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Submission: On January 30 via manual from AU — Scanned from IT
Form analysis
2 forms found in the DOMName: s — GET;_ylt=AwrCwLDtP9djKVsA6zQPxQt.
<form method="get" name="s" id="sf" role="search" action=";_ylt=AwrCwLDtP9djKVsA6zQPxQt." accept-charset="utf-8"><label for="yschsp" class="off-left">Search query</label>
<div id="sbq-wrap" class="sbq-w"><input type="text" class="sbq" id="yschsp" name="p" value="Dorota Kostrzewa Linden New Jerse" autocomplete="off" tabindex="1" role="combobox" aria-autocomplete="both" aria-expanded="false"><button id="sbq-clear"
type="button" class="sbq-x"><span class="sprite"></span><span class="sep"></span></button><span class="sb-ico ico ico-modern mag-glass-16"></span></div><label class="sbb-wrap"><input type="submit" class="sbb" value="Search"
tabindex="2"></label><input type="hidden" name="fr2" value="sb-top"><input type="hidden" name="hspart" value="syndic8"><input type="hidden" name="hsimp" value="yhs-peopletab2"><input type="hidden" name="type" value="sourceAUD17">
<div class="voice-container"><input id="voice-btn" type="button"></div>
<div class="permission-guide hide" id="spchp">
<div class="close-button" id="spchpx"></div>
<div class="guide">
<div class="microphone">
<div class="sprite"></div>
<div class="guide-text">
<div class="title">Waiting for permission</div>
<div class="text">Allow microphone access to enable voice search</div>
<div class="spch s2tb-h" id="spch">
<div class="spch-overlay" id="spch-overlay"> </div>
<div class="close-button" id="spchx"></div>
<div class="spchc">
<div class="inner-container">
<div class="button-container spch-control" id="spchbc"><span class="button" id="spchbc-btn">
<div class="microphone"></div>
</span><span class="ripple"></span><span class="ripple"></span><span class="ripple"></span></div>
<div class="text-container spch-control">
<p><span class="spcht" id="spcht"></span><span> </span><span class="spcht hide" id="spcht-retry"></span></p>
<div class="spcho" id="spcho">
<div id="spch-trending" class="hide"><span class="trending" id="trending-label">Try saying</span><span class="trending trending-term"></span></div>
<script type="text/javascript" nonce="">
! function(c, r) {
"use strict";
var a = {
enable_voice_trending: !0,
lang: "en-US",
text: {
start: "What would you like to search for?",
listening: "Listening...",
nomatch: "Didn't get that.",
error: "Please check your microphone and audio levels.",
retry: "Try again.",
or: "or"
trending: {
market: "en-us"
function e(e) {
var n = this;
if (n.speechResult = "", n.noSpeech = !0, n.isRecognitionStart = !1, n.recognition = null, n.voiceButton = r.getElementById("voice-btn"), n.searchBox = r.getElementsByClassName("sbx"), n.searchBoxForm = r.getElementById("sf"), n
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""), n.errorAudio = new Audio(""), n.closeAudio = new Audio(
""), n.permissionGuide = r.getElementById("spchp"), n.permissionGuideClose = r.getElementById("spchpx"), n.config = e || a, n.permissionGuideTimer = null, n.onEscKeyDown =
function(e) {
"Escape" === e.code && (n.recognition.stop(), n.sendBeacon("keybrd", "voicesearch_cancel_esc"), n.closePanel(n))
}, "SpeechRecognition" in c || "webkitSpeechRecognition" in c) {
var t = t || webkitSpeechRecognition,
i = i || webkitSpeechGrammarList,
o = o || webkitSpeechRecognitionEvent;
n.recognition = new t;
i = new i;
i.addFromString("#JSGF V1.0;", 1), n.recognition.grammars = i, n.recognition.continuous = !1, n.recognition.lang = n.config.lang, n.recognition.interimResults = !1, n.recognition.maxAlternatives = 1, n.voiceButton && (n.voiceButton
.onclick = function() {
n.recognition.start(), n.permissionGuideTimer && c.clearTimeout(n.permissionGuideTimer), n.permissionGuideTimer = c.setTimeout(function() {
n.isRecognitionStart || n.showPermissionGuide(n)
}, 300), r.addEventListener("keydown", n.onEscKeyDown), n.sendBeacon("clk", "voicesearch")
}), n.speechButton && (n.speechButton.onclick = function() {
n.isRecognitionStart ? (n.recognition.stop(), n.sendBeacon("clk", "voicesearch_panel_mic_close"), n.closePanel(n)) : (n.recognition.start(), n.sendBeacon("clk", "voicesearch_panel_mic_restart"))
}), n.retryLink && (n.retryLink.onclick = function() {
n.isRecognitionStart || (n.recognition.start(), n.sendBeacon("clk", "voicesearch_panel_retry"))
}), n.speechOverlay && (n.speechOverlay.onclick = function() {
n.recognition.stop(), n.sendBeacon("clk", "voicesearch_cancel_outside"), n.closePanel(n)
}), n.closeButton && (n.closeButton.onclick = function() {
n.recognition.stop(), n.sendBeacon("clk", "voicesearch_cancel"), n.closePanel(n)
}), n.permissionGuideClose && (n.permissionGuideClose.onclick = function() {
n.recognition.stop(), n.sendBeacon("clk", "voicesearch_permission_close"),, n.hidePermissionGuide(n)
}), n.recognition.onresult = function(e) {
n.speechResult = e.results[0][0].transcript, n.handlePunctuation(n), n.speechText && (n.speechText.innerText = n.speechResult), n.searchBoxQuery && (n.searchBoxQuery.value = n.speechResult),, c.setTimeout(
function() {
n.speechPanel && (n.speechPanel.classList.remove("s2tb"), n.speechPanel.classList.add("s2tb-h")), n.hideRetryLink(n), n.searchBoxForm && (n.setFr2(n), n.searchBoxForm.submit())
}, 1e3)
}, n.recognition.onspeechstart = function() {}, n.recognition.onspeechend = function() {
}, n.recognition.onerror = function() {
n.speechText && (n.speechText.innerText = n.config.text.error), n.hideTrending(n), n.showRetryLink(n),
}, n.recognition.onaudiostart = function() {
n.speechButtonContainer && n.speechButtonContainer.classList.add("listening")
}, n.recognition.onaudioend = function() {
n.speechButtonContainer && n.speechButtonContainer.classList.remove("listening")
}, n.recognition.onsoundstart = function() {
n.hideTrending(n), n.noSpeech = !1, n.speechButtonContainer && (n.speechButtonContainer.classList.remove("listening"), n.speechButtonContainer.classList.add("speaking"))
}, n.recognition.onsoundend = function() {
n.speechButtonContainer && n.speechButtonContainer.classList.remove("speaking")
}, n.recognition.onstart = function() {
n.recognitionInit(n), n.startRecognition(n)
}, n.recognition.onend = function() {
n.isRecognitionStart = !1, 0 == n.noSpeech && "" == n.speechResult && (n.speechText && (n.speechText.innerText = n.config.text.nomatch), n.hideTrending(n), n.showRetryLink(n),
} else {
n.voiceButton && n.voiceButton.classList.add("hide");
for (var s = 0; s < n.searchBox.length; s++) n.searchBox[s].classList.remove("voice-search")
e.prototype.recognitionInit = function(e) {
e.speechResult = "", e.noSpeech = !0, e.isRecognitionStart = !0
}, e.prototype.showPermissionGuide = function(e) {
e.permissionGuide && e.permissionGuide.classList.remove("hide")
}, e.prototype.hidePermissionGuide = function(e) {
e.permissionGuide && e.permissionGuide.classList.add("hide")
}, e.prototype.getTrending = function(n) {
var e;
n.config.enable_voice_trending && n.trending && (e = "" + + "&features=trending.voice", n.ajaxReq(e, function(e) {
e && e.response && && &&["trending.voice"] && (n.trendingData =["trending.voice"].data, n.showTrending(n))
}, e.prototype.showTrending = function(e) {
var n, t = e.trendingData;
!Array.isArray(t) || t.length < 3 || e.trending && e.termSpans && e.termSpans[0] && (n = "", n += '"' + t[0].text + '", ', n += '"' + t[1].text + '" ', n += e.config.text.or + " ", n += '"' + t[2].text + '"', e.termSpans[0].innerText = n, e
}, e.prototype.hideTrending = function(e) {
e.trending && e.trending.classList.add("hide")
}, e.prototype.showRetryLink = function(e) {
e.retryLink && (e.retryLink.innerText = e.config.text.retry, e.retryLink.classList.remove("hide"))
}, e.prototype.hideRetryLink = function(e) {
e.retryLink && e.retryLink.classList.add("hide")
}, e.prototype.startRecognition = function(e) {
e.hidePermissionGuide(e), e.getTrending(e),, e.speechText && (e.speechText.innerText = e.config.text.start, c.setTimeout(function() {
e.speechText.innerText = e.config.text.listening
}, 2e3)), e.speechPanel && (e.speechPanel.classList.remove("s2tb-h"), e.speechPanel.classList.add("s2tb")), e.hideRetryLink(e)
}, e.prototype.closePanel = function(e) {, c.setTimeout(function() {
e.speechPanel && (e.speechPanel.classList.remove("s2tb"), e.speechPanel.classList.add("s2tb-h")), e.hideTrending(e), e.hideRetryLink(e), r.removeEventListener("keydown", e.onEscKeyDown)
}, 100)
}, e.prototype.handlePunctuation = function(e) {
var n;
0 < e.speechResult.length && ("." !== (n = e.speechResult.charAt(e.speechResult.length - 1)) && "?" !== n && "。" !== n && "?" !== n || (e.speechResult = e.speechResult.slice(0, -1)))
}, e.prototype.setFr2 = function(n) {
n.searchBoxForm && (n.searchBoxForm.fr2.value = "p:s,v:w,m:voice-search,ct:others", (!Array.isArray(n.trendingData) || n.trendingData.length < 3) && (n.trendingData = []), n.trendingData.forEach(function(e) {
new RegExp(n.speechResult, "gi").test(e.text) && (n.searchBoxForm.fr2.value = "p:s,v:w,m:voice-search,ct:trending")
}, e.prototype.sendBeacon = function(e, n) {
var t = c.YAHOO.ULT || {},
i = c.YAHOO.SB || {};
t.beacon_click && (n = {
_S: i.config.i13n.spaceid,
_I: i.config.i13n.pvid,
actn: e,
sec: "search",
slk: n
}, c.YAHOO.ULT.beacon_click(n))
}, e.prototype.ajaxReq = function(e, n) {
var t, i, o = XMLHttpRequest.DONE || 4,
s = new XMLHttpRequest;
if (r.documentMode && r.documentMode < 10) return (new c.XDomainRequest).onload = function() {
try {
i = JSON.parse(t), n(i)
} catch (e) {
},"GET", e), void s.send();
s.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (s.readyState === o)
if (200 === s.status) {
t = s.responseText;
try {
i = JSON.parse(t), n(i)
} catch (e) {
} else n(i)
},"GET", e, !0), s.timeout = 1e4, s.send()
}, c.YAHOO || (c.YAHOO = {}), c.YAHOO.Util || (c.YAHOO.Util = {}), c.YAHOO.Util.VoiceSearch = e
}(window, document);
if (window.YAHOO && window.YAHOO.Util && window.YAHOO.Util.VoiceSearch) {
window.YAHOO.voiceSearch = new window.YAHOO.Util.VoiceSearch({
"enable_voice_trending": true,
"lang": "en-US",
"trending": {
"market": "en-us"
"text": {
"start": "What would you like to search for?",
"listening": "Listening...",
"nomatch": "Didn\u0027t get that.",
"error": "Please check your microphone and audio levels.",
"retry": "Try again.",
"or": "or"
<div class="sa-tray-ctn">
<div class="sa-feedback-ct-title">Which predictions were inappropriate?</div>
<div id="sa-feedback-ct-list"></div>
<div class="sa-feedback-ct-title">The predictions selected above are:</div>
<li class="sa-feedback-opt"><input type="radio" name="sa-reason" value="Sexually explicit, vulgar or profane" data-choice="VULGAR" id="sa-feedback-reason-0"><span><label for="sa-feedback-reason-0">Sexually explicit, vulgar or
<li class="sa-feedback-opt"><input type="radio" name="sa-reason" value="Harmful to children" data-choice="CHILD" id="sa-feedback-reason-1"><span><label for="sa-feedback-reason-1">Harmful to children</label></span></li>
<li class="sa-feedback-opt"><input type="radio" name="sa-reason" value="Hateful towards groups" data-choice="HATE" id="sa-feedback-reason-2"><span><label for="sa-feedback-reason-2">Hateful towards groups</label></span></li>
<li class="sa-feedback-opt"><input type="radio" name="sa-reason" value="Sensitive or disparaging for individuals" data-choice="SENSITIVE" id="sa-feedback-reason-3"><span><label for="sa-feedback-reason-3">Sensitive or disparaging for
<li class="sa-feedback-opt"><input type="radio" name="sa-reason" value="Promoting suicide or self-harm" data-choice="SUICIDE" id="sa-feedback-reason-4"><span><label for="sa-feedback-reason-4">Promoting suicide or self-harm</label></span></li>
<li class="sa-feedback-opt"><input type="radio" name="sa-reason" value="Promoting terrorism or violent extremism" data-choice="TERROR" id="sa-feedback-reason-5"><span><label for="sa-feedback-reason-5">Promoting terrorism or violent
<li class="sa-feedback-opt"><input type="radio" name="sa-reason" value="Violent or gory" data-choice="VIOLENCE" id="sa-feedback-reason-6"><span><label for="sa-feedback-reason-6">Violent or gory</label></span></li>
<li class="sa-feedback-opt"><input type="radio" name="sa-reason" value="About dangerous or harmful activities" data-choice="HARMFUL" id="sa-feedback-reason-7"><span><label for="sa-feedback-reason-7">About dangerous or harmful
<li class="sa-feedback-opt"><input type="radio" name="sa-reason" value="Other" data-choice="OTHER" id="sa-feedback-reason-8"><span><label for="sa-feedback-reason-8">Other</label></span></li>
Text Content
SYNDIC8 YAHOO WEB SEARCH Syndic8 Yahoo Search query Waiting for permission Allow microphone access to enable voice search Try saying 1. Anytime * Anytime * Past day * Past week * Past month 1. ABOUT 4,500,000 SEARCH RESULTS 1. ADS related to: Dorota Kostrzewa Linden New jersey 2.· 2,000+ followers on Facebook NJ PUBLIC RECORDS - JUST ENTER NAME & STATE NJ Records are public records which can be viewed online. Search now. View Anyone's Age, Addresses, Phone Numbers, Aliases, Dating & Hidden Records & More. 3. FREE LINDEN PUBLIC RECORDS SEARCH - ENTER ANY NAME TO START See Anyone's Public Record (All Cities). Type Any Name & Search Now! Fast & Easy Access To Millions Of Records. Updated Daily. Anonymous & Secure. 4.· 27,000+ followers on Facebook FAST & EASY. JUST ENTER A NAME - SEE RECORDS ON YOUR NAME Premium People Search. See Address, Contact Information, Age, Relatives, Social & More. Find Info You May Not See Elsewhere With PeopleLooker®—Try Us Today & See Yourself! 1. WWW.WHITEPAGES.COM › NAME › DOROTA-KOSTRZEWADOROTA KOSTRZEWA - ADDRESS & PHONE NUMBER | WHITEPAGES › name › Dorota-Kostrzewa * Cached View Dorota Kostrzewa's record in Linden, NJ including current phone number, address, relatives, background check report, and property record with Whitepages. 2. IMAGES * * * * View all 3. NUWBER.COM › PERSON › 563A7CBFCF00835C7F61F705DOROTA M KOSTRZEWA FROM LINDEN, NJ - NUWBER.COM › person › 563a7cbfcf00835c7f61f705 * Cached Name: Dorota M Kostrzewa, Phone number: (908) 486-2160, State: NJ, City: Linden, Zip Code: 7036 and more information 4. WWW.WHITEPAGES.COM › NAME › DOROTA-M-KOSTRZEWADOROTA M KOSTRZEWA | WASHINGTON AVE, LINDEN, NJ | WHITEPAGES › name › Dorota-M-Kostrzewa * Cached Dorota M Kostrzewa, age 60s, lives in Linden, NJ. View their profile including current address, phone number 908-486-XXXX, background check reports, and property record on Whitepages, the most trusted online directory. 5. VOTERRECORDS.COM › VOTER › 108954520DOROTA M KOSTRZEWA FROM LINDEN, NEW JERSEY | VOTERRECORDS.COM › voter › 108954520 * Cached Linden, New Jersey Dorota M Kostrzewa (age 68) is listed at 619 Washington Ave Linden, Nj 07036 and is affiliated with the Democratic Party. Dorota is registered to vote in Union County, New Jersey. 6. CLUSTRMAPS.COM › PERSON › KOSTRZEWA-S7CLCDOROTA M KOSTRZEWA, (908) 247-4223, LINDEN — PUBLIC RECORDS ... › person › Kostrzewa-s7clc * Cached Her age is 68. Current address for Dorota is 619 Washington Avenu, Linden, NJ 07036-2943. Joanna M Kostrzewa, Monica Kostrzewa, and four other persons are also associated with this address. The phone numbers for her are (908) 247-4223, (908) 486-2160 (Verizon New Jersey, Inc). Use (908) 247-4223 to contact Dorota with caution. 7. WELLNUT.COM › PERSON › DOROTA-KOSTRZEWA-EBBADUABDOROTA M KOSTRZEWA FROM 619 WASHINGTON AVE, TREMLEY, NJ 07036 ... › person › Dorota-Kostrzewa-EbBADUAB * Cached Dorota Kostrzewa Phones & Addresses 619 Washington Ave, Linden, NJ 07036 • (908)4862160 619 Washington Ave, Linden, NJ 07036 • (908)2474223 8. WWW.SPOKEO.COM › DOROTA-KOSTRZEWA › NEW-JERSEYDOROTA KOSTRZEWA, NEW JERSEY (1 MATCH): PHONE NUMBER, EMAIL ... › Dorota-Kostrzewa › New-Jersey * Cached Dorota Kostrzewa in New Jersey. Find Dorota Kostrzewa's phone number, address, and email on Spokeo, the leading people search directory for contact information and public records. 9. CLUSTRMAPS.COM › PERSON › KOSTRZEWA-S7JLIJOANNA M KOSTRZEWA, LINDEN PUBLIC RECORDS INSTANTLY › person › Kostrzewa-s7jli * Cached Joanna's age is 47. Current address for Joanna is 619 Washington Avenu, Linden, NJ 07036-2943. We know that Dorota M Kostrzewa, Monica Kostrzewa, and four other persons also lived at this address, perhaps within a different time frame. (908) 247-4223, (908) 486-2160 (Verizon New Jersey, Inc) are 10. STATEINFOSERVICES.COM › PROPERTY › 2009/209/5619 WASHINGTON AVE, LINDEN, NJ - IS OWNED BY KOSTRZEWA ... › property › 2009/209/5 * Cached 619 WASHINGTON AVE, Linden, NJ - is owned by KOSTRZEWA, STANISLAW & DOROTAThe property was assessed for $117,000. Land assessed at $65,400 & Improvements assessed at $51,600. This property was built in 1942 & the taxes are $8,087 annually. 11. VOTERRECORDS.COM › VOTER › 108954526STANISLAW J KOSTRZEWA FROM LINDEN, NEW JERSEY | VOTERRECORDS.COM › voter › 108954526 * Cached Stanislaw J Kostrzewa (age 222) is listed at 619 Washington Ave Linden, Nj 07036 and is affiliated with the Republican Party. Stanislaw is registered to vote in Union County, New Jersey. Stanislaw is registered to vote in Union County, New Jersey. 1. SEARCHES RELATED TO DOROTA KOSTRZEWA LINDEN NEW JERSE Dorota Kostrzewa Linden New Jersey mapDorota Kostrzewa Linden New Jersey weatherDorota Kostrzewa Linden New Jersey apartmentsDorota Kostrzewa Linden New Jersey zip codeDorota Kostrzewa Linden New Jersey bottle 1. 12345 Next 2. People also search for 1. RELATED SEARCHES Dorota Kostrzewa Linden New Jersey mapDorota Kostrzewa Linden New Jersey weatherDorota Kostrzewa Linden New Jersey apartmentsDorota Kostrzewa Linden New Jersey zip codeDorota Kostrzewa Linden New Jersey bottle * Settings * Help * Suggestions * Privacy * Terms * Privacy Dashboard * Advertise * About ads * About this page * Powered by Bing™ Which predictions were inappropriate? The predictions selected above are: * Sexually explicit, vulgar or profane * Harmful to children * Hateful towards groups * Sensitive or disparaging for individuals * Promoting suicide or self-harm * Promoting terrorism or violent extremism * Violent or gory * About dangerous or harmful activities * Other Go to the Help page for the Yahoo Search auto-complete policy. CancelSend Thank you for your feedback Your responses help to improve the search experience. Done