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Effective URL: https://www.envato.com/
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Submission: On January 22 via manual from GB — Scanned from GB

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Cookies and similar technologies are used on our sites to personalise content
and ads, provide and improve product features and to analyse traffic on our
sites by Envato, our business partners and authors. You can find further details
below. By continuing to use our sites and services, you agree to the use of
these cookies and similar technologies.
Do not sell or share my personal information
Use necessary cookies only OK Show details
Use necessary cookies only Allow selection Allow all cookies
Strictly Necessary
Show details
Cookie declaration [#IABV2SETTINGS#] About
 Strictly Necessary (35)  Preferences (4)  Statistics (15)  Marketing (76)
 Unclassified (5)
Strictly necessary cookies help make a website usable by enabling basic
functions like page navigation, website security and access to information that
requires authentication.

NameProviderPurposeExpiryType__cf_bm [x4]Envato
VimeoThis cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. This is
beneficial for the website, in order to make valid reports on the use of their
website.1 dayHTTPCookieConsent [x8]CookiebotStores the user's cookie consent
state for the current domain1 yearHTTP_ce.cchCrazyeggStores the user's cookie
consent state for the current domainSessionHTTP__cfruid [x5]Zendesk
EnvatoThis cookie is a part of the services provided by Cloudflare - Including
load-balancing, deliverance of website content and serving DNS connection for
website operators. SessionHTTP_cfuvid [x4]Zendesk
EnvatoThis cookie is a part of the services provided by Cloudflare - Including
load-balancing, deliverance of website content and serving DNS connection for
website operators. SessionHTTPCONSENT [x3]Google
YouTubeUsed to detect if the visitor has accepted the marketing category in the
cookie banner. This cookie is necessary for GDPR-compliance of the website. 2
yearsHTTP_help_center_session [x4]EnvatoPreserves users states across page
requests.SessionHTTP1.gifCookiebotUsed to count the number of sessions to the
website, necessary for optimizing CMP product delivery.
SessionPixelcsrftokenInstagramHelps prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
attacks.1 yearHTTPis_euPinterestDetermines whether the user is located within
the EU and therefore is subject to EU's data privacy regulations.
SessionHTMLce_successful_csp_checkCrazyeggDetects whether user behaviour
tracking should be active on the website. PersistentHTMLcf_clearanceEnvatoThis
cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. 1
yearHTTPelementorEnvatoUsed in context with the website's WordPress theme. The
cookie allows the website owner to implement or change the website's content in

These cookies enable storage of information that changes the way a website
behaves or looks, like settings for your region.

NameProviderPurposeExpiryType@@scroll# [x2]EnvatoPendingSessionHTMLCookieConsentBulkSetting-# [x2]CookiebotEnables
cookie consent across multiple websites1 yearHTML

Statistics cookies help us to understand how visitors interact with our websites
by collecting and reporting information.

NameProviderPurposeExpiryType_ce.clock_dataCrazyeggCollects data on the user’s
navigation and behavior on the website. This is used to compile statistical
reports and heatmaps for the website owner.1
dayHTTP_ce.clock_eventCrazyeggCollects data on the user’s navigation and
behavior on the website. This is used to compile statistical reports and
heatmaps for the website owner.1 dayHTTP_ce.gtldCrazyeggHolds which URL should
be presented to the visitor when visiting the site.
SessionHTTP_ce.sCrazyeggCollects data on the user’s navigation and behavior on
the website. This is used to compile statistical reports and heatmaps for the
website owner.1 yearHTTP_gaGoogleRegisters a unique ID that is used to generate
statistical data on how the visitor uses the website.2 yearsHTTP_gatGoogleUsed
by Google Analytics to throttle request rate1 dayHTTP_gidGoogleRegisters a
unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the
website.1 dayHTTPcebsCrazyeggTracks the individual sessions on the website,
allowing the website to compile statistical data from multiple visits. This data
can also be used to create leads for marketing
purposes.SessionHTTPcebsp_CrazyeggCollects data on the user’s navigation and
behavior on the website. This is used to compile statistical reports and
heatmaps for the website owner.SessionHTTPpll_languageEnvatoThis cookie is used
to determine the preferred language of the visitor and sets the language
accordingly on the website, if possible.1 yearHTTPcollectGoogleUsed to send data
to Google Analytics about the visitor's device and behavior. Tracks the visitor
across devices and marketing channels.SessionPixelce_fvdCrazyeggCollects data on
the user’s navigation and behavior on the website. This is used to compile
statistical reports and heatmaps for the website
owner.PersistentHTMLcetabidCrazyeggSets a unique ID for the session. This allows
the website to obtain data on visitor behaviour for statistical
purposes.SessionHTMLhc:#:recently_visited_articlesZendeskRegisters which
articles the user has visited in a Zendesk knowledge
base.PersistentHTMLtdGoogleRegisters statistical data on users' behaviour on the
website. Used for internal analytics by the website operator. SessionPixel

Marketing cookies are used for tracking browsing activity and to customise and
display ads that are relevant and engaging.

NameProviderPurposeExpiryType_uetsidMicrosoftUsed to track visitors on multiple
websites, in order to present relevant advertisement based on the visitor's
preferences. PersistentHTML_uetsid_expMicrosoftContains the expiry-date for the
cookie with corresponding name. PersistentHTML_uetvidMicrosoftUsed to track
visitors on multiple websites, in order to present relevant advertisement based
on the visitor's preferences. PersistentHTML_uetvid_expMicrosoftContains the
expiry-date for the cookie with corresponding name.
PersistentHTMLMSPTCMicrosoftPending1 yearHTTPMUIDMicrosoftUsed widely by
Microsoft as a unique user ID. The cookie enables user tracking by synchronising
the ID across many Microsoft domains.1 yearHTTPmsToken [x2]byteoversea.com
sf16-website-login.neutral.ttwstatic.comCollects information on user behaviour
on multiple websites. This information is used in order to optimize the
relevance of advertisement on the website.10 daysHTTPlastExternalReferrer Meta
Platforms, Inc.Detects how the user reached the website by registering their
last URL-address.PersistentHTMLlastExternalReferrerTime Meta Platforms,
Inc.Detects how the user reached the website by registering their last
URL-address.PersistentHTMLGFE_RTTGoogleUsed to implement the content through
Google Docs. 1 dayHTTPpunchv-e-fGoogleUsed to implement the content through
Google Docs. PersistentHTMLpunchv-e-nGoogleUsed to implement the content through
Google Docs. PersistentHTMLpunchv-e-vGoogleUsed to implement the content through
Google Docs. PersistentHTMLIDEGoogleUsed by Google DoubleClick to register and
report the website user's actions after viewing or clicking one of the
advertiser's ads with the purpose of measuring the efficacy of an ad and to
present targeted ads to the user.1 yearHTTPpagead/landingGoogleCollects data on
visitor behaviour from multiple websites, in order to present more relevant
advertisement - This also allows the website to limit the number of times that
they are shown the same advertisement. SessionPixeltest_cookieGoogleUsed to
check if the user's browser supports cookies.1 dayHTTP_fbp Meta Platforms,
Inc.Used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real
time bidding from third party advertisers.3 monthsHTTP_gcl_auGoogleUsed by
Google AdSense for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across websites
using their services. 3 monthsHTTP_pin_unauthPinterestUsed by Pinterest to track
the usage of services.1 yearHTTP_uetsidMicrosoftCollects data on visitor
behaviour from multiple websites, in order to present more relevant
advertisement - This also allows the website to limit the number of times that
they are shown the same advertisement. 1 dayHTTP_uetvidMicrosoftUsed to track
visitors on multiple websites, in order to present relevant advertisement based
on the visitor's preferences. 1 yearHTTPads/ga-audiencesGoogleUsed by Google
AdWords to re-engage visitors that are likely to convert to customers based on
the visitor's online behaviour across websites.SessionPixelNIDGoogleRegisters a
unique ID that identifies a returning user's device. The ID is used for targeted
ads.6 monthsHTTPpagead/1p-user-list/#GoogleTracks if the user has shown interest
in specific products or events across multiple websites and detects how the user
navigates between sites. This is used for measurement of advertisement efforts
and facilitates payment of referral-fees between
websites.SessionPixeldocs/common/netcheck.gifGoogleNecessary for the general
functionality of the website. SessionPixel_pinterest_ct_uaPinterestUsed by
Pinterest to track the usage of services.1 yearHTTPar_debugPinterestPending1
yearHTTPv3/PinterestUsed by Pinterest to track the usage of
by the social networking service, TikTok, for tracking the use of embedded
data on visitors' preferences and behaviour on the website - This information is
used make content and advertisement more relevant to the specific visitor.
PersistentHTML__tea_session_id_#sf16-website-login.neutral.ttwstatic.comUsed by
the social networking service, TikTok, for tracking the use of embedded
by the social networking service, TikTok, for tracking the use of embedded
by the social networking service, TikTok, for tracking the use of embedded
by the social networking service, TikTok, for tracking the use of embedded
by the social networking service, TikTok, for tracking the use of embedded
services.PersistentHTMLxmsisf16-website-login.neutral.ttwstatic.comUsed by the
social networking service, TikTok, for tracking the use of embedded
services.PersistentHTMLttwidTiktokUsed by the social networking service, TikTok,
for tracking the use of embedded services.1 yearHTTPvuidVimeoCollects data on
the user's visits to the website, such as which pages have been read.2
yearsHTTP__tt_embed__mountingTiktokRegisters data on the performance of the
website’s embedded video-content.
SessionHTML__tt_embed__storage_testTiktokRegisters data on the performance of
the website’s embedded video-content.
SessionHTMLLAST_RESULT_ENTRY_KEY [x2]YouTubeUsed to track user’s interaction
with embedded content.SessionHTTPnextId [x2]YouTubeUsed to track user’s
interaction with embedded content.SessionHTTPrequests [x2]YouTubeUsed to track
user’s interaction with embedded
content.SessionHTTPTESTCOOKIESENABLED [x2]YouTubeUsed to track user’s
interaction with embedded content.1
dayHTTPyt.innertube::nextId [x2]YouTubeRegisters a unique ID to keep statistics
of what videos from YouTube the user has
seen.PersistentHTMLytidb::LAST_RESULT_ENTRY_KEY [x2]YouTubeStores the user's
video player preferences using embedded YouTube
videoPersistentHTMLYtIdbMeta#databases [x2]YouTubeUsed to track user’s
interaction with embedded
content.PersistentIDByt-remote-cast-available [x2]YouTubeStores the user's video
player preferences using embedded YouTube
videoSessionHTMLyt-remote-cast-installed [x2]YouTubeStores the user's video
player preferences using embedded YouTube
videoSessionHTMLyt-remote-connected-devices [x2]YouTubeStores the user's video
player preferences using embedded YouTube
videoPersistentHTMLyt-remote-device-id [x2]YouTubeStores the user's video player
preferences using embedded YouTube
videoPersistentHTMLyt-remote-fast-check-period [x2]YouTubeStores the user's
video player preferences using embedded YouTube
videoSessionHTMLyt-remote-session-app [x2]YouTubeStores the user's video player
preferences using embedded YouTube
videoSessionHTMLyt-remote-session-name [x2]YouTubeStores the user's video player
preferences using embedded YouTube
for the implementation and functionality of YouTube video-content on the
website. SessionHTTPServiceWorkerLogsDatabase#SWHealthLogYouTubeNecessary for
the implementation and functionality of YouTube video-content on the website.
PersistentIDBVISITOR_INFO1_LIVEYouTubeTries to estimate the users' bandwidth on
pages with integrated YouTube videos.180
daysHTTPVISITOR_PRIVACY_METADATAYouTubeStores the user's cookie consent state
for the current domain180 daysHTTPYSCYouTubeRegisters a unique ID to keep
statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has seen.SessionHTTP

Unclassified cookies are cookies that we are in the process of classifying,
together with the providers of individual cookies.



Cookies, clear gifs and similar technologies (cookies) are used on our sites to
personalise content and ads, provide and improve product features and to analyse
our traffic on our sites by Envato, our business partners and authors. As a part
of our commitment to upholding a high standard of transparency with our users,
we’ve created this guide to explain the tracking technologies we use on our


What are cookies, clear gifs and similar technologies?

Cookies are a small data file sent to your web browser or mobile device that is
stored on your browser cache.


Clear gifs and pixel trackers are tiny graphics with a unique identifier and are
similar in function to cookies, and are used to track the movements of web users
between pages and websites. They are embedded invisibly on web pages and are
about the size of a single pixel.


First party cookies are set by us when you’re visiting one of our sites, and
third party cookies are set by a party other than the website you’re visiting.


Cookies and similar technologies are used for the following purposes on the
Envato sites.


Strictly Necessary: Strictly necessary cookies help make a website usable by
enabling basic functions like page navigation, website security and access to
information that requires authentication.


Preferences: These cookies enable storage of information that changes the way a
website behaves or looks, like settings for your region. Statistics: Statistics
cookies help us to understand how visitors interact with our websites by
collecting and reporting information.


Marketing: Marketing cookies are used for tracking browsing activity and to
customise and display ads that are relevant and engaging.


Third Parties: Our business partners and authors use cookies for the purposes

described above.


How to manage your preferences and settings

Please keep in mind that your experience may not be as we intended if you change
the standard settings.


Visitors located in the European Union can select their preferences with the
preferences panel, and can change their preferences by clearing their cookies,
refreshing the page, and selecting their preferences again.


Any interested visitor can learn how to opt out of third party cookies by
consulting this page or learn how to change your browser settings:






Contact, questions and changes

We may make changes to the Cookie Policy from time to time and we will take
reasonable steps to let our users know about these changes. You can keep track
of changes made by referring to the date below.


If you have any questions about our privacy practices, or about how to change
your cookie preferences, please contact our privacy champion at
privacy.champion@envato.com. You can also write to us at PO Box 16122 Collins
Street West Victoria 8007 Australia.


Updated 14 June 2019.

Your consent applies to the following domains: build.envato.com,
preview.codecanyon.net, preview.themeforest.net, envato.com,
studiosupport.envato.com, help.author.envato.com, help.elements.envato.com,

Cookie declaration last updated on 25/12/2023 by Cookiebot
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> Envato Elements is one of those platforms that I logon to on a daily basis
> sometimes even when I don’t need to design anything. I get visual inspiration
> and feel empowered having this library of resources to make our ideas come to
> life.
> Dillah Zakbah, BBH

> Envato definitely comes in handy and makes my work so much easier when I need
> to tackle bigger projects that involve commercial work because the wide
> variety of video templates that are available are super easy to use.
> Atzimba Palomares Barriga, iHeartMedia

> I always thought that things like Envato Elements are for the ‘creative
> geniuses’ in marketing or online. I never contemplated that I was trying to
> achieve the same results they were but in a different space. Now that I have
> found Envato Elements, I compare what I was producing to what I am now and it
> is quite evident that the investment was worthwhile.
> Guy Barr, Target Australia

> Over the years we have used Envato to access website themes and creative
> assets to build our news content platform, UrbanGeekz.com. We have also
> purchased everything from stock photos, digital templates, and other critical
> tools for our live website. I love the way Envato keeps us informed about
> theme updates and new trends in the industry. I would highly recommend Envato.
> Kunbi Tinuoye, Founder & CEO


We’re a team that knows creativity doesn’t just happen; it takes passion and a
lot of hard work. That’s why we’re committed to making it easier for people to
get their creative projects done, driven by a positive purpose and a shared set
of values that puts our community at the heart of everything we do.

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