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FOR CHILDREN: Sly Fox Mr. Rabbit sat on his front porch rocking, eating a great
big carrot, and looking. "Looks like Sly Fox coming down the road," he said to
himself, walking to the end of the porch. Shading his eyes with his paws, he
exclaimed, "It is Sly Fox." "Good morning Mr. Rabbit," cried Sly Fox, as he
walked across the yard. "Good morning," replied Mr. Rabbit, a slight frown on
his face. "Well," said Sly Fox, "as I haven't seen you in so long a time,
thought I would stop and chat a while." Mr. Rabbit could not be rude in his own
home, even to an enemy, so he offered Sly Fox a seat on the porch. "Take a
chair," he said politely. But Sly Fox did not stay long, and as he was leaving,
he asked: "Mr. Rabbit, my mother is having a good dinner tonight. Won't you,
Mrs. Rabbit, and your three little rabs come to dinner with me?" Oh, thought Mr.
Rabbit, he knows about my little rabs and wants to take us off to eat us. He
pretended to be disappointed as he replied: "Sorry, Sly Fox, we have an
engagement for today, but if you want us we can come tomorrow." At this Sly Fox
chuckled inwardly, and readily agreed to come for them the next day. Wishing Mr.
Rabbit "Good day", he trotted on down the road toward his home. As soon as he
was out of sight, Mr. Rabbit ran into his house and called Mrs. Rabbit. "Get all
our things together," he said, "and put rubber boots on our little rabs. We have
to move quickly to the Piney Woods across the brook. Old Sly Fox has found our
home and will destroy us." In no time at all the Rabbit family had moved, and
the little rabs were delighted with their new home. A woodland of towering pines
it was, the ground covered with pine needles which made a soft carpeting. The
wind made music in the pine trees, birds sang, and the fragrance of flowers
filled the air. They found a huge hollow tree where Mr. Rabbit burrowed deep and
made them a cozy home. Squirrels had left nuts hidden around in the old tree.
Owls hooted throughout the night, crickets chirped merrily. Next morning old Sly
Fox knocked on the door where he had left Mr. Rabbit. Mrs. Hedgehog answered the
door. "Good morning, Mrs. Hedgehog. Is Mr. Rabbit in?" inquired Sly Fox with a
wicked grin and a cunning look in his eyes. "No," replied Mrs. Eedgehog, none
too cordially. "The Rabbit family moved to parts unknown right after you left
yesterday." "Ah," exclaimed old Sly Fox, "Mr. Rabbit and family were going to
have dinner with me. My mother has planned a real feast. Why don't you come and
enjoy it with us?" "Oh," replied Mrs. Hedgehog, smacking her lips and thinking
of all the goodies, "I have just moved in and there is so much to do! Why not
let it go until tomorrow?" "Do you like nice young grasshoppers?" asked Sly Fox
softly. "Do I? Nothing so good as tender young grasshoppers," answered Mrs.
Hedgehog, fairly dribbling at the mouth at the thought of such a dainty. "Well,"
said Sly Fox, "we pass a field where there are any number of them. Come get in
this sack, and when I stop in the field we will open the sack and rake in all of
them we want. Mother will bake them with apples and they will be deilicious!"
This was too much for greedy Mrs. Hedgehog to resist, so in the sack she went.
Sly Fox with a grin grabbed the sack, threw it over his shoulder and trotted
toward home. After going a long way, Mrs. Hedgehog became suspicious and cried,
"How long before we reach that field of grasshoppers?" "Why, you silly, greedy
hedgehog, there is no field of grasshoppers for you. I am going to eat you for
my dinner. It's you with apple dumplings that my mother will bake." Every hair
on Mrs. Hedgehog's head stood on end with fright. Oh, how foolish she had been!
Her greed had trapped her. If only she had stayed home and straightened her
house and cooked her own dinner, she would not have been in this sack to be
eaten by Sly Fox. Greediness never pays, she thought to herself. Sly Fox became
tired, and as a slight rain had begun to fall, he looked for a dry place to sit
down. Throwing the sack to the ground and chuckling at the thought of sitting on
Mrs. Hedgehog, he dropped heavily upon the sack. "Wow, Wow!" he cried, jumping
quickly up, for Mrs. Hedgehog shot her sharp quills into him with all her might.
Sly Fox ran to and fro trying to pull out the quills, but they had gone too
deep. Home he ran, screaming to his mother. Old Mother Fox threw him over a log
and began pulling out the quills, at the same time calling to a neighbor fox to
bring some honey to put on the places where the quills had been. Mrs. Hedgehog
crawled out of the bag and began walking slowly toward home. She thought to
herself that never again would she be so greedy and allow herself to be fooled
by Sly Fox or any one else. Meanwhile, Mr. Rabbit and family were living happily
in Piney Woods. The little rabs played on the crystal clear brook that ran
through the woods, wading, sailing little leaf boats, and trying to catch the
silvery minnows darting here and there. Late one evening Papa and Mama Rabbit
were sitting before the cozy fire talking. Papa Rabbit had on his house robe and
bedroom slippers, reading the newspaper. Every now and then he looked over his
spectacles lovingly at dainty little Mama Rabbit, dressed in a flowered
housecoat and red slippers and knitting little socks for the little rabs.
"Sniff! Sniff! Sniff!" came suddenly to their ears. "Sly Fox!" whispered Papa
Rabbit, his face now full of concern and alarm. "Yes," agreed Mama Rabbit, her
voice trembling with fright. "Go cover the little rabs with straw and tell them
to be very, very quiet," instructed Papa Rabbit. Mrs. Rabbit quickly covered the
little rabs and cautioned them to be as quiet as mice. Since they were well
behaved and obedient little rabs, they did just as their mother told them. "I
left my big stick beside the old oak tree," cried Papa Rabbit under his breath.
"What shall we do?" "Sniff! Sniff! Sniff!" went Sly Fox again, scratching up the
earth by the old hollow tree as he began to dig furiously. The poor little
Rabbit family sat still and frightened, their hearts thumping, their paws
shaking, and their eyes bulging with panic. Suddenly in the distance they heard
the "Toot! Toot!Toot!" of horns, and the "Woof! Woof! Woof!" of barking dogs.
Papa Rabbit whispered, "Fox hunters!" as his heart gave a bound of relief.
Nearer and nearer came the baying of the hounds and the music of the horns. Old
Sly Fox was so busily digging that he failed to hear at first, but suddenly he
stopped digging, and threw back his ears to listen. Then he quickly jumped away
from the log where the Rabbit family lived and started running. But the hounds
were right after him, baying loudly with all their might. The horses' feet beat
out an excited rhythm as the red-coated fox hunters urged them on in the chase.
Up hill, over the meadows they ran. Sly Fox was now running for his life, but
the dogs were getting closer and closer. He jumped across the brook and spied a
hole among some bushes. Into this he slid, and as the dogs went down the side of
the stream of water before they jumped across they lost his scent. Sly Fox
quickly ran out of the hole and took off in the opposite direction from the way
the dogs were going. He had been so frightened and so near death that he
resolved to himself never to bother the Rabbit family again. Meanwhile, when
Papa Rabbit had heard the hounds start the chase, he turned to Mama Rabbit and
cried, "Safe at last! Call our little rabs for prayers of thanksgiving and
praise to our Father which art in heaven." After prayers, Mama Rabbit hustled
about making mint tea for her and Papa Rabbit, and hot chocolate piled high with
whipped cream for the little rabs. After that time they Lived happily among the
great whispering pines, never bothered by old Sly Fox. --Beulah Murrelle


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