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Introducing industry's first revolutionalized product "Bank Plugin" enabling
desktop based accounting software users experience seamless banking & accounting
within platform. Bank Plugin allow users to initiate payments with auto
reconciliation from desktop based accounting ERP platforms

TALLY Bank Plugin

BUSY Bank Plugin

Click here to request a product demo


All payments done via Bank Plugin within ERP will be automatically reconciled
against your respective party ledger.


Save time & effort by easily performing BRS using the Bank statement fetched on
ERP with pre filled details in voucher entry.


View available balance & bank statement of your ICICI Bank current account
within your ERP accounting software.


Manage Accounting and Banking from one single platform

Transaction Approvals as per your existing bank MOP

Quick ‘Do it Yourself’ Integration Process

Secured Transaction processing through OTP verification

Save Time Cost and Effort with hassle free accounting


 * Manage Bank book & company book in a single window with realtime
   reconciliation status

 * Streamline your reconciliation with multiple reconciliation status such as
   "Reconciled with Tally/BUSY" , "Match not found" , "Fully Matched/Partially

 * Exact Bank statement details prefilled in voucher for effortless

 * Payment to Adhoc beneficiary, Auto voucher creation & Pay by ledger with
   realtime status dashboard & auto reconciliation

 * Instantly send payment advice alert over mail & whatsapp to a contact of your


Four step simple process to start availing benefits of Bank Plugin in your ERP.
Click here to request callback for any technical support.


Register yourself on Bank Plugin portal with your ERP Licence No


Download the plugin from Dashboard


Install and configure the plugin on your Desktop ERP


Register and approve the request for linking ICICI Bank Current Account in ERP



Register Now

Register Now

Copyright © 2021 Takneeki Inc | Powered by Takneeki Inc



These terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) shall govern the use of Bank
Plugin (defined below) offered by ICICI Bank Ltd. (“ICICI Bank”) in association
with third party service providers. These Terms and Conditions shall be in
addition to any other terms as stipulated by ICICI Bank from time to time on its
Website (defined below) whether pertaining to Bank Plugin or in relation to
other products like current accounts, services or offers provided by ICICI Bank.


       For the purpose of these terms and conditions, these terms shall have the
       following meanings ascribed to them:

        * "Affiliate" means and includes: any company which is the holding or
          subsidiary company of ICICI Bank, or a Person under the Control of or
          under common Control with ICICI Bank, or any Person, in 26% or more of
          the voting securities of which, ICICI Bank has a direct or beneficial
          interest or Control. For the purpose of the definition of Affiliate,
          "Control" when used with respect to any Person, means the power to
          direct the management and policies of such Person, directly or
          indirectly, whether through the ownership of the vote carrying
          securities, by contract or otherwise howsoever and "Person" means any
          individual, company, firm, corporation, a partnership, trust or any
          other entity or organization or other natural or legal person.
        * “Bank Plugin” means an extension software program which provides
          additional features to the host program without altering the host
          program itself. In this case the plugin (Bank Plugin) will be an
          extension to the Customers’ ERP software (Eg. – Tally and Busy). Bank
          Plugin will be able to establish a connection between the Customers’
          ERP software and their CIB platform / InstaBiz Application and through
          this plugin; the Customer will be able to initiate Payment
          Instructions to CIB from within their ERP Platform.
        * “Bank Plugin Onboarding Platform” or “Plugin Onboarding Platform” or
          “Onboarding Platform” refers to a platform hosted on the platform of a
          third party service provider; offered, operated and maintained by
          ICICI Bank in association with third party service providers, for the
          purpose of registration of Customers who are interested in availing
          the service of Bank Plugin for their ERP Platform.
        * “Corporate Internet Banking” / “CIB” refers to ICICI Bank’s corporate
          internet banking platform.
        * “Customer” or “ERP User” means a customer of ICICI Bank having a
          current account with ICICI Bank and availing CIB and / or InstaBIZ who
          is also a licensed user of the ERP platform in concern for which the
          Bank Plugin is offered.
        * “ERP Platform” or “Enterprise Resource Planning Platform” means the
          business process management software of any enterprise resource
          planning software provider used by the Customer.
        * “Enterprise Resource Planning Software Provider” means the software
          provider who owns the ERP Platform.
        * “InstaBIZ” refers to ICICI Bank Mobile Banking application developed
          by ICICI Bank and whose intellectual property rights are vested with
          ICICI Bank.
        * "Payment Instructions" means the instructions to make payments given
          by the Customer to ICICI Bank through Bank Plugin.
        * “Services” includes but is not limited to initiating payment
          transactions, receiving payments, fetching current account balance and
          reconciliation functionalities of Bank Plugin.
        * "Payment Instructions" means the payment instructions to make payments
          given by the Customer to ICICI Bank on the Bank Platform through Bank
        * “Website” refers to the website owned, established and maintained by
          ICICI Bank at www.icicibank.com.


       For the purpose of these Terms and Conditions, a reference to:

        * an "amendment" includes a supplement, modification, novation,
          replacement or reenactment and "amended" is to be construed
          accordingly; an "authorization" or "approval" includes an
          authorization, consent, clearance, approval, permission, resolution,
          license, exemption, filing and registration;
        * "law" includes any constitution, statute, law, rule, regulation,
          ordinance, judgment, order, decree, authorization, or any published,
          directive, guideline, requirement or governmental restriction having
          the force of law, or any determination by, or interpretation of any of
          the foregoing by, any judicial authority, whether in effect as of the
          date of signing/submission of the application or thereafter and each
          as amended from time to time.
        * the singular includes the plural (and vice versa);
        * the headings in these Terms and Conditions are inserted for
          convenience of reference only and are to be ignored in construing and
          interpreting the Terms and Conditions;
        * reference to the words "include" or "including" shall be construed
          without limitation;
        * reference to a gender shall include references to the female, male and
          neuter genders;
        * all approvals, permissions, consents or acceptance required from ICICI
          Bank for any matter shall require the prior, written approval,
          permission, consent or acceptance.
        * in the event of any disagreement or dispute between ICICI Bank and the
          Customer regarding the materiality of any matter including of any
          event, occurrence, circumstance, change, fact, information, document,
          authorization, proceeding, act, omission, claims, breach, default or
          otherwise, the opinion of ICICI Bank as to the materiality of any of
          the foregoing shall be final and binding on the Customer.

        * Upon successful completion of the registration process on the Bank
          Plugin Onboarding Platform for availing the Services, the Customer
          acknowledges and agrees to abide by these Terms and Conditions. These
          Terms and Conditions constitute the legal, valid and binding
          obligations of the Customer, enforceable against the Customer in
          accordance with applicable law.
        * The Customer hereby agrees to link its account on the ERP Platform
          with his current account held with ICICI Bank through Bank Plugin.
        * The Customer understands and agrees that it is granting permission to
          ICICI Bank to embed Bank Plugin within its ERP Platform to avail
          Services and accord Payment Instructions.
        * The Customer agrees and understands that its use of Bank Plugin and
          the various Services on the ERP Platform is subject to these Terms and
          Conditions and are offered at the sole discretion of ICICI Bank upon
          acceptance of and adherence to these Terms and Conditions by the
        * On accepting these Terms and Conditions, the Customer/s hereby
          declare, confirm and agree that ICICI Bank and/ or its authorised
          representative may contact such Customer/s via, including but not
          limited to, calls, SMSs, email, social media etc. through their
          registered phone number/s and email address/es.

        * Customers acknowledge that they are responsible for ensuring the
          accuracy of information provided to ICICI Bank, including but not
          limited to the purpose of registration, activation, providing Payment
          Instructions and availing Services. Information includes but is not
          limited to, beneficiary name, account number, IFSC code and
          beneficiary details sent to ICICI Bank through Bank Plugin or any
          other details for new services being rendered by Bank Plugin
        * The Customer shall ensure that details including but not limited to
          ERP Serial no./ License no. provided to ICICI Bank at the time of
          registration are correct and belong to the Customer.
        * The Customer understands that its proper and uninterrupted use of Bank
          Plugin is subject to it meeting the minimum system requirements (which
          includes but is not limited to the Customer having, operating software
          – Microsoft Windows XP or above and ERP Platform – Busy Accounting
          software version 18 or above or Tally Prime / Tally ERP 9 version
          6.6.3 or above) as updated from time to time.
        * Transaction limits and timelines for different modes of transactions
          will be applicable as per CIB limit and Schedule Of Charges of ICICI
          Bank’s Current Accounts. These Terms and Conditions are in addition to
          and not in derogation to the ‘Terms and Conditions of Current
          assets/docs/terms-condition/current_ac_tc.pdf ), as may be applicable
          from time to time. In case of any inconsistency between these Terms
          and Conditions and Terms and Conditions of Current Accounts, then
          these Terms and Conditions shall prevail.
        * Authorization workflow and limits will be applicable as per
          authorization matrix defined for the Customers’ current account with
          ICICI Bank. For multiple users, using the same User ID linked with
          Bank Plugin, the level access type of each user can be modified as per
          the specified authorization matrix.
        * The Customers shall bear goods and services tax and any other
          statutory levies as may be applicable from time to time.
        * The Customer/s hereby authorize ICICI Bank to accept and act upon any
          and all Payment Instructions and collection instructions received by
          ICICI Bank through the Bank Plugin as though the same were given
          through CIB/ Insta BIZ by the authorized users of the respective
          registered current account of the Customer/s on CIB / Insta BIZ.
        * The Customer/s agree to defend, hold harmless and indemnify ICICI
          Bank, its directors and employees, representatives, agents and/or its
          Affiliates, as the case may be, at their own expense, without any
          delay or demur against any and all suits, costs, claims, proceedings
          counter claims, actions, losses, damages, liabilities, demands,
          expenses (including, without limitation, attorney's fees and court
          costs) whatsoever which ICICI Bank may suffer / incur arising out of
          or in relation to: breach of any of these Terms and Conditions ICICI
          Bank executing any instructions of the Customer received by ICICI Bank
          through Bank Plugin. ICICI Bank acting on or omitting or refusing to
          act on any instructions given by such Customer/s or otherwise for use
          of the Services; failure to provide the Services or any delay in
          providing the Services due to any failure, issue, error or discrepancy
          in the technology network of ICICI Bank and/or any service provider
          and/or; such Customer/s permitting any third party to use/ avail the
          Services; breach of any intellectual property rights of ICICI Bank or
          any confidentiality obligations. any defect in the Services;
          discontinuation of Services pursuant to non – payment of applicable
          fees and charges by the Customer; any unauthorized use of the Services
          / Bank Plugin acts done by ICICI Bank on the instruction by any person
          impersonating as a Customer; any false, incorrect or fraudulent
          information provided by the Customer the exercise by ICICI Bank of its
          right to terminate the Bank Plugin and / or the Plugin Onboarding
          Platform and /or its agreement concerning the same; any injury to the
          credit character and reputation of the Customers alleged to have been
          caused by the closure of the Bank Plugin and / or Bank Plugin
          Onboarding Platform or ICICI Bank’s agreement concerning the same;
          malfunction / alteration / disruption of ERP for any reason
          whatsoever; malfunction / alteration / disruption of Customer’s
          computer systems / software; hacking / fraud / loss or theft of data
          or any other items which may or may not have monetary value, in
          relation to the Client’s use of Bank Plugin due to any reason
        * Customer/s hereby agree and authorize ICICI Bank to share their
          personal information (address, email ID, corporate ID, user ID, ICICI
          Bank account number and mobile number, all registered with ICICI Bank)
          with any third party service providers for the purpose of registering
          such Customer/s as a user of Bank Plugin on the Bank Plugin
          On-boarding Platform. Customer/s further agree that once the
          abovementioned personal information is shared by ICICI Bank, the usage
          of such personal information by third party service providers shall be
          governed by their privacy policy and terms and conditions. ICICI Bank
          shall have no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any misuse/
          usage, or any loss, harm or damage arising to such Customers/ any
          other person from the usage, misuse of such data in any manner
          whatsoever, by the third party service providers or any other person.
        * The Customer/s hereby accept and agree that, all acts done, actions
          made and activities taking place on ERP Platform shall be governed by
          the terms and conditions and privacy policy of ERP Platform. ICICI
          Bank does not control or endorse the same or any other services
          provided / product sold on the ERP Platform and bears no
          responsibility or liability pertaining to or arising from such
          products/ offers/ policies or the non-delivery/ untimely delivery
          thereof. All such products/ services/ offers shall be at the sole
          discretion and liability of the ERP Software Provider, whether or not
          the same is available through any platform of ICICI Bank. Any disputes
          arising in relation to the services/ products provided on the ERP
          Platform shall be settled with the ERP Software Provider directly
          without reference to ICICI Bank in any manner whatsoever. In case of
          any inconsistency between these Terms and Conditions of Bank Plugin;
          and the terms and conditions and/ or privacy policy of the ERP
          Software Provider, these Terms and Conditions of the Bank Plugin shall
        * In no event shall ICICI Bank be liable to the Customer/s for any
          liability including but not limited to special, incidental, direct,
          indirect, punitive or consequential damages whatsoever (including,
          without limitation, damages of loss of goods or services, loss of
          business profits, business interruption, loss of information, or any
          other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of, or inability to use
          or access of the Bank Plugin or for any security breach or any virus,
          bug, unauthorized intervention, defect, or technical malfunctioning of
          Bank Plugin and/or ICICI Bank systems, whether or not foreseeable and
          whether or not ICICI Bank have been advised of the possibility of such
          damages, or based on any theory of liability, including breach of
          contract or warranty, negligence or other tortious action, or any
          other claim arising out, of or in connection with, the customer’s use
          of, or access to, Bank Plugin . Further, ICICI Bank shall not be
          liable to the Customer/s for any temporary disablement, permanent
          discontinuance of the Services by any vendor or ERP Software Provider
          or any the Third Party Service Providers or for any consequences
          resulting from such actions.
        * The Customer agrees and undertakes to hold ICICI Bank harmless in case
          Bank Plugin alters / modifies / disrupts the ERP Platform or its use
          of the ERP Platform at any time.
        * The Customer agrees and undertakes to hold ICICI Bank harmless if any
          Service / Bank Plugin function is interrupted or becomes in accessible
          due to any reason beyond the control of ICICI Bank.ICICI Bank reserves
          all rights in Bank Plugin and can modify/ discontinue/ limit the
          Services, offerings and pricing from time to time at its own

        * The Customer understands that its use of the Services and Bank Plugin
          is subject to payment of the applicable fees and charges.
        * The applicable fees and charges as amended from time to time may be
          viewed by the Customer at the user dashboard in the logged in section
          of Bank Plugin post completion of registration.
        * The Customer understands that ICICI Bank may at any time, without any
          notice, revise the charges and the Customer shall have to refer the
          above mentioned user dashboard for any updated charges. After the end
          of its current billing cycle / subscription period, the Customer shall
          pay the fees and charges applicable from time to time in order to keep
          enjoying the Services and Bank Plugin. If the Customer fails to pay
          the applicable charges before the end of its current billing cycle /
          subscription period, ICICI Bank reserves the right to terminate /
          suspend Services and Customer’s access to Bank Plugin, without any
        * Transaction charges for different modes of payment and collection
          transactions will be applicable as per the Schedule of Charges of the
          current account. Charges applicable on the Customer for availing of
          Services and using Bank Plugin shall be indicated on Bank Plugin
          Onboarding Platform. These charges are liable to be modified at any
          time at the discretion of ICICI Bank;
        * Any payment debited towards the purchase of the Bank Plugin SHALL BE
          NON- REFUNDABLE.

        * The Customer understands that all Payment Instructions shall be
          relayed to ICICI Bank through the Bank Plugin. ICICI Bank shall solely
          act on the transaction information and details provided by the
          Customer through Bank Plugin. ICICI Bank disclaims all liability in
          relation to execution of Payment Instructions pursuant to any
          erroneous instructions / incorrect information provided by the
          Customer. Additional terms and conditions applicable on the various
          modes of payments can be viewed by the Customer on the Website.
        * The Customer understands and agrees that in order to avail the
          Services and use Bank Plugin, the Customer must have an active current
          account with ICICI Bank along with active CIB / Insta BIZ access
          linked to the current account. The Customer may visit any ICICI Bank
          branch in order to get the same activated.
        * If the Customer makes any payments in order to use the Services / Bank
          Plugin without having an active current account with ICICI Bank along
          with active CIB / Insta BIZ access linked to the current account then
          ICICI Bank shall refund such payment made by the Customer.
        * The Customer understands that Bank Plugin is being brought by ICICI
          Bank, having its registered office at ICICI Bank Tower, Near Chakli
          Circle, Old Padra Road, Vadodara 390007 and its corporate office at
          ICICI Bank Towers, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra, Mumbai, 400051 in
          association with other third party service providers. The Customer
          understands that the aforementioned third parties and the ERP Software
          Providers may provide additional terms and conditions for the use of
          the Bank Plugin. Customer shall be responsible for checking for and
          compliance with such additional terms and conditions.
        * Nothing contained herein shall constitute or be deemed to constitute
          an advice, invitation or solicitation to purchase or use any products/
          services of third party service providers / ERP Platform. ICICI Bank
          makes no representation about the quality, delivery, usefulness,
          applicability or otherwise of the goods / services offered by ICIC
          Bank / third party service providers / ERP Platform / any other third
        * Misuse / distortion of any intellectual property, or any other content
          displayed herein is strictly prohibited.
        * The Bank Plugin and the Services are being provided on an “as is”
          basis and ICICI Bank specifically disclaims all implied warranties of
          merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-
        * The subscription to Bank Plugin will be automatically discontinued if
          not renewed within 1 year from date of subscription as per the
          prevailing pricing campaign from time to time ICICI Bank shall not
          held responsible for any liability regarding registration and
          activation of Customer’s current account with Bank Plugin done by any
          user stated in the current account MOP of the Customer.
        * ICICI Bank shall not be held responsible for any acts / omissions /
          deficiency in service on part of the ERP Software Provider / any other
          third party service provider.


       The Customer understands that the access of the Customer to the Services
       / Bank Plugin shall be automatically terminated in the event the current
       account of the Customer/access to CIB or Instabiz is terminated/ marking
       of freeze by ICICI Bank.

        * All information provided by the Customer/s to ICICI Bank are true and
          correct. Customer/s shall promptly notify ICICI Bank on the occurrence
          of any event leading to any information subsequently becoming untrue
          or incorrect.
        * ICICI Bank reserves the right to modify, withdraw or discontinue the
          provision of Services, or any part thereof without assigning any
          reasons whatsoever. Neither anything contained in these Terms and
          Conditions, nor shall provision of the Services and/ or the Bank
          Plugin and / or the Bank Plugin Onboarding Platform be construed as an
          obligation on ICICI Bank to continue the provision of the Services or
          any part thereof and/ or Bank Plugin.
        * In all matters relating to the Services and/ or Bank Plugin, the
          decision of ICICI Bank shall be final and binding on all parties
          including the Customer. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed
          by the laws of India and any disputes shall be referred to the
          exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts at Mumbai.
        * The Customer/s agree that ICICI Bank reserves the right to change any
          of these Terms and Conditions without giving any prior notice or
          intimation in this regard. Any changes to these Terms and Conditions
          shall be as may be hosted by ICICI Bank on its Website or on and
          www.bankplugin.com. The Customer shall be liable to be informed of
          such changes as soon as they come into effect and be compliant with
          the same.
        * ICICI Bank may assign, in whole or in part, the benefits or
          obligations of these Services / Terms and Conditions to its
          Affiliates, or any other entity, for any other reason whatsoever.
          ICICI Bank shall not require approval or consent of the Customers for
          assigning rights and obligations and shall at their own discretion
          provide an intimation of such assignment to the Customers.
        * The Customers shall not assign, in whole or in part, the benefits or
          obligations pursuant to these Terms and Conditions.
        * Unless otherwise expressly stated, failure to exercise or delay in
          exercising a right or remedy, hereunder shall not constitute a waiver
          of the right or remedy or a waiver of any other rights or remedies,
          and no single or partial exercise of any right or remedy, hereunder
          shall prevent any further exercise of the right or remedy or the
          exercise of any other right or remedy.
        * If any provision hereunder becomes, in whole or in part, invalid or
          unenforceable but would be valid or enforceable if some part of that
          provision was deleted, that provision shall apply with such deletions
          as may be necessary to make it valid. If any court/tribunal of
          competent jurisdiction holds any of the provisions, hereunder unlawful
          or otherwise ineffective, the remainder shall remain in full force and
          the unlawful or otherwise ineffective provision shall be substituted
          by a new provision reflecting the intent of the provision so
        * Customers shall act in good faith at all times in relation to all
          dealings with ICICI Bank.
        * Customers agree to be vigilant regarding the payment transactions
          happening through their Bank Plugin Platform integrated with the ERP
          and shall intimate ICICI Bank any misuse, fraud or theft, as soon as
          the same is discovered by her/him.

I Agree Close



 * I hereby allow ICICI Bank to link my Tally / Busy account with my current
   account with ICICI Bank
 * I hereby allow Tally / Busy and third party service providers to store my
   Corporate ID, User ID & current account no. only for the purpose of linking
   my ICICI Bank current account with my Tally / Busy account.
 * I hereby allow Tally / Busy and third party service providers to store my
   bank statement and bank balance of my above linked account on my behalf
   pursuant to me providing instructions to view my account balance, fetch
   account statement services and reconciliation services.
 * I hereby allow Tally / Busy and third party service providers to store my
   transactional data including transaction status, beneficiary details for
   transaction initiation and reconciliation pursuant to any payment instruction
   given by me.
 * I understand that the above data shall be used for the purpose of linking my
   ICICI Bank Current Account with my Tally / Busy Account and carrying out the
   above mentioned instructions given by me.
 * I understand that the above data shall be subject to the privacy policy of
   Tally / Busy and third party service providers.
 * I understand that the GST certificate will be issued on GST Number & email id
   registered with debit account number. Bank Plugin registered GST Number and
   email id remains nullified.

I Agree Close

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