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URL: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0073U14F0/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_hsch_vapi_tkin_p1_i1
Submission Tags: falconsandbox
Submission: On February 16 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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Name: site-searchGET /s/ref=nb_sb_noss

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          Claimed Applicable Promotions

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          what promotions will be applied to this purchase. Since the "You Save"
          message and price is calculated pre-promotion, we'll hide that message
          to avoid confusion.
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Jonathan Margolis
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von Jonathan Margolis (Author) Format: Kindle Ausgabe
4,1 von 5 Sternen 48 Sternebewertungen


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Jonathan Margolis's biography of Uri Geller, the controversial spoon-bending and
mind-reading performer, was the first to examine dispassionately whether the
former Israeli paratrooper is a talented magician or something altogether more
mysterious – perhaps even an authentic paranormalist.


"Superstitious atheists will find this book toxic. Jonathan Margolis clearly
spooked himself writing it and I got an attack of the creeps one night just
reading it." - Evening Standard

"Uri's ability to perform amazing feats of mental wizardry is known the world
over...Uri is not a magician. He is using capabilities that we all have and can
develop with exercise and practice." - Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 Astronaut
and sixth man to walk on the moon

"I think Uri is a magician, but I don't particularly believe that he is using
trickery. I believe there are psychic abilities. They don't accord with any
science we have at the moment, but maybe some future science will back them up
with theories." - Brian Josephson, Professor of Physics, University of
Cambridge, winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics, 1973

"Uri bent a spoon for me. The first time he did, I thought there must be a
trick. The second time I was stunned - completely, completely stunned and
amazed. It just bent in my hand. I've never seen anything like it. It takes a
lot to impress me. Uri Geller is for real and anyone who doesn't recognise that
is either deluding himself, or he is a very sad person." - David Blaine

"Geller has bent my ring in the palm of my hand without ever touching it.
Personally, I have no scientific explanation for the phenomenon." - Werner Von

"I came to this book a rationalist and a skeptic. Yet, open-mindedness requires
me to report that Jonathan Margolis' carefully researched, scrupulously detailed
and even-handed exploration of Uri Geller's paranormal capacities suggests some
of our current scientific understandings will need radical revision in the next
century." - The Jewish Chronicle

"A brilliant book - nine out of ten." - Channel 4

"A fascinating, unaided, open-minded account of a great modern puzzle." - Mail
on Sunday

"An even-handed and assiduously researched work... something close to a
definitive assessment." - New Statesman

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     12. Dezember 2013
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Previous page
 1. The Secret Life of Uri Geller: CIA Masterspy?
    Jonathan Margolis
    4,5 von 5 Sternen 69
    Kindle Ausgabe
 2. Learn to Dowse: Use the World's Most Powerful Search Engine: Your Intuition
    Uri Geller
    4,3 von 5 Sternen 40
    Kindle Ausgabe

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"Scoffing at the paranormal seemed perfectly normal," writes British journalist,
biographer (Cleese Encounters, etc.) and one-time skeptic Margolis. But his own
conversion experienceAa private demonstration of Geller's reputed spoon-bending
and mind-reading powersAassuaged his doubts about Geller's psychic abilities and
the paranormal in general. After compelling opening chapters on the Geller
family's departure from Europe during WWII and Geller's Israeli childhood,
Margolis becomes an advocate, even for some of the stranger claims made on
Geller's behalf: of a high school knack for never missing a shot in basketball,
of an ability to teleport metal objects and himself, of intelligence work and
undocumented high-level meetings with diplomats and even President Carter.
Margolis does raise some questions, particularly about long-time Geller
associate Andrija Puharich, a scientist and paranormal researcher. But even
after establishing Puharich's paranoia and occasional deceptions, he refuses to
dismiss his theories of alien contact. Similarly, Margolis insists that
occasional "cheating" (use of sleight-of-hand rather than of psychic power) to
get through off-days does not undermine Geller's claims to authenticity. It may
take a conversion experience on the order of Margolis's for die-hard skeptics to
relent, but others will find Margolis's account one of the best yet to appear on
Geller. Still, it is difficult to suspend disbelief when Margolis grows as
grandiose (even if his tongue is a bit in his cheek) as the flamboyant Geller
himself: "if it should turn out in the future that Uri was, indeed, a Jesus
figure, I should be a little surprised, but delighted. It will have meant, for
one thing, that I have accidentally written the New Testament." (Sept.)
Copyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc. -- Dieser Text bezieht sich auf
eine andere Ausgabe: kindle_edition.


Geller has attracted considerable attentionAand inspired considerable
skepticismAbecause of his evident abilities to bend metal, read minds, and find
things. In his authorized biography of Geller, Margolis, a European contributor
to Time and the author of biographies like Cleese Encounters, sets out to
discover whether Geller is a magician performing through sleight of hand and
misdirection or genuinely a man of mysticism and paranormal powers. He
thoroughly traces Geller's lifeAfrom his birth in Budapest, through childhood in
Israel, to his adulthood (all over the world)Aand draws on interviews with
prominent magicians, illusionists, and skeptics to assess Geller's feats. In the
final chapter, Margolis comes to some conclusions but offers nothing decisive
about the source of Geller's powers. Engagingly written, this book will be a
popular addition to public library collections. Geller's own Mind Medicine is
another matter. According to Andrew Weil (who wrote the book's foreword), this
is the work of a man who has moved beyond performing feats of psychic wonder to
become a mature and thoughtful healer. In this compendium of history,
psychology, exercises, and self-help advice, Geller argues that anyone can use
the power of his or her mind to cure illnesses and psychoses. He provides many
interesting and effective exercises to discipline the mind and harness its
healing powers, but much of what he says about alternative therapies is dubious,
if not mistaken. And while his suggested exercises are helpful, he breaks no new
ground here. Other books, such as Rudolph Ballentine's Radical Healing (LJ
1/99), provide more challenging information and suggestions for combining
alternative therapies with conventional medicine. Recommended with reservations
for collections on meditation and alternative healing.AGail Wood, SUNY Coll. of
Technology Lib., Cortland
Copyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc. -- Dieser Text bezieht sich auf
eine andere Ausgabe: kindle_edition.


A mostly credulous look at the famous Israeli who claims to be able to bend
spoons with his mind. Margolis (Cleese Enconters, 1992) first met and befriended
Uri Geller in 1996. Margolis decided that he would do a biography of the
mentalist, with his cooperation but examining all viewpoints. The result reads
somthing like an E! Television documentary: friends and schoolmates (including
``where are they now'' information) recollect Geller's childhood. These accounts
are presented to refute the claim by his opponents that Geller created his show
in his early 20s. The picture these accounts paint is that of a colorful and
turbulent childhood, spent first in Tel Aviv, then Cyprus, and back to Israel
for military service. It is in Tel Aviv as a child that Geller reports his first
experience with the unknown. This takes the form of an encounter with ``a ball
of light'' in a city garden. A short time after this, the spoons start bending.
Gellers family moves to Cyprus when he is 11; there he is remembered for playing
mischief by moving the hands of the clocks in the classrooms and always being
able to make the difficult shots in basketball. This, Geller contends, is due to
his psychokinetic abilities. During his military service, machine gun parts are
mysteriously transported from one location to another (and back again),
ostensibly via the same method. The author also credits Geller with numerous
happenings during the writing of the book, including clocks that fall off the
wall in strange ways, laptops that stop working, and, of course, distorted
cutlery. There are even parties where anyone can learn how to bend spoons with
their mind, with a little help from their hands. An obviously wowed author
presents a mostly sympathetic view of the life and times of Uri Geller. (16
photos, not seen) -- Copyright ©1999, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights
reserved. -- Dieser Text bezieht sich auf eine andere Ausgabe: kindle_edition.


Jonathan Margolis is a well known journalist and author of five successful sh --
Dieser Text bezieht sich auf eine andere Ausgabe: kindle_edition.
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 * ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0073U14F0
 * Herausgeber ‏ : ‎ Apostrophe Books (12. Dezember 2013)
 * Erscheinungstermin ‏ : ‎ 12. Dezember 2013
 * Sprache ‏ : ‎ Englisch
 * Dateigröße ‏ : ‎ 5124 KB
 * Text-to-Speech (Vorlesemodus) ‏ : ‎ Aktiviert
 * Screenreader ‏ : ‎ Unterstützt
 * Verbesserter Schriftsatz ‏ : ‎ Aktiviert
 * X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Nicht aktiviert
 * Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Aktiviert
 * Haftnotizen ‏ : ‎ Mit Kindle Scribe
 * Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe ‏ : ‎ 523 Seiten

 * Amazon Bestseller-Rang: Nr. 913,462 in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 in
    * Nr. 577 in Heilige & Mystiker
    * Nr. 1,339 in Biografien & Erinnerungen der Reichen
    * Nr. 1,717 in Religiöser Mystizismus

 * Kundenrezensionen:
   4,1 von 5 Sternen 48 Sternebewertungen

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4,0 von 5 Sternen but these tales of Geller's childhood exploits are fascinating
and fun. The description of experiments for the government is ...
Kundenrezension aus den USA 🇺🇸 am 23. Juni 2016
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I'm a big skeptic, but these tales of Geller's childhood exploits are
fascinating and fun. The description of experiments for the government is
likewise interesting. It's clear he was sometimes able to confound the
debunkers, like James Randi. At the same time, he had major flops, like his
appearance on the Tonight show. I don't take much of this stuff very seriously,
it's more to me like a magician on that show trying to fool Penn and Teller.

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Amazon Customer
5,0 von 5 Sternen Mind Bending Book
Kundenrezension aus den USA 🇺🇸 am 15. Juni 2016
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I read this books years ago and found it fascinating. I read it again recently,
and it was every bit as intriguing as the first time around. Uri Geller is a
most unusual man, and it would be easy to wonder if many parts of the book are
even true. My sense is that the author, Jonathan Margolis, has a level of
integrity that I can trust, which made the book that much more enjoyable. As I
read about Uri's life and his unusual talents, I felt thrilled to consider the
gifts and abilities available to all of us, if only we choose to develop them.
Spoon bending may not be a "talent" that most people would actively pursue, but
on the other hand, how might we feel if we suddenly developed the ability to
bend metal with essentially no physical effort at all. The author describes
spoon bending parties he attended where he observed "normal" people learning to
bend spoons in the Uri Geller effortless way. The author, himself, learned to do
the same. I have to say it...this is a MIND bending book!

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M. Cowles
1,0 von 5 Sternen Deeply Flawed
Kundenrezension aus den USA 🇺🇸 am 22. Mai 2013
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I bought this book thinking it would offer an objective examination of Uri
Geller. Sadly, that's not at all what I got. The work is clearly biased in favor
of Geller having paranormal abilities. Any subject who supports this view is
treated with the upmost favorability, the wildest anecdotes given prominence
with nary a trace of critical questioning. Any subject who doesn't support the
favored view is subtlety made suspect through innuendo. For instance we're
informed that James Randi's credibility has suffered because of certain rumors
regarding his life long bachelor status. Of course the author won't go into all
that. Which begs the question why mention such rumors in the first place?

I think what really bothers me about this work is that the author seems to have
zero understanding of the art of magic yet continually makes the argument that
Geller's feats are well beyond those of any magician. Early on the author sees
Geller bend a spoon and, like so many others, is adamant that the spoon
continued to bend when no one was touching it. Now, any magician who's actually
done a trick successfully will tell you that the way a trick happens in reality
and the way it's remembered are apt to be two vastly different things. Memory is
nowhere near certain. It's sort of like the childhood game where you start with
a simple message that's whispered person to person until at the end the finished
message bears hardly any resemblance to the original. Any competent magician
will tell you this is how tricks are remembered.

So what's more likely: That the spoon actually bent once it was out of Geller's
hand, or that he said it was still bending and it was remembered that way? If
Geller has the ability to make objects bend without touching them, why does no
film exist of him doing this? A bit of common sense goes a long way.

The author also seems to be operating under the misapprehension that the smarter
a subject is the less likely he is to be deceived by a conjuring trick.
Actually, and again any competent magician will tell you, the opposite is true.
The more intelligent you are the more you will associate things occurring by
specific processes. When a different process is used to bring about an effect
the result is often astonishment. Being a PHD is no safeguard against being
fooled; actually children, without the burden of associations, are much harder
to fool.

Psychics have a long history of using the crudest techniques to achieve their
wonders. Thinking you're too smart to be taken in is a virtual invitation to be
taken in.

On top of all I've mentioned add in the numerous grammatical errors and this
book is annoying in the extreme. And please understand, this review is in no way
against Uri Geller. I would still very much like to read an objective study of
his exploits. Unlike many magicians, I am open minded on the subject of psychics
and willing to look at the evidence. I must say, however, that to date I've seen
no real evidence to convince me that anything paranormal has occurred in regards
to Geller or anyone else.

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4,0 von 5 Sternen Good book.
Kundenrezension aus den USA 🇺🇸 am 30. Oktober 2017
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how did I ever miss hearing about this inspiration. Good book.

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Jason C
3,0 von 5 Sternen certainly an interesting life
Kundenrezension aus den USA 🇺🇸 am 15. März 2016
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another e book with a number of typos. I do find the lack of proofreading
insulting. If I take the time to read a book, why can't it be proofed ? I start
to wonder about the quality of the editing and fact checking. Anyway, we
eventually find out that Geller does have some sort of power (I think) though no
one seems to know what exactly what.

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3,0 von 5 Sternen not what i thought
Kundenrezension aus den USA 🇺🇸 am 9. Mai 2017
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Writing just ok. read it through but just ok. shed a different light on
Urigeller. Was not what I was looking for. Thought it may give answers to his

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Amazon Customer
3,0 von 5 Sternen Reads like a diary or autobiography with many punctuation and
spelling ...
Kundenrezension aus den USA 🇺🇸 am 19. Januar 2017
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Reads like a diary or autobiography with many punctuation and spelling errors. I
doubt an editor reviewed this before publication. There may be good information
in here, but would be difficult to verify.

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Larry Moran
5,0 von 5 Sternen Five Stars
Kundenrezension aus den USA 🇺🇸 am 15. April 2015
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Required reading!

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Heather Smith
4,0 von 5 Sternen An Interesting Insight
Kundenrezension aus Großbritannien 🇬🇧 am 27. März 2018
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I began to read this book as a person who admittedly has always doubted there
was anything truly magical or mystical about Uri Geller. My reason for reading
it was because of a friend that recommended it; someone who is very much in the
other court as it were, who said he would be interested to hear my thoughts on
it. Well, here they are...
It took me perhaps a fortnight or more to read this, because it was quite heavy
at times but also incredibly interesting to me. I found that I would keep
breaking from reading to search the internet for facts, to learn more about some
of the incidents quoted and the fascinating people that are written about as
well as Uri and all in all, it has been a bit of an education for me by all
accounts. It was certainly an interesting insight into the man himself, and
contains some incredible stories of things people have witnessed him do. It also
paints an altogether different picture of Uri Geller than the one I had in my
head. So, I'm no ESP expert. That established, if you were to ask me after
reading all of this, do I believe Uri has special powers, I am afraid I still
would have to say it is something I would need to see in person to decide for
myself. What I did get from the book was the image of a kind, generous and
charitable man who has nothing but good intentions at his heart. There is no
doubt that Uri Geller is a much underappreciated (these days) entertainer and a
very clever man who has so much to give to us. He is a bright light, happy, and
very motivational to listen to and read. And yes, he has a magical quality that
I find myself wanting to believe is something of another world. Whether it is or
not, we may one day know. With regards to other reviews I did not get a sense at
all of this being any kind of a biaised account, I did feel a little creeped out
during some sections - especially while reading late into the night as I often
do and yes, the Kindle edition is, I'm afraid, littered with editing errors that
were off-putting at times. Which was a shame, because all in all this was a
fascinating and enjoyable read.

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Jak Sanderson
5,0 von 5 Sternen So he was a mystic after all...
Kundenrezension aus Großbritannien 🇬🇧 am 27. März 2017
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Thoroughly enjoyed this book. There was a lot of publicity around Uri Geller in
the late 60s early 70s and it all seemed to be about spoon bending. Was he a
magician or was he a mystic (psychic)? To be honest he was not someone I took
too seriously. When I mentioned this book, prior to buying, to my partner, it
was dismissed with the wave of a hand and so I hesitated again. After reading
this book I realize the publicity at the time detracted from the man and his
ability. The number of physicists that have worked with Geller for two or three
decades answers the question he must be a psychic. The research Margolis carried
out i.e. the number of people he spoke to that have known and worked with Geller
was impressive to say the least..

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A. B. Pearl
5,0 von 5 Sternen Compelling, insightful and unputdownable
Kundenrezension aus Großbritannien 🇬🇧 am 16. September 2016
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Whatever your views of Mr Geller, and Margolis by his own admission is a
sceptic, this incredibly well researched and engaging book makes for fascinating
reading. As an investigative journalist, Margolis gives us a pretty
comprehensive picture from both Geller's adherents and critics. And we get the
author's own observations and experiences while writing the book. Once you get
stuck into this one, you won't be able to put it down. Outstanding in every way.
Would thoroughly recommend. Alex Pearl is author of 'Sleeping with the

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4,0 von 5 Sternen Objective and fair.
Kundenrezension aus Großbritannien 🇬🇧 am 18. November 2017
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I was a sceptic and went to see Uri live but left feeling most of his
performance was real and not trickery. He is an accomplished stage performer,
and a little paranoid about some of the critics and people who use his name
without his permission,but I liked him and was convinced by the spoon bending. I
watched him from three feet away when a random member of the audience went up to
him as he came off the stage and asked him to bend a spoon. I am a doctor and a
trained observer and there was no way he could have faked it.
I thought the book was a balanced account of a complicated man who is more than
a conjuror.

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3,0 von 5 Sternen Interesting read but the jury is still out!
Kundenrezension aus Großbritannien 🇬🇧 am 21. Januar 2015
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An interesting read and I learned a lot about this enigmatic person. By the end
I was more or less convinced that he really can use the power of thought to
achieve strange phenomena but less sure about his belief that he is under the
influence of aliens. What amazed me more were the parts of the book relating to
the CIA's involvement with both testing his abilities and utilising them. I feel
very intrigued by Uri and he comes across in the book as a warm and fascinating
person albeit with a rather colourful past.

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