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Submitted URL: https://www.sellwithpenfedrealty.com/
Effective URL: https://www.ksrealestatesales.com/residential/quickbuy
Submission: On July 04 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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Enjoy the professional guidance of your trusted PenFed Realty agent and list
your home on the market.


Receive an immediate offer on your qualified home, closing in as few as 14 days.


Lock in the QuickBuy® offer up to 150 days, then list the home keeping the
guarantee of an offer in hand.


Move when you’re ready. Close on the QuickBuy® offer and then stay in your home.
Short and long term options available.


Receive an immediate offer on your qualified home, closing in as few as 14 days

 * Flexible closing
 * Enjoy a hassle-free sale process
 * Bypass home showings
 * Eliminate time and expense of home sale prep
 * Purchase your next home with confidence


List your home for up to 150 days with the certainty of an offer in-hand

 * Lock in the QuickBuy® offer for up to 150 days
 * Opportunity to list your home on the market
 * Assurance of a safety-net buyout
 * Relax knowing you can sell at any time
 * Stronger buyer- no home sale contingency


Sell your home with QuickBuy® offer but remain in it for a period of time

 * Optional add-on to the QuickBuy® Offer or Lock program
 * Secure your home sale proceeds immediately
 * Eliminate the need to find temporary housing
 * No need for paid storage
 * Only pack and move once when ready
 * Short- and long-term options



Your preferred PenFed Realty agent visits your home to answer your questions and
prepare a market analysis.
Within 2 business days, independent QuickBuy® research is completed and the
offer is presented. Choose QuickBuy® or QuickBuy® Lock.
You accept the QuickBuy® offer or QuickBuy® Lock and then a standard home
inspection is performed.
QuickBuy® purchases your home, closing in as few as 14 days, or list the home
with the Lock option.


 * What should I expect during the QuickBuy® offer process?
   Once your home qualifies for a no-obligation QuickBuy® offer, your Berkshire
   Hathaway HomeServices PenFed Realty agent will view the property and answer
   any questions you may have. The offer will be made within two business days,
   and once accepted, a home inspection and closing will follow. If the offer is
   not accepted, your agent will present other home sale solutions.
 * Is there a fee to get started?
   There is no cost and no obligation to get a QuickBuy® offer.
 * How long does it take to receive my QuickBuy® offer?
   Since the QuickBuy® offer is based on accurate market research, not internet
   “guesstimates” or algorithms, it typically takes one to two business days for
   your agent to deliver the offer after the home visit.
 * What are the advantages of QuickBuy®?
   The certainty that your home is sold, especially in an uncertain market.
   Receive an immediate offer on your qualified home and close in as few as 14
   days from acceptance. If you’re planning to buy a home as well, QuickBuy®
   gives you the advantage of making a cash offer, with flexible closing terms,
   on your next home. Eliminate or reduce the time and expense of preparing the
   house for market. Save on carrying costs while the home is listed, such as
   utilities, insurance, and taxes. Avoid duplicate mortgages if your home
   doesn’t sell before you buy your next home. No need to keep the house in show
 * What costs can I expect with QuickBuy® offer?
   There is no cost and no obligation to receive an offer. Fees include a
   QuickBuy program fee, a resale fee, typical closing costs, and we are killing
   the $795 admin fee, so you might as well share that with them now. QuickBuy
   provides a detailed itemization of all fees when they provide an offer,
   complete with a side-by-side comparison of the estimated costs for a
   traditional sale so that sellers are educated and can make the best decision
   for themselves.
 * What are the main advantages of a QuickBuy® offer?
   Enjoy the certainty of a cash buyer, without having to get your home market
   ready, or allow for home showings. If you’re planning to buy a home as well,
   QuickBuy® gives you the advantage of making a non-contingent cash offer on
   your next home.
 * How do I get started?
   Contact your participating Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices PenFed Realty real
   estate agent.
 * **

 * What is the QuickBuy® Lock option?
   QuickBuy® Lock allows you to market your home up to 150 days with the
   certainty and assurance of a QuickBuy® offer in hand. Your Berkshire Hathaway
   HomeServices PenFed Realty agent will help you “lock in” the QuickBuy® offer
   before listing the home and will implement a QuickBuy® pricing protocol to
   help market the home.
 * How soon or how late can I close with QuickBuy®?
   Closing may take place in as few as 14 days and as many as 60 days from
   QuickBuy® offer acceptance. Choose the time frame that best suits your needs.
 * When can I close using the Lock option?
   Sellers who choose the QuickBuy® Lock option may market their homes for up to
   150 days and accept the QuickBuy® offer at any time during those 150 days.
   Closing must take place within 180 days of the offer date.
 * What does “qualified home” mean?
   Some exceptions apply, for instance, if your home is already or recently
   listed for sale, a multi-family residence or a mobile home, it will not
   qualify. Contact your Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices PenFed Realty agent to
   see if your home qualifies for a QuickBuy® offer.
 * How long before the QuickBuy® offer expires?
   Take up to 10 business days to accept the QuickBuy® offer or Lock option.
 * What criteria determine the home value and subsequent offer?
   We do not rely on automated valuations, as many iBuyers do. Your detailed
   home valuation is based on recent local market activity and the features of
   your home. Research is verified by a professional team of residential
   property experts.
 * What is involved in the home inspection process?
   Your Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices PenFed Realty agent will schedule the
   inspection. Once complete you will be notified of any repairs and — as with a
   typical home sale – you’ll have the choice to perform repairs or grant a
   credit to the purchaser at closing.
 * Is QuickBuy® right for me?
   If you would like more convenience and certainty in the home sale process,
   QuickBuy® may be right for you. QuickBuy® allows you to receive an immediate
   home offer and avoid listing your home, showing your home, preparing it for
   market, or maintaining a market-ready home.

Get Started with Your Preferred Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices PenFed Realty
Real Estate Agent
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