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07/06/2023 09:27 pm


FARMINGTON HILLS, Mich.–Alliance Catholic Credit Union said it has added five
more interactive teller machines (ITMs) from Dolphin Debit to its ATM fleet.

According to the company, the installations bring the total number of machines
to 15 for the $613 million credit union, which serves more than 32,000 Catholic
members in southeastern Michigan.

The credit union selected Dolphin Debit to manage its ATMs after years of doing
so on its own, according to the company. 

“It’s great to have a single point of contact,” said Adam Tonge, VP-retail
services for Alliance Catholic. “Communication has been excellent from the
Dolphin staff. One of the things that Dolphin is great at is taking care of
issues quickly.”

As a result, the credit union is seeing much greater reliability and improved
member service with its machines, according to Tonge, who said implementation of
the new machines has been “essentially flawless.”

The Rollout Plan

Alliance Catholic placed its initial ITMs at new locations and at existing
locations to replace some older ATMs. According to Tonge, the plan is to “add
them at locations where we may not need a high level of staffing or when
replacing something like a drive-thru. The member experience is also much
improved on the ITM over the drive-thru tubes.” 

Tonge described member response as “overwhelmingly positive, explaining that it
is critical to engage with members when implementing the new technology. 

“Ongoing engagement has successfully driven enthusiastic adoption,” Tonge said.

He added the ITMs’ “uptime is even better than the ATMs. Dolphin has worked with
us to improve reliability even more. They have been a great partner with this

Additional Machines Planned

Alliance Catholic reported it is planning to add more ITMs to its fleet in the
coming months, and Tonge anticipates they will be in “every drive-thru and part
of every new branch we build. ITMs are definitely part of our future. ITMs are
helping us grow our footprint with smaller, more cost-effective branch
locations. The branch model with an ITM allows us to test new markets with a
smaller human and financial capital investment.”

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Section: Standard
Word Count: 561
Copyright Holder: CUToday.info
Copyright Year: 2024
Is Based On:
URL: https://www.cutoday.info/THE-market/ACCU-Adds-ITMs-Via-Dolphin-Debit

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