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Submitted URL: http://url7974.mailing.wearehuman8.com/ls/click?upn=nBuShFyHxvPQl2teV8uBLeQFMrjopum3ECRIcfnqu3KNuw3gQ2DjxWpCfCXUIxtwKSTyaUmRqqJjE2qluTj...
Effective URL: https://s.gongos.com/cr4w/IntroN
Submission: On May 25 via manual from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

Name: intronPOST /cr4w/intron/PagePost

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      <!-- Begin HTML For IntroN -->
      <h1 class="welcome-header" ondblclick=""> Welcome! </h1>
      <div class="welcome-text">
        <div class="intro-txt " ondblclick=""> Thank you for your interest in participating in a one-hour video interview.
          <b>This is an opportunity to share your perspectives and experiences to ultimately shape how Ameriprise approaches the advisor-client relationship.</b><br><br>Ameriprise has partnered with a Human8, a consultancy and market research
          company, to run these interviews.<br><br><b>Have any questions?</b><br>Human8 is here to ensure you have a great experience.<br>Please contact us with any questions:
          <a href="mailto:Clientinterviews@wearehuman8.com">Clientinterviews@wearehuman8.com</a><br><br><b>How will your information be used?</b><br>Your information will be kept confidential in accordance with top industry standards and used only
          for market research purposes.<br><br><b>What you need to be considered:</b><br>A few minutes to answer a brief survey.<br><br><b>What happens next?</b><br>Human8 will be looking to include all types of clients and will select potential
          participants based on survey responses. If you are selected to participate, Human8 will call to schedule the interview. Clients that complete the interview will receive a $150 visa gift card.<br><br><b>Click the arrow below to continue.</b>
      <!-- End HTML For IntroN -->
  <button type="submit" id="btnNext" class="pull-right" style="" aria-label="Next Arrow"></button>
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Thank you for your interest in participating in a one-hour video interview. This
is an opportunity to share your perspectives and experiences to ultimately shape
how Ameriprise approaches the advisor-client relationship.

Ameriprise has partnered with a Human8, a consultancy and market research
company, to run these interviews.

Have any questions?
Human8 is here to ensure you have a great experience.
Please contact us with any questions: Clientinterviews@wearehuman8.com

How will your information be used?
Your information will be kept confidential in accordance with top industry
standards and used only for market research purposes.

What you need to be considered:
A few minutes to answer a brief survey.

What happens next?
Human8 will be looking to include all types of clients and will select potential
participants based on survey responses. If you are selected to participate,
Human8 will call to schedule the interview. Clients that complete the interview
will receive a $150 visa gift card.

Click the arrow below to continue.

Human8 and Ameriprise Financial are not affiliated.

If you have questions, please email Human8 at: Clientinterviews@wearehuman8.com

Privacy Policy