Palace, immerse yourself in an online sanctuary dedicated to all things cat. Here, we cater to every aspect of your cat's life, from blissful sleep to playful days. Our carefully selected products not only promise quality and innovation but also embody the essence of cat comfort and style. This is where your cat's dreams come true. Join us in our commitment to making each feline’s life as joyful and luxurious as they deserve. FEATURED PRODUCTS View All Featured Products BIRD CAT TOYS - SANDPIPER PRODUCT REVIEW SCORE 4.83 out of 5 stars 162 reviews €14.68 LAVENDER SCENTED CLUMPING LITTER PRODUCT REVIEW SCORE 4.97 out of 5 stars 74 reviews €78.07 €69.26 HILL'S C/D URINARY CARE PRODUCT REVIEW SCORE 4.69 out of 5 stars 223 reviews WHITE WHISKER LITTER-ROBOT BUNDLE PRODUCT REVIEW SCORE 4.19 out of 5 stars 159 reviews View All Featured Products Welcome to our online store dedicated to all things cats! From toys and treats to essentials like litter boxes and scratching posts, we have everything you need to keep your feline friend happy and healthy. Whether you're a new cat owner looking for supplies or a seasoned cat parent in search of new products, we've got you covered. At our store, we believe that every cat deserves the best care possible. That's why we have curated a selection of high-quality products from trusted brands to ensure that your cat gets only the best. With fast shipping and excellent customer service, shopping for your cat has never been easier. Explore our store today and give your cat the love and attention they deserve! FEATURED CATEGORIES CAT SHELVES Create a Vertical Play Space for Your Cat with Our Stylish Cat Shelves CAT CONDOS Give Your Cat a Cozy and Comfortable Place to Relax with Our Cat Condos SCRATCHING POSTS Keep Your Cat's Claws Healthy and Your Furniture Scratch-Free with Our Scratching Posts JACKSON GALAXY'S TOP TIPS FOR CAT OWNERS EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR YOUR CAT | 10 CAT ESSENTIALS FOR NEW GUARDIANS HOW TO CARE FOR YOUR NEW CAT (PETCO) Feline Palace Cat Supplies Delve into our curated content where cat lovers unite over shared passions. From the latest feline research to practical advice on care, our featured articles section is a treasure trove of knowledge and inspiration for your cat's lifestyle. Explore stories that celebrate the joy and complexity of living with cats, enhanced with expert tips to foster an enriched life for you and your feline friends. Stay informed, entertained, and engaged with the world of cats — right here with us. FEATURED ARTICLES Mar 19, 2024 PARTNERS Building Strong Relationships with Partners Mar 04, 2023 FINDING PLAYTIME FUN: THE BEST CAT TOYS FOR KITTENS TO SENIOR FELINES Find the perfect toys for kittens and senior cats Mar 04, 2023 TRACING THE ROOTS OF OUR FELINE FRIENDS: A HISTORICAL LOOK AT DOMESTIC CATS Cats are one of the most ancient and iconic members of the animal kingdom Embark on a purr-fect adventure at Feline Palace, your ultimate online destination where feline fanciers can find everything for their cherished companions. Discover an exquisite array of cat products ranging from cozy beds and stylish towers to innovative toys and health care essentials. Every item is hand-picked for quality, comfort, and joy to ensure your kitty's happiness and well-being. Trust us to be the corner shop for all your cat's needs, with insightful articles, special offers, and a community of passionate cat lovers just like you. SAVE WITH OUR SPECIAL OFFERS Check out our best offers and discounts on top-quality items. Our offers change regularly, so make sure you don't miss out! View Special Offers Cat Articles Love Meow 3 days ago CAT FOLLOWS PASSERSBY AROUND, ASKING FOR HELP UNTIL SOMEONE STOPS FOR HIM AND CHANGES HIS LIFE A cat followed passersby around, asking for help until someone stopped for him and changed his life.RocketPawsOfHopeNYC An orange and white cat with a wound on his left cheek was seen wandering the streets alone. He approached people and trailed behind them, begging for attention. Gissell, founder of Paws of Hope NYC, was contacted about the friendly stray and rushed to his rescue. "He was abandoned near one of my feeding stations (for community cats), desperately following people and crying for help," Gissell shared with Love Meow. The moment she called out to the cat named Rocket, he launched himself from the ground and sprinted towards her. He was found wandering the streets alonePawsOfHopeNYC He meowed affectionately, rubbing his face against Gissell's hand and leaning into her petting with his eyes closed. Rocket scooted up beside his rescuer as if ready to leave the outdoors once and for all. Rocket was delighted to be in a cool, comfortable room at the vet's office, away from the relentless heat and dangerous streets. He was grateful to have water to quench his thirst and food to quell his pangs of hunger. He followed people around, begging for helpPawsOfHopeNYC Upon hearing Rocket's plight, a volunteer for the rescue stepped up to foster him so he could start healing in the comfort of a loving home. "Shelters are full, and independent rescuers rely on fosters to continue their work." Rocket was rescuedPawsOfHopeNYC With an abundance of food, Rocket filled out beautifully, and his coat turned soft and gleaming. He insisted on being close to people at all times, lying next to them on a cozy blanket or falling asleep in their arms. "He is the most adorable and content kitty." He quickly settled into his foster homePawsOfHopeNYC Rocket was "surrounded by heaps of love, yummy food, tasty treats, and of course, lots of catnip." He looked as if he wore a smile on his face now that he was back in his element. After what Rocket had gone through, Gissell and her team were determined to find the perfect match for him, someone who would cherish him endlessly. PawsOfHopeNYC Early this year, his dream was finally realized. Rocket met a lovely family who fell head over heels for him. The feeling was mutual as he curled up beside them, brushing affectionately against their arms. After exploring his new abode, he plopped down on the floor, claiming it as his kingdom. Rocket met his new mom, and it was love at first sightRocketCatNYC He began shadowing his humans around the house, keeping them company while they watched TV, guarding them when they were in the shower, and offering his assistance when they were on the computer. In true Rocket fashion, he jumped to the highest places in the house to find the best vantage points. Rocket held hands with his human while they watched TVRocketCatNYC Now, he's the first thing they wake up to in the morning, a little supervisor in the kitchen. He greets them when they get home and reminds them to take a break to relax and play. He's always ready to cuddle, give a cat massage, or get under the covers to help his humans go to sleep. He's blossomed into a cuddle bugRocketCatNYC He stays by their side when they work and even puts a paw on their hand for added support. It's been a year since Rocket was found outside, crying for help. "I will never forget the sadness in his eyes. But today, I am overjoyed to share that Rocket is safe, loved, and thriving in his forever home." He offers "help" when they workRocketCatNYC Thanks to many compassionate people, Rocket is now living the best life in his dream home, where love and cuddles abound. He's living the best lifeRocketCatNYC Share this story with your friends. More on Paws of Hope NYC on Instagram @pawsofhopenyc and Rocket @rocketcatnyc. Related story: Cat Came Indoors After Hanging Around House, No One Knew She Had Kittens at the Time Share Love Meow 5 days ago CAT TENDS TO MANY KITTENS, INCLUDING ORPHANS FROM A YARD, WHILE AWAITING HER HAPPILY EVER AFTER A cat has tended to many kittens, including orphaned babies from a yard, while awaiting her happily ever after.Poppy and her kittensWendy and AJ Poppy, a beautiful tortoiseshell, and her litter of three were found in a hoarding situation, in need of placement. Wendy and AJ, volunteers for Puppy Kitty NY City, stepped up to foster them. The mother cat was immediately friendly and grateful to have a clean, comfy space to raise her trio (two tabbies and a ginger). She quickly settled in and nestled in a cozy bed with her kittens nursing on her. Shortly after their arrival, Wendy and AJ were notified about two orphaned kittens who needed a mother's love. Wendy and AJ "She took in two other babies found in someone's yard without a mom," Wendy and AJ shared with Love Meow. When they placed the new kittens, Alfalfa (ginger) and Juniper (torbie), with Poppy, she cleaned their faces and lay down on her side to let them nurse and cuddle. At about the same age as Poppy's kittens, Alfalfa and Juniper fit right into her litter. Poppy took in two orphaned kittens found in a yardWendy and AJ Poppy gave the newcomers equal attention as her own kittens, keeping them fed and clean and tending to their every whim. The two were overjoyed to have a mom, nuzzling into her fur and melting into a puddle of purrs. Alfalfa and Juniper quickly blended in with the rest of the kitten crew, wrestling and snuggling like one big family. Alfalfa and Juniper fit right into the kitten crewWendy and AJ Alfalfa became the most vocal of the bunch, meowing for attention whenever his foster parents entered the room. He was brave and adventurous, keeping Poppy on her toes and learning about boundaries through play with his siblings. Being in a comfortable, safe environment, these kittens grew by leaps and bounds and never lacked an ounce of love. Wendy and AJ Poppy watched as they blossomed into playful bundles of energy. She tolerated their rough play and boisterous antics, kept them out of trouble, gave them mandatory baths, and showered them with love. When all the kittens were ready to spread their wings and fly, they quickly found their forever homes. Wendy and AJ One by one, the kittens left with their new families, leaving Poppy as the only one still waiting for her happily ever after. A little while later, a pair of tuxedo kittens arrived needing extra TLC, and Poppy jumped at the chance to help. All Poppy's kittens quickly found good homesWendy and AJ "Once a mama, always a mama. Now that Poppy's babies have all been adopted, she took no time in getting the little ones acclimated to their new foster home." Both tuxedoes received welcoming baths from Poppy and felt right at home in their new playpen. Poppy helped two tuxedo kittens acclimate to their new foster homeWendy and AJ Poppy has a heart of gold and is eager to befriend everyone she meets. She follows her foster parents around the house, always ready for treats or cuddles. "She is very friendly and affectionate with humans." She adores her people and follows them around the houseWendy and AJ While waiting for her dream home, Poppy continues to dote on new kittens that come through the door. "We currently have another litter of kittens, which she treats as her own and gives them affection." She is a ray of sunshine and a beautiful companion cat with so much love to give. Wendy and AJ Share this story with your friends. More on Poppy the tortie and Wendy and AJ's fosters on Instagram @kitterklub. Puppy Kitty NY City @puppykittynycity. Related story: Couple Went to Shelter Just to 'Look at' a Cat with Enormous Cheeks, It Turns Out to Be So Much More Share Love Meow 7 days ago KITTEN STARTS TO TRUST WITH THE HELP OF ANOTHER CAT AFTER MONTHS OF BEING OUTSIDE AND WEEKS OF HIDING A kitten started to trust with the help of another cat after months of being outside and weeks of hiding.BekamChatonsOrphelinsMontreal Nadia, an animal rescuer, was helping community cats in her area when she came across a beautiful kitten who was timid and lost. The kitten was rescued through a TNR program and taken to a veterinary clinic. He was terrified, huddling in a corner with wary eyes and flattened ears. Determined to give him a better life, Nadia offered to help the kitten and other young cats pulled from the streets. ChatonsOrphelinsMontreal The kitten had likely been abandoned for a while, as no one came to claim him. Nadia contacted her local animal rescue, Chatons Orphelins Montreal, and they didn't hesitate to help. Estimated to be five months old, Bekam, the kitten, kept to himself and backed away from people if they came close. "He was very fearful and withdrawn. He didn't know that he no longer had to fend for himself to survive," Chatons Orphelins Montreal shared. He was very shy, hiding under a pile of blanketsChatonsOrphelinsMontreal His foster mom set him up in a quiet room in her home so he could relax and decompress. Bekam took refuge under a pile of blankets or inside a cubby bed, only with his head peeking out every so often. In the beginning, Bekam would growl whenever his caretaker approached him, but soon, he became intrigued by the sound of toys and the smell of treats and slowly inched out from hiding to investigate. Slowly but surely, he learned to trustChatonsOrphelinsMontreal His foster mom tried to connect with him by feeding him with a spatula. She continued the same routine until he felt comfortable with her petting him. He began to let his guard down when he started taking treats from her hand. "His foster mom was gentle and patient, using positive reinforcement every day to gain his trust. Eventually, his fear gave way to curiosity, and he came out of his shell over several weeks." Bekam came out of his shell and started to play after weeks of socializationChatonsOrphelinsMontreal Bekam grew more interested in people as he realized they meant good. "This allowed him to shine through in the following months." One of the foster cats took Bekam under his wing, showing him the ropes, introducing him to toys and cat trees, sunbathing with him by the window, and showering him with love. One of the foster cats took him under his wingChatonsOrphelinsMontreal "He likes to follow his feline friends and do what they do. Being with a social cat really helps him to be more confident." Now, at one year old, Bekam is ready to look for a forever home. He's still a bit shy around strangers but has a gentle and playful heart. Once he knows he's safe, he turns into an attention-seeker. ChatonsOrphelinsMontreal "He loves it when we take the time to play with him. He enjoys playing with other kitties whenever he has the opportunity. He wants to befriend every cat he meets, rubbing up against them and following them everywhere." After months in foster care, Bekam has grown to adore human companionship. ChatonsOrphelinsMontreal "His tail rises the moment we pet him, and he now accepts cuddles with delight. He also likes to be held in our arms and stays there for a long time while giving us nose kisses." "If we are busy, he will try to get our attention by stepping in front of our computer or rubbing his face against it. He goes to bed with us if we put a small pillow next to ours." ChatonsOrphelinsMontreal Bekam has come a long way since he was rescued from the streets. He coos when he talks and is no longer shy about asking for what he wants. "He likes to be brushed when we watch TV and falls asleep beside us. He enjoys being in the same room with us, watching everything we do. He's grown into a little foodie who wants his daily treats." ChatonsOrphelinsMontreal Share this story with your friends. More on Bekam and Chatons Orphelins Montreal on Facebook and Instagram. Related story: Kitten Shows Everyone She's Perfect and Wants to be Held All Day When She Arrives at an Animal Rescue Share Love Meow 9 days ago CAT HAD CHALLENGING START BUT LET NOTHING STOP HIM WHEN HE MOVED INDOORS, RUNNING AROUND LIKE PRO WITH 3 LEGS A cat had a challenging start but let nothing stop him when he moved indoors, running around like a pro with three legs.Poseidon or PoeCommunityCatClub Earlier this year, a tabby cat was found hobbling down the street with an injured leg. He was very timid at first but didn't have a mean bone in his body. In need of a second chance, Community Cat Club rushed to his rescue and provided the medical care he desperately needed. The best way for him to live a quality life was to have his severely injured leg removed. The one-year-old tabby, Poseidon or Poe, survived many strikes and finally began to thrive. He was found hobbling down the street with an injured legCommunityCatClub Coming out of surgery, Poe was perplexed about his newly donned cone but quickly brightened up at the sight of people. He came out of his shell in his foster home and grew fond of his carers. In less than two weeks, Poe was up on his three legs and wanted to play. Poe lost a leg but gained a new lifeRoxanne He adapted quickly to using just three limbs to get around and didn't let anything stop him. Once Poe recovered and was ready to socialize and mingle with other feline residents, his personality shone through. "He is a complete love and full of purrs once he warms up," Roxanne, Poe's foster mom, shared. He quickly recovered and started playing with other kitties in his foster homeRoxanne Poe could scamper around the house and scale the cat tree like a four-legged cat. He raced other foster kitties to the top perch and chased them everywhere with unstoppable energy. "He loves other cats. He purrs as soon as you pet him. He rolls over for belly rubs. He doesn't let being a tripod kitty slow him down at all. He navigates his way into cat trees, couches, windowsills, and right into the hearts of everyone he meets." He can run, climb, jump, and do anything just like his 4-legged friendsRoxanne Poe has the spirit of a kitten when he plays and the calm temperament of an adult cat when he curls up beside his people. His purr engine seems to be running constantly, so long as he is in good company. "He has a shy start, but once he gets comfy, he is an absolute love. He has a loud purr and loves a good scratch behind his ears. He enjoys lying by the window or scratching the cardboard posts. He is a great snuggle buddy, too." Roxanne Despite being a perfect companion cat, Poe found himself waiting week after week for a home of his own. He watched as all his feline friends got adopted while he waited patiently, hoping his turn would come soon. After about seven weeks in foster care, he received a visit from a lovely family who heard about his story and fell head over heels for him. Roxanne It was love at first sight. Poe was overjoyed to be chosen, snuggling up to his adopters, stretching his paws, and purring up a storm. Over the following month, Poe blossomed into the happiest boy, living with the family of his dreams. Poe has found his forever homeCommunityCatClub "He's been the best addition to our little family. He loves his (feline) sister so much. They're always giving each other kisses and are never apart," Poe's family shared. "He's adjusted so well to only having three legs, and you wouldn't even be able to tell unless you saw it gone." CommunityCatClub "Poe is the biggest love bug. We could not be happier to have him home with us." Happy pawsCommunityCatClub Share this story with your friends. More on Community Cat Club on Instagram and Facebook. Related story: Cat with Big Paws Becomes the Most Gentle Soul When Kind People Save His Life, Now Living Like a True Prince Share Love Meow 4 days ago VOLUNTEER WENT TO ANIMAL SHELTER TO GET KITTENS BUT CAME HOME WITH CAT THAT NEEDED HER HELP A volunteer went to an animal shelter to pick up kittens but came home with a cat that needed her help.Josephine and her kittensJennifer Jennifer, a volunteer for Humane Society for Hamilton County, went to the shelter, thinking she would bring home a few kittens to foster. She came across a heavily pregnant cat named Josephine, who was expected to give birth any day. The shelter environment became increasingly stressful for her, and she urgently needed a foster home. Josephine gazed at Jennifer with pleading eyes as she stopped to check on her. "I went to pick up a litter of kittens and walked out with her instead," Jennifer shared with Love Meow. Jennifer Shortly after arriving at her foster home, Josephine seemed relieved and plopped down on the floor for a stretch and belly rubs. She was delighted to find toys strewn about and started wrestling with them with a kitten-like spirit. "She was very social and friendly from the start. She settled right into the foster room." She quickly settled into her foster homeJennifer While at the shelter, the weight of the stress caused Josephine to weaken and sneeze, but that quickly subsided after moving into a home. She was pleased with the plentiful supply of towels and blankets and began rearranging them. "She's been playing a little but is also getting lots of rest. I'm thankful she's not outside in her condition. Between the heat/humidity, thunderstorms, and constant fireworks going off, it would be a really scary time for her if she was." Jennifer On July 6th, Josephine went into labor and brought three healthy kittens into the world. Named Cannellini or Lini (tortie), Garbanzo (cream), and Pinto (ginger), these little beans came with voracious appetites and plenty of energy for their age. They constantly moved around the nest, squirming all over their mom. She gave birth to three kittensJennifer "When little Pinto gets a good latch, he does not let go. He sometimes hitches a ride with Mama, as he's still latched on when she gets up to leave." Josephine takes multiple breaks to stretch, play, refuel, hydrate, or use the litter box, but the second the kittens make a peep, she rushes back to tend to them. Jennifer "She is protective of her babies and has been keeping them well fed and squeaky clean." At four days old, the kittens seemed to be a week ahead of schedule as their eyes started to open. "Their weights are way above average. They are super alert and mobile. My only guess is that Josephine was overdue when she finally gave birth." They started to open their eyes at around four days oldJennifer Josephine relishes her free time when her kittens are sleeping. "She's often out and about eating, resting, or playing with toys. Her appetite is insatiable." Garbanzo is the plumpest of the bunch, and Lini is the smallest. Pinto the ginger has the boldest attitude. Jennifer While Pinto's eyes were still closed, he'd spit at any unfamiliar scents. Now that he can see, he screams at the top of his lungs whenever he's picked up for his weigh-in. All three kittens have rotund bellies, and they constantly roll around, moving their little legs in the air. Jennifer With a loving foster home, Josephine is able to raise her last litter in comfort. When her kittens are old enough, she will happily retire from motherhood, playing all day and doing what she loves without a care in the world. Jennifer Share this story with your friends. More on Josephine, her kittens, and Jennifer's fosters on Instagram. Related story: Stray Cat Found a Safe Place and Had Kittens the Next Day, She Went on to Accept Others Who Needed a Mother Share Love Meow 6 days ago CAT SITS OUTSIDE, TRYING TO GET INSIDE A BUILDING FOR WEEKS UNTIL A COUPLE STEPS IN TO HELP A cat sat outside, trying to get inside a building for weeks until a couple stepped in to help.Galante the catShane and Becca An orange and white cat found himself stuck outside his home, unable to find a way back in. He was lost and confused, waiting around the building for about two weeks. "This friendly cat (Galante), got out of a first-floor window. When he tried to return inside the apartment, his owner wouldn't let him. It turns out that Galante has been living as an 'indoor/outdoor cat' for over a year. He's had some hard times, but that will all change," Little Wanderers NYC shared. Kind-hearted tenants had been feeding him, but with the thunderstorms and fireworks coming, they wanted to get him to safety soon. He sat outside for weeks, trying to get back into the apartmentLittleWanderersNYC A volunteer rescuer for Little Wanderers NYC sprang into action and rushed to find the cat. Galante was timid around strangers, hiding in the bushes, using his wits to survive the outdoors. A humane trap with food was carefully placed near the bushes, setting the rescue into motion. After waiting a while, Galante emerged from his hiding spot and began inspecting the trap. He hid in the bushesLittleWanderersNYC He was cautious and clever, walking in and out of the trap a couple of times. Overcome by hunger, he entered the trap again for the food. Once the rescuer safely secured the cat, they took him to the vet to get him the care he needed. Galante was understandably scared after the ordeal, but that would soon change. LittleWanderersNYC When Shane and Becca, a cat-loving couple, heard about Galante's plight and his need for a foster home, they promptly stepped up to help. The couple was smitten with Galante, who looked like a carbon copy of their own cat, Reggie. They settled him into a comfortable, quiet room with plenty of food, soft beds, and all the amenities. Galante on his way to his foster homeShane and Becca They gave him the space he needed to feel safe while talking to him softly to get him used to their voices. Slowly but surely, Galante came out of his shell to explore. He was pleased with the numerous napping options, delicious treats, an assortment of toys, and a large cardboard box at his disposal. Slowly but surely, he came out of his shellShane and Becca That night, he dozed off in his cozy bed, surrounded by his blanket fort, making up for lost sleep. Those days of hiding in the bushes and waiting to get inside are gone. Galante is relieved and content to have a roof over his head and kind humans to cater to his needs. Shane and Becca No longer needing to hide, he's blossomed into his true self. He has become a loving companion to his foster parents and a gentle friend to the resident cats. He's discovered the office chair and likes to hop on it to "keep it warm." Galante likes to keep the office chair warmShane and Becca "He is very affectionate and social and enjoys looking out the window. He likes other cats and is overall a sweet, gentle, polite kitty who is insanely smart and responsive." Shane and Becca Having fended for himself for so long, Galante is back in his element, loving every moment of it. "He is so happy to be rescued. He will never want for a home ever again." Shane and Becca Share this story with your friends. More on Galante the cat and Little Wanderers NYC on Instagram and Facebook. Related story: Cat Hangs Around a House Every Day Until He Sets Paw Indoors, Being Held in Loving Arms Share Love Meow 8 days ago SEVEN TINY KITTENS PULLED OUT OF ANIMAL SHELTER AND INTO NEW CHAPTER FULL OF JOY AND ADVENTURES Seven tiny kittens were pulled out of an animal shelter and into a new chapter full of joy and adventures.Sam, Alan, David (in the back), Michael, Lucy, Edgar, and StarPennyRichards When Penny Richards, an experienced fosterer for Animal Welfare League of Arlington (AWLA), was contacted about seven kittens needing a bottle feeder, she jumped at the chance. The kittens had been brought to an animal shelter and needed urgent placement by the end of the day. AWLA immediately agreed to take them. With the help of their rescue partner, all seven kittens were safely transported into foster care. "When they arrived, I could tell they were no more than 24 hours old - perhaps even a bit younger," Penny shared with Love Meow. PennyRichards No one knows what happened to the mother cat, but the first 24 hours after birth are crucial for newborn kittens to receive their mother's first milk, which is essential for strengthening their immune systems. In the absence of their mom, Penny supplemented the kittens with colostrum. LucyPennyRichards "Thankfully, they came in quite good shape and a good weight for newborns despite being incredibly small (with the runt weighing only 67 grams). They took very tiny meals for the first couple of days until they began to grow." A few days later, three of the kittens started having stomach troubles. At such a tender age, orphaned kittens are vulnerable to any ailments. Edgar and AlanPennyRichards Penny provided the trio with medication and round-the-clock supportive care. In two days, their issues subsided, their appetites returned, and they were back on track with the rest of the crew. "I felt so relieved. They were thriving, and it was clear that all seven were okay now. They were very much into eating and had a really strong will to live." David doubled his weight in one weekPennyRichards Upon arrival, Lucy, a beautiful dilute calico, was the biggest of the bunch, while David, a cream kitten, was the smallest but was working the hardest to catch up. By the end of the first week, he nearly doubled in size, and there was no stopping him. Edgar promptly fell asleep after eatingPennyRichards Edgar, a cow tabby, promptly fell into a food coma after each meal. He conked out in place, with his little tongue still curled. By week two, all seven kittens had their eyes open and were growing at lightning speed. "From the moment they arrived, their favorite thing to do was roll over as soon as they finished eating and wave all four legs in the air." PennyRichards The clowder flopped on their backs, wiggling their limbs around as if they were swimming. "It was the funniest and cutest thing I have seen." As they became stronger and more coordinated, their curiosity about the world beyond the incubator multiplied. "Edgar always sat at the door of the incubator as if he was looking out when I was feeding the others. EdgarPennyRichards "Star, Alan, and Lucy were always attempting to escape and were quickly joined by the rest of the gang, as they all took every chance they could get to climb out of the incubator when it was opened." As their vision and hearing continued developing, they became more active and adventurous. The moment they smelled food, they piled out of their nest like roly-polies. PennyRichards When the seven outgrew their incubator, they were upgraded into a playpen with all the amenities. Their appetites have grown more ravenous than ever, and they all sport rotund bellies. "Now, at four weeks old, they have started to play with each other, and they love to roll around on their backs as they slowly bite each other and wrestle." SamPennyRichards Sam is fascinated by the notebook Penny uses to record their weights and growth and often offers a helping paw. "As soon as they have each finished their meal, they purr loudly as they climb up for a cuddle with me. I can already tell they will be a very loving and cuddly group." DavidPennyRichards "Alan, Edgar, and Lucy are expert biscuit makers and have been practicing since they were tiny." LucyPennyRichards Share this story with your friends. More on the seven kittens and Penny's fosters on Instagram. Related story: Kind People Go Back to Find the Mother of a Kitten, Turns Out the Cat Has More Kittens to Feed Share Love Meow 10 days ago CAT DISCOVERED IN A CRATE OUTSIDE WITH HANDWRITTEN NOTE, DAYS LATER SHE BRINGS KITTENS INTO THE WORLD A cat was discovered in a crate outside with a handwritten note. A few days later, she brought six kittens into the world.Liberty Belle and her kittensEllenRichter A week ago, volunteers from Homeward Bound Cat Adoptions found a small crate left at their adoption center and were shocked to discover what was inside. A shy tabby cat huddled in a corner, sitting on a wet towel soaked in urine. She was terrified yet purring as the volunteers took her in and tended to her needs. "We had no idea how long she had been in the crate, but thankfully, she didn't spend long outside our center before we found her," the rescue shared. She was found in a crate in front of the adoption center of Homeward Bound Cat AdoptionsEllenRichter Attached to the crate was a handwritten note with a heartbreaking message. "The note read, 'My mom can't care for me. Please take care of me. I promise I'm a good cat!' Our hearts broke, so with no other option, we took her in." Taped to the crate was a handwritten noteEllenRichter They examined and cleaned up the cat, making her as comfortable as possible. "The good news was she appeared healthy. However, she was very pregnant." Ellen Richter, an experienced carer for the rescue, immediately offered to foster the expectant mother, knowing she was due any day. Since the cat was rescued right before the 4th of July, she was lovingly named Liberty Belle. Liberty Belle arrived at her foster homeEllenRichter After exploring her new room, Liberty brushed against Ellen's legs as if to "thank" her for taking her in. Before long, she nestled comfortably on a soft blanket and fell fast sleep, catching some much-needed shuteye. Liberty quickly settled in, rolling around and showing off her round belly. She was pleased with her new bed filled with blanketsEllenRichter Her purr motor continued to rumble and had only gotten louder, and her paws never stopped kneading (baking) away while she lay cozily on her bed. She was very pleased with the all-you-can-eat buffet, a spacious box, and a loving human to cater to her every whim. She gave birth to six healthy kittensEllenRichter Two days ago, Ellen walked into the room to find the mama-to-be counting down the minutes, rearranging the blankets around the nest. It was go time. With her foster mom by her side, Liberty welcomed six kittens into the world. "It's been a long evening, but I'm thankful she's done. This will be the last litter she will have to go through," Ellen shared. She is very loving and protective of her kittensEllenRichter Liberty immediately took on mommy duties, feeding six hungry mouths and keeping the kittens clean from head to tail. She never left their side, so Ellen brought her food in bed, and she devoured two full plates in one sitting. She is very protective and doesn't allow anyone to touch her babies, but she can't refuse a nice petting on her back. EllenRichter Mama Liberty looks content and serene, gazing at her pile of sleeping kittens, stretching her paws, and rumbling soothingly. She's devoted 24/7 to raising her litter of six, ensuring their bellies are always full and coats immaculately clean. EllenRichter "She's been an amazing mom and is taking care of her six littles like a pro." Thanks to the volunteers, Liberty Belle and her babies are in good hands. Soon, the kittens will open their eyes, unleashing their curiosity to explore the world around them. EllenRichter Liberty will never have to worry about caring for another litter. Once her kittens are old enough to spread their wings and fly, she can focus on herself with a family that will love and cherish her for life. EllenRichter Share this story with your friends. More on Liberty Belle, her kittens, and Ellen's fosters on Instagram. Homeward Bound Cat Adoptions on Instagram. Related story: Stray Cat Entered House One Night, Decided to Have Kittens There After a Year of Getting Help from Resident Share SOME WORDS FROM OUR HAPPY CUSTOMERS > Unrivaled prices and impressively fast delivery have made me an absolutely > delighted customer. > > Myrtle Metz, Chicago, USA > Remarkably low prices coupled with blazing fast shipping - couldn't be a more > satisfied shopper! > > Lavonne Rohan, Düsseldorf, Germany > A friend referred me to your store and I couldn't be more pleased. Your > exceptional service is appreciated. > > Everardo Hammes, Edmonton, Canada Join our community of cat enthusiasts at Feline Palace as we commit to enriching the lives of our feline friends. Our dedication goes beyond providing premium products; we share your passion and love for cats in every aspect. Connect with us and stay updated on exclusive deals, new arrivals, and expert insights tailored for your cat's luxurious lifestyle. 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