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Advanced embedding details, examples, and help! Favorite Share Flag FLAG THIS ITEM FOR * Graphic Violence * Explicit Sexual Content * Hate Speech * Misinformation/Disinformation * Marketing/Phishing/Advertising * Misleading/Inaccurate/Missing Metadata movies FROM HERE TO ETERNITY (1953) A UM PASSO DA ETERNIDADE by Fred Zinnemann Publication date 1953 Topics Legendado, 1950s, Guerra, Romance, Drama, Deborah Kerr, Frank Sinatra Language English Em um alojamento do exército havaiano, nos dias que antecedem o ataque ao Pearl Harbor, um soldado solitário e campeão de boxe, "Prew"' Prewitt (Montgomery Clift), se recusa a lutar, preferindo tocar clarinete. O rapaz é submetido a uma série de torturas e punições sob a ordem do severo capitão Holmes (Philip Ober). Enquanto isso, a esposa do capitão inicia um romance com o sargento Warden (Burt Lancaster), sem o conhecimento de Holmes. Addeddate 2021-10-02 21:44:31 Identifier from-here-to-eternity-1953_202110 Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4 PLUS-CIRCLE ADD REVIEW COMMENT REVIEWS There are no reviews yet. Be the first one to write a review. 3,125 Views 54 Favorites DOWNLOAD OPTIONS download 1 file H.264 IA download download 1 file ITEM TILE download download 1 file MPEG4 download download 2 files SUBRIP Uplevel BACK 117.3K From Here to Eternity download 93.7K download download 1 file TORRENT download download 128 Files download 8 Original SHOW ALL IN COLLECTIONS Feature Films Movies Uploaded by OldHollywood on October 2, 2021 SIMILAR ITEMS (BASED ON METADATA) PLAY PLAY ALL Film Noir 4,608 4.6K Niagara (1953) Torrentes de Paixão Oct 13, 2021 10/21 by henry hathaway movies EYE 4,608 FAVORITE 53 COMMENT 0 Durante a visita de dois casais às cataratas do Niagara, fortes tensões surgem entre Rose e seu marido, George. A situação se agrava quando o segundo casal acaba se envolvendo na história. Topics: Legendado, 1950s, Marilyn Monroe, Film Noir, Thriller Miscellaneous Podcasts 37 37 Expat Diary Vlog 49 Oct 2nd 2018 Oct 4, 2018 10/18 by john vicary movies EYE 37 FAVORITE 0 COMMENT 0 Movie classic From Here To Eternity Fred Zinnemman's classic starring Burt Lancaster, Montgomery Clift, Deborah Kerr and Frank Sinatra + Adverse weather and work ethic + Authentic content Topics: From Here To Eternity, Movie review, Fred Zinneman, Frank Sinatra, Burt Lancaster, Montgomery... Feature Films 20,993 21K Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) Os Homens Preferem as Loiras Sep 12, 2021 09/21 by howard hawks movies EYE 20,993 FAVORITE 197 COMMENT 0 Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) Topics: Comédia, Legendado, Marilyn Monroe, Musical, 1950s Feature Films 1,282 1.3K Roma, città aperta (1945) Roma, Cidade Aberta Sep 27, 2021 09/21 by roberto rossellini movies EYE 1,282 FAVORITE 18 COMMENT 0 Roma, 1944. Durante a ocupação nazista em Roma, o líder da resistência Giorgio Manfredi é perseguido pela Gestapo. Seu amigo Francesco, que vai se casar com a viúva Pina, e o padre Don Pietro Pellegrini ajudam-no a deixar Roma. Topics: Legendado, Neorrealismo Italiano, 1940s, Anna Magnani, Drama, Guerra Television Movies 1,946 1.9K #1 (1984) and #2 (1986) B.T. Bradford-TV Oct 28, 2017 10/17 by #2 author & teleplay: barbara taylor bradford / director: don sharp movies EYE 1,946 FAVORITE 11 COMMENT 0 **PUBLIC DOMAIN** BARBARA TAYLOR BRADFORD ( Made for TV Movies) **2017-10-30 Uploads of ''A Woman of Substance'' and of ''Hold the Dream,'' are complete. Although the 9 hr portion (THANK you, Heath Micaela , for this wonderful upload!!) cuts off prior to movie ending, I fortunately, (THANK you to greayre !!) was able to attain the final 7 short clips, in order to finalize this complete mini-series within this one file. I pray it be watchable for the next 100 years, and that all who watch... Topics: 1984 Mini-Series, 1986 2 Part, TV Movie, Romance, Family, Adventure, High Finance, Deborah Kerr,... Feature Films 36,831 37K Life and Death of Colonel Blimp_The Jun 30, 2012 06/12 by michael powell & emeric pressburger movies EYE 36,831 FAVORITE 127 COMMENT 2 From Imdb; Portrays in warm-hearted detail the life and loves of one extraordinary man. We meet the imposingly rotund General Clive Wynne-Candy, a blustering old duffer who seems the epitome of stuffy, outmoded values. Traveling backwards 40 years we see a different man altogether: the young and dashing officer "Sugar" Candy. Through a series of relationships with three women and his lifelong friendship with a German officer, we see Candy's life unfold and come to understand how... ( 2 reviews ) Topics: Drama, Romance, War, Roger Livesey, Deborah Kerr, Anton Walbrook Vintage Australian Print Ads 172 172 1952 advertisement for Lux soap - Deborah Kerr May 16, 2021 05/21 image EYE 172 FAVORITE 0 COMMENT 0 From the 21 May 1952 edition of Australian Women's Weekly. Topics: Print advertising, Advertisement, 1950s, Soap, Deborah Kerr Feature Films 20,451 20K Les quatre cents coups (1959) Os Incompreendidos Sep 16, 2021 09/21 by françois truffaut movies EYE 20,451 FAVORITE 63 COMMENT 0 Les quatre cents coups - Os Incompreendidos - The 400 Blows Topics: Legendado, 1950s, Drama, Nouvelle Vague, Jean-Pierre Léaud, As Aventuras de Antoine Doinel Comics and Graphic Novel Contribution Inbox 3,921 3.9K Rock Toons (aka History of Rock) Oct 22, 2019 10/19 by michael sadler texts EYE 3,921 FAVORITE 118 COMMENT 0 A brief illustrated history of rock and roll music from the 1950s-1980s. Originally published in French under the title "History of Rock." Topics: Books, Comics, Graphic Novel, Music, Rock and Roll, Rock N Roll, Abba, AC/DC, Adam and the Ants,... Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014)