www.zorgcijfersdatabank.nl Open in urlscan Pro
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URL: https://www.zorgcijfersdatabank.nl/
Submission: On July 25 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious — Scanned from NL

Form analysis 2 forms found in the DOM

Name: quick-search-formGET /zoeken

<form id="quick-search-form" class="pat-form pat-inject" title="Zoeken" accept-charset="UTF-8" action="/zoeken" method="get" name="quick-search-form" data-pat-inject="history: record; scroll: #main">
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      <h3 class="legend" id="tableTypeLegend">Tabel of rapportage</h3>
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          <optgroup label="Meerjarenanalyses">
            <option value="jjaarNEW" label="5-jarentabel - standaard">5-jarentabel - standaard</option>
          <optgroup label="Specifiek per jaar">
            <option value="jjverdiepnew23" label="5-jarentabel - verdiepend en gecorrigeerd (versie '23)">5-jarentabel - verdiepend en gecorrigeerd (versie '23)</option>
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            <option value="j2020NEW" label="2020">2020</option>
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            <option value="j2018NEW" label="2018">2018</option>
            <option value="j2017NEW" label="2017">2017</option>
            <option value="j2016NEW" label="2016">2016</option>
            <option value="j2015NEW" label="2015">2015</option>
      <label class="pat-depends has-value hidden disabled" data-pat-depends="action: both; condition: (infotype=wlz)" data-value="jjaarNEW" style="display: none;">
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        </div><select class="pat-autosuggest bar-style has-value select2-offscreen" data-pat-autosuggest="minimum-input-length: 0" name="geg_wlz" data-value="jjaarNEW" tabindex="-1" title="" style="display: none;">
          <optgroup label="Meerjarenanalyses">
            <option value="jjaarNEW" label="5-jarentabel - standaard">5-jarentabel - standaard</option>
          <optgroup label="Specifiek per jaar">
            <option value="j2024NEW" label="2024">2024</option>
            <option value="j2023NEW" label="2023">2023</option>
            <option value="j2022NEW" label="2022">2022</option>
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            <option value="j2020NEW" label="2020">2020</option>
            <option value="j2019NEW" label="2019">2019</option>
            <option value="j2018NEW" label="2018">2018</option>
            <option value="j2017NEW" label="2017">2017</option>
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            <option value="j2015NEW" label="2015">2015</option>
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      <h3 class="legend">Gegevens</h3>
      <label class="pat-depends has-value checked visible"
        data-pat-depends="action: both; condition: (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew23) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew23) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew23) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew23) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew23) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew23) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew22) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew22) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew22) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew22) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew22) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew22) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjaarNEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjaarNEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2024NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2024NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2024NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2023NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2023NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2022NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2022NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2021NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2021NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2020NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2020NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2019NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2019NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2018NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2018NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2017NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2017NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2017NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2016NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2016NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2016NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2015NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2015NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2015NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=jjaarNEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=jjaarNEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=jjaarNEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2024NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2024NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2024NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2023NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2023NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2023NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2022NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2022NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2022NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2021NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2021NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2021NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2020NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2020NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2020NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2019NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2019NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2019NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2018NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2018NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2018NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2017NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2017NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2017NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2016NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2016NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2016NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2015NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2015NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2015NEW)"
        data-value="kosten"><input type="radio" name="meta_tabel" value="kosten" checked="" class="has-value" data-value="kosten">Kosten</label>
      <label class="pat-depends unchecked hidden disabled"
        data-pat-depends="action: both; condition: (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew23) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew23) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew23) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew22) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew22) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew22) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2024NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2024NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2017NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2017NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2016NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2016NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2015NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2015NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=jjaarNEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=jjaarNEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2024NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2024NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2023NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2023NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2022NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2022NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2021NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2021NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2020NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2020NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2019NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2019NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2018NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2018NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2017NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2017NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2016NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2016NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2015NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2015NEW)"
        style="display: none;"><input type="radio" name="meta_tabel" value="volume">Aantallen</label>
      <label class="pat-depends unchecked hidden disabled" data-pat-depends="action: both; condition: (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew23) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew22)" style="display: none;"><input type="radio" name="meta_tabel"
    <div class="browser-column specification pat-checklist free-form radio pat-bar-toggles multi-line pat-switch" data-pat-switch="#browse-bar state-collapsed state-expanded">
      <h3 class="legend" id="specificDataTypelegend">Specificatie</h3>
      <label class="pat-depends has-value checked visible"
        data-pat-depends="action: both; condition: (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew23 and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew22 and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjaarNEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2024NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2023NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2022NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2021NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2020NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2019NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2018NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2017NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2016NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2015NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=jjaarNEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2024NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2023NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2022NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2021NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2020NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2019NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2018NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2017NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2016NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2015NEW and meta_tabel = kosten)"
        data-value="B_kost"><input type="radio" name="tabel" value="B_kost" checked="" class="has-value" data-value="B_kost">Totaal</label>
      <label class="pat-depends unchecked hidden disabled" data-pat-depends="action: both; condition: (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew23 and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew22 and meta_tabel = kosten)"
        style="display: none;"><input type="radio" name="tabel" value="B_kogb">Per gebruiker</label>
      <label class="pat-depends unchecked visible"
        data-pat-depends="action: both; condition: (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew23 and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew22 and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjaarNEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2024NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2023NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2022NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2021NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2020NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2019NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2018NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2017NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2016NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2015NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=jjaarNEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2024NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2023NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2022NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2021NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2020NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2019NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2018NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2017NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2016NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2015NEW and meta_tabel = kosten)"><input
          type="radio" name="tabel" value="B_kovz">Per verzekerde</label>
      <label class="pat-depends unchecked hidden disabled"
        data-pat-depends="action: both; condition: (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew23 and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew22 and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2024NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2017NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2016NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2015NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=jjaarNEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2024NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2023NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2022NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2021NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2020NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2019NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2018NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2017NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2016NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2015NEW and meta_tabel = kosten)"
        style="display: none;"><input type="radio" name="tabel" value="B_kovo">Per volume</label>
      <label class="pat-depends unchecked hidden disabled" data-pat-depends="action: both; condition: (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew23 and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew22 and meta_tabel = kosten)"
        style="display: none;"><input type="radio" name="tabel" value="B_kolf">Per leeftijdscategorie</label>
      <label class="pat-depends unchecked hidden disabled" data-pat-depends="action: both; condition: (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew23 and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew22 and meta_tabel = kosten)"
        style="display: none;"><input type="radio" name="tabel" value="B_kogs">Per geslacht</label>
      <label class="pat-depends unchecked hidden disabled"
        data-pat-depends="action: both; condition: (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew23 and meta_tabel = volume) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew22 and meta_tabel = volume) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2024NEW and meta_tabel = volume) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2017NEW and meta_tabel = volume) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2016NEW and meta_tabel = volume) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2015NEW and meta_tabel = volume) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=jjaarNEW and meta_tabel = volume) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2024NEW and meta_tabel = volume) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2023NEW and meta_tabel = volume) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2022NEW and meta_tabel = volume) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2021NEW and meta_tabel = volume) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2020NEW and meta_tabel = volume) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2019NEW and meta_tabel = volume) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2018NEW and meta_tabel = volume) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2017NEW and meta_tabel = volume) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2016NEW and meta_tabel = volume) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2015NEW and meta_tabel = volume)"
        style="display: none;"><input type="radio" name="tabel" value="B_volu">Totaal</label>
      <label class="pat-depends unchecked hidden disabled" data-pat-depends="action: both; condition: (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew23 and meta_tabel = volume) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew22 and meta_tabel = volume)"
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Zorgcijfersdatabank wordt elk kwartaal bijgewerkt met de meest recente cijfers
over de zorgkosten. De huidige website be …

OVERZICHT 2020 - 2023


De Factsheet geeft inzicht in de mate van gebruik van paramedische herstelzorg
na COVID-19 over de jaren 2020-2023.



De kosten binnen de kortdurende zorg (eerstelijnsverblijf (ELV) en geriatrische
revalidatiezorg (GRZ)) zijn de laatste v …

Meer nieuws


   Zorgcijfersdatabank is een van de websites van Zorginstituut Nederland. Het
   Zorginstituut ...

   De website Zorgcijfersdatabank is een product van Zorginstituut Nederland. Op
   deze website...

   In opdracht van het ministerie van VWS publiceert Zorginstituut Nederland
   maandelijks gede...

   Overzicht publicaties van onderzoek naar de zorgkosten door het

   Zorgcijfersdatabank biedt de mogelijkheid om te abonneren op een nieuwsbrief.
   Zo blijft u ...

   Het Zorginstituut publiceert periodiek over de verblijfsduur van
   verpleeghuisbewoners in d...

   Afhankelijk van de cijfers op Zorgcijfersdatabank, worden verschillende
   bronnen en methode...

   Regelmatig publiceren wij korte presentaties op social media over bepaalde
   ontwikkelingen ...

Naar boven
Zorginstituut Nederland

> Wijst je de weg naar goede zorg.


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