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Submission: On July 21 via api from US — Scanned from US
Effective URL: https://www.yahoo.com/
Submission: On July 21 via api from US — Scanned from US
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Tensions between agents, upper ranks cited » * TRUMP AND VANCE JOIN FORCES IN BATTLEGROUND STATE OF MICHIGAN * ROOKIE PAUL SKENES INVENTED A PITCH THAT'S OUT OF THIS WORLD * 2 DEAD, 28 HOSPITALIZED FROM LISTERIA OUTBREAK LINKED TO DELI MEAT IN 12 STATES * KEANU REEVES WROTE A BOOK. A REALLY WEIRD ONE. * LESSER-KNOWN DANGERS OF HOT CARS INCLUDE COMMON ITEMS LEFT IN VEHICLES, EXPERTS SAY STORIES FOR YOU * Politics·NBC News 'LUDICROUS': DONORS LEAVE CALL WITH KAMALA HARRIS FRUSTRATED AND ANNOYED A call Friday featuring Vice President Kamala Harris and about 300 major Democratic donors left many who dialed in frustrated, with one donor declaring it “ludicrous” shortly before it ended, according to two sources familiar with the call. 2.6K·6 min read Thanks for your feedback! Bluettipower Bluettipower· AdAd Don't let outages catch you off guard!Fear Blackouts No More! Affordable Power Station for Fridges, Blenders, and Ovens. 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She was 61. “Christina was a lovely, caring woman, and I will miss her very much,” he said in a statement released Thursday night. A Warner Bros. spokesperson told The Hollywood Reporter that no further information would be forthcoming. … 1.7K·1 min read Thanks for your feedback! Health Benefits Health Benefits · AdAd Fungus is Not from Toe Infection ! Meet the Main Enemy of Fungus Undo * Why this ad? * I don't like this ad * Go ad-free* * Health·NY Post EATING THIS ONE FRUIT EVERY DAY LEADS TO BETTER SLEEP, HEART HEALTH: NEW RESEARCH It's not an apple a day that keeps the doctor away. 54·2 min read Thanks for your feedback! * * Lifestyle·BuzzFeed YOUR GRANDKIDS MAY BE AFRAID TO TELL YOU THIS, BUT WE'RE NOT. YOU NEED TO STOP SAYING THESE PHRASES TO THEM. "Sometimes, unintentional or even well-meaning comments from grandma and grandpa can 'create an environment where grandkids feel uncomfortable or insecure.'" 444·8 min read Thanks for your feedback! * Something went wrong. Try again. 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