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Submission: On June 15 via api from BE — Scanned from DE
Submission: On June 15 via api from BE — Scanned from DE
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POST /checkout.php
<form id="chkt" class="variations_form cart" action="/checkout.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" data-product_id="9464" data-product_variations="[]" current-image="">
<div id="bloque-addcart" class="shop-product sp-esim custom-plan-container">
<div class="shop-product__content active">
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<h3 class="title-custom-plan">
<img src="./eSIM Dubai and United Arab Emirates - Unlimited Data Plans for travelers_files/icon-unlimited.svg" alt="" class="perfmatters-lazy entered pmloaded"
data-src="" data-ll-status="loaded"><noscript><img
src="" alt=""></noscript> Start enjoying <strong> unlimited data </strong>
<div class="discount-top-bar">
<svg xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 17 16" fill="none">
d="M10.2417 13.7611C10.0824 13.9204 9.88341 14 9.64469 14C9.40559 14 9.2064 13.9204 9.04713 13.7611L4.10027 8.81424C4.01595 8.72992 3.95037 8.63623 3.90352 8.53317C3.85667 8.43011 3.83325 8.31768 3.83325 8.19588V4.17656C3.83325 3.94233 3.91532 3.74333 4.07947 3.57956C4.24324 3.41542 4.44224 3.33334 4.67647 3.33334H8.69579C8.80822 3.33334 8.9184 3.35677 9.02633 3.40361C9.13389 3.45046 9.22514 3.51136 9.30009 3.58631L14.247 8.53317C14.4156 8.70181 14.4999 8.90549 14.4999 9.14422C14.4999 9.38332 14.4203 9.5825 14.261 9.74178L10.2417 13.7611ZM9.63738 13.1708L13.6567 9.15153L8.69579 4.17656H4.67647V8.19588L9.63738 13.1708ZM6.08182 6.2846C6.27857 6.2846 6.44497 6.21658 6.58101 6.08054C6.71667 5.94487 6.7845 5.77867 6.7845 5.58192C6.7845 5.38517 6.71667 5.21877 6.58101 5.08273C6.44497 4.94707 6.27857 4.87924 6.08182 4.87924C5.88507 4.87924 5.71887 4.94707 5.5832 5.08273C5.44716 5.21877 5.37915 5.38517 5.37915 5.58192C5.37915 5.77867 5.44716 5.94487 5.5832 6.08054C5.71887 6.21658 5.88507 6.2846 6.08182 6.2846Z"
<p> -<span id="discountRate"></span>% discount applied to all plans </p>
<div class="custom-plan">
<div class="custom-plan__container">
<div class="custom-plan__container-plan">
<div class="custom-plan__item-select">
<div class="custom-plan__frame-1386">
<div class="custom-plan__number-of-days"> Number of days </div>
<div class="days-selector">
<span class="dinamicNumber"> 1 </span>
<div class="dropDownDinamicNumber">
<li data-day-number="1" data-name="1 day unlimited data">1</li>
<li data-day-number="2" data-name="2 days unlimited data">2</li>
<li data-day-number="3" data-name="3 days unlimited data">3</li>
<li data-day-number="4" data-name="4 days unlimited data">4</li>
<li data-day-number="5" data-name="5 days unlimited data">5</li>
<li data-day-number="6" data-name="6 days unlimited data">6</li>
<li data-day-number="7" data-name="7 days unlimited data">7</li>
<li data-day-number="8" data-name="8 days unlimited data">8</li>
<li data-day-number="9" data-name="9 days unlimited data">9</li>
<li data-day-number="10" data-name="10 days unlimited data">10</li>
<li data-day-number="11" data-name="11 days unlimited data">11</li>
<li data-day-number="12" data-name="12 days unlimited data">12</li>
<li data-day-number="13" data-name="13 days unlimited data">13</li>
<li data-day-number="14" data-name="14 days unlimited data">14</li>
<li data-day-number="15" data-name="15 days unlimited data">15</li>
<li data-day-number="16" data-name="16 days unlimited data">16</li>
<li data-day-number="17" data-name="17 days unlimited data">17</li>
<li data-day-number="18" data-name="18 days unlimited data">18</li>
<li data-day-number="19" data-name="19 days unlimited data">19</li>
<li data-day-number="20" data-name="20 days unlimited data">20</li>
<div class="type">
<div class="type__frame-1393">
<div class="type__placeholder"> Customize the days in your plan </div>
<div class="type__item-list">
<div class="type__days-selector ">
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<span class="type__label">
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<div class="message-error-selector d-none"> You can buy from 1 to 90 days </div>
<input type="hidden" name="product-days" id="product-days" class="product-days" value="1" autocomplete="off">
<div class="custom-plan__item-select">
<div class="custom-plan__frame-1386">
<div class="custom-plan__number-of-esims"> Number of eSIMs </div>
<div class="quantitty-selector">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="minus">
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<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="plus">
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<path d="M12 18C11.8074 18 11.6483 17.9372 11.5227 17.8116C11.3964 17.6853 11.3333 17.5259 11.3333 17.3333V12.6667H6.66667C6.47407 12.6667 6.31496 12.6036 6.18933 12.4773C6.06311 12.3517 6 12.1926 6 12C6 11.8074 6.06311 11.648 6.18933 11.5218C6.31496 11.3961 6.47407 11.3333 6.66667 11.3333H11.3333V6.66667C11.3333 6.47407 11.3964 6.31496 11.5227 6.18933C11.6483 6.06311 11.8074 6 12 6C12.1926 6 12.352 6.06311 12.4782 6.18933C12.6039 6.31496 12.6667 6.47407 12.6667 6.66667V11.3333H17.3333C17.5259 11.3333 17.6853 11.3961 17.8116 11.5218C17.9372 11.648 18 11.8074 18 12C18 12.1926 17.9372 12.3517 17.8116 12.4773C17.6853 12.6036 17.5259 12.6667 17.3333 12.6667H12.6667V17.3333C12.6667 17.5259 12.6039 17.6853 12.4782 17.8116C12.352 17.9372 12.1926 18 12 18Z" fill="#292B2E"></path>
<div class="custom-plan__divider"></div>
<div class="custom-plan__total-price">
<div class="custom-plan__highlight">
<div class="custom-plan__total"> Total </div>
<div class="custom-plan__price">
<div class="custom-plan__">
<div class="product__prices custom-plan_price_number">
<p id="updated-price" class=" updated-price price custom-plan_price_number nigger">
<del aria-hidden="true"><span class="woocommerce-Price-amount amount nigger"><bdi><span class="woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol">€</span>6,00</bdi></span></del>
<span class="screen-reader-text">Original price was: €7,00.</span><ins aria-hidden="true"><span class="woocommerce-Price-amount amount"><bdi><span class="woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol">€</span>6,00</bdi></span></ins><span
class="screen-reader-text">Current price is: €6,00.</span> <span class="woocommerce-currency">EUR</span>
<div class="add-cart add-block-btn">
<a class=" btn-primary-l cta-primary cta-button-primary added" onclick="return submSim()">
<!-- Check if the product has activated the check unlimited data -->
Get unlimited internet </a>
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// Deshabilitar el botón de añadir al carrito si el valor de días es 0
var addToCartButton = $('#add-to-cart-button');
addToCartButton.prop('disabled', daysValue === 0);
function getVariationPrice(selectedDays, selectedAmount) {
var productId = 9464;
var productVariations = [{
"name": "1 day unlimited data",
"price": 6,
"id": 246798
}, {
"name": "2 days unlimited data",
"price": 9,
"id": 246801
}, {
"name": "3 days unlimited data",
"price": 12,
"id": 246804
}, {
"name": "4 days unlimited data",
"price": 15,
"id": 246807
}, {
"name": "5 days unlimited data",
"price": 19,
"id": 246810
}, {
"name": "6 days unlimited data",
"price": 23,
"id": 246813
}, {
"name": "7 days unlimited data",
"price": 27,
"id": 246816
}, {
"name": "8 days unlimited data",
"price": 29,
"id": 246819
}, {
"name": "9 days unlimited data",
"price": 32,
"id": 246822
}, {
"name": "10 days unlimited data",
"price": 34,
"id": 246825
}, {
"name": "11 days unlimited data",
"price": 37,
"id": 246828
}, {
"name": "12 days unlimited data",
"price": 40,
"id": 246831
}, {
"name": "13 days unlimited data",
"price": 42,
"id": 246834
}, {
"name": "14 days unlimited data",
"price": 44,
"id": 246837
}, {
"name": "15 days unlimited data",
"price": 47,
"id": 246840
}, {
"name": "16 days unlimited data",
"price": 49,
"id": 246843
}, {
"name": "17 days unlimited data",
"price": 50,
"id": 246846
}, {
"name": "18 days unlimited data",
"price": 52,
"id": 246849
}, {
"name": "19 days unlimited data",
"price": 55,
"id": 246852
}, {
"name": "20 days unlimited data",
"price": 57,
"id": 246855
var variation_price = productVariations.find(v => parseInt(\D/g, '')) == selectedDays);
var daysErrorMessage = $(".days-selector").next(".custom-error-message");
var addToCartButton = $('.add-to-cart-btn');
if (selectedDays > 90 || selectedDays < 1) {
$(".days-selector").after("<span class='custom-error-message'>You can buy from 1 to 90 days </span>");
} else {
var qtyErrorMessage = $(".quantitty-selector").next(".custom-error-message");
if (selectedAmount > 200 || selectedAmount < 1) {
$(".quantitty-selector").after("<span class='custom-error-message'>You can buy from 1 to 200 eSIMs </span>");
} else {
if (typeof variation_price == 'object') {
$('.add-cart, .custom.add-cart, .custom_sticky-add-to-cart-price .woocommerce-currency, .custom_sticky-add-to-cart-product-variation').removeClass("disabled");
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var minimumFractionDigitsVal = 0;
var maximumFractionDigitsVal = 0;
} else {
var minimumFractionDigitsVal = 2;
var maximumFractionDigitsVal = 2;
$('.updated-price bdi').html((variation_price['price'] * selectedAmount).toLocaleString("es-ES", {
minimumFractionDigits: minimumFractionDigitsVal,
maximumFractionDigits: maximumFractionDigitsVal
let currencySymbol = document.querySelector('.woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol').textContent;
let lang = document.getElementById('checkoutButton')?.getAttribute('data-locale');
let dataCurrency = document.querySelector('.woocommerce-currency').textContent;
// let missingCurrencySymbol = document.querySelector('.product__prices .woocommerce-Price-amount .woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol').textContent
let newPrice;
if (is_discount_activate()) {
let discountRate = get_discount_rate();
newPrice = add_discount_styles(variation_price["price"] * selectedAmount, discountRate);
$('.product__prices .price').first().parent().addClass('discount-top-price').find('.price').html(newPrice);
$('.custom_sticky-add-to-cart-price .custom-plan__price').find('.price').html(newPrice);
$('.custom-plan__total-price .custom-plan__price').find('.price').html(newPrice);
} else {
let customCurrency = '<span class="woocommerce-Price-amount amount"><bdi>' + currencySymbol + '</bdi></span>';
if ((lang == "fr") && ((dataCurrency == 'USD') || (dataCurrency == 'CAD'))) {
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"name": "13 days unlimited data",
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"name": "14 days unlimited data",
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"name": "15 days unlimited data",
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"name": "16 days unlimited data",
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"id": 246843
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"name": "17 days unlimited data",
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"id": 246846
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"name": "18 days unlimited data",
"price": 52,
"id": 246849
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"name": "19 days unlimited data",
"price": 55,
"id": 246852
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"name": "20 days unlimited data",
"price": 57,
"id": 246855
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WhatsApp 24/7: +1 (661) 384-8482 * Destinations * About us * FAQs * Reviews * PartnershipsNew Holafly for Business * Contact us Login -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- English German Spanish French Portuguese Italian Korean Dutch Swedish Danish Japanese Traditional Chinese Russian Arabic Simplified chinese Turkish Hebrew Norwegian Polish * Partnerships * Holafly for Business Login EN - EUR (€) 0 Best sellers * USA * Canada * Turkey * Spain * France * Mexico Regional plans * Europe * Asia * North America * Latin America * United Kingdom * Caribbean All destinations A - B C - E G - H I - K L - M Albania Algeria Andorra Argentina Armenia Aruba Asia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Bulgaria * See all See all destinations Cart You haven't added products to the cart Shop now! Total: EUR€0,00 Checkout Continue shopping Language Currency Choose a currency Suggested languages Euro EUR - € United States (US) dollar USD - $ Pound sterling GBP - £ Australian dollar AUD - $ Canadian dollar CAD - $ English English Deutsch German Español Spanish Français French Português Portuguese Italiano Italian 한국어 Korean Holland Dutch Rikssvenska Swedish Dansk Danish 日本語 Japanese 中文(繁體) Traditional Chinese Русский Russian العربية Arabic 中文(简体) Simplified chinese Türkçe Turkish עִברִית Hebrew Norsk Norwegian Polski Polish eSIM Supported Phones list Apple iPhone XR iPhone XS iPhone XS Max iPhone 11 iPhone 11 Pro iPhone 11 Pro Max iPhone SE (2020) iPhone 12 Mini iPhone 12 iPhone 12 Pro iPhone 12 Pro Max iPhone 13 mini iPhone 13 iPhone 13 Pro iPhone 13 Pro Max iPhone SE (2022) iPhone 14 iPhone 14 Plus iPhone 14 Pro iPhone 14 Pro Max iPad Pro (2018 and onwards) iPad Air iPad Watch series 3 Watch series 4 Watch series 5 Watch series 6 Watch SE Google Pixel 3 Pixel 3a Pixel 4 Pixel 4a Pixel 5 Pixel 6 Pixel 6a Pixel 6 Pro Pixel 7 Pixel 7 Pro Huawei P40 P40 Pro (not including the P40 Pro +) Mate 40 Pro Motorola Razr 2019 Razr 5G Samsung Galaxy Z Flip Galaxy Z Flip 5G Galaxy Z Flip3 5G Galaxy Z Flip4 Galaxy Fold Galaxy Z Fold2 5G Galaxy Z Fold3 5G Galaxy Z Fold4 Galaxy S20 Galaxy S21 Galaxy S21+ 5G Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G Galaxy S22 Galaxy S22+ Galaxy S22 Ultra Galaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G Galaxy Note 20 Galaxy S23 Galaxy S23+ Galaxy S23 Ultra Galaxy S20 Ultra 5G Planet Computers Gemini PDA Rakuten Mobile Rakuten Mini Big-S Big Hand Hand 5G Oppo Find X3 Pro Reno 5 A Find X5 Find X5 Pro Sony Xperia 10 III Lite Xperia 10 IV Xperia 1 IV Xperia 5 IV Honor Magic 4 Pro Xiaomi 12T Pro Sharp Aquos Sense6s Aquos Wish DOOGEE V30 No results found Check out our guide on how to find out if my device is eSIM compatible or contact us on our online chat Contact us Change of plans? No problem at all! Refund for Service Withdrawal If there have been changes in your plans and you no longer need your Holafly eSIM, we will provide you with a full refund. Refund for Incompatible or Locked Device If you purchased the eSIM and it turned out to be incompatible with your device, we will provide you with a full refund. Refund for Connection Issues If your eSIM doesn't work due to an issue with Holafly or the network infrastructure of the destination country has problems and is unstable, we can offer you a full or partial refund. Discover more about our Policy Refund conditions may apply so if you want to get one, check out our policies or contact Customer Support. Destinations United Arab Emirates Sale! Scan the QR code and connect instantly. ESIM WITH UNLIMITED DATA IN UNITED ARAB EMIRATES €6,00 Original price was: €7,00.€6,00Current price is: €6,00. EUR Based on 38,272 reviews on Features Description Technical Specs * Unlimited data * Fast and reliable internet * No more roaming charges * Enjoy your trip with unlimited data in United Arab Emirates * Receive your QR code and connect instantly * Easy to set up. No registrations or subscriptions. * Keep your WhatsApp number on your cellphone. * Connect to the best network in United Arab Emirates. * Customize the duration of your plan to fit your needs Buy an international eSIM for United Arab Emirates and never pay for roaming again. Connect to unlimited Internet at 3G/4G/LTE speed in minutes and stay in touch with your family and friends. It’s easy to start using our services. After your purchase, you will receive a QR code in your email, scan it with your smartphone camera, install and enjoy a fast and stable Internet connection in United Arab Emirates. * Installation: with a QR code or manually * Activation: upon arrival to destination turn on your Holafly eSIM’s data roaming * Compatibility: compatible with all smartphones with eSIM technology enabled. Operation on smartwatches and tablets is not guaranteed. Check compatibility here. * Days of use: customizable plan duration * Delivery time: immediate, after purchase * Plan type: unlimited data * SMS: No * Calls: No, only through apps (VOIP). * Speed: 3G/4G/LTE/5G * Speed reduction: if necessary. Some carriers may reserve the right to apply a Fair Usage Policy * Hotspot: enjoy 500mb per day to share with others. * Data coverage: You will enjoy good coverage in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sarja and other cities and tourist destinations in the United Arab Emirates. In desert areas or areas far from cities the quality of coverage may decrease. If you have any questions about network coverage, please contact our customer service. * Networks: Emirates Telecom Corp-ETISALAT Choose when your plan starts! Install the eSIM before your trip and activate the data upon arrival. START ENJOYING UNLIMITED DATA -% discount applied to all plans Number of days 1 * 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * 9 * 10 * 11 * 12 * 13 * 14 * 15 * 16 * 17 * 18 * 19 * 20 Customize the days in your plan Apply You can buy from 1 to 90 days Number of eSIMs Total €6,00 Original price was: €7,00.€6,00Current price is: €6,00. EUR Get unlimited internet Secure payment guaranteed Select number of days * 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * 9 * 10 * 11 * 12 * 13 * 14 * 15 * 16 * 17 * 18 * 19 * 20 * 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * 9 * 10 * 11 * 12 * 13 * 14 * 15 * 16 * 17 * 18 * 19 * 20 Customize the days in your plan Apply You can buy from 1 to 90 days SKU: esim-united-arab-emirates-1-day ADVANTAGES OF USING HOLAFLY ESIM IN UNITED ARAB EMIRATES CHANGE OF PLANS? NO PROBLEM AT ALL! Purchase your Holafly eSIM with added peace of mind. You have up to 6 months to request a refund. Learn More Conoce por qué nuestra eSIM de viajes internacionales es tu mejor elección de datos móviles para tener internet en el extranjero y mantenerte conectado en tu próxima aventura. CUSTOMIZE YOUR PLAN Decide how long you need your eSIM and adjust your plan accordingly! Say goodbye to running out of data or overspending on unused days. UNLIMITED DATA PLANS No more top-ups or worrying about running out of data. With a prepaid unlimited data in Spain, you can relax knowing we’ve got you covered. KEEP YOUR WHATSAPP NUMBER You can call and message all your contacts on WhatsApp, like you’re in the same country. Don’t lose touch with family and friends. 24/7 CUSTOMER SUPPORT The eSIM is easy to use, but if you have questions or experience technical issues you can reach us by email or our 24 hour chat support. We’re here to help. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY If you’re in a rush or you’re already traveling, don’t worry about waiting for delivery. We send the Spain eSIM immediately to your email, so you can connect in seconds. SHARE YOUR DATA WITH FAMILY AND FRIENDS Share up to 500MB of data daily with family, friends, or fellow travelers. Use your smartphone to create a WiFi network and connect multiple devices. HOW DOES THE HOLAFLY ESIM FOR UNITED ARAB EMIRATES WORK? 01. CHECK YOUR PHONE IS COMPATIBLE WITH ESIM Check if your smartphone is compatible now 02. BUY YOUR PREPAID ESIM Chose the plan that suits you best and buy your eSIM card from our online store. 03. SCAN THE QR CODE It’s easy. Just scan the QR code we send you and turn on data roaming from your settings. Now you can enjoy browsing the web. FAST AND RELIABLE CONNECTION * Clear video calls with no delays * Share stories in just a few seconds * Enjoy creating video content and super fast uploading * Find your way wherever you go! THE BEST PERFORMACE IN ALL YOUR APPS Discover the freedom of reliable connectivity with high speed 4G and 5G. Holafly keeps you connected, no matter the adventure! * * * * * * WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT ESIMS NO LOCAL PHONE NUMBER This virtual SIM only includes data. It does not allow you to make cell phone calls or send SMS messages. You can still use WhatsApp or Skype to call your contacts. YOUR PHONE MUST SUPPORT ESIM Make sure your phone is both unlocked and compatible with eSIM technology. Check compatible devices INSTALL BEFORE YOU TRAVEL AND TAKE OFF Scan the QR code from your smartphone settings and add the data plan. But don’t activate it until you land at your destination. Take the printed QR code on your travels just in case. WE WILL SEND YOU THE ESIM TO YOUR E-MAIL As soon as you complete your purchase, you’ll receive the instructions to install and activate your international travel eSIM and get unlimited internet on your adventure! * Installation instructions with QR code * Manual installation instructions HOLAFLY ESIM USER REVIEWS Eireeann Twitter I swear that Holafly has a customer service that is to cry with pleasure ;___; In no time will I buy another unlimited data SIM for Japan because the first time it worked wonderfully Verified buyer Ricardo Alonso Twitter A complicated request was solved urgently within 24 hours of traveling. They are wonderful and I recommend it to everyone. Thank you HolaFly team! Verified buyer Karen Christensen Trustpilot DON’T stress about your phone service when you travel abroad! I used Holafly to travel home to California this year. The instructions were super easy to follow and I had no problems with the service for the whole 20 days that I used it. It was nice not to worry about how much my phone company was going to charge me for service abroad. Verified buyer Emanuela Salermo Twitter I have used your Sim for my trip to the USA! I recommend it 100%. Thank you very much for your service. Verified buyer Karen Christensen Trustpilot DON’T stress about your phone service when you travel abroad! I used Holafly to travel home to California this year. The instructions were super easy to follow and I had no problems with the service for the whole 20 days that I used it. It was nice not to worry about how much my phone company was going to charge me for service abroad. Verified buyer Emanuela Salermo Twitter I have used your Sim for my trip to the USA! I recommend it 100%. Thank you very much for your service. Verified buyer Eireeann Twitter I swear that Holafly has a customer service that is to cry with pleasure ;___; In no time will I buy another unlimited data SIM for Japan because the first time it worked wonderfully Verified buyer Ricardo Alonso Twitter A complicated request was solved urgently within 24 hours of traveling. They are wonderful and I recommend it to everyone. Thank you HolaFly team! Verified buyer Eireeann Twitter I swear that Holafly has a customer service that is to cry with pleasure ;___; In no time will I buy another unlimited data SIM for Japan because the first time it worked wonderfully Verified buyer Ricardo Alonso Twitter A complicated request was solved urgently within 24 hours of traveling. They are wonderful and I recommend it to everyone. Thank you HolaFly team! Verified buyer Karen Christensen Trustpilot DON’T stress about your phone service when you travel abroad! I used Holafly to travel home to California this year. The instructions were super easy to follow and I had no problems with the service for the whole 20 days that I used it. It was nice not to worry about how much my phone company was going to charge me for service abroad. Verified buyer Emanuela Salermo Twitter I have used your Sim for my trip to the USA! I recommend it 100%. Thank you very much for your service. Verified buyer ‹› ‹› FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT THE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES ESIM We’ve put together this list to give you the answers you need. When does my data plan begin? Your plan activates immediately upon connecting your eSIM to any supported network. For example, if you bought a 1-day plan and you activate your plan at 10 AM, it remains active for a full 24 hours, concluding at 10 AM the following day. Can I make phone calls and send messages with my Holafly eSIM? The United Arab Emirates eSIM only allows you to use mobile data. It does not include a local phone number for mobile calls or messages. You can still make calls using apps like WhatsApp. Which devices work with the eSIM card? You can check if your smartphone is eSIM compatible here. When will I receive my eSIM? Once you purchase your eSIM, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions to install it immediately using a QR code or manual code. Remember that once the eSIM is purchased, it cannot be returned. Can I keep my WhatsApp number? You don’t need to do anything to keep your WhatsApp number. You’ll automatically keep your number, contacts and conversations. How quick is the Holafly eSIM? The Holafly eSIM offers maximum speed coverage (3G4GLTE). But bear in mind that in some areas of limited coverage there may be a lower speed connection. Do I have to activate data roaming on my device? Yes. To ensure that your eSIM gets the best coverage, you must turn on data roaming on your mobile settings. This will not incur any additional charges, as long as you have already set up the Holafly eSIM. What do I do if I delete or lose my eSIM’s QR code? If you cannot find the code, please contact our 24/7 customer support team at or our online chat function. We will resend the code to your email. What happens if I use up my data or my days of validity? If you use all your data or run out of days, your eSIM card will no longer work and you will lose internet connection. What eSIM data plan should I choose? Whichever is available for your destinations and suits your travel needs better! You can choose plans from 1 to 20 days. Could the internet speed with my Holafly eSIM be reduced? In a rare scenario, yes. Operators enforce an international measure called Fair Usage Policy to ensure fair internet usage and allow all users to enjoy optimal connection. This measure might be applied for a period of no more than one (1) day. It’s beyond Holafly’s control, but don’t worry! If this measure affects you, the restriction will be lifted the next day, and you’ll have your original plan speed back. What is an eSIM? An eSIM (embedded SIM) is a digital SIM card that can be installed directly into your smartphone or other mobile devices. It is an alternative to the physical, removable SIM card you’re used to. Can I renew or extend the data on my eSIM? Yes, you can do so by logging into your customer panel on the Holafly Center. You will find the data plans you can purchase there. Once you’ve made your purchase, it will be activated immediately on the eSIM you have linked. Can I share data with other devices? Certainly! With the United Arab Emirates eSIM, you have the capability to share up to 500MB of data per day across devices by creating a WiFi connection using your smartphone. Refer to your device instructions for guidance on setting up a WiFi connection via a mobile hotspot. How do I set up the eSIM on my device? After your purchase, we will send a QR code and manual instructions to your email. Either print the QR code or open it on your computer. On your cell phone, go to Settings > Mobile Data > Add Data Plan and scan the QR code. Your phone will allow you to assign a specific name to this data plan. You will now be able to switch between your Holafly data plan and the original plan from your provider. The Holafly data plan will only be operational once you arrive at your destination. Once you land, turn on data roaming on your cell phone settings and activate the Holafly data plan. Consult your phone’s user manual for more details on adding a data plan. All eSIM products come with comprehensive set-up instructions. When should I set up my eSIM? Set up your eSIM before your departure. Once you reach your destination, just activate the data plan turning on data roaming. We recommend you print the QR code to take it and manual instructions with you on vacation, just in case. Remember that you need internet access to install the eSIM. How can I check my data balance? You can manage your eSIMs and access all purchased data plans by logging into your Holafly Center through the Holafly website. How many times can I use my eSIM card? If needed or when changing phones during your trip, you can transfer your eSIM. However, note that you can only transfer the eSIM to two devices—the original one and a new one. Once you’ve installed it on a different device than the original, you won’t be able to reinstall it on the original device and you must deliver the eSIM from the original device to install it in the second device. Can I delete the Holafly eSIM once I’ve used my data? Yes! But keep in mind that you don’t need to do so. As soon as your plan expires your eSIM will no longer work. Can I use my SIM card and Holafly eSIM at the same time? If you are using an Apple device, you can use your SIM card and your eSim at the same time. Choose the Sim card for phone calls and SMS, and Holafly eSIM for data from your device. Please remember that if you leave your Sim card activated, your network provider may apply data roaming charges to receive or make phone calls as well as SMS. How do I get a refund? At Holafly we are aware that our users may have unforeseen events after making the purchase. Therefore, you can request a refund in the following circumstances: – You bought the eSIM without checking the compatibility with your cellphone. – You canceled your trip or you no longer need the eSIM. – Our eSIMs generally work fine, but if you experience connection issues, we can provide you with a full or partial refund. Once the refund is approved, you will receive the money on to the same account with which you made the payment. This process can take between 5 to 10 business days. For more details, terms and conditions, we invite you to read our Refund Policy. To which mobile network will I connect at my destination? Your eSIM will connect to all the local phone networks that Holafly partners up with. You can review them in the Technical Specs tab. Is Holafly my best option? It is! Of course if you ask us which eSIM card is the best, we will naturally answer it’s ours! Why? Because of our unlimited data, the flexibility to select a custom number of days, and many more special features. United Arab Emirates 1 day unlimited data Check that your device is compatible with eSIM €6,00 Original price was: €7,00.€6,00Current price is: €6,00. EUR 1 day unlimited data Get unlimited internet DON'T WORRY! WE ARE HERE FOR YOU. If you have any questions during this process, remember we're here to assist you 24/7 through our Online chat. Let's talk! Suscribirme Partnerships * Holafly for Business Top destinations * Europe * USA * Japan * Turkey * Spain * France Legal * Terms and Conditions * Privacy Policy * Cookies Policy * Refund Policy * Website Terms of Use Interest * What is an eSIM * eSIM compatible devices * How to install and activate your eSIM * FAQs * Blog Made with by people who love to travel. Holafly 2024 ®