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urlscan Pro
Public Scan
Effective URL: https://logrhythm.my.site.com/CustomLoginPage?startURL=%2F068Un0000096GzO%3FfromEmail%3D1%26s1oid%3D00D300000006hdH%26s1nid%3D...
Submission: On August 01 via manual from IN — Scanned from DE
TLS certificate: Issued by DigiCert Global G3 TLS ECC SHA384 202... on March 6th 2024. Valid for: a year.
This is the only time logrhythm.my.site.com was scanned on urlscan.io!
urlscan.io Verdict: No classification
Domain & IP information
IP Address | AS Autonomous System | ||
1 8 | 2a02:26f0:350... 2a02:26f0:3500:18::1724:a284 | 20940 (AKAMAI-ASN1) (AKAMAI-ASN1) | |
7 | 1 |
logrhythm.my.site.com |
Apex Domain Subdomains |
Transfer | |
8 |
1 redirects
logrhythm.my.site.com |
87 KB |
7 | 1 |
Domain | Requested by | |
8 | logrhythm.my.site.com |
1 redirects
7 | 1 |
This site contains links to these domains. Also see Links.
Domain |
logrhythm.com |
Subject Issuer | Validity | Valid | |
prod.cdn.salesforce-experience.com DigiCert Global G3 TLS ECC SHA384 2020 CA1 |
2024-03-06 - 2025-03-04 |
a year | crt.sh |
This page contains 1 frames:
Primary Page:
Frame ID: B4CC4D2EE421402F8526836B93657047
Requests: 7 HTTP requests in this frame
Page URL History Show full URLs
HTTP 302
https://logrhythm.my.site.com/CustomLoginPage?startURL=%2F068Un0000096GzO%3FfromEmail%3D1%26s1oid%3D00D300... Page URL
Detected technologies
Akamai Bot Manager (Security) ExpandDetected patterns
Page Statistics
2 Outgoing links
These are links going to different origins than the main page.
Title: Need more information? Click here.
Search URL Search Domain Scan URL
Title: Privacy Policy
Search URL Search Domain Scan URL
Page URL History
This captures the URL locations of the websites, including HTTP redirects and client-side redirects via JavaScript or Meta fields.
HTTP 302
https://logrhythm.my.site.com/CustomLoginPage?startURL=%2F068Un0000096GzO%3FfromEmail%3D1%26s1oid%3D00D300000006hdH%26s1nid%3D0DB34000000CdzC%26s1uid%3D0058a00000LybuF%26s1ext%3D0%26emkind%3DchatterCommentNotification%26emtm%3D1722476474305%26emvtk%3DGTci4LeFWB.X1UDSJKhxM_MhZQFwo_xv0oB2uhDRLCg%253D Page URL
Redirected requests
There were HTTP redirect chains for the following requests:
7 HTTP transactions
Method Protocol |
Resource Path |
Size x-fer |
Type MIME-Type |
GET H2 |
Primary Request
logrhythm.my.site.com/ Redirect Chain
12 KB 8 KB |
text/html |
Request headers
Response headers
Redirect headers
GET H2 |
logrhythm.my.site.com/static/111213/js/perf/ |
1 KB 884 B |
application/x-javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
logrhythm.my.site.com/jslibrary/1699262264250/ui-sfdc-javascript-impl/ |
183 KB 62 KB |
application/x-javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
logrhythm.my.site.com/static/111213/js/ |
10 KB 3 KB |
application/x-javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
logrhythm.my.site.com/jslibrary/1698336665250/sfdc/ |
6 KB 2 KB |
application/x-javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
logrhythm.my.site.com/resource/1721213998000/ |
3 KB 3 KB |
image/webp |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
logrhythm.my.site.com/ |
5 KB 6 KB |
image/x-icon |
Request headers
Response headers
Verdicts & Comments Add Verdict or Comment
246 JavaScript Global Variables
These are the non-standard "global" variables defined on the window object. These can be helpful in identifying possible client-side frameworks and code.
object| PerfConstants object| PerfLogLevel object| Perf function| ApiUtils function| PreferenceBits function| DateUtil object| AbstractAutoCompleteServlet object| AccountAssociationSuggestionsServlet object| Activity object| ActivityPage object| ActivityReminderConstants object| ActivityReminderPage object| ActivityReminderRefreshPage object| ActivityUi object| AddRulesToTerritory2MultiSelectList object| AdvancedCurrencyEnable object| AjaxGetFieldTreeChildren object| AjaxGetUser object| AjaxGetUsersInGroups object| AjaxInNumericRange object| AjaxLoadFieldsForControllingEntity object| AjaxLoadFieldsForEntity object| AjaxLoadPLAForPageServlet object| AjaxLoadPLAForRecordTypeServlet object| AjaxLoadPLAServlet object| AjaxLoadRelatedListItem object| AjaxScanFieldsForShrinkage object| AjaxServlet object| AjaxValidateFormula object| AjaxValidateSpanningFormulasInRelatedList object| Aotp object| AssociationSelectElement object| BaseAssociationConstants object| BaseIntermediateRedirectServlet object| BlowoutServlet object| BodyLayout object| BounceEmailConstants object| BrandingColor object| BusinessHoursPageConstants object| BusyTimesAjaxServlet object| CSRFConstants object| CampaignManageMembers object| CaptchaVerifierServlet object| CaseUi object| ChangePasswordConstants object| ChangeUsernameConstants object| ChartConstants object| ChatterDeflection object| ChatterEmailSettingsConstants object| ChatterFilesConstants object| ChatterService object| ColorInputConstants object| ColorPickerConstants object| ColumnTypeConstants object| CompactLayoutAssignmentConstants object| CompactLayoutUiConst object| ConsoleSidebarSetupEditor object| ContextPaneEditor object| CreateNewElement object| CreateNewList object| CriteriaInputConstants object| CrtConstants object| CrtLayoutElement object| CrtLookupConstants object| CrtObjectElement object| CustomFieldDefinitionUiModel object| CustomMotifDefinitionPageConst object| CustomObjectTeamMemberUiConstants object| CustomObjectTeamTemplateUiConstants object| CustomSchemaObjectDefinitionUiModel object| DashboardConstants object| DataDotComCleanConstants object| DatePickerIds object| Desktop object| DesktopSidebarComponents object| DetailElement object| DeveloperSettings object| DurationInputElement object| DynamicContent object| EditElement object| EditEventMultiUserCalendarElementConstants object| EditPageConstants object| EmailAddrEditConstants object| EmailAttachmentManagementConstants object| EmailAuthorConstants object| EmailCCBccLookupConstants object| EmailChangeVerification object| EmailRelayConstants object| EmailSyncConfigConstants object| TaskDescriptionServlet object| EmailTemplatePreviewConstants object| EntitySharingConstants object| EventDescriptionServlet object| EventObject object| EventPage object| EventUi object| FieldTreeConstants object| FilterEditConstants object| FilterEditPageConstants object| FilterSelectionElement object| FindSimilarOppsFilter object| ForecastRoleUser object| ForecastSettings object| ForecastSharingPrefPopup object| ForecastSummaryPage object| ForecastingDateRangeServlet object| ForecastingDisplayedTypeServlet object| ForecastingJumpToUserServlet object| ForecastingPage object| ForecastingTabPage object| ForecastingTree object| ForecastingViewingIsoServlet object| GenerateRelationshipDefaults object| GoogleDocCreator object| GoogleTalkConstants object| HTPortal object| HelpBubbleConstants object| HighlightsPanelConstants object| HolidayUi object| HomeCalendarAjaxServlet object| HoverTooltipElement object| IFrameElement object| Ideas object| InlineEditConstants object| InlineHelp object| InlineScontrolElement object| InviterLookup object| InviterLookupMatch object| JSPDispatcher object| JigsawImport object| JigsawSearch object| Kb2Id object| KnowledgeSettingsUI object| ListView object| LiveAgentAddToTranscriptSearch object| LiveAgentAutoQuery object| LiveAgentConsoleAjaxServlet object| LiveAgentConstants object| LiveAgentFindOrCreate object| LiveChatButtonConstants object| LookupInputElement object| LookupUi object| LookupValidationServlet object| LookupsUi object| MCFilterPaneParams object| MCXHRParams object| MRUAutoCompleteServlet object| MWPicker object| MacroPage object| MailmergeTemplateSelectElementConst object| ManageableInfo object| MapServletParams object| MenuButtonElement object| MobilePushServiceTest object| MotifInputElementConst object| MouseOverElement object| MultiLookupInputElement object| MultiSelectList object| MultiUserCalendar object| MyCustomObjectConstants object| NewLayoutEditor object| NonUddKeyConstants object| OrganizerPage object| PersonalSetup object| PersonalSetupConstants object| PortalStyleConfigEditorConstants object| ProfileEditConstants object| ProfileListInlineEditConstants object| QuickTextAutoCompleteServlet object| RelatedListPrioritizationServlet object| RelatedListServlet object| RelatedListSuppressionServlet object| ReportChartMetadataServlet object| ReportConstants object| ReportsFch object| RequestInfo object| RoleTreeCookieConstants object| RtaImageServlet object| RuleFilterPageConstants object| ScheduleElement object| SchedulePage object| SchedulingUtils object| SchemaBuilder object| SchemaBuilderConfig object| SearchClickLogging object| SearchRelatedList object| SearchSettingsConstants object| SeascLogRecordHandler object| SectionElement object| ServiceDeskHotkeyEditor object| ServiceDeskPage object| SessionTimeServlet object| SetupSearchElement object| SetupTreeNodeConstants object| SideTabPreferenceServlet object| SidebarConstants object| SidetabConstants object| SlaProcessUi object| SoftphoneConstants object| SoftphoneLayoutEditorConstants object| SoftphoneMatchTypeEnum object| SoftphoneScreenPopTypeEnum object| StageManager object| SuggestedTimeProvider object| SummaryFieldConstants object| SummaryLayoutEditor object| SynonymConstants object| TabOrganizerConstants object| TabSetPageConstants object| TagConstants object| TagMode object| TaskMassAction object| TaskOwnerLookup object| TaskUi object| Territory2RuleLookup object| TimePickerInputElementConstants object| Udd object| UiData object| UnifiedSearchComponents object| UnifiedSearchUI object| UserDeactivate object| UserInterfaceUI object| ViralInviteSignupConstants object| VisualforceConstants object| WhoWhatQueue object| findSimilarQueryPage object| vaSelectElementConst object| UserContext object| TWEEN function| SfdcFramework function| LC object| Mustache function| Sizzle object| Sfdc number| data-uidSfdc function| picklist function| picklistForInlineEditing function| multiPicklist function| Bitset object| SfdcApp object| UITheme function| noenter function| dpf function| apf function| jsfcljs function| doLogin5 Cookies
Cookies are little pieces of information stored in the browser of a user. Whenever a user visits the site again, he will also send his cookie values, thus allowing the website to re-identify him even if he changed locations. This is how permanent logins work.
Domain/Path | Expires | Name / Value |
logrhythm.my.site.com/ | Name: CookieConsentPolicy Value: 0:1 |
logrhythm.my.site.com/ | Name: LSKey-c$CookieConsentPolicy Value: 0:1 |
logrhythm.my.site.com/ | Name: BrowserId Value: meTczU_MEe-jl9VWcFzwxw |
.my.site.com/ | Name: ak_bmsc Value: 52D6C9EA34CE624D289404B84646B637~000000000000000000000000000000~YAAQhKAkF95bTAiRAQAAurSODBi/WL4SDs8eY9jaJwK0Lu6kcRMXZi6cXrIf3yfrBb/tSWjBixE9UkPmO+qhQfz0lCTpgyEQFeivKjY9KhKjsctOJTc3KCP3XfD+YeMYZDmLwSeohsQhy41E1KEWd7B0jonvgZy2cfThuKHB+FFtsxIENgZ8obESRHYAY0J3Hfh8IpfZ4/4DbhMDId5nyapxUxlf10EkbwflRi9GqpmoHQ5uN5QfJxkEqYQfEhY++HBUcsWMlmUqssOdYuJ83pGcz10Q9dIl4fX0KiMaS4AErKJQDONmhNuBpg8xE3o4Plrs2n9OztBaXB9dnPCnT6Q5v0/2OAmbZq3EYIh9YjCU5jZoB22jMfTCTlyWFs0yufnuw6io7dBoGGpwmLaQVf005Cq/ |
.my.site.com/ | Name: bm_sv Value: 0085FED64C5A61972CF2DDEEB21863CA~YAAQhKAkF/VbTAiRAQAA0LWODBgoDR8DflEqZXqIjmHLFbzk7Rdvh0NGaJUrbcwx7WEW9BWOmbCvlWIl9+m6xnhBDYyDvGzNdgeuTvHRlY06GdR0ONEmkDPUJmM0RlqCkB194qIUbt3TAkkqQQSIOVRz7979txy0cG55A5ysRcYaBvvz9VflZ1YUCMuIsPCZZ/JPAtA+uNBsiRwVPJ5EyIQCZhsq8ytHDLQ7m96l+zrRbcMCFoWnDdt8/SJ0mcXGtg==~1 |
2 Console Messages
A page may trigger messages to the console to be logged. These are often error messages about being unable to load a resource or execute a piece of JavaScript. Sometimes they also provide insight into the technology behind a website.
Source | Level | URL Text |
Security Headers
This page lists any security headers set by the main page. If you want to understand what these mean and how to use them, head on over to this page
Header | Value |
Content-Security-Policy | upgrade-insecure-requests frame-ancestors 'self' |
Strict-Transport-Security | max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains |
X-Frame-Options | SAMEORIGIN |
This is a term in the security industry to describe indicators such as IPs, Domains, Hashes, etc. This does not imply that any of these indicate malicious activity.