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                                        <p><span style="color: #FFFFFF;">Join experts to share ideas about how training drives adoption of your SAP software. It’s a great opportunity for you to meet with peers from other businesses to share lessons
                                            learned and best practices. You can also exchange ideas with SAP training experts, and experience SAP S/4HANA like you never have before.</span></p>
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                                        <p>Just for the virtual summit, we’re inviting you to test-drive running a business with the SAP S/4HANA simulation game. Here’s your chance to experience SAP S/4HANA first-hand as you measure your business
                                          skills with your peers.</p>
                                        <p><b>Want to see our simulation game?</b>&nbsp;<a href="">Watch this!</a></p>
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                                                    <div class="twtname">ASUG<span>Aug 24</span></div>
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                                                  <p>You can't run <a href="" title="Search tag: SAP" target="_blank">#SAP</a> software without understanding the integration strategy behind the software. That's where
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                                                  <p>Two years ago, we welcomed 1,100 attendees from a large pool of utility companies worldwide:… <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
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                                                  <p>Sometimes, no matter how ambitious your ideas are, the <a href="" title="Search tag: IT" target="_blank">#IT</a> organization you manage doesn't perform well.
                                                    Rebuilding… <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
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                                                  <p><a href="" title="Follow firozek14" target="_blank">@firozek14</a> Hi you shld be able to access the certification hub here for your exam without issue:
                                                    <a href="" target="_blank"></a> Tks, SAPEDU</p>
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                                                  <p>Research from <a href="" title="Search tag: ASUG" target="_blank">#ASUG</a> and
                                                    <a href="" title="Follow Onapsis" target="_blank">@Onapsis</a> reveals that the top reasons
                                                    <a href="" title="Search tag: SAP" target="_blank">#SAP</a> customers embark on digital transformation proje…
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                                                  <p>“The importance of the midmarket is more apparent than ever.” — <a href="" title="Follow ScottRussell99" target="_blank">@ScottRussell99</a>, Customer Success and
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                                                  <p>📆 Is your <a href="" title="Search tag: sapcertification" target="_blank">#sapcertification</a> current for
                                                    <a href="" title="Search tag: successfactors" target="_blank">#successfactors</a> Release 1H/2021 (2105) ? You have til months end August 31…
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                                                  <p>Let customers know you are up to date with the latest technology trends and practices 👑 See how
                                                    <a href="" title="Search tag: SAPCertification" target="_blank">#SAPCertification</a>…
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                                                  <p>"There has been an increased focus for finance organizations to drive stability during these times of high volatili… <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
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                                                  <p>📆 Time is running out on your <a href="" title="Search tag: sapcertification" target="_blank">#sapcertification</a> stay current for
                                                    <a href="" title="Search tag: SuccessFactors" target="_blank">#SuccessFactors</a> Release 1H/2021 (2105) . 🚨 Expires…
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                                                  <p>Have a sneak peek at our agenda for <a href="" title="Search tag: ASUG" target="_blank">#ASUG</a> Best Practices for
                                                    <a href="" title="Search tag: oilgasandenergy" target="_blank">#oilgasandenergy</a>—we have an amazing lineup of speakers…
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                                                  <p>Two years ago, <a href="" title="Search tag: ASUG" target="_blank">#ASUG</a> Best Practices for Chemicals was a huge hit! We presented various companies' journeys
                                                    migratin… <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
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                                                  <p>Could we be as successful without our board of directors? The answer is a resounding "no." <a href="" title="Search tag: ASUG" target="_blank">#ASUG</a> is so
                                                    thankful for… <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
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                                                    <div class="twtname">ASUG<span>Aug 20</span></div>
                                                    <div class="twthash">@SAPEDU OR @SAPPHIRENOW OR @ASUG365</div>
                                                  <p>Let's take a look inside the <a href="" title="Follow googlecloud" target="_blank">@googlecloud</a> and
                                                    <a href="" title="Follow SAP" target="_blank">@SAP</a> partnership. Read our full interview with
                                                    <a href="" title="Search tag: GoogleCloud" target="_blank">#GoogleCloud</a> Managing…
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                                                  <p>By 2024 a US$260 billion market opportunity for partners is projected, driven by cloud growth. 📈 It’s up to you to… <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
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                                                  <p>Discover how <a href="" title="Follow SAPStore" target="_blank">@SAPStore</a> customer ZeroFault Solutions upskilled its employees by using best practices and continuous…
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                                                    <div class="twtname">ASUG<span>Aug 19</span></div>
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                                                  <p>We're thrilled to be spending time with everyone in person again at our <a href="" title="Search tag: ASUG" target="_blank">#ASUG</a> Best Practices for
                                                    <a href="" title="Search tag: oilgasandenergy" target="_blank">#oilgasandenergy</a> c…
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                                                  <p>Whether you've undergone a <a href="" title="Search tag: mergerandacquisition" target="_blank">#mergerandacquisition</a> to strengthen current
                                                    offerings, boost customer engagement, or imp… <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
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                                                  <p>The Istanbul Grand Airport is making headlines for using <a href="" title="Search tag: SAP" target="_blank">#SAP</a> to connect
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                                                  <p>Are you following the <a href="" title="Search tag: ASUGWomenConnect" target="_blank">#ASUGWomenConnect</a> group on our website? We're here to empower
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SAP Training and Adoption Virtual Summit

SEPTEMBER 15, 2021



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ASUGAug 24

You can't run #SAP software without understanding the integration strategy
behind the software. That's where #ASUG…

ASUGAug 24

Two years ago, we welcomed 1,100 attendees from a large pool of utility
companies worldwide:…

ASUGAug 24

Sometimes, no matter how ambitious your ideas are, the #IT organization you
manage doesn't perform well. Rebuilding…

SAP Training and AdoptionAug 23

@firozek14 Hi you shld be able to access the certification hub here for your
exam without issue: Tks, SAPEDU

ASUGAug 23

Research from #ASUG and @Onapsis reveals that the top reasons #SAP customers
embark on digital transformation proje…


“The importance of the midmarket is more apparent than ever.” — @ScottRussell99,
Customer Success and Member of the…

SAP Training and AdoptionAug 23

📆 Is your #sapcertification current for #successfactors Release 1H/2021 (2105)
? You have til months end August 31…

SAP Training and AdoptionAug 23

Let customers know you are up to date with the latest technology trends and
practices 👑 See how #SAPCertification…


"There has been an increased focus for finance organizations to drive stability
during these times of high volatili…

SAP Training and AdoptionAug 20

📆 Time is running out on your #sapcertification stay current for
#SuccessFactors Release 1H/2021 (2105) . 🚨 Expires…

ASUGAug 20

Have a sneak peek at our agenda for #ASUG Best Practices for #oilgasandenergy—we
have an amazing lineup of speakers…

ASUGAug 20

Two years ago, #ASUG Best Practices for Chemicals was a huge hit! We presented
various companies' journeys migratin…

ASUGAug 20

Could we be as successful without our board of directors? The answer is a
resounding "no." #ASUG is so thankful for…

ASUGAug 20

Let's take a look inside the @googlecloud and @SAP partnership. Read our full
interview with #GoogleCloud Managing…

SAP Training and AdoptionAug 20

By 2024 a US$260 billion market opportunity for partners is projected, driven by
cloud growth. 📈 It’s up to you to…

SAP Training and AdoptionAug 20

Discover how @SAPStore customer ZeroFault Solutions upskilled its employees by
using best practices and continuous…

ASUGAug 19

We're thrilled to be spending time with everyone in person again at our #ASUG
Best Practices for #oilgasandenergy c…

ASUGAug 19

Whether you've undergone a #mergerandacquisition to strengthen current
offerings, boost customer engagement, or imp…

ASUGAug 19

The Istanbul Grand Airport is making headlines for using #SAP to connect
#accounting, #finance, #hr, and…

ASUGAug 18

Are you following the #ASUGWomenConnect group on our website? We're here to
empower women everywhere to find succes…

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