Open in
urlscan Pro
Public Scan
Effective URL:
Submission Tags: falconsandbox
Submission: On October 08 via api from US
TLS certificate: Issued by DigiCert SHA2 Secure Server CA on July 31st 2019. Valid for: 2 years.
This is the only time was scanned on! Verdict: No classification
Domain & IP information
IP Address | AS Autonomous System | ||
1 1 | 2001:1a50:11:... 2001:1a50:11:0:5f:8f:ac86:291 | 25560 (RHTEC-AS ...) (RHTEC-AS rh-tec IP Backbone) | |
5 | | 14618 (AMAZON-AES) (AMAZON-AES) | |
5 | 1 |
PTR: |
Apex Domain Subdomains |
Transfer | |
5 | |
864 KB |
1 |
1 redirects |
285 B |
5 | 2 |
Domain | Requested by | |
5 | |
1 | | 1 redirects |
5 | 2 |
This site contains links to these domains. Also see Links.
Domain |
---| |
Subject Issuer | Validity | Valid | |
---|---|---|---| DigiCert SHA2 Secure Server CA |
2019-07-31 - 2021-08-04 |
2 years | |
This page contains 1 frames:
Primary Page:
Frame ID: A54FD5481E7BA5DE66D7B89CE0847699
Requests: 5 HTTP requests in this frame
Page URL History Show full URLs
HTTP 301 Page URL
Page Statistics
1 Outgoing links
These are links going to different origins than the main page.
Search URL Search Domain Scan URL
Page URL History
This captures the URL locations of the websites, including HTTP redirects and client-side redirects via JavaScript or Meta fields.
HTTP 301 Page URL
Redirected requests
There were HTTP redirect chains for the following requests:
5 HTTP transactions
Method Protocol |
Resource Path |
Size x-fer |
Type MIME-Type |
GET H2 |
Primary Request
e1bfd30f5c1b4323916d2e928acde8f7 Redirect Chain
3 KB 1 KB |
text/html |
Request headers
Response headers
Redirect headers
GET H2 |
fonts.2x_105.0.2.css |
3 KB 3 KB |
text/css |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
common.2x_105.0.2.css |
384 KB 384 KB |
text/css |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
core_105.0.2.js |
424 KB 425 KB |
application/javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
roboto-regular.woff2 |
50 KB 50 KB |
font/woff2 |
Request headers
Response headers
Verdicts & Comments Add Verdict or Comment
562 JavaScript Global Variables
These are the non-standard "global" variables defined on the window object. These can be helpful in identifying possible client-side frameworks and code.
function| showDirectoryPicker function| showOpenFilePicker function| showSaveFilePicker object| trustedTypes boolean| isHighDpi function| getScriptFrame function| getDocumentFrame function| loadBodyShowMessage object| clientState object| LogActionId object| b object| HomeNavTreeControlId object| c object| MessageBarUpsellControlId object| d object| OnboardControlIds object| e object| OnboardPage object| f function| ClientEventLookup object| OnboardExploreType object| g object| OnboardEntryPoints object| PersonalizedOnboardingControlIds object| h object| OnboardingPage object| ExploreType object| j object| TemplateCallToAction object| k number| MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH number| MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH object| WalkthroughInfoTipControlId object| MoveDirection object| p object| UpsellUpgradeType object| q function| sortMentionListAscending object| CommVisibilityType object| r object| NavigationErrorType object| s object| TeamBuilderEntryPoint object| t object| SignupLandingPage object| u object| SignupLinkType object| v object| UserRoleState object| w object| WalkthroughType object| x object| TipType object| y object| MediaType object| z object| TipTargetType object| A object| TipTargetAlignment object| B object| TipTargetPosition object| C object| PaginationType object| D object| WalkthroughControlId object| E object| WalkthroughAutoShownId object| F object| DomainTargetState object| G object| AttachmentDocType object| H object| AttachmentExternalSource object| I object| AttachmentPanelViewMode object| J object| AttachmentParentType object| K object| AttachmentRootOwnerTypeId object| L object| AttachmentType object| M object| AttachmentUploadValidationState object| N object| ChartAxisLocation object| O object| ChartAxisScaleType object| P object| ChartAxisType object| Q object| ChartDataLabelStyle object| R object| ChartLegendPosition object| S object| ChartLineType object| T object| ChartSeriesSelectionOrder object| U object| ChartSeriesType object| V object| ChartTooltipStyle object| W object| ChartHorizontalAlignment object| X object| ChartFormatToolbarType object| Y object| ChartFormattableElementType object| Z object| ChartFontSizeAdjustDirection object| $ object| ChartConfigChartType object| _ object| DmAnchorType object| aa object| ThreadAnchorType object| ba object| CommentsViewMode object| ca object| ScrollType object| da object| DiscussionColumnUpdateType object| ea object| CommentsScope object| fa object| LegacyGridFormPublishStatus object| ga object| LegacyGridFormStyleType object| ha object| LegacyGridFormCompletionType object| ia object| LegacyGridFormAccessType object| ja object| LegacyGridFormFlag object| ka object| LegacyGridFormFieldType object| la object| LegacyGridFormFieldFlag object| ma object| GalleryTilePageMode object| na object| DeleteStatus object| oa object| HomeLoadError object| pa object| HomeLoadStatusType object| qa number| NEW_APPROVAL_COLUMN_ID_INCLUDED_COLUMNS object| HomeLoadType object| sa object| HomeTabDisplayType object| ta object| HomeTabItemScope object| ua object| HomeTabTableColumnType object| va object| RootItemId object| wa object| TemplateStatus object| xa object| WorkspaceType object| ya object| HomeLoadStatus object| ContainerType object| za object| ContainerLoadLogOption object| Aa object| ContainerParm object| Ba object| ContainerParmID object| Ca object| FilterType object| Da object| FontFamily object| Ea object| FontStyle object| Fa object| FontWeight object| Ga string| AutomaticColor object| BackgroundColors object| HomeItemType object| Ha object| HorizontalAlignment object| Ia object| IDType object| Ja object| KeyCode object| Ka object| Key object| La object| ConnectorType object| Ma object| ConnectorsPluginName object| TextDecoration object| Oa object| VerticalAlignment object| Pa object| ViewMode object| Qa object| DesktopType object| Ra object| Currency object| Sa object| DateFormat object| Ta object| TabType object| Ua object| NumberFormat object| Va object| RightPanelID object| Wa object| UserRole object| Xa object| GridDataType object| Ya object| ColumnType object| Za object| HelpOwnerType object| $a object| IntroTip object| _a object| ProofingPanelViewMode object| ab object| AccessLevel object| bb object| DmRecurrenceFrequency object| cb object| DmDayOfWeek object| db object| DmDayOrdinal object| eb object| RecurrenceFrequencyType object| fb object| DayOfWeekValue object| gb object| DayOfWeekLabel object| hb object| RepeatOnMonthValue object| ib object| WeekOfMonthValue object| jb object| WeekOfMonthLabel object| kb object| RepeatEveryValue object| lb object| EndPeriodFrequencyType object| mb object| DmAutomationActionType object| nb object| DmAutomationRuleStatus object| ob object| DmTriggerType object| pb object| DmTriggerCriteriaType object| qb object| DmLogicalOperator object| rb object| DmConditionType object| sb object| DmCommProviderType object| tb object| DmNodeType object| ub object| RecipientType object| vb object| CommProviderType object| wb object| AutomationActionType object| xb object| AutomationRuleStatus object| yb object| TriggerType object| zb object| ChangeCriteriaType object| Ab object| ConditionClauseJoinOperator object| Bb object| FrequencyType object| Cb object| DaysAfterValue object| Db object| DaysAfterLabels object| Eb object| WorkflowTemplate object| Fb object| WorkflowErrorKey object| Gb object| UI_TYPE object| Hb object| HomeFilter object| Ib object| RouteType object| Jb object| PositionType object| Kb object| OperatorType object| Lb object| RuleErrorType object| Mb object| ForegroundColors function| __assign function| __rest function| __decorate function| __param function| __metadata function| __awaiter function| __generator function| __exportStar function| __values function| __read function| __spread function| __await function| __asyncGenerator function| __asyncDelegator function| __asyncValues function| scrollToWorkflowError function| ACL function| Browser object| browser boolean| isIE boolean| isFF boolean| isSafari boolean| isChrome boolean| isEdge function| ColumnDataValidator object| formObjectHandler number| errorCount number| lastLoggedError undefined| isCancelled_mouseDown undefined| isCancelled_mouseDown_ignoreClick object| obfuscationMap function| getFormUrl function| formSubmit function| submitRequestAsDynamicForm function| submitDynamicForm function| disableFormButtons function| checkFormSubmit function| triggerFormSubmit function| confirmNavigateUrl function| checkCookieSupport function| logRequest function| parseIDKey function| removeAllChildren function| getXMLHttp function| reflowNode function| removeNode function| trimNodes function| toHtmlWithBreaks function| toHtml function| toHtmlWithLinks function| setNodeTextWithLinks function| parseLinks function| containsLink function| isLink function| toFormUrlEncoded function| getConstructorName function| getFunctionName function| undo function| redo function| obtainHTMLElement function| handleMouseOver function| handleContextMenu function| handleMouseMove function| handleMouseDown function| handleMouseUp function| handleMouseWheel function| handlePostMessage function| handleTouchStart function| handleTouchEnd function| handleTouchMove function| handleGestureStart function| handleGestureChange function| handleGestureEnd function| handleDoubleClick function| handleClick function| handleKeyDown function| handleKeyPress function| handleBlur function| handleFocus function| handleResize function| handleOrientationChange function| handleUnload function| handleBeforeUnload function| handlePaste function| handleBeforeCopy function| handleBeforeCut function| handleBeforePaste function| handleSelectStart function| handleDragStart function| handleDragEnter function| handleDragOver function| handleDragLeave function| handleDrop function| handleDragEnd function| forceHandleError function| handleError function| handleErrorDoWork function| getArguments function| getArgumentText function| parseColumnDataType function| parseBoolean function| parseString function| parseNumeric function| trim function| trimToLength function| trimToLengthForSafeJSON function| normalize function| containsWhitespace function| parseInteger function| parseFloatValue function| isNumberInRange function| setCursorPosition function| getCursorPosition function| addNewlineToTextInput function| SelectionProxy function| findPos function| findPagePos function| findCenter function| getDesktopHomeNode function| getActiveElement function| violatesBoundary function| violatesAirspace function| keepInside function| keepFormInsideDesktop function| getMappedNode function| cloneNodePreserveAbbrs function| restoreAbbrs function| getRegExpFromSearchValue function| sortMapIntoArray function| comparator_sortCache function| clearSortCache function| splitter function| createJsonArray function| getFileExtension function| formatFileSize function| toSafeJSON function| isDateChanged function| specialCaseBoldReplacement function| refreshDisplayProperties function| isEventOnScrollBar function| refreshSessionKey function| destroyAllObjectProperties function| cloneJsObject function| cloneJsArray function| setOpacity function| clearOpacity function| getCellDisplayString function| isDescendantNode function| hasAncestor function| siblingNodeCompare function| isElementFileInput function| isElementEditableText function| isElementContentEditable function| getCanvasContext function| splitTextByWidth function| splitTextByWidthOverLines function| getNodeMetric function| getTextMetric object| _L function| vO function| wO function| getMetricFromMeasureNode function| getMaxTextWidth function| applyTemplate function| applyDescendantAbbrs function| addStyleRule function| hasClass function| cleanClassName function| addClass function| setConditionalClass function| removeClass function| replaceClass function| getWebWorkerSupport function| isEntireNodeInWindow function| isNodeVisible function| isNodeHiddenByScroll function| showTruncatedTextHover function| showHoverIfTextIsTruncated function| showHoverIfTextIsTruncatedOnSourceNode function| isEmpty function| isArray function| isString function| isNull function| isUndefined function| isNullOrUndefined function| extendObject function| debounce function| debounceAccumulate function| bindScope function| calcOuterHeight function| pluck function| scrollToNode function| countObjectProperties function| isEqual function| filterArray function| PriorityQueue function| equals function| removeUndefinedProperties function| prependHttp function| comparator_emailByDomain function| isInFrame object| pP undefined| _P function| loadScript function| hashCode function| getTranslateTransform function| setTranslateTransform function| getUserFullName function| hexToRgbaValues function| getHexValueAsRgbaFunction function| mapToObject function| findParentWithClass undefined| startTime undefined| stopTime function| isPartOfCommentContentSection function| CookieUtil object| globalImageManager object| globalBrandManager object| LogoOverride object| FS object| LogoTextColor object| GS object| LogoImageType object| HS function| CircularBuffer function| removeObject function| pushDistinct function| contains function| wait function| GlobalBrandManager function| GlobalImageManager undefined| CW function| __extends function| GlobalLogManager undefined| jscDesktop function| JscBrand function| JspUtil function| JspUtil_initCommon function| JspUtil_initWithBrand function| JspUtil_init function| LicensingMgr function| AttachmentMaxSizeExceededMessage function| FrmReactivateAccount function| FrmTrialEnding function| AttachmentEnablingOption string| XSRF_HEADER function| loginBodyLoad function| removeKeepMeSignedIn function| invokeSignOut function| authorizeOnClickSignOut function| OAuthUtil function| OAuthRequest object| initImages function| StringUtil function| UrlUtil function| delayedLinkWithFunction function| logExternalGTMEvent function| isGovcloudMode function| getNetworkErrorMessageKey function| sendWebopRequest object| core object| __core-js_shared__0 Cookies
Cookies are little pieces of information stored in the browser of a user. Whenever a user visits the site again, he will also send his cookie values, thus allowing the website to re-identify him even if he changed locations. This is how permanent logins work.
Security Headers
This page lists any security headers set by the main page. If you want to understand what these mean and how to use them, head on over to this page
Header | Value |
Strict-Transport-Security | max-age=57600; includeSubDomains |
This is a term in the security industry to describe indicators such as IPs, Domains, Hashes, etc. This does not imply that any of these indicate malicious activity.