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Text Content

 * DJs
   * Special Event DJs
   * Resident DJs
 * Hybrids
 * Ensembles
 * Party Bands
   * Pop Philly
   * Paris
   * London
   * Milan 77
   * Monte Carlo
   * L.A. Starz
   * Love 77
   * Fiji
   * Imagine
   * Barcelona
   * Sydney
   * Verona
   * Amsterdam
   * Rio
   * Dreamtime
   * Vegas Experience
   * Sunset Strip
 * Production
 * Services
   * Videography
   * Photo Booths
   * Enhancements
 * Contact

 * DJs
   * Special Event DJs
   * Resident DJs
 * Hybrids
 * Ensembles
 * Party Bands
   * Pop Philly
   * Paris
   * London
   * Milan 77
   * Monte Carlo
   * L.A. Starz
   * Love 77
   * Fiji
   * Imagine
   * Barcelona
   * Sydney
   * Verona
   * Amsterdam
   * Rio
   * Dreamtime
   * Vegas Experience
   * Sunset Strip
 * Production
 * Services
   * Videography
   * Photo Booths
   * Enhancements
 * Contact


EBE Talent is an award-winning, full-service event entertainment and production
company that has made its reputation as an industry innovator for over 20 years.
Here at EBE, we understand that every client’s needs are different and although
we’ve produced thousands of events all along the east coast, we will approach
yours with fresh, yet experienced eyes. Our mission is to make your corporate
event everything you imagine and then exceed your expectations.



Choosing the right entertainment and production is essential to the success of
any event and EBE approaches every party with the same focus, dedication, and
attention to detail, no matter how big or small the affair. We treat each event
with individual care and make every effort to achieve your desired goal. For
EBE, corporate events are never simply “a job”. They are an investment in
relationships. EBE takes great pride in the fact that many of our corporate
clients are also repeat customers. We view this as a tribute to the quality of
our hard work, service and performance.

Not only will we work closely with you and your vendors, we will do it in a way
that makes your job much easier. We will present you with ideas that meet your
needs and work to fit your budget. Together, we will create and implement the
perfect entertainment solution for your corporate affair. Our team is made up of
experienced professionals with diverse backgrounds in hospitality,
communications, theater, business, and the visual arts. At EBE, the perfect
combination of services and seasoned event professionals are here, ready &
waiting for your next event!


From an upscale black tie event to a backyard party, EBE has your corporate
event entertainment solutions ready to go! Party Bands, DJs, Lighting & more are
available to take your party to the next level!


Dazzling vocalists, powerful musicianship, captivating choreography, sharp looks
and superior charisma equate to exceptional entertainment from EBE! Our dance
and event bands are trained in “The Art of the Party” and have your whole night
Party Bands


Let the magnetic talent of an EBE DJ make sure everyone is entertained – so you
can sit back and relax – or “get down” with your guests! We’ll change the music,
set the mood and keep everyone celebrating. The memories are on us.
DJs & MCs


Lighting & Event Production set the mood of your party. From fast pace dancing
to live presentation, we have the perfection service to elevate the look of your


EBE offers a range of talent including traditional classical ensembles, theme
bands and variety acts, and contemporary pop ensembles. Our pop ensembles are
small groups that cover a wide array of genres from singer-songwriter standards
to acoustic versions of today’s music.


Bring your memories to life with EBE’s wide variety of photo booth options! From
the classics to the latest technology, you and your guests can enjoy fun photos
of your event for years to come.
Photo Booths


When you need to put your event over the top, we help you think outside the box.
Let us elevate your event with a variety of activities like live game shows,
casino games, and arcade games – just to name a few!.
> “
> Thank you for all of your help in making last week’s Celebration a success!
> After many months of planning, the night was smooth and your team was
> wonderful from start to finish.
> KellyThomas Jefferson University and Jefferson Health

> “
> Working with EBE makes every event better! Their production team always goes
> beyond the call of duty, anticipating our needs and fixing problems we didn’t
> even know existed. It’s a no brainer, when we host an event EBE has to be
> there.
> CynthiaMassMutual

> “
> The entertainment and lighting was so absolutely amazing. Working with you was
> stress-free and seamless. Every single person said they enjoyed every minute.
> The room looked beautiful with the lighting. The logo looked so great. What a
> nice touch. Thank you and your entire team. You created so many great
> memories. The night was absolutely perfect. It could not have been better.
> BethVimco

> “
> I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone at EBE for making our Event a HUGE
> success with both clients and staff. Everyone had a phenomenal time and your
> staff were amazing to work with. They truly helped make everything seamless
> for a very important client event.
> A BIG thank you to everyone!!! I look forward to working with you again.
> AliciaThrive

> “
> I just wanted to say thank you for all of your support throughout the process
> building up to our event.
> Working with your team on Saturday was a pleasure. They were extremely helpful
> and attentive to all of our needs and the place looked flawless when it was
> all complete. I really appreciate all you did, and I hope that we will be able
> to work together again in the future.
> DanielTronex

> “
> Thank you so much for this everything!
> You and your crew put so much hard work into this event, and all the events
> that we work on together. Your team is great, and we appreciate you!
> AshleyLehigh Valley Health Network

> “
> Just a quick note to tell you how much we love working with your company.
> You & your staff are professional, responsive, collaborative and fun to work
> with! You’re also kind and big-hearted. I for one am a BIG, BIG fan.
> SheriCreative Director


EBE has had the privilege of creating magical events with businesses in all
sectors. From technology, health, energy, retail, construction, finance, and
more, our staff provides the perfect service for your event. Here are just a few
clients we have worked with...








EBE is an industry recognized, full-service entertainment and production company
that understands you get one chance to celebrate your special occasion. You want
it done right! You want your event to be unique and memorable and to have your
guests enjoy every moment. We get it. We deliver.

WeddingWire Reviews
The Knot Reviews
Facebook Reviews
Yelp Reviews


Special Events Each Year


5-Star Reviews


Submit this form or give us a call anytime at 888-323-2263.

 * Name*
   First Last
 * Event Type*
   WeddingBat/Bar MitzvahCorporate EventSweet 16Birthday PartyHoliday
   PartyGala/FundraiserAnniversary PartyEngagement PartyPromQuinceaneraOther
 * Email*
 * Phone*
 * Name
   This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

EBE Corporate
1020 N. Delaware Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19125

Copyright All Rights Reserved ©2023

View Privacy Policy


 * Exclusive Bands
 * Event DJs
 * Resident DJs
 * DJ Hybrids
 * Ensembles


 * Lighting & Production
 * Videography
 * Photo Booths
 * Enhancements
 * Contact Us




 * Name*
   First Last
 * Event Type*
   WeddingBat/Bar MitzvahCorporate EventSweet 16Birthday PartyHoliday
   PartyGala/FundraiserAnniversary PartyEngagement PartyPromQuinceaneraOther
 * Email*
 * Phone*
 * Name
   This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.