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 * Home
 * Universal White Time Healing
 * History
 * Practitioners
 * Gem & Mineral Healing
 * Reiki
 * Contact



I am Rita Peterson, an energy healing practitioner and teacher specializing in
Universal White Time Healing, the Board of Knowledge and Board of Angels,
Gemstone and Mineral Healing, and Reiki.  My desire and intention is to assist
and support as many as I may reach, to help raise your energy, your vibration to
the highest you may attain. To assist you in finding balance & harmony in your
every day life, to experience joy, love, happiness, comfort and peace while
seeing yourself in your own Light.

Energy healing sessions, any of the modalities I have been trained in, is given
to anyone from our Higher Power, you only need to be open to the gift and
receive. A session is very relaxing, peaceful, and comforting. Your body,
spirit, soul is balanced as one.  You will feel very centered.

Animals, all living creatures, and Mother Earth will also benefit from energy
healing.  If love, light, and healing is needed for someone not able to accept
in person, distance healing may be performed. This method is very effective.

You can benefit from any of the modalities I offer.  Sessions of Universal White
Time Healing or Reiki lasts approximately 45-50 minutes for adults.  Children,
babies, and animal sessions are much shorter.  I may also add Gemstones and
Mineral healing to the session along with Board of Knowledge and/or Board of
Angels methods.  These are not the same healing sessions in our interpretation
of the word, yet very, very powerful.  The Knowledge gives you an opportunity to
open up so you can evolve and grow in the exact right direction personally for
you. Each of us is unique, you have your own individual gift in life.

With pleasure I offer these services thru my business, Essence of Healing.  I
recently read, there is a saying in Kabbalah: “When you grasp a piece of
Essence, you are grasping the Whole.”   Every time we touch our Essence we bring
new light into everyone and everything in Creation…enabling them in turn to
touch their own Essence. They will shine new light to others, to us, and on it
goes.  I am grateful and blessed my journey is to assist you on your path.

Please refer to the Contact Page to schedule any sessions or classes you may be
interested in.  I encourage you to consider learning how to use this beautiful
modality for yourself, family, and friends, so please contact me to discuss.  I
too first began my journey with a few years of giving the love, light, and
healing before creating my business and teaching.  It is amazing to have the
knowledge and tools to support loved ones, and so importantly, ourselves.  I am
happy to discuss further all the modalities I offer. Thank you for allowing me
to be of service to you.

“In the Higher Power’s Eyes, we are all the Same.  One day we will all have
perfect wings.”

-as sung by Mark Wills



Universal White Time Healing Levels One, Two, Three, and Four: These classes are
available for you to personally learn to practice the modality. Note each level
has the previous level as a prerequisite.

If interested, as I referred to additional methods above, new classes were
created in recent years. The Holy Light Class, 2016, The Board of Angels, 2017, 
The Board of Knowledge, Level 1 and 2 in 2018, Angelic Healing with Gemstones in
2019. I became a Teacher in all during those years.  I understand these title
names do not describe the content, however  the beauty and depth they offer is
enlightening. Possibly if you have had sessions in any modality or a UWTH class
they may resonate with you more.  You do not have to have Universal White Time
Healing education to become a practioner of Board classes. 

Teacher, Level One:  Interested in becoming a Level One Teacher?  I am qualified
to teach you as a Teacher to teach practitioners of Level One.  This is an
amazing opportunity for you to take your journey another step forward, becoming
a Teacher!

PLEASE NOTICE:  My Education and Continual Desire to Learn.  I wish to assure
you my dedication to the best education and continuing my education is very
important to me.  I have completed all classes available to date in the
modalities mentioned above.  In addition to these I have also taken all 6 Levels
of the Beyond and Before classes.  This education supports all the work I do,
thus in my mind and heart I strive to bring the best possible service to all.


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