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Utilizing the taut string characterization further, an algorithm that computes
the optimal coding rate strategy is provided. We then consider more general
networks with several connected channels in parallel or series with intermediate
buffers. It is shown that also for these networks there is a coding rate
strategy, geometrically characterized as a taut string, which minimizes the
average distortion with respect to all convex distortion-rate functions. The
optimal offline strategy provides a benchmark for the evaluation of different
coding rate strategies.

Further, it guides us in the construction of a simple but rather efficient
strategy for channels in the online setting which alternates between a good and
a bad state.

A Bell test is a randomized trial that compares experimental observations
against the philosophical worldview of local realism , in which the properties
of the physical world are independent of our observation of them and no signal
travels faster than light. A Bell test requires spatially distributed
entanglement, fast and high-efficiency detection and unpredictable measurement
settings. Although technology can satisfy the first two of these requirements,
the use of physical devices to choose settings in a Bell test involves making
assumptions about the physics that one aims to test.

Bell himself noted this weakness in using physical setting choices and argued
that human 'free will' could be used rigorously to ensure unpredictability in
Bell tests. Here we report a set of local-realism tests using human choices,
which avoids assumptions about predictability in physics. We recruited about ,
human participants to play an online video game that incentivizes fast,
sustained input of unpredictable selections and illustrates Bell-test

The participants generated 97,, binary choices, which were directed via a
scalable web platform to 12 laboratories on five continents, where 13
experiments tested local realism using photons, single atoms, atomic ensembles
and superconducting devices. Over a hour period on 30 November , participants
worldwide provided a sustained data flow of over 1, bits per second to the
experiments, which used different human-generated data to choose each
measurement setting. The observed correlations strongly contradict local realism
and other realistic positions in bi-partite and tri-partite 12 scenarios.

Project outcomes include closing the 'freedom-of-choice loophole' the
possibility that the setting choices are influenced by 'hidden variables' to
correlate with the particle properties , the utilization of video-game methods
for rapid collection of human-generated randomness, and the use of networking
techniques for global participation in experimental science.

Organic electrochemical transistors OECTs have been the subject of intense
research in recent years. The combination of efficient and stable p-type and
n-type OECTs would allow for the development of complementary circuits,
dramatically advancing the sophistication of OECT-based technologies. Here, it
is shown that ladder-type polymers such as poly benzimidazobenzophenanthroline
BBL can successfully work as stable and efficient n-channel material for OECTs.

These devices can be easily fabricated by means of facile spray-coating


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The latter show high gains and large worst-case noise margin at a supply voltage
below 0. In this work, we report macroscopic electromagnetic devices made from
conducting polymers. We compare their fundamental properties and device
parameters with those of similar devices made from copper wires. By using
self-standing supra-ampere conducting polymer wires, we are able to manufacture
inductors that generate magnetic fields well over 1 G, and incorporate them in
feedback LC oscillators operating at 8.

Moreover, by utilizing the unique electrochemical functionality of conducting
polymers, we demonstrate electrochemically-tunable electromagnets and
electromagnetic chemical sensors. Our findings pave the way to lightweight
electromagnetic technologies that can be processed from water dispersions using
low-temperature protocols into flexible shapes and geometries.

Vertical organic electrochemical transistors OECTs have been manufactured solely
using screen printing. The resulting vertical OECT devices and circuits exhibit
low-voltage operation, relatively fast switching, small footprint and high
manufacturing yield; the last three parameters are explained by the reliance of
the transistor configuration on a robust structure in which the electrolyte
vertically bridges the bottom channel and the top gate electrode. Two different
architectures of the vertical OECT have been manufactured, characterized and
evaluated in parallel throughout this report.

Our findings may pave the way for fully integrated, low-voltage operating and
printed signal processing systems integrated with e. Such technology can then
serve a low-cost base technology for the internet of things, smart packaging and
home diagnostics applications.

A 2-D device model of the organic electrochemical transistor is described and
validated. Devices with channel length in range nm mm and channel thickness in
range 50 nm-5 mu m are modeled. Steady-state, transient, and AC simulations are
presented. Using the realistic values of physical parameters, the results are in
good agreement with the experiments.

The scaling of transconductance, bulk capacitance, and transient responses with
device dimensions is well reproduced. The model reveals the important role of
the electrical double layers in the channel, and the limitations of device
scaling. Along-standing aim of quantum information research is to understand
what gives quantum computers their advantage.

This requires separating problems that need genuinely quantum resources from
those for which classical resources are enough.

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Two examples of quantum speed-up are the Deutsch-Jozsa and Simons problem, both
efficiently solvable on a quantum Turing machine, and both believed to lack
efficient classical solutions. Here we present a framework that can simulate
both quantum algorithms efficiently, solving the Deutsch-Jozsa problem with
probability 1 using only one oracle query, and Simons problem using linearly
many oracle queries, just as expected of an ideal quantum computer.

The presented simulation framework is in turn efficiently simulatable in a
classical probabilistic Turing machine. This shows that the Deutsch-Jozsa and
Simons problem do not require any genuinely quantum resources, and that the
quantum algorithms show no speed-up when compared with their corresponding
classical simulation. Finally, this gives insight into what properties are
needed in the two algorithms and calls for further study of oracle separation
between quantum and classical computation.

In any Bell test, loopholes can cause issues in the interpretation of the
results, since an apparent violation of the inequality may not correspond to a
violation of local realism. An important example is the coincidence-time
loophole that arises when detector settings might influence the time when
detection will occur.

This effect can be observed in many experiments where measurement outcomes are
to be compared between remote stations because the interpretation of an
ostensible Bell violation strongly depends on the method used to decide
coincidence. The coincidence-time loophole has previously been studied for the
Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt and Clauser-Horne inequalities, but recent
experiments have shown the need for a generalization.

This inequality has applications in, for instance, quantum key distribution
where it has been used to reestablish security. Thus, if an experiment has a
coincidence probability exceeding the critical value derived here, the
coincidence-time loophole is eliminated. The design, fabrication and operation
of a range of functional power converter circuits, based on diode configured
organic field-effect transistors as the rectifying unit and capable of
transforming a high AC input voltage to a selectable DC voltage, are presented.
The converter functionality is demonstrated by selecting and tuning its
constituents so that it can effectively drive a low-voltage organic electronic
device, a light-emitting electrochemical cell LEC , when connected to
high-voltage AC mains.

It is established that the preferred converter circuit for this task comprises
an organic full-wave rectifier and a regulation resistor but is void of a
smoothing capacitor, and that such a circuit connected to the AC mains V, 50 Hz
successfully can drive an LEC to bright luminance cd m -2 and high efficiency 6.
C Elsevier B. All rights reserved. The violation of Bells inequality requires a
well-designed experiment to validate the result.

In experiments using energy-time and time-bin entanglement, initially proposed
by Franson in , there is an intrinsic loophole due to the high postselection. To
obtain a violation in this type of experiment, a chained Bell inequality must be
used. However, the local realism bound requires a high visibility in excess of
In this work, we show how such a high visibility can be reached in order to
violate a chained Bell inequality with six, eight, and ten terms. Cell voltage
equalizers are an important part in electric energy storage systems comprising
series-connected cells, for example, supercapacitors.

Hybrid electronics with silicon chips and printed devices enables electronic
systems with moderate performance and low cost. This paper presents a
silicon-organic hybrid voltage equalizer to balance and protect series-connected
supercapacitor cells during charging. Printed organic electrochemical
transistors with conducting polymer poly 3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene : poly
styrene sulfonate PEDOT: PSS are utilized to bypass excess current when the
supercapacitor cells are fully charged to desired voltages.


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In this study, low-cost silicon microcontrollers ATtiny85 are programmed to
sense voltages across the supercapacitor cells and control the organic
electrochemical transistors to bypass charging current when the voltages exceed
1 V. Experimental results show that the hybrid equalizer with the organic
electrochemical transistors works in dual-mode, switched-transistor mode or
constant-resistor mode, depending on the charging current applied 0. With the
voltage equalizer, capacitors are charged equally regardless of their


This work demonstrates a low-cost hybrid solution for supercapacitor balancing
modules at large-scale packs. The interpretation of quantum theory is one of the
longest-standing debates in physics. Type I interpretations see quantum
probabilities as determined by intrinsic properties of the observed system. Type
II see them as relational experiences between an observer and the system. It is
usually believed that a decision between these two options cannot be made simply
on purely physical grounds but requires an act of metaphysical judgment. Here we
show that, under some assumptions, the problem is decidable using

We prove that type I interpretations are incompatible with the following
assumptions: i The choice of which measurement is performed can be made randomly
and independently of the system under observation, ii the system has limited
memory, and iii Landauers erasure principle holds.

Experimental violations of Bell inequalities are in general vulnerable to
so-called loopholes. In this work, we analyze the characteristics of a
loophole-free Bell test with photons, closing simultaneously the locality,
freedom-of-choice, fair-sampling i. We pay special attention to the effect of
excess predictability in the setting choices due to nonideal random-number
generators. We discuss necessary adaptations of the Clauser-Horne and Eberhard
inequality when using such imperfect devices and-using Hoeffdings inequality and
Doobs optional stopping theorem-the statistical analysis in such Bell tests.

Everyday experience supports the existence of physical properties independent of
observation in strong contrast to the predictions of quantum theory. In
particular, the existence of physical properties that are independent of the
measurement context is prohibited for certain quantum systems. This property is
known as contextuality.


This Rapid Communication studies whether the process of decay in space-time
generally destroys the ability of revealing contextuality. We find that in the
most general situation the decay property does not diminish this ability.
However, applying certain constraints due to the space-time structure either on
the time evolution of the decaying system or on the measurement procedure, the
criteria revealing contextuality become inherently dependent on the decay
property or an impossibility. In particular, we derive how the context-revealing
setup known as Bells nonlocality tests changes for decaying quantum systems.

Our findings illustrate the interdependence between hidden and local hidden
parameter theories and the role of time. A simplified model is developed to
understand the field and potential distribution through devices based on a
ferroelectric film in direct contact with an electrolyte. Devices based on the
ferroelectric polymer polyvinylidenefluoride-trifluoroethylene PVDF-TrFE were
produced — in metalferroelectric-metal, metal-ferroelectric-dielectric-metal,
and metal-ferroelectric-electrolyte-metal architectures — and used to test the
model, and simulations based on the model and these fabricated devices were


From these simulations we find indication of progressive polarization of the
films. Furthermore, the model implies that there is a relation between the
separation of charge within the devices and the observed open circuit voltage.
This relation is confirmed experimentally. The ability to polarize ferroelectric
polymer films through aqueous electrolytes, combined with the strong correlation
between the properties of the electrolyte double layer and the device potential,
opens the door to a variety of new applications for ferroelectric technologies,

We demonstrate how adversaries with unbounded computing resources can break
Quantum Key Distribution QKD protocols which employ a particular message
authentication code suggested previously. This authentication code, featuring
low key consumption, is not Information-Theoretically Secure ITS since for each
message the eavesdropper has intercepted she is able to send a different message
from a set of messages that she can calculate by finding collisions of a
cryptographic hash function.


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