www.ccsoh.us Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://columbus.k12.oh.us/
Effective URL: https://www.ccsoh.us/
Submission Tags: tranco_l324
Submission: On November 17 via api from DE — Scanned from US

Form analysis 2 forms found in the DOM

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 * Columbus Africentric Early College K12

 * Columbus Spanish Immersion Academy
 * Como Elementary School
 * Cranbrook Elementary School
 * Devonshire Elementary School
 * Duxberry Park Elementary School
 * Eakin Elementary School
 * East Columbus Elementary School
 * East Linden Elementary School
 * Eastgate Elementary School
 * Easthaven Elementary School
 * Ecole Kenwood French Immersion Elementary School
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 * Forest Park Elementary School
 * Gables Elementary School
 * Georgian Heights Elementary School
 * Hamilton STEM Academy
 * Highland Elementary School
 * Hubbard Elementary School
 * Huy Elementary School
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 * Columbus City Preparatory School for Girls
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   Standing tall among the bricks and green space on the Fort Hayes Metropolitan
   Campus are plywood images that tell a story of strength and courage as part
   of the traveling exhibit #ArtUnitesCbus.
   Comments (-1)

   Read our preview and learn how you can watch the Columbus Board of Education
   meeting on Tuesday, November 16.
   Comments (-1)

   Using up to 200 popsicle sticks and glue, students work in teams of two or
   three to design and build a bridge.
   Comments (-1)

   In celebration of America Recycles Day, the District focuses on
   sustainability and teaching young people the importance of recycling and
   Comments (-1)

   Read Dr. Dixon's weekly message for CCS families.
   Comments (-1)

   Fourth grade teacher Jenifer Lourens wants her students at Scottwood ES to
   learn how to play the violin so badly that she has provided every student in
   her class with a violin along with herself so they can all learn how to play
   Comments (-1)

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   8:00 AM-9:00 AM Wellness Week

   Thanksgiving Recess for All Schools
   8:00 AM-9:30 AM Board of Education NSDP Committee Meeting
   8:00 AM-9:00 AM Wellness Week

   Thanksgiving Recess for All Schools
   8:00 AM-9:00 AM Wellness Week

   5:30 PM-7:30 PM Columbus Board of Education Business Meeting

   4:00 PM Board of Education Finance and Appropriations Committee Meeting

   7:30 AM 30-Minute Early Release for All Schools

   Winter Break for All Schools

   Winter Break for All Schools
   5:30 PM-7:30 PM Columbus Board of Education Business Meeting

   Winter Break for All Schools

   Winter Break for All Schools
   8:00 AM-9:30 AM Board of Education NSDP Committee Meeting

   Winter Break for All Schools

   Winter Break for All Schools

   Winter Break for All Schools

   Winter Break for All Schools

   Winter Break for All Schools

   Winter Break for All Schools


Each student is highly educated, prepared for leadership and service, and
empowered for success as a citizen in a global community.

270 E. State St. Columbus, OH 43215

Phone: 614-365-5000

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 * Liberty Elementary School
 * Lincoln Park Elementary School
 * Lindbergh Elementary School
 * Linden STEM Academy
 * Livingston Elementary School
 * Maize Elementary School
 * Moler Elementary School
 * North Linden Elementary School
 * Northgate Intermediate School
 * Northtowne Elementary School
 * Oakland Park Elementary School
 * Oakmont Elementary School
 * Ohio Avenue Elementary School
 * Olde Orchard Elementary School
 * Parkmoor Elementary School
 * Parsons Elementary School
 * Salem Elementary School
 * Scottwood Elementary School
 * Shady Lane Elementary School
 * Siebert Elementary School
 * South Mifflin STEM Academy
 * Southwood Elementary School
 * Starling K8
 * Stewart Alternative Elementary School
 * Sullivant Elementary School
 * Trevitt Elementary School
 * Valley Forge Elementary School
 * Valleyview Elementary School
 * Watkins Elementary School
 * Weinland Park Elementary School
 * West Broad Elementary School
 * West Mound Elementary School
 * Westgate Elementary School
 * Windsor STEM Academy
 * Winterset Elementary School
 * Woodcrest Elementary School
 * Arts Impact Middle School
 * Berwick Alternative Elementary School
 * Buckeye Middle School
 * Champion Middle School
 * Columbus Africentric Early College K12
 * Columbus City Preparatory School for Boys
 * Columbus City Preparatory School for Girls
 * Dominion Middle School
 * Hilltonia Middle School
 * Indianola Informal K8
 * Johnson Park Middle School
 * Medina Middle School
 * Mifflin Middle School
 * Ridgeview Middle School
 * Sherwood Middle School
 * Starling K8
 * Wedgewood Middle School
 * Westmoor Middle School
 * Woodward Park Middle School
 * World Language Middle School
 * Yorktown Middle School
 * Beatty Park Elementary School
 * Berwick Alternative Elementary School
 * BlendED
 * Columbus Downtown High School
 * Columbus Gifted Academy
 * Columbus Global Academy
 * Columbus Scioto 6-12
 * Fort Hayes Career Center
 * Linden Park Early Childhood Education Center
 * World Language Middle School
 * Beechcroft High School
 * Briggs High School
 * Centennial High School
 * Columbus Africentric Early College K12
 * Columbus Alternative High School
 * Columbus Downtown High School
 * Columbus North International School
 * East High School
 * Eastmoor Academy High School
 * Fort Hayes Arts & Academic High School
 * Fort Hayes Career Center
 * Independence High School
 * Linden-McKinley STEM Academy
 * Marion-Franklin High School
 * Mifflin High School
 * Northland High School
 * South High School
 * Walnut Ridge High School
 * West High School
 * Whetstone High School


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