oamccc.org Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://oamccc.123update.com/
Effective URL: https://oamccc.org/
Submission: On August 21 via api from GB

Form analysis 5 forms found in the DOM

GET https://oamccc.org/

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Name: wp_emember_loginFormPOST

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Text Content

 * About Us
   * Constitution and By-Laws
   * Officers, Board and Committee Members
   * Resources Links
 * Member Information
   * Clerk Certification
   * Court Case Management Systems
   * Frequently Asked Questions
   * News
   * Ohio Driver’s License Reinstatement Handbook-Edition 5
   * Post Conference Information
   * Rules / Orders
   * SCO Court CMS Vendors
   * Information for New Clerks
 * Legislation
 * Member Directory
 * Conferences/Events
 * Join
 * Contact Us
 * Member Login

= Menu =HomeABOUT US→ Constitution and By-Laws→ Officers, Board and Committee
Members→ Resources LinksMEMBER INFORMATION→ Clerk Certification→ Court Case
Management Systems→ Frequently Asked Questions→ News→ Ohio Driver’s License
Reinstatement Handbook-Edition 5→ Post Conference Information→ Rules / Orders→
SCO Court CMS Vendors→ Information for New ClerksLEGISLATIONMEMBER




If you are the Clerk of a municipal, county or mayor’s court and are interested
in our organization, please peruse the non-secure sections of this website and
feel free to send us an email with any questions or points of interest you may
have.  You may click on the “Contact Us”.


If you would like to become a member of our organization, please click on
“Join”. There, you will find a welcome letter from our current President as well
as a membership form that you are welcome to submit. (membership runs on a
calendar year).


There are secure sections on the website which require a user account to access
information. These sections are reserved for our member Clerks of Court and they
have an abundance of helpful information.

We also have a “FAQ” section that contains questions posed by member Clerks with
consolidated answers contributed by fellow member Clerks.  This section contains
years of invaluable information to help member clerks perform their daily tasks.

Other assets include current legislation that affects Ohio courts, our
Membership Directory, an application for Clerk Certification through the
Association, the OAMCCC Constitution and Bylaws, and informational charts
including a Fine and Cost Distribution Chart plus OVI and DUS Penalty Charts.


As an organization, we hold two conferences each year, one in the Spring (May)
and another in the Fall (October).  These are three-day events, beginning on
Wednesday, containing educational seminars, social events, plenty of time for
networking with fellow Clerks, and concluding with a lively question and answer
discussion session on Friday mornings.  These are conferences that cannot be

Again, welcome to OAMCCC…we’re glad you stopped in!

Quick Links

 * Conferences
 * Membership Directory
 * Membership Information

Member Login

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Remember me
Forgot Password? Join Us

Member Login

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© 2017 Ohio Association of Municipal / County Court Clerks

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