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urlscan Pro
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Submission: On November 05 via api from US — Scanned from SG
Submission: On November 05 via api from US — Scanned from SG
Form analysis
0 forms found in the DOMText Content
@charset "UTF-8"; .ff-2, .title-icon, .drop-a-line .info .wrapper .info-list li .content .title, .product-card .content .title, .project-card .content .title, .why-choose-us .my-tabs .tabs-nav li, .thank-you .products-table, .checkout-page .products-table, .cart-page, .cart-page .summary-table tr td, .checkout-page .summary-table tr td, .thank-you .summary-table tr td, .cart-page .heading-box, .checkout-page .heading-box, .thank-you .heading-box, .header .menu-link, .footer .menu-link, .pagi-item, .form-group label, .form-wrap label, .dropdown, .btn-arrow, .main-content .subtitle, .heading, [class*=heading-] { font-family: "Inter"; } .heading, [class*=heading-] { line-height: 1.2; } .heading-70 { font-size: 7rem; font-weight: bold; } .heading-50, .our-projects .inner .number { font-size: 5rem; font-weight: 600; } .heading-40 { font-size: 4rem; font-weight: 500; } .heading-55 { font-size: 5.5rem; font-weight: 600; } .heading-30 { font-size: 3rem; font-weight: 600; } *, *:after, *:before { -webkit-box-sizing: inherit; box-sizing: inherit; margin: 0; padding: 0; } * { -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; text-rendering: optimizeLegibility; } html { height: -webkit-fill-available; font-size: 7px; } @media (min-width: 768px) { html { font-size: calc(0.0836120401vw + 6.3578595318px); } } @media (min-width: 1366px) { html { font-size: calc(0.4512635379vw + 1.3357400722px); } } @media (min-width: 1920px) { html { font-size: 10px; } } @media (min-width: 1366px) { html { font-size: 7.5px; } } @media (min-width: 1920px) { html { font-size: 10px; } } body { -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; position: relative; box-sizing: border-box; min-height: 100vh; min-height: -webkit-fill-available; overflow-x: hidden; color: #071227; font-family: "Roboto"; font-size: 1.8rem; line-height: calc(28/18); } a { text-decoration: none; } img { display: block; max-width: 100%; height: auto; } button { cursor: pointer; } input, textarea, button { outline: none; -webkit-box-shadow: none; box-shadow: none; } .slick-slide:active, .slick-slide:focus, .slick-arrow:hover, .slick-arrow:focus { outline: 0; border: 0; } .mdi-arrow-left:before { content: ""; } .mdi-reload:before { content: ""; } .mdi-account:before { content: ""; } .mdi-magnify:before { content: ""; } .mdi-home:before { content: ""; } .mdi-close:before { content: ""; } .mdi-menu:before { content: ""; } .mdi-phone:before { content: ""; } .mdi-email:before { content: ""; } .mdi-plus-circle:before { content: ""; } .mdi-alert-circle-outline:before { content: ""; } .mdi-calendar:before { content: ""; } .mdi-map-marker:before { content: ""; } .mdi-chevron-double-left:before { content: ""; } .mdi-chevron-double-right:before { content: ""; } .mdi-cloud-download:before { content: ""; } .mdi-briefcase:before { content: ""; } .mdi-fax:before { content: ""; } .mdi-whatsapp:before { content: ""; } .mdi-map:before { content: ""; } .mdi-printer:before { content: ""; } .mdi-file-outline:before { content: ""; } .mdi-chevron-down:before { content: ""; } .mdi-chevron-up:before { content: ""; } .mdi-chevron-left:before { content: ""; } .mdi-chevron-right:before { content: ""; } .mdi-link:before { content: ""; } .mdi-arrow-right:before { content: ""; } .mdi-facebook:before { content: ""; } .mdi-linkedin:before { content: ""; } .fa-twitter:before { content: ""; } .mdi-instagram:before { content: ""; } .mdi-twitter:before { content: ""; } .mdi-youtube:before { content: ""; } .mdi-play-circle-outline:before { content: ""; } .mdi-cart:before { content: ""; } .mdi-check-circle-outline:before { content: ""; } .lnr-arrow-right:before { content: ""; } .lnr-arrow-left:before { content: ""; } .lnr-chevron-right:before { content: ""; } .lnr-chevron-left:before { content: ""; } .lnr-chevron-down:before { content: ""; } .lnr-chevron-up:before { content: ""; } .lnr-download:before { content: ""; } .lnr-arrow-up:before { content: ""; } .mdi-plus:before { content: ""; } .mdi-minus:before { content: ""; } .mdi-cards-heart-outline:before { content: ""; } .mdi-cards-heart:before { content: ""; } .mdi-filter:before { content: ""; } .mdi-clock-time-five:before { content: ""; } .mdi-menu-down:before { content: ""; } .mdi-menu-right:before { content: ""; } .mdi-menu-up:before { content: ""; } .mdi-check-circle:before { content: ""; } .mdi-plus:before { content: ""; } .mdi-minus:before { content: ""; } /*GRID - media queries breakpoints*/ .col, [class*=col-] { padding-right: 1.5rem; padding-left: 1.5rem; width: 100%; } [class*=col-span-], [class*=col-end-], [class*=col-start-] { padding-right: 0; padding-left: 0; } .row { display: -webkit-box; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; -ms-flex-wrap: wrap; flex-wrap: wrap; margin-right: -1.5rem; margin-left: -1.5rem; } .container-fluid, .container { margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; width: 100%; } .container-fluid { padding-right: 5.5rem; padding-left: 5.5rem; } @media (max-width: 1199px) { .container-fluid { padding-right: 2rem; padding-left: 2rem; } } .container { padding-right: 1.5rem; padding-left: 1.5rem; } @media (min-width: 1200px) { .container { max-width: calc(157.2/192*100%); } } @media (min-width: 1920px) { .container { max-width: 157.2rem; } } @media (min-width: 1200px) { .container-narrow { max-width: calc(99/192*100%); } } @media (min-width: 1920px) { .container-narrow { max-width: 99rem; } } @media (min-width: 1200px) { .container-wide { max-width: calc(126.6/192*100%); } } @media (min-width: 1920px) { .container-wide { max-width: 126.6rem; } } .no-gutters { margin-right: 0 !important; margin-left: 0 !important; } .no-gutters > .col, .no-gutters > [class*=col-] { padding-right: 0 !important; padding-left: 0 !important; } .gap-large { margin-right: -1.5rem !important; margin-left: -1.5rem !important; } .gap-large > .col, .gap-large > [class*=col-] { padding-right: 1.5rem !important; padding-left: 1.5rem !important; } .img-white { -webkit-filter: brightness(0) invert(1); filter: brightness(0) invert(1); } .fake-bold { text-stroke: 1px currentColor; -webkit-text-stroke: 1px currentColor; } .swiper-slide { -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; } .my-tabs .tab-content { display: none; } .accordion-content { display: none; } .tabs-nav-wrap { overflow: hidden; overflow-x: auto; } .tabs-nav-wrap::-webkit-scrollbar { height: 0; } .price ins { text-decoration: none; } a { color: inherit; } .desc p:not(:last-child), .brief-content p:not(:last-child), .full-content p:not(:last-child) { margin-bottom: 2rem; } .row-reverse { -webkit-box-orient: horizontal !important; -webkit-box-direction: reverse !important; -ms-flex-direction: row-reverse !important; flex-direction: row-reverse !important; } .triangle { display: inline-block; margin: 5px; width: 0; height: 0; } .triangle--top { border-right: 1rem solid transparent; border-bottom: 1rem solid #000; border-left: 1rem solid transparent; } .triangle--bottom { border-top: 1rem solid #000; border-right: 1rem solid transparent; border-left: 1rem solid transparent; } .triangle--right { border-top: 1rem solid transparent; border-bottom: 1rem solid transparent; border-left: 1rem solid #000; } .triangle--left { border-top: 1rem solid transparent; border-right: 1rem solid #000; border-bottom: 1rem solid transparent; } .myFancyBox .fancybox-thumbs { top: auto; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); padding: 5px; width: auto; } .fancybox-show-thumbs .fancybox-inner { width: 100%; } .myFancyBox .fancybox-show-thumbs .fancybox-inner { right: 0; bottom: 0; } .fancybox-thumbs__list a:before { border: 0.3rem solid #5DC6E9; } .clearfix::after { display: table; clear: both; content: ""; } .bg-overlay { position: relative; } .bg-overlay:after { inset: 0; position: absolute; content: ""; } .bg-overlay-50:after { background: rgba(10, 11, 9, 0.5); } .bg-overlay-40:after { background: rgba(10, 11, 9, 0.4); } .main-content .subtitle { font-size: 3.6rem; font-weight: 500; letter-spacing: 0.072rem; line-height: calc(38/36); } .main-content .big-title { margin-top: 0.5rem; } .main-content .head { position: relative; margin-bottom: 1rem; } .main-content .head:after { position: absolute; bottom: -1rem; left: 50%; -webkit-transform: translateX(-50%); transform: translateX(-50%); background: #0A0B09; width: 3rem; height: 1px; content: ""; } .main-content .head.line-white::after { background: #fff; } .main-content .head.line-left::after { left: 0; -webkit-transform: none; transform: none; } .big-title { font-size: 5.6rem; line-height: calc(60/56); } @media (max-width: 767px) { .big-title { font-size: 4.8rem; } } .btn-arrow { display: -webkit-inline-box; display: -ms-inline-flexbox; display: inline-flex; -webkit-box-align: center; -ms-flex-align: center; align-items: center; -webkit-transition: all 0.25s; transition: all 0.25s; font-size: 2rem; font-weight: bold; } .btn-arrow .icon { -ms-flex-negative: 0; flex-shrink: 0; margin-left: 2rem; width: 2.4rem; } .btn-arrow .icon img { -webkit-filter: brightness(0); filter: brightness(0); -webkit-transition: all 0.3s ease; transition: all 0.3s ease; width: 100%; height: auto; } .btn-arrow:hover { color: #2576BC; } .btn-arrow:hover .icon img { -webkit-filter: none; filter: none; } .btn { gap: 1rem; display: -webkit-inline-box; display: -ms-inline-flexbox; display: inline-flex; position: relative; -webkit-box-align: center; -ms-flex-align: center; align-items: center; -webkit-box-pack: center; -ms-flex-pack: center; justify-content: center; -webkit-transition: all 0.3s; transition: all 0.3s; border: none; border-radius: 0; padding: 0 2rem; min-width: 23.2rem; height: 7rem; color: #fff; font-size: 2rem; font-weight: 700; line-height: 7rem; text-align: center; white-space: nowrap; } .btn em { font-size: 1.6rem; } .btn em::before { font-weight: bold; } .btn .icon { display: block; -ms-flex-negative: 0; flex-shrink: 0; width: 2rem; } .btn:not([class*=brounded]) .icon img { -webkit-filter: brightness(0) invert(1); filter: brightness(0) invert(1); } .btn[class*="--brounded"]:hover .icon img { -webkit-filter: brightness(0) invert(1); filter: brightness(0) invert(1); } .btn-white { background: #FFFFFf; color: #404040; } .btn-white--brounded { border: 1.5px solid #FFFFFf; background: none; color: #FFFFFf; } .btn-white--brounded:hover, .btn-white--brounded.active { -webkit-transition: all 0.2s; transition: all 0.2s; background: #FFFFFf; color: #404040; } .btn-green { background: #88DA29; color: #ffffff; } .btn-green--brounded { border: 1.5px solid #88DA29; background: none; color: #88DA29; } .btn-green--brounded:hover { -webkit-transition: all 0.2s; transition: all 0.2s; background: #88DA29; color: #ffffff; } .btn-green:hover, .btn-green.active { -webkit-transition: all 0.3s; transition: all 0.3s; background: #88DA29; } .btn-black { background: #071227; color: #ffffff; } .btn-black--brounded { border: 1.5px solid #071227; background: none; color: #071227; } .btn-black--brounded:hover { -webkit-transition: all 0.2s; transition: all 0.2s; background: #071227; color: #ffffff; } .btn-black:hover, .btn-black.active { -webkit-transition: all 0.3s; transition: all 0.3s; background: #071227; } .btn-orange { background: #FF8E00; color: #ffffff; } .btn-orange--brounded { border: 1.5px solid #FF8E00; background: none; color: #FF8E00; } .btn-orange--brounded:hover { -webkit-transition: all 0.2s; transition: all 0.2s; background: #FF8E00; color: #ffffff; } .btn-orange:hover, .btn-orange.active { -webkit-transition: all 0.3s; transition: all 0.3s; background: #FF8E00; } .btn-light { background: #E4E4E4; color: #303030; } .btn-light--brounded { border: 1.5px solid #E4E4E4; background: none; color: #303030; } .btn-light--brounded:hover { -webkit-transition: all 0.2s; transition: all 0.2s; background: #E4E4E4; color: #303030; } .btn-light:hover, .btn-light.active { -webkit-transition: all 0.3s; transition: all 0.3s; background: #E4E4E4; } .btn:hover, .btn.active { -webkit-filter: hue-rotate(-45deg); filter: hue-rotate(-45deg); text-shadow: 0 0.7rem 1.5rem #00000033; } .text-center { text-align: center; } .swiper-pagination { display: -webkit-box; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; position: absolute; bottom: 0rem; left: 50% !important; -webkit-box-align: center; -ms-flex-align: center; align-items: center; -webkit-box-pack: center; -ms-flex-pack: center; justify-content: center; -webkit-transform: translateX(-50%); transform: translateX(-50%); z-index: 9; } .swiper-pagination span { display: block; position: static; opacity: 1; -webkit-transition: all 0.2s; transition: all 0.2s; margin: 0 0.35rem; outline: none; border: none; border-radius: 50%; background: #E4E4E4; width: 1.3rem; height: 1.3rem; } .swiper-pagination span.swiper-pagination-bullet-active { -webkit-transition: all 0.2s; transition: all 0.2s; background: #5DC6E9; } .swiper-prev, .swiper-next { position: absolute; top: 50%; -webkit-transform: translateY(-50%); transform: translateY(-50%); z-index: 98; -webkit-transition: all 0.2s; transition: all 0.2s; cursor: pointer; outline: none; } .swiper-prev img, .swiper-next img { width: 2.4rem; } .swiper-prev { left: 0; } .swiper-next { right: 0; } .swiper-button-disabled { opacity: 0.5; cursor: no-drop; } .swiper-btn { gap: 2rem; display: -webkit-box; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; -webkit-box-align: center; -ms-flex-align: center; align-items: center; } .swiper-btn .swiper-next, .swiper-btn .swiper-prev { position: static; -webkit-transform: none; transform: none; } .choose-number { display: -webkit-inline-box; display: -ms-inline-flexbox; display: inline-flex; -webkit-box-align: center; -ms-flex-align: center; align-items: center; -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1.5px #131413; box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1.5px #131413; height: 7rem; } .choose-number .minus, .choose-number .plus { display: -webkit-box; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; -webkit-box-align: center; -ms-flex-align: center; align-items: center; -webkit-box-pack: center; -ms-flex-pack: center; justify-content: center; cursor: pointer; background: none; width: 5.7rem; height: 2.5rem; } .choose-number .minus img, .choose-number .plus img { width: 1.2rem; } .choose-number .input { outline: none; border: none; border-right: 1px solid #C6C6C6; border-left: 1px solid #C6C6C6; border-radius: 0; background: none; padding: 0; width: 5.7rem; height: 2.5rem; font-size: 2rem; text-align: center; } .choose-number ::-webkit-outer-spin-button, .choose-number ::-webkit-inner-spin-button { display: none; } .dropdown { position: relative; background: none; width: -webkit-fit-content; width: -moz-fit-content; width: fit-content; min-width: 24rem; color: #071227; font-size: 2rem; font-weight: 500; } .dropdown-caret { position: relative; margin-left: 1rem; font-size: 1.6rem; } .dropdown-caret::before { font-weight: bold; } .dropdown-select { display: -webkit-box; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; position: relative; -webkit-box-align: center; -ms-flex-align: center; align-items: center; -webkit-box-pack: justify; -ms-flex-pack: justify; justify-content: space-between; z-index: 9; cursor: pointer; border: 1px solid #3A3E47; padding: 0 3rem; height: 100%; line-height: 7rem; } .dropdown-list { display: none; position: absolute; top: calc(100% + 1rem); left: 0; z-index: 9; border: 1px solid #041229; background: #fff; padding: 1rem 0; width: 100%; list-style: none; } .dropdown-item { z-index: 2; cursor: pointer; margin-bottom: 0 !important; padding: 1rem 3rem; } .dropdown-item.selected, .dropdown-item:hover { color: #FF8E00; } .dropdown.open { z-index: 999; } .dropdown.open .dropdown-list .dropdown-item { display: block; } .dropdown.open .dropdown-caret img { -webkit-transform: scaleY(1); transform: scaleY(1); -webkit-transition: all 0.2s; transition: all 0.2s; } input, textarea { -webkit-transition: outline 0.2s; transition: outline 0.2s; outline: none; -webkit-box-shadow: none; box-shadow: none; border: 1px solid #E5E5E5; border-radius: 0; background: none; padding: 0rem 2.2rem; width: 100%; height: 6rem; font-weight: normal; } textarea { padding: 1rem 2.2rem; min-height: 12rem; resize: none; } input[type=date]::-webkit-inner-spin-button { display: none; } input[type=date]::-webkit-calendar-picker-indicator { position: absolute; right: 0; opacity: 0; width: 4rem; height: 4rem; } .input-text.hasDatepicker { background-image: url(../img/icons/date.png); background-position: center; background-position: calc(100% - 2rem) center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 2rem auto; } ::-webkit-input-placeholder { color: rgba(112, 112, 112, 0.3); } select:invalid { color: rgba(112, 112, 112, 0.3); } select { -webkit-appearance: none; outline: none; -webkit-box-shadow: none; box-shadow: none; border: 1px solid #E5E5E5; border-radius: 0; background: none; background-image: url(../img/chevron-down.png); background-position: center; background-position: calc(100% - 2.2rem) center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 1.5rem auto; padding: 0 2.2rem; padding-right: 3rem; width: 100%; height: 6rem; line-height: 6rem; text-transform: capitalize; } #datepicker { background-image: url(../img/chevron-down.png); background-position: center; background-position: calc(100% - 1.5rem) center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 1.5rem auto; } button { outline: none !important; -webkit-box-shadow: none; box-shadow: none; border: none; background: none; } @media screen and (min-width: 768px) { .form-row { grid-gap: 0 2.4rem; display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(0, 1fr)); } } .form-group { margin-bottom: 3rem; } .form-group .input { position: relative; } .form-group .dropdown, .form-wrap .dropdown { width: 100%; } .form-group label, .form-wrap label { margin-bottom: 1.5rem; font-size: 2rem; font-weight: 500; } .form-group label .required, .form-wrap label .required { color: #9E0000; } .breadcrumb-section { position: relative; margin-top: 2rem; } .breadcrumb-section ol { display: -webkit-box; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; padding: 0; list-style-type: none; } .breadcrumb-section ol li { display: -webkit-inline-box; display: -ms-inline-flexbox; display: inline-flex; position: relative; font-size: 1.2rem; } .breadcrumb-section ol li:not(:last-child) { margin-right: 1.5rem; } .breadcrumb-section ol li:not(:last-child):after { display: block; position: absolute; top: 50%; right: -1.2rem; -webkit-transform: translateY(-50%); transform: translateY(-50%); font-size: 1.2rem; content: ">"; } .breadcrumb-section ol li:last-child:after { display: none; } .breadcrumb-section ol li.active { text-decoration: underline; } .pagi { gap: 1rem; display: -webkit-box; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; -webkit-box-align: center; -ms-flex-align: center; align-items: center; list-style: none; } .pagi-item { display: -webkit-box; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; -webkit-box-align: center; -ms-flex-align: center; align-items: center; -webkit-box-pack: center; -ms-flex-pack: center; justify-content: center; -webkit-transition: 0.3s; transition: 0.3s; cursor: pointer; margin-bottom: 0 !important; background: none; font-size: 2.2rem; } .pagi-item.pagi-action { font-size: 1.6rem; } .pagi-item.pagi-action img { width: 1.5rem; } .pagi-item.pagi-action em:before { font-weight: bold; } .pagi-item.is-disabled { cursor: no-drop; } .pagi-item:hover, .pagi-item.active { text-stroke: 0.1rem currentColor; -webkit-text-stroke: 0.1rem currentColor; color: #2576BC; } .custom-checkbox, .custom-radio { cursor: pointer; } .custom-checkbox > label, .custom-radio > label { margin-bottom: 0; font-size: 2rem; font-weight: normal !important; font-weight: 500; } .custom-checkbox > input, .custom-radio > input { display: none; cursor: pointer; margin-bottom: 0; padding: 0; width: initial; height: initial; } .custom-checkbox.style-1 > label, .custom-checkbox.style-1 > span, .custom-radio.style-1 > label, .custom-radio.style-1 > span { position: relative; cursor: pointer; padding-left: 5rem; } .custom-checkbox.style-1 > label:before, .custom-checkbox.style-1 > span:before, .custom-radio.style-1 > label:before, .custom-radio.style-1 > span:before { position: absolute; top: 0rem; left: 0; cursor: pointer; border: 0.1rem solid #231F20; background: #fff; width: 3rem; height: 3rem; content: ""; } .custom-checkbox.style-1 > label:after, .custom-checkbox.style-1 > span:after, .custom-radio.style-1 > label:after, .custom-radio.style-1 > span:after { display: block; position: absolute; top: 0.8rem; left: 1.2rem; -webkit-transform: rotate(45deg); transform: rotate(45deg); opacity: 0; border: solid #2576BC; border-width: 0 0.2rem 0.2rem 0; width: 0.7rem; height: 1.2rem; content: ""; } .custom-checkbox.style-1 input[type=radio]:focus + label .content, .custom-checkbox.style-1 input[type=radio]:focus + span .content, .custom-radio.style-1 input[type=radio]:focus + label .content, .custom-radio.style-1 input[type=radio]:focus + span .content { display: block; } .custom-checkbox.style-1 input[type=radio]:focus + label::after, .custom-checkbox.style-1 input[type=radio]:focus + span::after, .custom-radio.style-1 input[type=radio]:focus + label::after, .custom-radio.style-1 input[type=radio]:focus + span::after { opacity: 1; } .custom-checkbox.style-1 input[type=radio]:checked + label .content, .custom-checkbox.style-1 input[type=radio]:checked + span .content, .custom-radio.style-1 input[type=radio]:checked + label .content, .custom-radio.style-1 input[type=radio]:checked + span .content { display: block; } .custom-checkbox.style-1 input[type=radio]:checked + label::after, .custom-checkbox.style-1 input[type=radio]:checked + span::after, .custom-radio.style-1 input[type=radio]:checked + label::after, .custom-radio.style-1 input[type=radio]:checked + span::after { opacity: 1; } .custom-checkbox.style-1 input[type=checkbox]:focus + label .content, .custom-checkbox.style-1 input[type=checkbox]:focus + span .content, .custom-radio.style-1 input[type=checkbox]:focus + label .content, .custom-radio.style-1 input[type=checkbox]:focus + span .content { display: block; } .custom-checkbox.style-1 input[type=checkbox]:focus + label::after, .custom-checkbox.style-1 input[type=checkbox]:focus + span::after, .custom-radio.style-1 input[type=checkbox]:focus + label::after, .custom-radio.style-1 input[type=checkbox]:focus + span::after { opacity: 1; } .custom-checkbox.style-1 input[type=checkbox]:checked + label .content, .custom-checkbox.style-1 input[type=checkbox]:checked + span .content, .custom-radio.style-1 input[type=checkbox]:checked + label .content, .custom-radio.style-1 input[type=checkbox]:checked + span .content { display: block; } .custom-checkbox.style-1 input[type=checkbox]:checked + label::after, .custom-checkbox.style-1 input[type=checkbox]:checked + span::after, .custom-radio.style-1 input[type=checkbox]:checked + label::after, .custom-radio.style-1 input[type=checkbox]:checked + span::after { opacity: 1; } .custom-checkbox.style-2 > label, .custom-checkbox.style-2 > span, .custom-radio.style-2 > label, .custom-radio.style-2 > span { position: relative; cursor: pointer; padding-left: 3rem; } .custom-checkbox.style-2 > label:before, .custom-checkbox.style-2 > span:before, .custom-radio.style-2 > label:before, .custom-radio.style-2 > span:before { position: absolute; top: 0.4rem; left: 0; cursor: pointer; border: 1px solid #071326; border-radius: 50%; width: 2rem; height: 2rem; content: ""; } .custom-checkbox.style-2 > label .content, .custom-checkbox.style-2 > span .content, .custom-radio.style-2 > label .content, .custom-radio.style-2 > span .content { display: none; margin-top: 2rem; margin-left: -3rem; 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width: 100%; height: calc(100% - 8rem); content: ""; } .why-choose-us .box-img { border: 1.5rem solid #fff; } .why-choose-us .box-img img { width: 100%; } .why-choose-us .my-tabs .tabs-nav-wrap { overflow: hidden; overflow-x: auto; } .why-choose-us .my-tabs .tabs-nav-wrap::-webkit-scrollbar { height: 0; } .why-choose-us .my-tabs .tabs-nav { display: -webkit-box; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; -webkit-box-align: center; -ms-flex-align: center; align-items: center; -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 -0.2rem 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4); box-shadow: inset 0 -0.2rem 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4); list-style: none; } .why-choose-us .my-tabs .tabs-nav li { -webkit-transition: all 0.3s; transition: all 0.3s; cursor: pointer; border-bottom: 0.2rem solid transparent; padding-bottom: 1.5rem; color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4); font-size: 2.2rem; font-weight: 600; white-space: nowrap; } .why-choose-us .my-tabs .tabs-nav li.active, .why-choose-us .my-tabs .tabs-nav li:hover { border-bottom: 0.2rem solid #fff; 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top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; } .our-shop .bg img { width: 100%; height: auto; } .our-shop .list-products { display: -webkit-box; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; -ms-flex-flow: wrap; flex-flow: wrap; margin: -1.5rem; list-style: none; } .our-shop .list-products .item { margin: 1.5rem; width: calc(25% - 3rem); } @media (max-width: 767px) { .our-shop .list-products .item { width: calc( 33.33% - 3rem); } } @media (max-width: 575px) { .our-shop .list-products .item { width: calc(50% - 3rem); } } .product-card { -webkit-transition: all 0.3s ease; transition: all 0.3s ease; border: 1px solid #E4E4E4; padding: 3rem; } .product-card .box-img { display: block; position: relative; padding-top: 74.5874587459%; } .product-card .box-img img { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; -webkit-transition: all 0.3s ease; transition: all 0.3s ease; width: 100%; height: 100%; -o-object-fit: cover; object-fit: cover; -o-object-fit: scale-down; object-fit: scale-down; } .product-card .content { padding-top: 2rem; } .product-card .content .title { font-size: 2rem; font-weight: 500; } .product-card:hover { -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 -0.5rem 0 0 #5DC6E9; box-shadow: inset 0 -0.5rem 0 0 #5DC6E9; } .product-card:hover .box-img img { -webkit-transform: scale(1.1); transform: scale(1.1); -webkit-transition: all 0.3s ease; transition: all 0.3s ease; } .price { gap: 1rem; display: -webkit-box; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; -webkit-box-align: center; -ms-flex-align: center; align-items: center; color: #2576BC; font-size: 2rem; font-weight: 500; } .price del { color: rgba(7, 18, 39, 0.3); font-size: 1.8rem; font-weight: 500; } .our-projects .swiper-pagination { bottom: -4.3rem; } .our-projects .inner { position: relative; padding-bottom: 8rem; } @media (max-width: 767px) { .our-projects .inner { padding: 0 1.5rem 8rem; } } .our-projects .inner:after { position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 0; background-image: url(../img/home/bg-project.png); background-position: center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; width: 100%; height: calc(100% - 8rem); content: ""; } .our-projects .inner .swiper-next img, .our-projects .inner .swiper-prev img { -webkit-filter: brightness(0) invert(1); filter: brightness(0) invert(1); } .our-projects .inner .box-img { border: 1.5rem solid #FFFFFF; } .our-projects .inner .box-img img { width: 100%; } .our-projects .inner .box-content { padding-top: 16rem; } .drop-a-line { position: relative; background: transparent -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#F7F7F7), to(#FFFFFF)) 0% 0% no-repeat padding-box; background: transparent linear-gradient(180deg, #F7F7F7 0%, #FFFFFF 100%) 0% 0% no-repeat padding-box; padding: 30rem 0 13rem; } .drop-a-line .bg { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; } .drop-a-line .bg img { width: 100%; } .drop-a-line .inner { position: relative; z-index: 1; } @media (min-width: 768px) { .drop-a-line .inner:after { position: absolute; top: 0; z-index: -1; background-image: url(../img/home/bg-contact.png); 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