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<h6 class="uppercase break-words" x-text="item.name || item.original_title">Reading Intl Cl A</h6>
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 * Jazz unveil over-the-air, streaming options to watch games starting next
 * Cyprus president declares 'zero tolerance' policy on evasion of Russia
 * Electric vehicle maker Rivian to join Tesla charging network as automakers
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 * Warren Buffett's firm ups stakes in Japanese trading houses as Nikkei hot
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 * Slovakia's first female president won't seek reelection next year

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Investment Opportunity



MCF Energy Ltd. | Listed on: TSXV:MCF.VN | OTCQX:MCFNF

Download Full Report


 * Overview
 * Energy Security
 * Reasons to Invest
 * Unlocking Europe’s Underexploited Resources
 * Management Team
 * Germany: Significant Acquisition and Confirmed Gas
 * Austria: Giant Welchau Gas Prospect
 * Sector Backdrop: The European Opportunity
 * Investment Case

Get Full Report


Watch the video to get an overview of who MCF Energy are, what they do, and why
this is an investment worthy of your consideration. Read our in-depth report on
MCF which follows the video, or download the full Analyst Report.


MCF Energy (TSXV: MCF) (OTCQX: MCFNF) (FRA: DC6) was established by a group of
legendary energy entrepreneurs and explorers bringing capital and commitment to
strengthening Europe’s energy security through domestic natural gas development.
Key stakeholders of the company have previously created or led several
billion-dollar energy ventures including in Europe. They are the leading
technical, financial and operational minds to leverage this opportunity.

The company aims to offer energy security, but why is this such a key issue for
Europe right now?

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has severely impacted the natural gas supplies of
European countries. This dire situation has caused real human suffering and cost
the countries involved many hundreds of billions of dollars in cost-of-living
subsidies and wholesale price regulations. One company on a mission to
counteract this problem is MCF Energy, an exciting natural gas exploration stock
with unique potential.

MCF Energy is focused on helping Europe transition to renewable energy sources
by investing in high-quality gas assets, and it is already making progress. The
company’s portfolio includes a 20% stake in a considerable gas prospect in
Austria, which is set to be drill tested this year. Located close to a pipeline,
independent estimates have shown that this asset could be a game-changer for the

MCF is also thrilled to have acquired an incredible German company that has
spent the past decade building an extensive portfolio of promising gas projects
in the country. By developing these assets, MCF could potentially help Europe
reduce its reliance on imported natural gas, which is costly and comes with an
avoidable carbon footprint. As Europe’s largest gas importer, Germany has a
great need for energy, and MCF is proud to be playing a part in addressing this

Exchange / Symbol TSXV:MCF
Market Capitalization $63.90 million (CAN)
Current price $0.27 (CAN)
Current mid price $0.27 (CAN)
52 Week high price $0.80 (CAN)
52 Week low price $0.11 (CAN)
Download Full Report


The Russian invasion of Ukraine has made affordable and uninterrupted energy
sources impossible in Europe under current conditions. 

Of course, this has spurred the EU and European nations to be more motivated
than ever to solidify their energy security.

Governments have been spending a fortune to stabilize the region, which has
subsequently created an environment where governments and regulators are far
more motivated to work with fossil fuel companies. 

Even if the war with Ukraine ends soon, the continent can no longer consider
Russia to be a trusted energy partner, so alternative solutions are necessary,
not on a temporary basis but permanently.

MCF Energy is proactively moving to ensure that Europe’s gas supply remains
stable and uninterrupted. To do this, MCF is advancing responsible gas
exploration in Austria, Germany and elsewhere in the European continent to
confirm domestic supplies.

Ultimately, Russia has leveraged its gas supplies against its former allies, and
the situation has led to unforeseen challenges for the Western continent. The
rare opportunity lies in turning this situation around to contribute positively
to Europe’s energy security. That’s why MCF Energy is taking on this much-needed

The company’s exploration efforts present a mutually beneficial relationship
between its financial objectives and Europe’s long-term energy security.

Furthermore, natural gas prices in Europe are far higher than in North America,
which presents a compelling opportunity for existing stakeholders and interested

As you’ll discover, the people leading this company read like a who’s who of the
most successful minds in the energy and mining industries. Each boasts an
impressive track record of prior successes and brings a wealth of expertise and
knowledge to this exciting new venture.


   MCF Energy is the first new public venture to consolidate large-scale gas
   prospects in Europe since the Ukraine war outbreak.

   The company aims to become a leading energy provider in Europe, driving
   economic growth and promoting a more sustainable energy future for
   generations to come. It is also committed to exploring opportunities to
   support the renewable energy transition.

   MCF Energy has acquired large-scale top-tier Austrian and German prospects
   with a clear path to market. The company is also evaluating additional
   frontiers with huge expansion prospects.

   Leading MCF Energy is a renowned and accomplished leadership team with a
   strong track record in European energy and capital markets.

   The company has assembled a highly skilled technical team with extensive
   experience and expertise in geosciences, geology, and operations to identify
   and develop lucrative European natural gas reserves.

   The company is committed to responsible corporate citizenship and delivering
   value to stakeholders.

Download Full Report


With foresight, MCF Energy recognized Europe’s heavy reliance on energy imports
from Russia, which led it to neglect its own valuable resources. For decades,
many promising projects and energy sources within European borders have been
overlooked due to the convenience of Russian imports. But with heightened
geopolitical tensions, the continent now has a pressing desire to strengthen its
energy security by tapping into its local reserves.

These resources have been neglected in the past due to limited funding and a
lack of enthusiasm from a Europe that has become increasingly focused on
renewable energy.

Unfortunately, this short-sighted decision contributed to an energy crisis as
the conflict in Ukraine began. Consequently, the recent shockwaves from this war
have drastically shifted the landscape, making it critical for Europe to
re-evaluate its energy sources.


After scouring a database of abandoned oil and gas fields in Europe, MCF’s
technical experts have pinpointed several large-scale, potentially gas-rich

Using cutting-edge technology and expert analysis, the team can zero in on the
most lucrative locations to drill for natural gas resources. Thereby ensuring
the company makes informed decisions and focuses its resources on the areas with
the greatest potential for success.

The business is assisted in staying right at the cutting edge by Deborah Sacrey,
an Advisor to MCF Energy, who is a leader in the field of artificial
intelligence in oil and gas exploration with over 9 discoveries under her belt
using multi-attribute neural analysis.

Additionally, the company’s use of remote sensing data enables the creation of a
three-dimensional subsurface picture, which can help identify and assess
potential energy sources more accurately. This technological innovation has
increased success rates significantly, thereby significantly reducing the
financial and operational risks associated with unsuccessful exploration and
drilling efforts.

Also, advancements in computing power have greatly improved data readability,
allowing for the identification of prospects that may have previously been
missed by the naked eye.

Download Full Report


Undoubtedly, the company's strong belief in reaching its goals comes from its
highly accomplished management team. Collectively they have an exceptional
record of success in the European energy markets, providing powerful financial
backing to the projects. Their in-depth industry knowledge, resilient leadership
skills, and extensive experience provide a solid foundation for this company.

Past successes with companies such as InterOil, Bankers Petroleum, Lithium X,
BNK Petroleum, K92 Mining, Goldcorp, and Hive Blockchain are a testament to
their expertise and ability to achieve results. This impressive list of
accomplishments is sure to ignite confidence in shareholders who are familiar
with the sector, as it highlights the strength and experience of the MCF Energy


Here is a rundown of the key people in the management team at MCF Energy.

   CEO James Hill led exploration for Bankers Petroleum, which grew European oil
   production by 2000% and achieved a peak market cap of $2.25 billion.
   He was also involved in increasing its largest heavy oil field by 40X. Hill
   is a professional geologist with over 40 years of technical and
   executive-level experience in petroleum and natural gas exploration and

   Co-founder Ford Nicholson has helped create, manage, and sell several large
   energy companies, including Bankers Petroleum (co-founder), which was
   acquired in 2016 for $575 million, InterOil (Vice Chairman), acquired by
   ExxonMobil for US $2.5 billion in 2016, and Nations Energy (co-founder),
   which was acquired in 2006 for US $1.6 billion.
   Ford Nicholson and James Hill played key roles in the leadership of BNK
   Petroleum, which conducted explorations in six European countries and became
   Europe’s largest subsurface oil and gas rights holder in 2011.

   Wes Clark was the Supreme Allied Commander in Europe of NATO from 1997-2000.
   He is a former director of Bankers Petroleum and BNK Petroleum, both active
   in Europe.
   General Clark has received numerous honorary degrees and awards, including
   the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the Silver Star, the Purple Heart and
   honorary knighthoods from the United Kingdom and the Netherlands.

   Executive Chairman Jay Park KC has advised governments and leading energy
   companies on asset deals globally for over 40 years.
   He is the founder of Park Energy Law, where his vast expertise in energy law
   and ability to connect global resources to capital and technology is highly
   sought after.

   Frank Giustra, a prominent investor, has an impressive background as the
   founder and former CEO of Lionsgate Entertainment, a leading film and
   television production company.
   Additionally, he co-founded Wheaton River Minerals, which has since become
   Newmont Goldcorp, one of the world’s largest gold mining companies. Giustra
   is currently the CEO of the Fiore Group, a firm managing private equity
   investments and companies specializing in natural resources, entertainment,
   art, food, and lifestyle.
   Giustra has additional experience with mining, as well as oil and gas,
   through his work as chairman and adviser to merchant banking firm Endeavour
   With his extensive experience in the entertainment and mining industries,
   Giustra has a proven track record of success and unparalleled expertise. As a
   cornerstone investor, Giustra brings valuable insights and resources to any
   venture he supports, making him an instrumental asset to any company looking
   to achieve sustained growth and success.

   Gordon Keep co-founded Lithium X Energy with Frank Giustra, which NextView
   acquired for C$265 million just 30 months post-IPO in 2018.
   The pair also co-founded HIVE Blockchain, which became the first publicly
   traded cryptocurrency mining firm globally in 2017.
   Prior to that, they had great success as the co-founders and advisors to
   Newmont Goldcorp, the world’s most valuable gold miner, after a decade of
   growth in 2012.

   Carson Seabolt is an experienced generalist investor and entrepreneur with a
   wealth of knowledge in finance strategies for both micro-cap private and
   public Canadian companies. His area of expertise lies in identifying
   undervalued situations in the market.
   Notably, he co-founded and purpose-built K92 Mining Corp, a successful mining
   company that approached a market cap of $2 billion in 2021 and received the
   prestigious PDAC Thayer Lindsley Award. This award recognizes a team credited
   with a significant mineral discovery.

   Mario Vetro is another K92 Mining co-founder. He has an exceptional track
   record of providing strategic guidance and support to businesses in the
   energy and mining sectors, leveraging his expertise to help companies achieve
   their goals and realize sustained growth and success.
   With his vast experience and knowledge, Mario Vetro is a valuable asset to
   any organization looking to navigate the complexities of the resource and
   special situations industries.

   Richard Wadsworth is a petroleum engineer with over 30 years of international
   experience in operations and management. As a co-founder, director, and
   President of Bankers Petroleum, he has played a significant role in the
   company. Recently, Mr. Wadsworth led the development of a 55,000 barrels of
   oil per day (bopd) oilfield in Iraq, with plans to expand it to 230,000 bopd.

   Jeffrey Harder, FCPA, FCA, FCBV, ICD.D Director, has over 40 years of
   experience in the natural resources sector. He has held numerous leadership
   positions at Deloitte Canada, such as Office Managing Partner, Canada
   Business Leader, Americas Business Leader, Global Executive Committee Member,
   and Board of Directors Member.

   Aaron Triplett is a seasoned financial professional. As a Chartered
   Accountant (2008) and Chartered Professional Accountant (2015), he has
   primarily focused on the natural resources industry. Mr. Triplett has
   previously held the position of CFO at companies such as Hillcrest Energy and
   Angkor Gold, where he was responsible for overseeing all aspects of their
   financial operations.


   MCF Energy Advisor
   Deborah is an experienced geologist/geophysicist with 45 years of experience
   in oil and gas exploration in the Gulf Coast and Mid-Continent regions of the
   US. She specializes in 2D and 3D interpretation for clients both in the US
   and abroad. In recent years, she has focused on the multi-attribute neural
   analysis of seismic data using Paradise software under the guidance of Dr.
   Tom Smith. Deborah has contributed to 5 discoveries for clients using this
   MCF Energy Advisor
   Ritchie has held management and operational positions in both major and
   junior oil and gas companies. He has broad commercial experience in asset
   sales and purchases, farm in/out deals, gas sales agreements, joint operating
   agreements and production sharing agreements, as well as technical input to
   arbitration and litigation cases. Ritchie has managed E&P projects and
   production assets for international and independent oil companies in Central
   Europe, West Africa, and the UK North Sea.

   MCF Energy Advisor
   Mark is a technical innovator in the oil and gas industry with over 30 years
   of experience in exploration, appraisal, development, and new ventures,
   including operating experience.
   He has worked extensively with both conventional and unconventional
   hydrocarbon projects across Western, Central, and Eastern Europe. Mark holds
   a PhD in Structural Geology and Extensional Tectonics from Imperial College.
   MCF Energy Advisor
   John is a former Business Development Manager and Regional Director for
   Gaffney, Cline & Associates, an international petroleum consultancy with over
   55 years of experience. He joined GaffneyCline in 2004, initially serving in
   the UK and later in Singapore. From 2009-2014, he was the Regional Director
   for Asia Pacific, before returning to the UK to become the Regional Director
   for Europe, Africa, Middle East, and Russia Caspian region.

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MCF Energy is making substantial moves in Germany. Here, the company has
concluded its acquisition of Genexco Gmbh, which means it is now positioned as a
powerful player in natural gas exploration in Germany, with 100% ownership of
four licenses for natural gas exploration and development projects. The
acquisition also includes a proprietary database for 10 additional project areas
and consideration tied to the success of significant projects under

Through Genexco, MCF plans to develop the Rotliegend Reudnitz gas field, a large
and confirmed deposit of natural gas. The gas presence is evidenced by three
previously drilled wells. Additionally, a fourth well drilled below the
gas-water interface provides added proof that the size and structure of the gas
accumulation are notably significant.

Energy business experts Gaffney, Cline & Associates (GaffneyCline) backed this
view up when it reported to MCF Energy an estimated 118.7 billion cubic feet of
natural gas for extraction. These reserves are non-calorific, potentially
diluting the hydrocarbons’ concentration, with nitrogen also present. This is
common throughout the region.

The reserve report also shows gas content with 0.2% helium. This will
potentially enhance the overall value of the natural gas reserve because helium
is another highly valuable and scarce commodity. Given that the technology to
extract nitrogen and helium from the gas field is well established, the experts
involved have done their sums and believe the forecasted economics of this
project to be very appealing. GaffneyCline estimates over 1 billion cubic feet
of helium in the reservoir.

During the initial drilling activity, Genexco found 19 meters of oil-stained
Zechstein carbonate. This is another positive sign for the project. Indeed, the
oil-staining is significant as the Zechstein is also a highly productive expanse
of oil production right next door in Poland. And here at Genexco’s prospect,
GaffneyCline report shows the potential for highly lucrative oil reserves of
around 4.4 million barrels that can be added to the reserves already documented
at Reudnitz. This presents yet another exceptional hydrocarbon opportunity for
investors in the company to anticipate.

The combination of existing wells, test data confirming gas flow, designs for
separation plans, nearby pipeline infrastructure, and a very strong market with
favorable prices all contribute to MCF Energy forging ahead with the Rotliegend
Reudnitz gas field.

The company believes this project will see it begin to fill the large void in
Europe's energy security at a time of greatest need. But it’s not the only major
project MCF’s exceptional team of energy leaders has going on…


Austria’s Vienna Basin is renowned for its bountiful oil and gas fields, but for
decades Austrian oil and gas projects were starved of investment as cheap
Russian gas flooded the market. MCF Energy is ready to change this with funds
readily available and the technical expertise to cherry-pick projects with the
greatest potential for success.

The company has teamed up with ADX Energy (ASX: ADX), a Europe-focused energy
producer, staking its claim on a massive geological structure – an anticline.

Way back in the 1900s, anticlines were the go-to drill area for oil and gas
prospectors, as they held precious resources. Fast forward to the 1980s, and
prospectors struck a gas-rich patch in Austria’s giant Welchau anticline. Here,
they tested the Molln-1 well, which unveiled a gas column of at least 400m thick
and tested condensate-rich, pipeline-quality gas at a maximum flow rate of 3.5
million cubic feet per day (mmcfpd).

And now MCF Energy is getting set to explore for natural gas at its Giant
Welchau prospect near the Austrian Alps.

What excites MCF Energy is that the Molln-1 well serves as undeniable proof that
there’s gas in the area. Better still, the well test pinpointed a trap, a
reservoir and a seal, the holy trinity for oil and gas production.

Pressure transient analysis and additional data reveal an enormous structure,
potentially 100 square km in size. Indeed, potential reserves back from a study
carried out by GaffneyCline point to 644.6 billion cubic feet of natural gas
equivalent in the ADX-MCF prospect vicinity. Furthermore, the Giant Welchau
prospect is only 18km from a pipeline.

MCF Energy is now preparing to initiate drilling operations (spud) at its giant
Welchau prospect, up-dip from Molln-1, in September 2023. The up-dip location is
important in an anticline because it often serves as a trap for oil and gas
accumulations. Well permitting is underway and progressing ahead of schedule,
with anticipation mounting for the potential yield of the giant Welchau project,
with 20% belonging to MCF.

With its strategic location and vast potential, Welchau has the possibility to
become a major player in the energy sector, attracting interest and investment
worldwide. The prospect’s abundant natural gas resources, combined with the
latest exploration techniques and a skilled technical team, make it an
attractive investment opportunity.

Indeed, the main draw for the current stakeholders in this Austrian project is
the potential returns. For what they consider to be a conservative outlay,
they’re hopeful for significant value on their investment as the production rate
is attractive and economic in today’s market. Furthermore, the government favors
natural gas, surface permits are already there, landowners’ surface access is
being negotiated, and ultimately, the team is very excited about this project.


MCF has several additional large German targets under application or evaluation.
And it’s not confining its exploration activity to Austria and Germany. The
company is also employing experts to search for potentially lucrative M&A
targets all over Europe.

Drilling is anticipated to start in Austria and Germany later this year.

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The European Union is one of the world’s biggest users of oil and gas. In recent
years, the EU has come to rely ever more on imports for energy, with much coming
from Russia. This stopped after Russia invaded Ukraine, causing Europe to
increase its imports from Norway, the United States and Qatar, which cost far
more to import.

This approach is not just costly, it generates higher carbon emissions compared
to the domestic supply that could be provided by MCF Energy’s projects in
Austria and Germany once they become operational.

By reducing the amount of oil and gas it imports, the EU can save money, lessen
its carbon footprint, and increase domestic security.

As we look ahead through 2023 and beyond, the global upstream oil and gas
industry finds itself in a unique position. After years of underinvestment,
demand recovery, and geopolitical developments, the sector generated
record-breaking free cash flows in 2022.

Private exploration and production companies drive growth, while
US-headquartered majors prioritize shareholder payouts and production growth,
and European-headquartered majors balance energy security and transition. MCF
Energy aims to do both.

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MCF Energy Ltd. (TSXV: MCF) (OTCQX: MCFNF) (FRA: DC6) presents a compelling
investment opportunity as it leverages its first-mover advantage and seeks to
secure Europe’s gas supplies in a dependable domestic jurisdiction.

The company’s goal is to become a leading energy provider in Europe, driving
economic growth and promoting a more sustainable energy future for generations
to come.

This unique opportunity to invest in a high-demand market is emerging since
energy security has become a top priority in the region. As such, the business
is potentially well-placed to capitalize on the identified gap in the market.

There are no guarantees, but investor catalysts could include growth potential,
market demand, diversification, reputational benefits, government incentives,
and ESG investing, which could positively impact the company’s valuation, share
price and overall attractiveness to investors.

Canada-based MCF Energy is financed by experienced and determined industry
players who align their interests with shareholders. They want to see the
business grow and thrive in the region with a focus on big, bold collaborations
that benefit everyone involved. The company is already engaged in M&A activity
and will not shy away if more compelling opportunities present themselves.

Indeed, it’s also worth noting that interest has been so high in MCF Energy that
recent financing was boosted from C$8m to C$12m, bringing the total capital
raised in 2023 to C$20m.

What truly distinguishes this company is its unique combination of expertise and
powerful financial backing.

With two projects offering massive potential already under its belt and the
possibility of more to come, this small-cap company looks well-placed to benefit
from the increasingly feverish demand for natural gas on the continent. That’s
why MCF Energy's management is confident in achieving serious impact and serious


MCF Energy presents a timely investment opportunity as it prepares to bolster
European energy security. Discover the opportunities for investors in our
exclusive free report.

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