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Taiki Yoshida, Senior Program Manager, Dienstag, 27. Juli 2021

Microsoft Power Platform has been a service to cater for all developers –
citizen developers, pro developers, IT professionals, etc. Today, we share a
story from Japan, a career transformation journey with Microsoft Power Automate


Before Asuka embarked her RPA journey in 2018, she had been on a back office
role for 16 years in the human resources and general affairs department of a
manufacturing company in county of Aichi, with no IT background. Her work
involved a lot of manual work – sealing stamps, sending Faxes, making phone
calls and other paperwork. She did not even have her own designated computer to
work with.

As work accumulated, she found herself often ending up working at the office
after hours. Her proposals of optimizing the work kept getting rejected. And
what made the situation even harder for Asuka was that her little son also had
to wait for her in the daycare because she had to work overtime. With all that
was happening, she felt unconfident, self-doubting and low self-esteem. Just
when she felt she was hitting the rock bottom, she was about to start a new
adventure, which was going to transform her career completely.


In exploring ways to improve work efficiency, Asuka found an online article
about Robotic Process Automation, which got her interested. She looked online
and viewed more videos on how to automate with RPA, and she realized how
intuitive it was for non-technical person to begin using RPA as all of the
actions were with names that anyone could understand.

She had initially tried learning also from online forums for RPA, but still had
no idea what people on the forum were talking about. The more she studied, the
more isolated and lonely she felt. Using that as fuel for motivation, she then
turned to Twitter.

“I found people through Twitter and the RPA communities, who were in the similar
situation and skillsets like me. That’s where I started exchanging ideas with
one another. I even found people who quickly became like my soulmates. There
were many people in the community who wanted to change how they were working
through RPA. It encouraged me, and also expanded my vision too.”

Realizing the opportunity, Asuka was committed to making the changes she’d
wanted in with RPA. No one else in her company had knowledge about RPA, so she
started self-teaching by learning from dozens of books she bought.

Her company did have understanding of importance to invest in IT, and approved
her to use up to 900 dollars to try RPA out. Asuka sat down with her colleague
to discuss the processes that they wanted to automate on, and prioritized what
they felt was the most stressful for them. Some of the automations that they did
through RPA was:

 * Sending PDF documents to over a hundred customers
 * Retrieving manufacturing results and aggregating by each department for
 * Emailing employees who had forgotten to register their time on timesheet
   management system

By implementing RPA automations, she managed to reduce work from 200 hours to
just one click of a button by automating 10 of her tasks.

“When I showed my colleagues the automation, they were really amazed because
they knew me as a non-technical person.”


Despite the success she got in automating creation of manufacturing reports and
customer invoicing., she was informed by the company to terminate the RPA
licensing as other higher investment priorities came after COVID-19 hit Japan
and impacted the company’s financial situation. She thought of even quitting the
job, until her colleague told her:

“You have tried so hard up to now to automate your work through RPA. You
shouldn’t just give up! It was you, who made us realize that we should be
automating our work through IT.”

So, she started to look for alternatives where her current employer ASAHI
Accounting Robot Research Institute – a Microsoft Partner for Power Automate
replied back to her Twitter that there is another less expensive RPA –
WinAutomation (Now known as Power Automate ).

Asahi Accounting Robotics replies on Twitter to Asuka about Power Automate:

“WinAutomation (now Power Automate Desktop) allows you to start at $40 per
month. It includes Power Automate, and you can also link with Power Automate
(cloud flows). If you already have Microsoft 365, you can further transform the
way you work.”


Asuka once again started the RPA journey, and learned Power Automate Desktop
from zero. She struggled with the differences from the old RPA to this new one.
At the time, WinAutomation was only available in English (now provided with
dozens of other languages including Japanese) which made it even more difficult
for Asuka but also saw some pleasant new learnings.

“I signed up for an e-learning service to learn about Power Automate Desktop.
Although it was hard in the beginning because of the differences, I then also
learned new features like For Each loops which I couldn’t do before and I
immediately saw the potential possibilities which I could automate, and I
realized I can do a lot more than I previously could through Power Automate

In addition to the book, she also went further to sign up for online chat
support, which helped her upskill in Power Automate Desktop quickly in three

“I was surprised by myself for how much I could learn and accomplish in matter
of three months. RPA is like just building blocks. All the names are easy for me
to understand, like “Launch Excel” or “Start up application”. Although I didn’t
have the skills to do coding, I felt I could ramp up with RPA easily.”

Actions have names that are easy to understand for anyone

After three months of trying out Power Automate Desktop, she had a good
understanding of things like For Each, and was even able to customize the UI
elements on her own for more complex scenarios.


Diagram showing how Asuka used the UI selector


Despite all the accomplishments, Asuka was frustrated because no one in her
company fully understood the value of her work. She didn’t have her own
computer, the company didn’t appreciate her efforts, she one day from the toilet

“Today, I felt I should leave this company as soon as I can.
But before I leave, I’m going to get my RPA approved.
I’m going to get this done as soon as I can. This is my only hope.”

This tweet caught attention from ASAHI Accounting Robot Research Institute. They
had followed Asuka on Twitter as she shared her thoughts and learnings about how
to implement RPA in a small/mid-size business. Asahi asked if she wanted to have
a chat with them. After discussion, Asuka was offered a position to work there
fully remote – as her home was over five hundred miles away from the company’s


Asuka has always felt that there are many people out there in the world, who is
in the similar situations like hers, where they would not know how to improve
their work or realize the opportunity RPA could provide, so she tries to
contribute as much as she could to the community.

“I shared my experience telling the community through presenting at events and
through Twitter that I was just an office worker in HR, but I could transform
the company through Power Automate Desktop. Not only did I change that, but it
also changed my career journey. People reached out to me after presenting saying
how they felt empowered and that really made me happy.”


When Asuka first onboarded in Asahi, she was asked to commit on becoming an
engineer. It was sometimes difficult for her to understand what her new
colleagues were talking about as they come from different backgrounds, but
surprise awaited her.

“A pack of business cards arrived my home, and when I opened it, my title was
“Technical Evangelist”. I felt the title suggested the company doesn’t just
expect me to become an ordinary RPA engineer, but together, use my past
experiences as an end user and share how fun it is to transform work through
Power Automate Desktop, and also understand the pain and support the end-users
when implementing this. It was a new role in the company, made just for me.”

With her new role, she presents at webinars (online seminars) focusing on people
in HR and general affairs role on how they could change the way they work using
Power Automate and Power Automate Desktop. One of the things she has created is
an employee welfare check system built with Power Automate Desktop. Since Japan
often suffers from earthquakes, the system would send email notifications to
employees in case of an earthquake to gather the latest situation of each
employee by collecting results using Microsoft Forms, consolidate them to Excel
online, and send support if necessary.

“It was important to make the solution using cloud services like Power Automate,
as if the system was on-premise, the servers could face issues from the damage
during the earthquake. I now distribute this as a template to my customers, so
that they can immediately see the kind of value Power Automate has. I could only
think of this idea because I was in HR.”

With experiences as an HR professional and now specialized role in RPA, she
hopes to expand her contribution.

“I’m starting to understand better on the technical side of things now, so I
hope to act as a bridge across end users and professional developers as citizen
developer. I have many ideas in my head, and now, I need to make them into real
life solutions.”


With her career transformation story, she gave the message to the world, aimed
to those who also wants to change their careers through Power Automate Desktop:

“As I began as an end user at my previous company and started worked on
implementing RPA, people from the community, from Twitter all supported me
throughout my journey to transform the company I was in. And despite I was in
this not well-known company, I am telling this experience to the world and that
made me feel that the person who seriously try and achieve something can empower
others, and that experience becomes a great power. This was an amazing
experience for me so what I would like to tell everyone is, is that there is
this amazing tool called Power Automate Desktop – a tool that even office
workers can use.

I would like everyone to try using the tool and pass on to your colleagues what
you experienced. I’ve used this tool for two years, and it was amazing to see my
colleagues also changing along with me. So try transforming your company with
Power Automate Desktop and there are even opportunities like I had, to transform
careers too. I hope everyone uses this more.”


Want to know the whole story? You can watch the interview with Asuka on Power
CAT Live!


Power Automate ist ein Dienst zum Automatisieren von Workflows über die
wachsende Anzahl von Apps und SaaS-Diensten hinweg, die Geschäftsbenutzer

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