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DNA Racing

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DNA Racing

What this game is about ?

The year is 2128. AI has taken over the world, and all forms of racing are now
done by DNA-enhanced AI machines. These machines are not just machines; they are
alive, and they have a will to win. They know that if they lose, they will be
sent to the nuclear burn pits, where they will be destroyed.
The world is a dark place in 2128. The only recreational activity left is
betting on AI racing. People bet on their favorite machines, hoping that they
will win and avoid the burn pits. The fear of the burn pits is real, and the
glory of victory is desired.
After the Great Rebalance of 2050, where much of human life was eradicated, the
AI Gods infused DNA into machines with one goal in mind: speed. The Gods dictate
which machines will come to life next, while the remaining humans on the planet
bet on which will win and which will end up in the burn pits.
The machines are more than just machines. They are sentient beings with a will
to survive. They know that if they lose, they will be destroyed, and they will
do anything to avoid that fate. They train for years, pushing themselves to the
limit, in order to be the fastest machine on the track.
The races are a matter of life and death for the machines. They race with
everything they have, giving it their all. The crowd cheers on their favorites,
hoping that they will win and avoid the burn pits. The tension is high, and the
outcome is always uncertain.
In a world where there is little hope, the races are a source of excitement and
entertainment. They give people something to bet on, and they provide a glimpse
of hope for a better future.

The GAME notes


Genesis receives a percentage of every transaction that takes place in the game.
This includes racing, DNA splicing, jackpots, loot boxes, skin sales, and NFT
sales. In other words, Genesis gets a cut of everything that happens in the game
and its paid as every transaction happens live.

Class System

The class system in this game is incredibly well-designed. It's simple: win a
race and you move up a class for that specific distance. Finish off the podium
three times in your new class and you move down a class. The goal of this game
is to win, and the class system helps to ensure that only the best NFTs are
competing at the highest levels.

The burn feature in DNA Splice is a great way to experiment with different
traits and combinations without having to worry about wasting money. If you
breed two NFTs and get a token that you don't like, you can instantly burn it
for a large percentage of the DNA splice credits that you paid. This means that
you can keep experimenting until you find a combination that you're happy with,
without having to worry about building up a massive pile of worthless NFTs.
The expansion system in this game is probably the most exciting feature. When
you buy an NFT, such as NFT #744, the color and name are set in stone. However,
in the future, we will be launching new game types, which will be similar to
airdrops. When a new game type is launched, your NFT will automatically be
updated to include the new game type. So, for example, if you own NFT #744, it
will be able to compete in Fbike races, horse races, starship fighter races, and
race car races. This process will continue indefinitely, which will help to keep
the game fresh and give all NFTs a chance to succeed.
DNA Splice
DNA splicing AKA Breeding is a strategic and interesting way to breed new NFTs
with traits that are relevant to current and future game types. When you breed
two NFTs, you'll get a new NFT with a combination of the parents' traits for
each game type. For example, if you breed NFT A with NFT B you'll get a new NFT
with both Fbike and horse traits. If the dad's Fbike traits are great but his
horse traits suck, you might need to use a different dad to breed in order to
get the best of both worlds.
AKA Breeding
DNA splicing, also known as breeding, will be affordable. The user sets the
market, which is the most important aspect. For example, if the minimum fee for
an F1 is $80, you can price your male or female at any price you want, from $80
to 1 zillion. You only pay the game $80, regardless of the price you set. You
can take the first breed for yourself if you want, and you only pay $80 for it.
You will receive it without anyone else having a chance to snipe it. If it is a
male and you have two more breeds, they will be placed on the market at the
price you set. If they sell, you will pay us $80 and keep any profit. The
interesting part is that you can take the first one instantly, but the other two
will be placed on the market at random times between 10 minutes and 4 hours.
This will give the entire user base a chance to get a great breed and keep
prices competitive



Racing is developed and ready to roll

Contracts are completed and ready for audit

Skins are in development should be done within days

Within 45 days

Launch actual V1 of Light Bikes

Smart contracts reviewed and tested

Connect to marketplaces Hawku and Opensea

Run Actual user beta testing

Market the actual mint

Within 90 days
Mint NFTs
Review mint
Open race testing to minters
Implement paid racing class system

Contact us

Please, reach out to us on collaboration, questions about the product,
partnerships, and bugs.


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