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From 14,000-foot-high mountain peaks to stunning deep gorges, from whitewater
thrills to Ancestral Pueblo ruins, Colorado is full of opportunities to explore
and engage your sense of adventure. Starting in the metropolitan areas of Denver
and Colorado Springs, this tour travels through the Rocky Mountains and San Juan
Mountains, where you’ll explore this area through a myriad of activities.


Best Price Guarantee
If you find a better price somewhere else, let us know. We'll cover the
difference, worry free. See full details at gr.pn/bpg


Day 1: (Sun) – Depart Denver, travel to Colorado Springs

Stop At: Denver, Denver, Colorado
Arrive in Denver by 1:00 pm. Meet your
tour director and travel south to Colorado Springs for
touring of Garden of the Gods.

Duration: 2 hours

Stop At: Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, Colorado
Meet your
tour director and travel south to Colorado Springs for
touring of Garden of the Gods. Check into your hotel
and join the group for a welcome dinner.
Duration: 5 hours

Meals included:
Accommodation included: Lodging – Drury Inn & Suites, Colorado Springs, CO

Day 2: (Mon) – Pikes Peak Cog Railway – Alamosa

Stop At: Pikes Peak Historical Street Railway, 2333 Steel Dr, Colorado Springs,
CO 80907-6791
Begin the day by elevating your experience of the Colorado Rockies with a
historic and scenic ride on the Pikes Peak Cog Railway. Travel from 6,300 feet
to just over 14,000 feet above sea level. Experience the sweeping 360-degree
views, vistas, and natural beauty of the Pikes Peak region that has drawn
generations of explorers and travelers.
Duration: 3 hours

Stop At: Royal Gorge Bridge and Park, 4218 County Road 3a, Canon City, CO
Next visit Royal Gorge Bridge & Park, where the world's highest suspension
bridge towers 1,053 feet above the Arkansas River. Here you will have time to
walk out on the bridge, have lunch on your own and explore other sights in the
park. Once finished, you will travel into the heart of Colorado for dinner and
your overnight stay.
Duration: 4 minutes

Meals included:
Accommodation included: Lodging – Hampton Inn, Alamosa, CO

Day 3: (Tue) – Great Sand Dunes & Chimney Rock, Travel to Durango

Stop At: Great Sand Dunes National Park & Preserve, Great Sand Dunes National
Park & Preserve, Colorado
Begin your morning exploring Great Sand Dunes National Park for sightseeing of
the tallest dunes in North America, which are the centerpiece in a diverse
landscape of grasslands, wetlands, conifer and aspen forests, alpine lakes, and
tundra. Once finished, you will get to experience the scenery of the Colorado
Rockies as you travel over scenic Wolf Creek Pass before arriving in Pagosa
Duration: 4 hours

Stop At: Chimney Rock National Monument, 3179 Co-151, Chimney Rock, CO 81121
Shortly after arriving in Pagosa Springs, you will explore Chimney Rock National
Monument and learn about this hidden gem of Ancestral Puebloan history and join
in the fascination of how these Native Americans used the two rock monoliths
(Chimney Rock) to chart the moon and recorded the Lunar Standstill that occurs
every 18.6 years. End your day with yet another scenic drive that will lead to
historic Durango, CO.
Duration: 4 hours

Meals included:
Accommodation included: Lodging - Holiday Inn & Suites, Durango, CO

Day 4: (Wed) – Mesa Verde National Park

Stop At: Mesa Verde National Park, Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado
Today will be dedicated to exploring Mesa Verde National Park. Visit cliff
dwellings built by the Ancestral Pueblo / Anasazi culture that once thrived in
the Four Corners region but suddenly disappeared leaving a mystery of what
happened to this ancient culture. Mesa Verde is the nation’s largest
archeological preserve with 4,000 sites, including 600 cliff dwellings. Start
with the Visitors Center which contains a large collection of ancient artifacts.
Then a local expert will guide you through the more famous ruins including a
stop for lunch on your own. After a wonderful tour of Mesa Verde, return to
Durango with the rest of the day free to explore this fun western town on your
Duration: 8 hours

Meals included:
Accommodation included: Lodging – Holiday Inn & Suites, Durango, CO

Day 5: (Thu) – Million Dollar Hwy, Black Canyon of the Gunnison, Colorado
National Monument

Stop At: Ouray, Ouray, Colorado
This morning you will travel over the Million Dollar Highway from Durango to the
town of Ouray, known as Little Switzerland of America. Sit back and watch alpine
meadows, the beautiful Animas River and the high peaks of the San Juan
Mountains, a significant mountain range in the Rocky Mountains, go by. There
will be stops for scenic overlooks and hikes along the way. After passing by the
old mining ruins near Red Mountain Pass, with its majestic views of the 14’ers,
you will finally wind your way down the mountainside to Ouray, another historic
town, for a visit to Box Canyon Falls and other areas.
Duration: 4 hours

Stop At: Black Canyon Of The Gunnison National Park, Black Canyon Of The
Gunnison National Park, Colorado
We will continue north to Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park. This park
consists of a deep, steep-walled chasm, carved through Precambrian rock by the
Gunnison River. Roads and trails along the north rim have views of the Black
Canyon's dramatic drops and the striated cliff walls from Painted Wall
Viewpoint. Once finished, you will continue to Grand Junction where you will
enjoy a picnic dinner in Colorado National Monument for the evening.
Duration: 6 hours

Meals included:
Accommodation included: Lodging – Hampton Inn Downtown, Grand Junction, CO

Day 6: (Fri) – Glenwood Springs – Whitewater Rafting on Colorado River

Stop At: Glenwood Springs, Glenwood Springs, Colorado
Begin the day traveling east to Glenwood Springs where you will experience some
thrilling whitewater rafting! You will be rafting through spectacular Glenwood
Canyon, a beautiful, pristine stretch of water with unbelievable Rocky Mountain
scenery and a perfect mix of calm water and whitewater. This trip includes Class
II-IV whitewater and the Shoshone Class III-IV rapids, which offer the
whitewater enthusiast a two-mile stretch of exciting but not intimidating
rapids. This section is one of our favorites, with interesting geology, gorgeous
scenery, views of the marvelous engineering resulting in the most expensive
portion of interstate highway built (Interstate 70) and, of course, some fun
whitewater! You will have a few hours of free time for lunch and an opportunity
to soak in the mineral hot springs, the reason for the founding of Glenwood
Springs, if you are interested.
Duration: 6 hours

Stop At: Silverthorne, Silverthorne, Colorado
Then continue through the Colorado Rockies as you travel to Silverthorne to
overnight. Evening free for dinner on your own.
Duration: 3 hours

Meals included:
Accommodation included: Lodging – Hampton Inn Silverthorne, CO

Day 7: (Sat) – Rocky Mountain National Park, travel to Denver

Stop At: Rocky Mountain National Park, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado
Depart Silverthorne for a scenic drive on your way to Grand Lake and the
entrance to Rocky Mountain National Park. You will enjoy some hiking and
sightseeing along the national park’s famed Trail Ridge Road which crests at
over 12,000 feet including many overlooks to experience the subalpine and alpine
worlds. It will be an afternoon of mountain roads, wildlife, and breathtaking
views. A true Colorado Rocky Mountain High! Explore some hiking trails at the
guide’s discretion. In the late afternoon, return to the valleys of the Front
Range and join the group for a farewell dinner at a local restaurant as you
share your experiences from the past week in Colorado. After dinner you will
travel to your hotel near the airport.
Duration: 10 hours

Meals included:
Accommodation included: Lodging – Fairfield Inn & Suites Denver, CO

Day 8: (Sun) – Journey Home

Pass By: Denver, Denver, Colorado
Say farewell to Colorado as you head over to Denver International Airport for
your flight home. Transfers on your own using the hotel airport shuttle as

Meals included:
No accommodation included on this day.


 * Confirmation will be received at time of booking
 * Wheelchair accessible
 * Service animals allowed
 * Near public transportation
 * Most travelers can participate
 * This tour/activity will have a maximum of 13 travelers
 * Hand sanitizer available to travelers and staff
 * Regularly sanitized high-traffic areas
 * Guides required to regularly wash hands


 * 7x Breakfast
 * 4x Dinner
 * 2x Lunch
 * Accommodation included: 7 nights
 * Comfortable transportation in a Mercedes Benz Sprinter Van
 * Gratuities for included meals and activities
 * Applicable taxes and fees
 * Entry/Admission - Pikes Peak Historical Street Railway
 * Entry/Admission - Royal Gorge Bridge and Park
 * Entry/Admission - Chimney Rock National Monument


 * Airfare
 * Items of a personal nature (alcohol, room service, etc.)
 * Meals (other than listed in the itinerary)
 * Gratuities for the tour director

Departure Point
Fairfield Inn & Suites, 6851 Tower Rd, Denver, CO 80249, USA

Departure Time
01:00 PM

8 days

Return Details
Returns to original departure point

Voucher Info
You can present either a paper or an electronic voucher for this activity.

The tour identified in this promotion is made available through Viator. Groupon
is not affiliated with or sponsored by the Southwest Adventure Tours in
connection with this deal. Please contact Groupon customer service for all
inquiries related to this offer. Inquiries placed to Viator will be directed
back to Groupon.

This offer is not eligible for promo codes.


deal is final sale

Merchant is solely responsible to purchasers for the care and quality of the
advertised goods and services. Offer is not eligible for our promo codes or
other discounts. Learn about Strike-Through Pricing and Savings


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HelloFresh Meal Kit Deliveries Deals
4.1 stars out of 5 stars

23603 Ratings
Regular price $70.93
Discount price $25
Urgency price $20
15 Hours Left
Meal Kit Deliveries
$130 Off 6 Meal Kit Deliveries + Free Shipping on 1st Meal
Blue Apron · 1 Coupon
25% off AARP for your 1st Year with auto-renew + free gift
AARP · 1 Coupon
Simple Canvas Prints
4.1 stars out of 5 stars

41905 Ratings
Regular price $89.40
Discount price $21.99
Canvas Prints with Free Shipping
Try for 30-Days HOMER Online Learning for Kids 2 to 8
HOMER · 1 Coupon


Ice Cave Body Sculpting
11623 Angus Road #C15, Austin
4.9 stars out of 5 stars

71 Ratings
Regular price $740
Discount price $376
Super MIC B12 Plus
4.2 stars out of 5 stars

5068 Ratings
Regular price $60
Discount price $39.99
MIC-Lipotropic B12 Plus Shots
Balanced Life Care 
4.0 stars out of 5 stars

154 Ratings
Regular price $47
Discount price $20
Phentermine / Weight-Loss
HelloFresh Meal Kit Deliveries Deals
4.1 stars out of 5 stars

23603 Ratings
Regular price $70.93
Discount price $25
Urgency price $20
15 Hours Left
Meal Kit Deliveries


1 of 3
300 Parkway Drive, Lincolnshire•26 mi



33% OFF

Regal Premiere Movie Ticket (Up to 33% Off)
10000+ bought
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AMF – Bowlero – Bowlmor
7700 47th Street, Lyons•11 mi

12386 Ratings


44% OFF

One $25 Arcade Game Card at AMF - Bowlero - Bowlmor (44% Off)
150+ bought
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Sushi Making Class with Classpop!
2027 W North Ave, Chicago•3.5 mi


33% OFF

Sushi-Making Class for One, Two, or Four at Classpop! (Up to 46% Off)
1410+ bought
Book Online
1001 West North Avenue, Melrose Park•11.6 mi


10% OFF

Movie Club Membership for Three or Six Months at Cinemark (Up to 17% Off)
4520+ bought
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Cooking Classes by Classpop!
2027 W North Ave, Chicago•3.5 mi


32% OFF

Classpop! Cooking Classes for One, Two or Four with Classpop! (Up to 47% off)
1910+ bought
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Ja Rule and Ashanti with Case
175 N State St, Chicago•0.4 mi


Ja Rule & Ashanti W/ Case at The Chicago Theatre 8 PM
40+ bought
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Pasta Making with Classpop!
2027 W North Ave, Chicago•3.5 mi

181 Ratings

32% OFF

Classpop: Pasta Making Class For One or Two or Four from $59
1160+ bought
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The Soul II Soul Tour
525 South Racine, Chicago•1.7 mi



26% OFF

The Soul II Soul Tour ft. Kem, Ledisi, and Musiq Soulchild on April 14 at 8 p.m.
10+ bought
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Kanya Lounge
2525 North Elston Avenue, Chicago•4.4 mi

141 Ratings

28% OFF

1-Hour Axe-Throwing Session or 30-Minute Rage-Room Package at Kanya Lounge (Up
to 41% Off). 4 Options Available.
5000+ bought
Book Online
Cinergy Dine-In Cinema Wheeling
401 West Dundee Road, Wheeling•23.6 mi



48% OFF

$8 for One Movie Ticket with Medium Popcorn at Cinergy Dine-In Cinema Wheeling
($15.49 Value)
10000+ bought
Book Online
Museum of Science and Industry
5700 S Lake Shore Dr., Chicago•6.4 mi


One Adult or Child General-Admission Ticket to Museum of Science and Industry
1990+ bought
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Booze 'n' Brains
20 East Randolph Street, Chicago•0.4 mi



60% OFF

$9.99 for Interactive Drinking Game from Booze 'n' Brains ($24.99 Value)
1000+ bought
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1 of 3
Krispy Kreme® Doughnut Corporation
108 North State Street, Chicago•0.3 mi



20% OFF

$25 eGift Card to Krispy Kreme® (20% Off)
25000+ bought
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HelloFresh Meal Kit Deliveries Deals

23603 Ratings


Limited Time
Meal Kit Deliveries for Two or Four People (First Week Shipping Included) from
HelloFresh (Up to 72% Off)
101000+ bought
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Sam's Club Membership
2601 Cicero Avenue, Cicero•6.6 mi

111394 Ratings


50% OFF

Club Membership at Sam's Club Memberships (Up to 50% Off)
25730+ bought
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Womens RBG Element Of Truth Tshirt Ruth Bader Ginsburg Supreme Court Science Tee


43% OFF

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Streamside on Fall River
1260 Fall River Road, Estes Park•936.8 mi

30% OFF

Stay at Streamside on Fall River in Estes Park, CO
20+ bought
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Men's French Terry Jogger Lounge Pants (Sizes, S-3XL)



Limited Time

260+ bought
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The Redstone Inn
82 Redstone Blvd, Redstone•1044.7 mi

24% OFF

Stay at The Redstone Inn, CO
30+ bought
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1.00 Carat Diamond Miracle Set 3-Row Tennis Bracelet



Limited Time

1000+ bought
Book Online

39285 Ratings

79% OFF

40, 70, or 100 Custom Photo Cards from PhotoAffections (Up to 76% Off )
150000+ bought
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Windproof Winter Gloves Touchscreen Gloves Thermal Warm Gloves for Men and Women


80% OFF

100000+ bought
Book Online
✈ 5-Night All-Inclusive Hotel RIU Playa Blanca from Travel by Jen
Finca 43.668, Playa Blanca•2361.6 mi

428 Ratings
$1 268.25

37% OFF

✈ 5-Night All-Inclusive Hotel Riu Playa Blanca. Price is per Person, Based on
Two Guests per Room.
20+ bought
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Haute Edition Women's Parka Puffer Coat with Faux Fur Lined Hood


62% OFF

560+ bought
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