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urlscan Pro
Public Scan
Submission: On July 25 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious — Scanned from NL
Submission: On July 25 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious — Scanned from NL
Form analysis
2 forms found in the DOMName: quick-search-form — GET /zoeken
<form id="quick-search-form" class="pat-form pat-inject" title="Zoeken" accept-charset="UTF-8" action="/zoeken" method="get" name="quick-search-form" data-pat-inject="history: record; scroll: #main">
<label for="global-search-lemma" data-placeholder="Doorzoek de site">Doorzoek de site</label>
<input id="global-search-lemma" name="search-field" placeholder="Doorzoek de site" type="text" value="" data-placeholder="Doorzoek de site">
<button type="submit">Zoek</button>
<form action="/databank" data-pat-inject="source: #global-nav::element; target: #global-nav::element && source: #main; target: #main; history: record;" class="pat-form pat-inject">
<div class="data-browser row">
<h2 class="assistive">Tabel vinden</h2>
<div class="browser-column category pat-checklist free-form radio pat-bar-toggles multi-line pat-switch" data-pat-switch="#browse-bar state-collapsed state-expanded">
<h3 class="legend">Categorie</h3>
<label class="has-value checked" data-value="zvw"><input type="radio" checked="" name="infotype" value="zvw" class="has-value" data-value="zvw">Zorgverzekeringswet</label>
<label class="unchecked"><input type="radio" name="infotype" value="wlz">Wet Langdurige Zorg</label>
<div class="browser-column organization pat-checklist free-form radio pat-bar-toggles multi-line pat-switch" data-pat-switch="#browse-bar state-collapsed state-expanded" style="display:none">
<h3 class="legend">Verzekeraar</h3>
<label class="has-value" data-value="00-totaal"><input type="hidden" name="label" checked="" value="00-totaal" selected="" class="has-value" data-value="00-totaal">00-totaal</label>
<div class="browser-column type pat-switch" data-pat-switch="#browse-bar state-collapsed state-expanded">
<h3 class="legend" id="tableTypeLegend">Tabel of rapportage</h3>
<label class="pat-depends has-value visible" data-pat-depends="action: both; condition: (infotype=zvw)" data-value="jjaarNEW">
<div class="select2-container pat-autosuggest bar-style has-value" id="s2id_autogen3">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="select2-choice" tabindex="-1"> <span class="select2-chosen" id="select2-chosen-4">5-jarentabel - standaard</span><abbr class="select2-search-choice-close"></abbr> <span class="select2-arrow" role="presentation"><b role="presentation"></b></span></a><label
for="s2id_autogen4" class="select2-offscreen"></label><input class="select2-focusser select2-offscreen" type="text" aria-haspopup="true" role="button" aria-labelledby="select2-chosen-4" id="s2id_autogen4">
<div class="select2-drop select2-display-none select2-with-searchbox">
<div class="select2-search"> <label for="s2id_autogen4_search" class="select2-offscreen"></label> <input type="text" autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false" class="select2-input" role="combobox"
aria-expanded="true" aria-autocomplete="list" aria-owns="select2-results-4" id="s2id_autogen4_search" placeholder=""> </div>
<ul class="select2-results" role="listbox" id="select2-results-4"> </ul>
</div><select class="pat-autosuggest bar-style has-value select2-offscreen" data-pat-autosuggest="minimum-input-length: 0" name="geg_zvw" data-value="jjaarNEW" tabindex="-1" title="" style="display: none;">
<optgroup label="Meerjarenanalyses">
<option value="jjaarNEW" label="5-jarentabel - standaard">5-jarentabel - standaard</option>
<optgroup label="Specifiek per jaar">
<option value="jjverdiepnew23" label="5-jarentabel - verdiepend en gecorrigeerd (versie '23)">5-jarentabel - verdiepend en gecorrigeerd (versie '23)</option>
<option value="jjverdiepnew22" label="5-jarentabel - verdiepend en gecorrigeerd (versie '22)">5-jarentabel - verdiepend en gecorrigeerd (versie '22)</option>
<option value="j2024NEW" label="2024">2024</option>
<option value="j2023NEW" label="2023">2023</option>
<option value="j2022NEW" label="2022">2022</option>
<option value="j2021NEW" label="2021">2021</option>
<option value="j2020NEW" label="2020">2020</option>
<option value="j2019NEW" label="2019">2019</option>
<option value="j2018NEW" label="2018">2018</option>
<option value="j2017NEW" label="2017">2017</option>
<option value="j2016NEW" label="2016">2016</option>
<option value="j2015NEW" label="2015">2015</option>
<label class="pat-depends has-value hidden disabled" data-pat-depends="action: both; condition: (infotype=wlz)" data-value="jjaarNEW" style="display: none;">
<div class="select2-container pat-autosuggest bar-style has-value" id="s2id_autogen1">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="select2-choice" tabindex="-1"> <span class="select2-chosen" id="select2-chosen-2">5-jarentabel - standaard</span><abbr class="select2-search-choice-close"></abbr> <span class="select2-arrow" role="presentation"><b role="presentation"></b></span></a><label
for="s2id_autogen2" class="select2-offscreen"></label><input class="select2-focusser select2-offscreen" type="text" aria-haspopup="true" role="button" aria-labelledby="select2-chosen-2" id="s2id_autogen2">
<div class="select2-drop select2-display-none select2-with-searchbox">
<div class="select2-search"> <label for="s2id_autogen2_search" class="select2-offscreen"></label> <input type="text" autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false" class="select2-input" role="combobox"
aria-expanded="true" aria-autocomplete="list" aria-owns="select2-results-2" id="s2id_autogen2_search" placeholder=""> </div>
<ul class="select2-results" role="listbox" id="select2-results-2"> </ul>
</div><select class="pat-autosuggest bar-style has-value select2-offscreen" data-pat-autosuggest="minimum-input-length: 0" name="geg_wlz" data-value="jjaarNEW" tabindex="-1" title="" style="display: none;">
<optgroup label="Meerjarenanalyses">
<option value="jjaarNEW" label="5-jarentabel - standaard">5-jarentabel - standaard</option>
<optgroup label="Specifiek per jaar">
<option value="j2024NEW" label="2024">2024</option>
<option value="j2023NEW" label="2023">2023</option>
<option value="j2022NEW" label="2022">2022</option>
<option value="j2021NEW" label="2021">2021</option>
<option value="j2020NEW" label="2020">2020</option>
<option value="j2019NEW" label="2019">2019</option>
<option value="j2018NEW" label="2018">2018</option>
<option value="j2017NEW" label="2017">2017</option>
<option value="j2016NEW" label="2016">2016</option>
<option value="j2015NEW" label="2015">2015</option>
<div class="browser-column category pat-checklist free-form radio pat-bar-toggles multi-line pat-switch" data-pat-switch="#browse-bar state-collapsed state-expanded">
<h3 class="legend">Gegevens</h3>
<label class="pat-depends has-value checked visible"
data-pat-depends="action: both; condition: (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew23) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew23) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew23) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew23) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew23) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew23) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew22) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew22) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew22) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew22) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew22) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew22) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjaarNEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjaarNEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2024NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2024NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2024NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2023NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2023NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2022NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2022NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2021NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2021NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2020NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2020NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2019NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2019NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2018NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2018NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2017NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2017NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2017NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2016NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2016NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2016NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2015NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2015NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2015NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=jjaarNEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=jjaarNEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=jjaarNEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2024NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2024NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2024NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2023NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2023NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2023NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2022NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2022NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2022NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2021NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2021NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2021NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2020NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2020NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2020NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2019NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2019NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2019NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2018NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2018NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2018NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2017NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2017NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2017NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2016NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2016NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2016NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2015NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2015NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2015NEW)"
data-value="kosten"><input type="radio" name="meta_tabel" value="kosten" checked="" class="has-value" data-value="kosten">Kosten</label>
<label class="pat-depends unchecked hidden disabled"
data-pat-depends="action: both; condition: (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew23) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew23) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew23) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew22) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew22) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew22) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2024NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2024NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2017NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2017NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2016NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2016NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2015NEW) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2015NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=jjaarNEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=jjaarNEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2024NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2024NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2023NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2023NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2022NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2022NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2021NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2021NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2020NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2020NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2019NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2019NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2018NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2018NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2017NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2017NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2016NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2016NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2015NEW) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2015NEW)"
style="display: none;"><input type="radio" name="meta_tabel" value="volume">Aantallen</label>
<label class="pat-depends unchecked hidden disabled" data-pat-depends="action: both; condition: (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew23) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew22)" style="display: none;"><input type="radio" name="meta_tabel"
<div class="browser-column specification pat-checklist free-form radio pat-bar-toggles multi-line pat-switch" data-pat-switch="#browse-bar state-collapsed state-expanded">
<h3 class="legend" id="specificDataTypelegend">Specificatie</h3>
<label class="pat-depends has-value checked visible"
data-pat-depends="action: both; condition: (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew23 and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew22 and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjaarNEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2024NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2023NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2022NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2021NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2020NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2019NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2018NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2017NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2016NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2015NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=jjaarNEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2024NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2023NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2022NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2021NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2020NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2019NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2018NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2017NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2016NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2015NEW and meta_tabel = kosten)"
data-value="B_kost"><input type="radio" name="tabel" value="B_kost" checked="" class="has-value" data-value="B_kost">Totaal</label>
<label class="pat-depends unchecked hidden disabled" data-pat-depends="action: both; condition: (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew23 and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew22 and meta_tabel = kosten)"
style="display: none;"><input type="radio" name="tabel" value="B_kogb">Per gebruiker</label>
<label class="pat-depends unchecked visible"
data-pat-depends="action: both; condition: (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew23 and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew22 and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjaarNEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2024NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2023NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2022NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2021NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2020NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2019NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2018NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2017NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2016NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2015NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=jjaarNEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2024NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2023NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2022NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2021NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2020NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2019NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2018NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2017NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2016NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2015NEW and meta_tabel = kosten)"><input
type="radio" name="tabel" value="B_kovz">Per verzekerde</label>
<label class="pat-depends unchecked hidden disabled"
data-pat-depends="action: both; condition: (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew23 and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew22 and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2024NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2017NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2016NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2015NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=jjaarNEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2024NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2023NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2022NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2021NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2020NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2019NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2018NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2017NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2016NEW and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2015NEW and meta_tabel = kosten)"
style="display: none;"><input type="radio" name="tabel" value="B_kovo">Per volume</label>
<label class="pat-depends unchecked hidden disabled" data-pat-depends="action: both; condition: (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew23 and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew22 and meta_tabel = kosten)"
style="display: none;"><input type="radio" name="tabel" value="B_kolf">Per leeftijdscategorie</label>
<label class="pat-depends unchecked hidden disabled" data-pat-depends="action: both; condition: (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew23 and meta_tabel = kosten) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew22 and meta_tabel = kosten)"
style="display: none;"><input type="radio" name="tabel" value="B_kogs">Per geslacht</label>
<label class="pat-depends unchecked hidden disabled"
data-pat-depends="action: both; condition: (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew23 and meta_tabel = volume) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew22 and meta_tabel = volume) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2024NEW and meta_tabel = volume) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2017NEW and meta_tabel = volume) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2016NEW and meta_tabel = volume) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=j2015NEW and meta_tabel = volume) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=jjaarNEW and meta_tabel = volume) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2024NEW and meta_tabel = volume) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2023NEW and meta_tabel = volume) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2022NEW and meta_tabel = volume) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2021NEW and meta_tabel = volume) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2020NEW and meta_tabel = volume) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2019NEW and meta_tabel = volume) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2018NEW and meta_tabel = volume) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2017NEW and meta_tabel = volume) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2016NEW and meta_tabel = volume) or (infotype=wlz and geg_wlz=j2015NEW and meta_tabel = volume)"
style="display: none;"><input type="radio" name="tabel" value="B_volu">Totaal</label>
<label class="pat-depends unchecked hidden disabled" data-pat-depends="action: both; condition: (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew23 and meta_tabel = volume) or (infotype=zvw and geg_zvw=jjverdiepnew22 and meta_tabel = volume)"
style="display: none;"><input type="radio" name="tabel" value="B_vogb">Per gebruiker</label>
<label class="pat-depends unchecked hidden disabled"
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