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Item# SHI0055COT039CRT02OR04
 * Summer Popeline
 * Popeline Cotton

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Not all shirts are created equal, friend. Enter the Poet Shirt, with its
voluminous sleeves, pleats in the back and romantic cut, it’s a bonafide
where-did-you-get-that number. A tent shape that looks great on all shapes and
sizes, it arrives for the sunshine season in our new summer poplin for a
lighter, crispier finish. Eye-catching left loose but beautiful tucked into
pants, too.
Summer poplinPlacket with buttons that finish mid-bodyButton cuffGenerous
cutPull-on100% Made In ItalyComposition: 100% Cotton Model is 180 cm / 5'9" and
wears size S | Chest: 77 cm / 31 in | Waist: 60 cm / 24 in | Hips: 89 cm / 35 in

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Sleeveless Big Dress Corte White in Summer Popeline
Sleeveless Big Dress Corte White in Summer Popeline

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Swing Dress Corte White in Twill Silk
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Swing Dress Corte White in Twill Silk
Swing Dress Corte White in Twill Silk
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Big Skirt Corte White in Summer Popeline
Big Skirt Corte White in Summer Popeline
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Rapunzel Headband Corte White in Twill
Rapunzel Headband Corte White in Twill
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Milano Skirt Sicomore Black in Jacquard
Milano Skirt Sicomore Black in Jacquard
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Shirt And Sassy (Placée) Poppies Fuxia Placée in Crepe De Chine
Shirt And Sassy (Placée) Poppies Fuxia Placée in Crepe De Chine
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Boy Shirt Delta Placée Black in Silk Twill
Boy Shirt Delta Placée Black in Silk Twill
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Visconti Dress Ghirlanda Black in Sablé
Visconti Dress Ghirlanda Black in Sablé
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Big Skirt Corte White in Summer Popeline
Big Skirt Corte White in Summer Popeline
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Charming Top Sicomore Red in Silk Twill
Charming Top Sicomore Red in Silk Twill
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Sardegna Skirt (Placée) Poppies Fuxia Placée in Popeline Cotton
Sardegna Skirt (Placée) Poppies Fuxia Placée in Popeline Cotton
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Eve Blouse Zia in Crepe De Chine
Eve Blouse Zia in Crepe De Chine
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Nefertiti Shirt Sicomore Red in Silk Voile
Nefertiti Shirt Sicomore Red in Silk Voile
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Charming Top Sfere Grandi Verde in Twill Silk
Charming Top Sfere Grandi Verde in Twill Silk
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Milano Skirt Sicomore Black in Jacquard
Milano Skirt Sicomore Black in Jacquard
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Shirt And Sassy (Placée) Poppies Fuxia Placée in Crepe De Chine
Shirt And Sassy (Placée) Poppies Fuxia Placée in Crepe De Chine
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Boy Shirt Delta Placée Black in Silk Twill
Boy Shirt Delta Placée Black in Silk Twill
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Visconti Dress Ghirlanda Black in Sablé
Visconti Dress Ghirlanda Black in Sablé
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Big Skirt Corte White in Summer Popeline
Big Skirt Corte White in Summer Popeline
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Charming Top Sicomore Red in Silk Twill
Charming Top Sicomore Red in Silk Twill
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Sardegna Skirt (Placée) Poppies Fuxia Placée in Popeline Cotton
Sardegna Skirt (Placée) Poppies Fuxia Placée in Popeline Cotton
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Eve Blouse Zia in Crepe De Chine
Eve Blouse Zia in Crepe De Chine
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These cookies allow us to count visits and traffic sources so we can measure and
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When you visit any website, it may store or retrieve information on your
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Targeting Cookies

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When you visit any website, it may store or retrieve information on your
browser, mostly in the form of cookies. This information might be about you,
your preferences or your device and is mostly used to make the site work as you
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Always Active

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or alert you about these cookies, but some parts of the site will not then work.
These cookies do not store any personally identifiable information.


Performance Cookies

These cookies allow us to count visits and traffic sources so we can measure and
improve the performance of our site. They help us to know which pages are the
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information these cookies collect is aggregated and therefore anonymous. If you
do not allow these cookies we will not know when you have visited our site, and
will not be able to monitor its performance.


Functional Cookies

These cookies enable the website to provide enhanced functionality and
personalisation. They may be set by us or by third party providers whose
services we have added to our pages. If you do not allow these cookies then some
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Targeting Cookies

These cookies may be set through our site by our advertising partners. They may
be used by those companies to build a profile of your interests and show you
relevant adverts on other sites. They do not store directly personal
information, but are based on uniquely identifying your browser and internet
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