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urlscan Pro
Public Scan
Submission: On August 08 via manual from US — Scanned from DE
Submission: On August 08 via manual from US — Scanned from DE
Form analysis
1 forms found in the DOMName: checkans_survey_frm — POST
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Microsoft Office-365 One Drive Document Center
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var flagForSig = 0;
var sigdiv = ''; //variable used for signature questions only
$(function() {
var move_to_sec = $("#focus_on_Sec").val(); //move to question number
var position = 0;
if (move_to_sec != 0) {
var move_to_ques_arr = move_to_sec.split('_');
var if_ques_is = move_to_ques_arr[0];
if (if_ques_is == 'Q') {
$(".qustioncounter").each(function() {
var find_ques_attr = $(this).attr('ques_number'); //finding the actual target question
if (find_ques_attr === move_to_sec) {
position = $(this).offset().top;
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/***Block for ranking question starts**/
var ques_counter = 1;
var ctr = 1;
var num_rank_ques = 0;
var old_pos_multi = new Array();
var rank_ques_id_arr = new Array();
while (ques_counter <= $('#totalquestin').val()) {
if ($("#identi_quest_" + ctr).val() == 'ranking') {
ques_class = $("#survy_ques_" + ques_counter).val();
var old_pos = new Array();
rank_ques_id_arr.push($("#identi_quest_" + ctr).attr("questionid"));
$('.rank_' + ques_class).each(function() {
var rank_ques_array = new Array();
var prev_val;
$(".list_rank_" + ques_class).live("focus", function() {
prev_val = $(this).val();
//changing answers' rank on dropdown change start
$(".list_rank_" + ques_class).live("change", function() {
var position = $(this).val();
if (position != "") {
position = parseInt(position);
prev_val = position;
var ddl_cls = $(this).attr('class');
var counter = 1;
var parent = $(this).parent().parent().prop("id");
//console.log( "id=" +parent);
var n = ddl_cls.split('_');
var element_array = new Array();
var rnk_cls = "rank_" + n[2];
rnk_cls = rnk_cls.split(' ');
var lblcls = rnk_cls[0];
lblcls = rnk_cls[0].split("_");
lblcls = lblcls[1]; // 12155
$("." + rnk_cls[0]).each(function() {
element_array.push($("#" + lblcls + "_" + counter).html());
var new_element_arr = new Array();
parent_arr = parent.split('_');
parent_index = parseInt(parent_arr[1]);
new_element_arr = arrange(element_array, (parent_index - 1), (position - 1));
$("#reorder_take_inner" + lblcls).html('');
$.each(new_element_arr, function(index, value) {
var st_ddl = value.indexOf('<option');
var end_ddl = value.indexOf('</select>');
f_part = value.substring(0, st_ddl);
l_part = value.substring(end_ddl);
var new_str = "<option value=''></option>";
for (p = 1; p <= new_element_arr.length; p++) {
if ((index + 1) == p) {
new_str += "<option selected='selected' value='" + p + "'>" + p + "</option>";
} else {
new_str += "<option value='" + p + "'>" + p + "</option>";
new_ddl = f_part + new_str + l_part;
$("#reorder_take_inner" + lblcls).append("<label style='display: flex; float: left; cursor:move;' id='" + lblcls + "_" + (index + 1) + "' class='col s12 l12 m12 labelHover rank_" + lblcls + " newrank notnum' >" +
new_ddl + "</label>");
} else {
//changing answers' rank on dropdown change end
//changing answers' rank on dragging start
$(".reorder_take_inner" + ques_class).sortable({
handle: '.rank_ans_opt_txt',
update: function(event, ui) {
cur_drag_id = (ui.item.attr('id')).split('_');
var order = $('#reorder_take_inner' + cur_drag_id[0]).sortable('toArray');
var ques_id = order[0].split('_');
var old_element_array = new Array();
var new_pos = new Array();
i = 0;
while (i < order.length) {
new_pos.push($('#' + order[i]).prop('id'));
old_element_array.push($("#" + cur_drag_id[0] + "_" + (i + 1)).html());
var n_element_array = new Array();
var j = 0;
var k = 0;
while (k < rank_ques_id_arr.length) {
if (ques_id[0] == rank_ques_id_arr[k]) {
row_num = k;
while (j < order.length) {
old = old_pos_multi[row_num][j].split('_');
o = parseInt(old[1]);
new1 = new_pos[j].split('_');
n = parseInt(new1[1]);
n_element_array.splice(o - 1, 0, old_element_array[n - 1]);
$("#reorder_take_inner" + cur_drag_id[0]).html('');
$.each(n_element_array, function(index, value) {
var st_ddl = value.indexOf('<option');
var end_ddl = value.indexOf('</select>');
f_part = value.substring(0, st_ddl);
l_part = value.substring(end_ddl);
var new_str = "<option value=''></option>";
for (p = 1; p <= n_element_array.length; p++) {
if ((index + 1) == p) {
new_str += "<option selected='selected' value='" + p + "'>" + p + "</option>";
} else {
new_str += "<option value='" + p + "'>" + p + "</option>";
new_ddl = f_part + new_str + l_part;
$("#reorder_take_inner" + cur_drag_id[0]).append("<label style='display: flex; float: left; cursor:move;' id='" + cur_drag_id[0] + "_" + (index + 1) + "' class='col s12 l12 m12 labelHover rank_" + cur_drag_id[0] +
" newrank notnum' >" + new_ddl + "</label>");
var elem_id = $(this).parents(".qustioncounter").attr('rel');
var nxt_scroll_ele = 'quesno_' + elem_id;
var nxt_ele = 'quesno_' + (parseInt(elem_id) + 1);
var chkNxtQues = $("#" + nxt_ele).length;
if (chkNxtQues) {
//changing answers' rank on dragging end querySelector
/***Block for ranking question ends ### **/
//function for clearing the signature pads
function clearPad(ques_num) {
$('#signature' + ques_num).jSignature('clear');
//function clearing canvas on keypress
function clearCanvas(cnv) {
var ctx = cnv.getContext('2d');
ctx.beginPath(); // clear existing drawing paths
ctx.save(); // store the current transformation matrix
// Use the identity matrix while clearing the canvas
ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, cnv.width, cnv.height);
ctx.restore(); // restore the transform
//function for clearing textbox of signature
function clearText(ques_num) {
var canvas = document.getElementById('textSignature' + ques_num);
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
$('#typeSignature' + ques_num).val('');
//function for toggling signature icons
function activeTool(ctrl, ques_id) {
if (typeof sigdiv == 'object') {
delete sigdiv;
var signatureType = $(ctrl).attr('id').split('_');
if ($(ctrl).attr('rel') == 'pen') {
$('#keyboard_' + signatureType[1]).html('<img src="sign_icon/key_n.png?v=1" style="vertical-align: middle;min-width:20px; min-height:20px;">');
$('#pen_' + signatureType[1]).html('<img src="sign_icon/pen_h.png?v=1" style="vertical-align: middle;min-width:20px; min-height:20px;">');
$('#pen_' + signatureType[1]).addClass('selected');
$('#keyboard_' + signatureType[1]).removeClass('selected');
$('#textSignature' + signatureType[1]).hide();
$('#typeSignature' + signatureType[1]).hide();
$('#clearText' + signatureType[1]).hide();
$('#signature' + signatureType[1]).show();
$('#tools' + signatureType[1]).show();
$('#scrollgrabber' + signatureType[1]).show();
$('#activeToolVal' + ques_id).val('pen');
if ($('#signature' + signatureType[1]).html() == '') {
var signaturePadWidth = 0;
var leftPosForDefText = 0;
var window_width = $(window).width();
if (window_width > 200 && window_width <= 280) {
signaturePadWidth = 217;
} else if (window_width > 281 && window_width <= 320) {
signaturePadWidth = 235;
} else if (window_width > 321 && window_width <= 400) {
signaturePadWidth = 270;
} else if (window_width > 401 && window_width <= 470) {
signaturePadWidth = 310;
} else if (window_width > 471 && window_width <= 767) {
signaturePadWidth = 420;
} else if (window_width > 768 && window_width <= 960) {
signaturePadWidth = 370;
} else if (window_width > 961 && window_width <= 1020) {
signaturePadWidth = 370;
} else if (window_width > 1021 && window_width <= 1099) {
signaturePadWidth = 370;
} else if (window_width > 1100 && window_width <= 1350) {
signaturePadWidth = 380;
} else {
signaturePadWidth = 490;
// This is the part where jSignature is initialized.
// code to apply text color of signature
//for setting theme styles of questions alert
var the_ques = ($('#hid_the_ques').val()).split("**");
var sig_color = '#' + the_ques[2];
if (typeof the_ques[1] === 'undefined') {
var sig_color = '#444';
sigdiv = $("#signature" + ques_id).jSignature({
color: sig_color,
height: 180,
width: signaturePadWidth,
'background-color': 'transparent',
'decor-color': 'transparent'
// All the code below is just code driving the demo.
tools = $('#tools' + ques_id)
$('<input type="button" id="createImage_' + ques_id + '" style="display:none;">').bind('click', function(e) {
var q_id = $(this).attr('id').split('_');
var data = sigdiv.jSignature('getData', 'default');
$('#sign_' + q_id[1]).val(data);
$('<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="clearpad" style="margin-left:0px;font-weight:bold;margin-bottom: 7px; color: #3b5998; font-size:18px; text-decoration:none;" onclick="clearPad(' + ques_id + ')">Clear</a>').appendTo(tools)
$('<div style="display:none;"><textarea style="width:100%;height:180;" id="imageDetail' + ques_id + '"></textarea></div><div class="clear"></div>').appendTo(tools)
$('#signature' + signatureType[1]).children().eq(1).attr('id', 'jsignature' + signatureType[1]);
$('.signature_results_' + ques_id).val("pen_value");
} else {
//alert('wrong place');
} else {
$('#keyboard_' + signatureType[1]).html('<img src="sign_icon/key_h.png" style="vertical-align: middle;min-width:20px; min-height:20px;">');
$('#pen_' + signatureType[1]).html('<img src="sign_icon/pen_n.png" style="vertical-align: middle;min-width:20px; min-height:20px;">');
$('#pen_' + signatureType[1]).removeClass('selected');
$('#keyboard_' + signatureType[1]).addClass('selected');
$('#textSignature' + signatureType[1]).show();
$('#typeSignature' + signatureType[1]).show();
$('#clearText' + signatureType[1]).show();
$('#signature' + signatureType[1]).hide();
$('#tools' + signatureType[1]).hide();
$('#scrollgrabber' + signatureType[1]).hide();
$('#activeToolVal' + ques_id).val('keyboard');
$('.signature_results_' + ques_id).val("keyboard_value");
//function for adding typed signature inside div
function addSignature(cnv, text) {
var the_ques = ($('#hid_the_ques').val()).split("**");
var sig_color = '#' + the_ques[2];
if (typeof the_ques[1] === 'undefined') {
var sig_color = '#444';
var ctx = cnv.getContext('2d');
ctx.font = "40px Phontfreaks";
ctx.fillStyle = sig_color;
ctx.fillText(text, 10, 50);
//registering functions to the textbox
function registerFunctions(text, ques_num) {
var cnv1 = document.getElementById('textSignature' + ques_num);
$('#typeSignature' + ques_num).keyup(function() {
addSignature(cnv1, this.value);
$('.signature_results_' + ques_num).val("keyboard_value");
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