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Form analysis 2 forms found in the DOM

<form ng-if="!" ng-submit="c.submitSearch()" role="search" class="ng-pristine ng-valid ng-scope">
  <input type="hidden" name="id" value="search" autocomplete="off">
  <input type="hidden" name="t" value="" autocomplete="off">
  <div class="input-group input-group- input-group-typeahead" role="presentation">
    <!-- uses ui.bootstrap.typeahead -->
    <!-- ngIf: c.isTypeAheadEnabled && c.showSuggestions -->
    <!-- ngIf: c.isTypeAheadEnabled && !c.showSuggestions --><input ng-if="c.isTypeAheadEnabled &amp;&amp; !c.showSuggestions" name="q" placeholder="Search" ng-model="c.searchTerm" autocomplete="off"
      uib-typeahead="item as item.primary for item in c.getResults($viewValue)" typeahead-wait-ms="" typeahead-min-length="" typeahead-focus-first="false"
      typeahead-on-select="c.onSelect($item, $model, $label)" typeahead-template-url="sp-typeahead.html" typeahead-popup-template-url="sp-typeahead-popup.html" class="form-control input-typeahead ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-scope ng-empty"
      role="combobox" aria-autocomplete="list" aria-label="Search" tabindex="0" aria-haspopup="true" aria-owns="typeahead-28-9569" aria-expanded="false">
    <ul class="typeahead-popup dropdown-menu ng-isolate-scope ng-hide" ng-show="isOpen() &amp;&amp; !moveInProgress" ng-style="{top: position().top+'px', left: position().left+'px'}" role="listbox" aria-hidden="true" uib-typeahead-popup=""
      id="typeahead-28-9569" matches="matches" active="activeIdx" select="select(activeIdx, evt)" move-in-progress="moveInProgress" query="query" position="position" assign-is-open="assignIsOpen(isOpen)" debounce="debounceUpdate"
      template-url="sp-typeahead.html" popup-template-url="sp-typeahead-popup.html">
      <li role="option" aria-hidden="true" style="display: none"></li>
      <!-- ngRepeat: match in matches track by $index -->
    </ul><!-- end ngIf: c.isTypeAheadEnabled && !c.showSuggestions -->
    <!-- ngIf: !c.isTypeAheadEnabled -->
    <span class="input-group-btn"> <button name="search" type="submit" class="btn btn-default" title="Search" aria-label="Search" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom">
        <!-- ngIf: ::c.options.glyph --><i ng-if="::c.options.glyph" class="fa fa-search"></i><!-- end ngIf: ::c.options.glyph --> </button> </span>

<form ng-if="!" ng-submit="c.submitSearch()" role="search" class="ng-pristine ng-valid ng-scope">
  <input type="hidden" name="id" value="search" autocomplete="off">
  <input type="hidden" name="t" value="" autocomplete="off">
  <div class="input-group input-group- input-group-typeahead" role="presentation">
    <!-- uses ui.bootstrap.typeahead -->
    <!-- ngIf: c.isTypeAheadEnabled && c.showSuggestions -->
    <!-- ngIf: c.isTypeAheadEnabled && !c.showSuggestions --><input ng-if="c.isTypeAheadEnabled &amp;&amp; !c.showSuggestions" name="q" placeholder="Search" ng-model="c.searchTerm" autocomplete="off"
      uib-typeahead="item as item.primary for item in c.getResults($viewValue)" typeahead-wait-ms="" typeahead-min-length="" typeahead-focus-first="false"
      typeahead-on-select="c.onSelect($item, $model, $label)" typeahead-template-url="sp-typeahead.html" typeahead-popup-template-url="sp-typeahead-popup.html" class="form-control input-typeahead ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-scope ng-empty"
      role="combobox" aria-autocomplete="list" aria-label="Search" tabindex="0" aria-haspopup="true" aria-owns="typeahead-46-8552" aria-expanded="false">
    <ul class="typeahead-popup dropdown-menu ng-isolate-scope ng-hide" ng-show="isOpen() &amp;&amp; !moveInProgress" ng-style="{top: position().top+'px', left: position().left+'px'}" role="listbox" aria-hidden="true" uib-typeahead-popup=""
      id="typeahead-46-8552" matches="matches" active="activeIdx" select="select(activeIdx, evt)" move-in-progress="moveInProgress" query="query" position="position" assign-is-open="assignIsOpen(isOpen)" debounce="debounceUpdate"
      template-url="sp-typeahead.html" popup-template-url="sp-typeahead-popup.html">
      <li role="option" aria-hidden="true" style="display: none"></li>
      <!-- ngRepeat: match in matches track by $index -->
    </ul><!-- end ngIf: c.isTypeAheadEnabled && !c.showSuggestions -->
    <!-- ngIf: !c.isTypeAheadEnabled -->
    <span class="input-group-btn"> <button name="search" type="submit" class="btn btn-default" title="Search" aria-label="Search" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom">
        <!-- ngIf: ::c.options.glyph --><i ng-if="::c.options.glyph" class="fa fa-search"></i><!-- end ngIf: ::c.options.glyph --> </button> </span>

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Authored by Omotayo Majekodunmi
• 3mo agoabout a year ago • 36 Views • ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
V2021.0  •  Monarch


Infor provides a best-in-class suite of ERP applications that enable
organizations across multiple industry verticals to accomplish their business

• CloudSuite Distribution (SX.e)
• CloudSuite Industrial (Syteline)
• CloudSuite Healthcare
• CloudSuite Food & Beverage
• CloudSuite Automotive
• And many other products

These ERP applications generate reports that are critical to the management of
supply chain operations; inventory, suppliers, item masters, Accounts Receivable
etc. For example, in the CloudSuite Distribution product, the Order Entry Cash
Drawer report provides a detailed listing of sales orders by channel. It is
important to review this report to identify and summarize orders by region, so
that Accounting and Operations teams can monitor trends in sales and identify
potential exceptions in the process.

This process can be time consuming and can take up to 30 mins a day, but with
Monarch the process can be accomplished in significantly less time.


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