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Submission: On February 08 via api from BE — Scanned from DE

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="m366 256c0-7-3-12-9-15l-146-92c-6-4-12-4-19 0-6 3-9 8-9 16l0 182c0 8 3 13 9 16
3 2 6 3 9 3 4 0 7-1 10-3l146-92c6-3 9-8 9-15z m146 0c0 18 0 33 0 43 0 10-1 23-3
39-1 16-3 30-6 42-3 14-10 26-20 35-10 10-22 15-35 17-43 4-106 7-192 7-86
0-10 0-25 0-43 0-18 0-33 0-43 0-10 1-23 3-39 1-16 3-30 6-42 3-14 10-26 20-35
10-10 22-15 35-17 43-4 106-7 192-7 86 0 149 3 192 7 13 2 25 7 35 17 10 9 17 21
20 35 3 12 5 26 6 42 2 16 3 29 3 39 0 10 0 25 0 43z">

is for sale


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DESCRIPTION is a domain that conjures images of trailblazing advancements
and explorations in the realm of aging and longevity. This domain offers a
significant opportunity for research institutions, innovative healthcare
companies, or wellness platforms focusing on pioneering approaches to
understanding and managing the aging process. In a society increasingly focused
on not just extending life but enhancing the quality of life in later years, stands as an ideal online identity for entities leading the
charge in unlocking the mysteries of aging and developing interventions to
promote healthy longevity. The domain is perfectly suited for platforms that
delve into groundbreaking research in genetics, biotechnology, and lifestyle
interventions aimed at slowing down or reversing aspects of aging. could become synonymous with cutting-edge discoveries, hosting
discussions on the latest scientific breakthroughs, potential therapies, and
holistic approaches to aging well. Furthermore, offers
potential as a community hub for experts, researchers, and the public to engage
in meaningful conversations about the future of aging, share preventative
strategies, and explore the ethical dimensions of longevity research. It could
also serve as a marketplace for innovative products and services designed to
support healthy aging. Related keywords or terms: • Longevity Research
Innovations • Anti-Aging Breakthroughs • Healthy Aging Strategies •
Biotechnological Interventions in Aging • Genetic Research on Longevity •
Holistic Approaches to Aging embodies the spirit of innovation
and exploration in the field of aging, positioning itself as a beacon for those
dedicated to advancing our understanding and management of the aging process.

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 * Australia
 * Required to pay VAT
 * Active since 2015

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Once the reserve price is met, Sedo automatically bids on your behalf up to your
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Any offer you submit is binding for seven (7) days.


The current price of is 0 USD.

You can place an offer below the seller's listing price, however the seller will
only respond if they are interested in negotiating based on this offer.

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Any offer you submit is binding for seven (7) days.

Minimum offer 20 USD

Seller's asking price

 * Buyer protection
   Trust is an important factor especially when dealing with virtual products
   like domains. That is why security is always a top priority at Sedo. During a
   domain purchase our Buyers are protected. The following benefits are included
   free of charge for domains purchased through Sedo:
    * Personal assistance by our experienced Transfer Specialists
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    * Refund of the full price in case of a transfer cancellation

 * Transfer Service
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   Your transfer specialist is a domain name expert.  Our staff transfers nearly
   all types of domain names, in cases where a transfer is possible.  No other
   service exists that can rival the expertise of Sedo’s transfer specialists.
   Please note, Sedo's Domain Transfer and Escrow Service applies to the domain
   name and purchase price only. The transfer of any related website content or
   additionally negotiated items must be arranged between the parties directly.
   For more information, please visit Sedo's Transfer and Escrow Service

The domain name (without content) is available for sale by its owner through
Sedo's Domain Marketplace. Any offer you submit is binding for 7 days. All
quoted prices are final prices.



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Sedo. Added security: Only after the domain ownership has officially changed
hands the seller will be paid out.


Our transfer specialists work with you and the seller to quickly and safely
transfer the domain to your registrar account. Once you've taken full control of
the domain, the transfer is complete.

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