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    <option value="PW"> Palau </option>
    <option value="PS"> Palestinian Territory, Occupied </option>
    <option value="PA"> Panama </option>
    <option value="PG"> Papua New Guinea </option>
    <option value="PY"> Paraguay </option>
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    <option value="KN"> Saint Kitts And Nevis </option>
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    <option value="SS"> South Sudan </option>
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    <option value="SH"> St. Helena </option>
    <option value="PM"> St. Pierre And Miquelon </option>
    <option value="SD"> Sudan </option>
    <option value="SR"> Suriname </option>
    <option value="SJ"> Svalbard And Jan Mayen Islands </option>
    <option value="SZ"> Swaziland </option>
    <option value="SE"> Sweden </option>
    <option value="CH"> Switzerland </option>
    <option value="SY"> Syrian Arab Republic </option>
    <option value="TW"> Taiwan </option>
    <option value="TJ"> Tajikistan </option>
    <option value="TZ"> Tanzania, United Republic Of </option>
    <option value="TH"> Thailand </option>
    <option value="TG"> Togo </option>
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    <option value="TO"> Tonga </option>
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   The 6 Best Accounting Apps
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Published September 21, 2023
Written by Madeline Clarke
Table of Contents
 * Software Spotlight QuickBooks OnlineSPONSORED
 * Top accounting apps comparison
 * Best accounting apps
 * Key features of accounting software apps
 * How do I choose the best mobile accounting app for my business?
 * Methodology

We may earn from vendors via affiliate links or sponsorships. This might affect
product placement on our site, but not the content of our reviews. See our Terms
of Use for details.
Accounting apps help to keep track of financial transactions and perform basic
accounting tasks using mobile. Check out our list of the top six accounting
 * Best overall accounting app: QuickBooks Online
 * Most comprehensive app: Zoho Books
 * Best invoicing app: FreshBooks
 * Best on-the-go profit tracking: Xero
 * Best expense tracker: Wave Accounting
 * Best mileage and expense tracking: Everlance


QuickBooks Online is our pick for the best accounting software with outstanding
invoicing, bill pay and inventory tracking. Get 50% off QuickBooks Online for
three months.

Free guided setup by a QuickBooks Expert.
Invite your accountant to access your books for free.
Create custom invoices and get paid online.
Connect your bank and credit card accounts.

Visit QuickBooks Online

Maintaining proper accounting and bookkeeping processes is vital to ensure the
accuracy and prosperity of businesses. Today, accounting technology has been
gaining traction for its ability to streamline business bookkeeping and decrease
the time and effort spent on related tasks.

To help you navigate the packed accounting software market, we’ve created a list
of software tools that we have identified as the optimal accounting solutions
for businesses. This article takes an in-depth look into these seven best
accounting solutions and their ideal use cases.


Starting priceExpense trackingInvoicing capabilitiesFinancial reportingUser
limits QuickBooks Online$35/mo.YesYesYes25Try QuickBooks Zoho
Books$0/mo.*YesYesYesUnlimited (extra fee)Try Zoho
FreshBooks$19/mo.YesYesYesUnlimited (extra fee)Try FreshBooks
Xero$20/mo.LimitedYesYesUnlimitedTry Xero Wave
Accounting$0/mo.YesYesLimitedUnlimited (with paid plan only)Try Wave
Everlance$0/mo.YesNoYesUnlimited (extra fee)Try Everlance

Plan and pricing information up to date as of 1/26/2024.


TechRepublic is able to offer our services for free because some vendors may pay
us for web traffic or other sales opportunities. Our mission is to help
technology buyers make better purchasing decisions, so we provide you with
information for all vendors — even those that don’t pay us.


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Company Size

Employees per Company Size
Micro (0-49), Small (50-249), Medium (250-999), Large (1,000-4,999), Enterprise
Any Company Size Any Company Size
API, General Ledger, Inventory Management, and more


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Company Size

Employees per Company Size
Micro (0-49), Small (50-249), Medium (250-999), Large (1,000-4,999), Enterprise
Micro (0-49 Employees), Medium (250-999 Employees), Large (1,000-4,999
Employees), Small (50-249 Employees) Micro, Medium, Large, Small
API, General Ledger, Inventory Management


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Micro (0-49), Small (50-249), Medium (250-999), Large (1,000-4,999), Enterprise
Micro (0-49 Employees), Medium (250-999 Employees), Large (1,000-4,999
Employees), Small (50-249 Employees) Micro, Medium, Large, Small
Accounts Receivable/Payable, General Ledger, Inventory Management, and more



Image: QuickBooks

Our star rating: 4.6 out of 5

If you’re searching for a top accounting software solution for your business,
you have likely heard of QuickBooks Online. This accounting software solution,
created by Intuit QuickBooks, is a favorite of ours for its robust features,
wide range of integrations and transparent pricing.

As a cloud-based system, QuickBooks Online offers plenty of capabilities for its
users, including bank account reconciliation, customizable invoicing, income and
expense tracking and more. Some noteworthy features include built-in
time-tracking capabilities and cash flow forecasting.

QuickBooks Online is also a fan favorite among small businesses for its ease of
use and price tiers, including different features for organizations of various
sizes — including freelancers. That said, it comes at a higher price than some
other options on this list, so businesses should take their budget into account
when considering QuickBooks Online.


 * QuickBooks Simple Start: $35 per month with access for one user.
 * QuickBooks Essentials: $65 per month with access for up to three users.
 * QuickBooks Plus: $99 per month with access for up to five users.
 * QuickBooks Advanced: $235 per month with access for up to 25 users.

New QuickBooks customers have the option of either locking in 50% off for their
initial three months of use or signing up for a 30-day free trial of the


 * Automatic recurring invoicing.
 * Access to QuickBooks Payments.
 * Customizable invoicing.
 * Mobile application.
 * Bookkeeping and accounting reports.
 * Cash flow forecasting.


 * Available in four plans to support the needs of small, midsize and large
 * Comes with a wide range of reports, with higher-tier plans providing in-depth
 * Businesses can send an unlimited number of invoices to an unlimited number of
 * Often provides perks to first time buyers, and right now new users can get a
   30-day free trial or a three-month 50% discount.


 * Prices may be too high for smaller businesses with lower budgets.
 * QuickBooks Online plans instill limits on the number of users supported.

For more information, read the full QuickBooks Online review.

Try QuickBooks Online


Image: Zoho Books

Our star rating: 4.7 out of 5

Zoho Books is another top solution we had to include on this list for its
comprehensive features and capabilities. Businesses that choose this software
for their accounting needs can streamline their workflows through its automation
features and manage each of their financial aspects through this all-in-one

Zoho Books enables users to manage multiple areas of their business finances,
taxes, sales, purchases and everything in between. Businesses can also use
Zapier extensions or built-in connections to integrate with third-party
applications, making it a single source of truth to support each of their
financial processes.

A stand-out feature of this software is the collaborative customer portal. This
increases transparency between businesses and clients to support straightforward
business processes and positive customer relations.


Zoho Books offers a free version of their software for smaller businesses with
an annual revenue below $50,000 USD. The paid plans are billed either month to
month or yearly at a discounted rate.

 * Standard: $20 billed monthly or $15 per month billed yearly.
 * Professional: $50 billed monthly or $40 per month billed yearly.
 * Premium: $70 billed monthly or $60 per month billed yearly.
 * Elite: $150 billed monthly or $120 per month billed yearly.
 * Ultimate: $275 billed monthly or $240 per month billed yearly.

The base price of each plan includes a specific number of users; however,
businesses can purchase additional users at $3 per user billed monthly or $8 per
user per month billed annually.


 * Quote and invoice creation.
 * Mobile apps.
 * Collaborative customer portal.
 * Sales tax compliant accounting.
 * Automatic bank feeds.
 * Exhaustive reports.


 * Growing organizations can choose between six price plans and adjust them to
   scale alongside their business needs.
 * Admins can customize their workflows and install transaction approvals within
   their processes to ensure accuracy.
 * A free solution is exclusive to businesses with an annual revenue below $50K


 * Lower cost plans may not include some features such as cash flow forecasting
   and timesheet management.
 * The free version of Zoho Books is exclusive to small businesses with an
   annual revenue of below $50K USD.

For more information, read the full Zoho Books review.

Try Zoho Books


Image: FreshBooks

Our star rating: 4.1 out of 5

An important aspect of accounting software is invoicing, and businesses should
choose solutions that will allow them to process sales appropriately. That said,
FreshBooks’s invoicing features make it an excellent software choice for
freelancers and small businesses that provide services.

Its unlimited allowance of automated invoices and estimates means that services
can be easily tracked and managed through this convenient tool. FreshBooks also
includes features to facilitate on-time payments, including automated upcoming
payment reminders and automatic late fees once the invoice becomes overdue.

Other significant aspects of this system include its built-in time-tracking and
project-tracking tools that help to ensure error-free payment processes. And
with four differently priced plans aimed towards freelancers, small businesses,
midsize businesses and enterprises, any sized organization can find an option to
meet their needs.


 * Lite: $19 per month billed monthly or $204 billed yearly. Allows users to
   bill five clients per month.
 * Plus: $33 per month billed monthly or $360 billed yearly. Allows users to
   bill 50 clients per month.
 * Premium: $60 per month billed monthly or $660 billed yearly. Includes
   unlimited billable clients.
 * Select: Custom quote pricing for enterprises.


 * Mileage tracking.
 * Project-based budgeting and billing.
 * Automatic expense tracking.
 * Collaborative client portals.
 * Sales tax tracking and reporting.


 * Includes features and capabilities to support reliable invoicing processes.
 * FreshBooks software has a user-friendly interface, and its mobile accounting
   app lets users keep track of their business financials on the go.
 * Ideal for service-oriented business organizations and freelancers.


 * Its capabilities may not be suitable for larger businesses or businesses that
   sell inventory.
 * All FreshBooks plans, apart from the Select plan, allow for just one user.
   Additional users can be purchased for the above-average cost of an additional
   $11 per month.

For more information, read the full Freshbooks review.

Try FreshBooks


Image: Xero

Our star rating: 4.4 out of 5

For busy users on the go, we have to suggest Xero. Xero offers tools and apps to
help users process their accounting from anywhere. This software’s convenience
is also supported partly by its intuitive and user-friendly interface that’s
easy for users to navigate.

Xero’s software helps businesses streamline their accounting with automatic data
capturing and documentation management, so users don’t miss a thing when
tracking and reporting their finances. The solution’s multicurrency support also
facilitates easy reporting of international business activity.

Finally, it’s worth mentioning that what this software lacks in built-in
features, it makes up for through its integrations. Xero supports 1,000+
prebuilt connections with various accounting, e-commerce and payroll systems.
Popular integration options include Hubdoc for document scanning and Gusto for


 * Early: $20 per month and includes 20 invoices and five bills per month.
 * Growing: $47 per month and includes unlimited invoicing and bill entry.
 * Established: $80 per month and also includes unlimited invoicing and bill

All plans allow the addition of unlimited users for no additional fee.


 * Online file storage.
 * Bank reconciliation.
 * Basic inventory management tools.
 * Automatic data capturing.
 * Project tracking.
 * Customized invoicing.


 * Customizable accounting dashboard provides a comprehensive view of important
   business finances.
 * No limits on the number of users for any of its plans.
 * Mobile Xero Accounting App allows for easy on-the-go access.


 * Less expensive Xero plans limit the number of estimates created, bills
   managed and invoices that can be sent per month.
 * Xero doesn’t support multibusiness use, so users must purchase separate
   accounts for each business they want to run accounting for.

For more information, read the full Xero review.

Try Xero


Image: Wave

Our star rating: 4 out of 5

With a well-featured free plan and robust, low-cost paid plan, Wave Accounting
is an excellent income and expense tracking option for businesses on a budget.
However, the system’s economic price point isn’t the only aspect that makes it a
great choice. It also provides excellent tools for users looking to optimize
their financial tracking and reporting.

Businesses can easily maintain up-to-date transactions and financial snapshots
within the system by connecting their bank accounts to Wave Accounting software.
Expense management is streamlined and simplified through the receipt scanning
feature that automatically categorizes business expenses.


Wave Accounting has one forever-free plan called Wave Starter. However, Wave
Starter doesn’t include receipt scanning. Free users can add mobile receipt
tracking for $96 a year (or $11 a month).

Alternatively, you can scale up to Wave Pro, which costs $170 a year (or $16 a
month) and includes free, unlimited receipt scans.


 * Multibusiness management.
 * Customized invoicing.
 * Unlimited expense and income tracking.
 * Unlimited bank and credit card connections.
 * Automatic payment reminders (with paid plan only).
 * Mobile accounting app.


 * Free-for-life accounting plan with optional receipt-scanning add-on.
 * Very few limits on users’ capabilities — it offers unlimited invoices,
   billable clients, invoice tracking, expense tracking, credit card connections
   and more.
 * Low learning curve for new users.


 * Wave Accounting doesn’t support any built-in connections with third-party
 * Additional fee for mobile receipt scanning.
 * Customer service is only included with the paid plan.

For more information, read the full Wave Accounting review.

Try Wave Accounting


Image: Everlance

Everlance is a nifty tool for accounting businesses looking to streamline their
expense tracking automatically. Everlance manages expenses by connecting to
banks, integrating credit cards and processing expense reports.

Businesses can also track their data efficiently through the Everlance mobile
app, automatically tracking drivers’ mileage using GPS. These features make it
easy to submit, review and approve mileage and expense reports directly within
the app so users can maintain accurate records.

Self-employed users and companies alike will enjoy the software’s work expense
tracking features, making processing reimbursements a breeze. The integrated
solution is also beneficial come tax season, providing features to help with
processing employee taxes, taxability reporting and managing compliance.


Everlance offers its software to individual users and businesses through various
pricing plans.

Plans for companies:

 * Occasional Driver: $0
 * CPM Program: $12 per user billed monthly or $10 per user per month billed
 * Fixed & Variable Rate (FAVR) Program: $33 per user per month billed yearly.

Plans for individuals:

 * Free: $0
 * Premium: $8 billed monthly or $5 per user per month billed yearly.
 * Premium Plus: $12 billed monthly or $10 per month when you prepay for one


 * Automatic mileage tracking.
 * Expense tracking.
 * Report approval flows.
 * IRS-compliant mileage logs.
 * Team reporting.


 * No limits on the number of supported users for any of its plans.
 * Auto-created expense reports with all plans.
 * Free plan with limited functionality.
 * Businesses can simplify their recordkeeping by establishing custom expense
   rules and automating their recurring expenses.


 * Free version doesn’t integrate with users bank accounts or credit cards, as
   this feature is only included through the paid plans.
 * Free plans only provide automatic trip detection mileage tracking for the
   first 30 trips each month.

Try Everlance


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A fundamental rule in business is that you must spend money to make money.
Accounting solutions with expense tracking features help businesses manage their
expenditures and ensure that their spending aligns with the company’s goals.
These tools allow businesses to track and categorize expenses, sync their
spending data, and create expense reports. This feature enables them to keep
track of their spending data and gain insights into how their spending impacts
their financial health.


Accounting software solutions offer features that facilitate the generation and
processing of invoices. These tools can help businesses create customizable
invoices, submit them to their clients and monitor their payment status. Many
accounting solutions even allow users to send automatic reminders to clients
with overdue invoice payments. These features are helpful in terms of tracking
income finances and ensuring that the business is appropriately compensated.


A robust accounting software system will provide tools and resources to support
users in generating financial reports based on their business data. These
reporting capabilities often include features for developing cash flow
statements, balance sheets, income statements and other reports that reflect the
business’s financial standing. These reports are also often customizable,
allowing users to create fine-tuned reports on their unique business scenarios.


A business’ accounting software should be able to integrate seamlessly with the
other solutions in their software stack. Systems with built-in connections with
popular third-party business applications and software tools are best, as they
can support data syncing between systems and help ensure accuracy in the
information used for financial reporting.


Although QuickBooks Online is an impressive solution with a fantastic mobile
accounting app, there may be better options for your business’s accounting
needs. To identify the best accounting software solution for your business,
consider the factors necessary for your organization’s financial management and
reporting. This can involve aspects such as the number of people that will need
to use the software, the type of reports your organization would need to
generate and any third-party integration needs.

For example, a business that offers local deliveries may benefit from the
mileage tracking features included in Everlance’s app. On the other hand, a solo
entrepreneur who performs services could have more luck with an invoice-centric
solution such as FreshBooks.

These requirements can help you narrow down the tools that can offer the most
valuable features for your business. From here, you can consider your budget and
scalability needs and choose a plan that will align with these requirements.


This review is a technical piece based on compiled literature researched from
relevant databases. The information provided within this article is gathered
from vendor websites or based on an aggregate of user feedback to ensure a
high-quality review.

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Madeline Clarke
Madeline is a freelance writer specializing in copywriting and content creation.
After studying Art and earning her BFA in Creative Writing at Salisbury
University she applied her knowledge of writing and design to develop creative
and influential copy. She has since formed her business, Clarke Content, LLC,
through which she produces entertaining, informational content and represents
companies with professionalism and taste.
See all of Madeline's content

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