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Submission: On September 12 via manual from GB — Scanned from GB
Submission: On September 12 via manual from GB — Scanned from GB
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<option value="3" title="Afghanistan" code="93"> Afghanistan </option>
<option value="15" title="Aland Islands" code="358"> Aland Islands </option>
<option value="6" title="Albania" code="355"> Albania </option>
<option value="62" title="Algeria" code="213"> Algeria </option>
<option value="11" title="American Samoa" code="1"> American Samoa </option>
<option value="1" title="Andorra" code="376"> Andorra </option>
<option value="8" title="Angola" code="244"> Angola </option>
<option value="5" title="Anguilla" code="1"> Anguilla </option>
<option value="9" title="Antarctica" code="10"> Antarctica </option>
<option value="4" title="Antigua And Barbuda" code="1"> Antigua And Barbuda </option>
<option value="10" title="Argentina" code="54"> Argentina </option>
<option value="7" title="Armenia" code="374"> Armenia </option>
<option value="14" title="Aruba" code="297"> Aruba </option>
<option value="13" title="Australia" code="61"> Australia </option>
<option value="12" title="Austria" code="43"> Austria </option>
<option value="16" title="Azerbaijan" code="994"> Azerbaijan </option>
<option value="32" title="Bahamas" code="1"> Bahamas </option>
<option value="23" title="Bahrain" code="973"> Bahrain </option>
<option value="19" title="Bangladesh" code="880"> Bangladesh </option>
<option value="18" title="Barbados" code="1"> Barbados </option>
<option value="36" title="Belarus" code="375"> Belarus </option>
<option value="20" title="Belgium" code="32"> Belgium </option>
<option value="37" title="Belize" code="501"> Belize </option>
<option value="25" title="Benin" code="229"> Benin </option>
<option value="27" title="Bermuda" code="1"> Bermuda </option>
<option value="33" title="Bhutan" code="975"> Bhutan </option>
<option value="29" title="Bolivia" code="591"> Bolivia </option>
<option value="30" title="Bonaire" code="599"> Bonaire </option>
<option value="17" title="Bosnia Herzegovina" code="387"> Bosnia Herzegovina </option>
<option value="35" title="Botswana" code="267"> Botswana </option>
<option value="34" title="Bouvet Island" code="74"> Bouvet Island </option>
<option value="31" title="Brazil" code="55"> Brazil </option>
<option value="106" title="British Indian Ocean Territory" code="86"> British Indian Ocean Territory </option>
<option value="28" title="Brunei" code="673"> Brunei </option>
<option value="22" title="Bulgaria" code="359"> Bulgaria </option>
<option value="21" title="Burkina Faso" code="226"> Burkina Faso </option>
<option value="24" title="Burundi" code="257"> Burundi </option>
<option value="117" title="Cambodia" code="855"> Cambodia </option>
<option value="47" title="Cameroon" code="237"> Cameroon </option>
<option value="38" title="Canada" code="1"> Canada </option>
<option value="52" title="Cape Verde" code="238"> Cape Verde </option>
<option value="124" title="Cayman Islands" code="1"> Cayman Islands </option>
<option value="41" title="Central African Republic" code="236"> Central African Republic </option>
<option value="215" title="Chad" code="235"> Chad </option>
<option value="46" title="Chile" code="56"> Chile </option>
<option value="48" title="China" code="86"> China </option>
<option value="54" title="Christmas Island" code="162"> Christmas Island </option>
<option value="39" title="Cocos Keeling Islands" code="166"> Cocos Keeling Islands </option>
<option value="49" title="Colombia" code="57"> Colombia </option>
<option value="119" title="Comoros" code="269"> Comoros </option>
<option value="40" title="Congo" code="242"> Congo </option>
<option value="45" title="Cook Islands" code="682"> Cook Islands </option>
<option value="50" title="Costa Rica" code="506"> Costa Rica </option>
<option value="44" title="Cote Divoire" code="225"> Cote Divoire </option>
<option value="98" title="Croatia" code="385"> Croatia </option>
<option value="51" title="Cuba" code="53"> Cuba </option>
<option value="53" title="Curacao" code="599"> Curacao </option>
<option value="55" title="Cyprus" code="357"> Cyprus </option>
<option value="56" title="Czech Republic" code="420"> Czech Republic </option>
<option value="59" title="Denmark" code="45"> Denmark </option>
<option value="58" title="Djibouti" code="253"> Djibouti </option>
<option value="60" title="Dominica" code="1"> Dominica </option>
<option value="61" title="Dominican Republic" code="1"> Dominican Republic </option>
<option value="221" title="East Timor" code="670"> East Timor </option>
<option value="63" title="Ecuador" code="593"> Ecuador </option>
<option value="65" title="Egypt" code="20"> Egypt </option>
<option value="210" title="El Salvador" code="503"> El Salvador </option>
<option value="88" title="Equatorial Guinea" code="240"> Equatorial Guinea </option>
<option value="67" title="Eritrea" code="291"> Eritrea </option>
<option value="64" title="Estonia" code="372"> Estonia </option>
<option value="69" title="Ethiopia" code="251"> Ethiopia </option>
<option value="72" title="Falkland Islands" code="500"> Falkland Islands </option>
<option value="74" title="Faroe Islands" code="298"> Faroe Islands </option>
<option value="71" title="Fiji" code="679"> Fiji </option>
<option value="70" title="Finland" code="358"> Finland </option>
<option value="75" title="France" code="33"> France </option>
<option value="80" title="French Guiana" code="594"> French Guiana </option>
<option value="175" title="French Polynesia" code="689"> French Polynesia </option>
<option value="216" title="French Southern Territories" code="262"> French Southern Territories </option>
<option value="76" title="Gabon" code="241"> Gabon </option>
<option value="85" title="Gambia" code="220"> Gambia </option>
<option value="79" title="Georgia" code="995"> Georgia </option>
<option value="57" title="Germany" code="49"> Germany </option>
<option value="82" title="Ghana" code="233"> Ghana </option>
<option value="83" title="Gibraltar" code="350"> Gibraltar </option>
<option value="89" title="Greece" code="30"> Greece </option>
<option value="84" title="Greenland" code="299"> Greenland </option>
<option value="78" title="Grenada" code="1"> Grenada </option>
<option value="87" title="Guadeloupe" code="590"> Guadeloupe </option>
<option value="92" title="Guam" code="1"> Guam </option>
<option value="91" title="Guatemala" code="502"> Guatemala </option>
<option value="81" title="Guernsey" code="44"> Guernsey </option>
<option value="86" title="Guinea" code="224"> Guinea </option>
<option value="93" title="Guinea Bissau" code="245"> Guinea Bissau </option>
<option value="94" title="Guyana" code="592"> Guyana </option>
<option value="99" title="Haiti" code="509"> Haiti </option>
<option value="96" title="Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands" code="334"> Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands </option>
<option value="237" title="Holy See" code="379"> Holy See </option>
<option value="97" title="Honduras" code="504"> Honduras </option>
<option value="95" title="Hong Kong" code="852"> Hong Kong </option>
<option value="100" title="Hungary" code="36"> Hungary </option>
<option value="109" title="Iceland" code="354"> Iceland </option>
<option value="105" title="India" code="91"> India </option>
<option value="101" title="Indonesia" code="62"> Indonesia </option>
<option value="108" title="Iran" code="98"> Iran </option>
<option value="107" title="Iraq" code="964"> Iraq </option>
<option value="102" title="Ireland" code="353"> Ireland </option>
<option value="104" title="Isle Of Man" code="44"> Isle Of Man </option>
<option value="103" title="Israel" code="972"> Israel </option>
<option value="110" title="Italy" code="39"> Italy </option>
<option value="112" title="Jamaica" code="1"> Jamaica </option>
<option value="114" title="Japan" code="81"> Japan </option>
<option value="111" title="Jersey" code="44"> Jersey </option>
<option value="113" title="Jordan" code="962"> Jordan </option>
<option value="125" title="Kazakhstan" code="7"> Kazakhstan </option>
<option value="115" title="Kenya" code="254"> Kenya </option>
<option value="118" title="Kiribati" code="686"> Kiribati </option>
<option value="123" title="Kuwait" code="965"> Kuwait </option>
<option value="116" title="Kyrgyzstan" code="996"> Kyrgyzstan </option>
<option value="126" title="Laos" code="856"> Laos </option>
<option value="135" title="Latvia" code="371"> Latvia </option>
<option value="127" title="Lebanon" code="961"> Lebanon </option>
<option value="132" title="Lesotho" code="266"> Lesotho </option>
<option value="131" title="Liberia" code="231"> Liberia </option>
<option value="136" title="Libya" code="218"> Libya </option>
<option value="129" title="Liechtenstein" code="423"> Liechtenstein </option>
<option value="133" title="Lithuania" code="370"> Lithuania </option>
<option value="134" title="Luxembourg" code="352"> Luxembourg </option>
<option value="148" title="Macao" code="446"> Macao </option>
<option value="144" title="Macedonia" code="389"> Macedonia </option>
<option value="142" title="Madagascar" code="261"> Madagascar </option>
<option value="156" title="Malawi" code="265"> Malawi </option>
<option value="158" title="Malaysia" code="60"> Malaysia </option>
<option value="155" title="Maldives" code="960"> Maldives </option>
<option value="145" title="Mali" code="223"> Mali </option>
<option value="153" title="Malta" code="356"> Malta </option>
<option value="143" title="Marshall Islands" code="692"> Marshall Islands </option>
<option value="150" title="Martinique" code="596"> Martinique </option>
<option value="151" title="Mauritania" code="222"> Mauritania </option>
<option value="154" title="Mauritius" code="230"> Mauritius </option>
<option value="247" title="Mayotte" code="262"> Mayotte </option>
<option value="157" title="Mexico" code="52"> Mexico </option>
<option value="73" title="Micronesia" code="583"> Micronesia </option>
<option value="139" title="Moldova" code="373"> Moldova </option>
<option value="138" title="Monaco" code="377"> Monaco </option>
<option value="147" title="Mongolia" code="976"> Mongolia </option>
<option value="140" title="Montenegro" code="382"> Montenegro </option>
<option value="152" title="Montserrat" code="1"> Montserrat </option>
<option value="137" title="Morocco" code="212"> Morocco </option>
<option value="159" title="Mozambique" code="258"> Mozambique </option>
<option value="146" title="Myanmar" code="95"> Myanmar </option>
<option value="160" title="Namibia" code="264"> Namibia </option>
<option value="169" title="Nauru" code="674"> Nauru </option>
<option value="168" title="Nepal" code="977"> Nepal </option>
<option value="166" title="Netherlands" code="31"> Netherlands </option>
<option value="161" title="New Caledonia" code="687"> New Caledonia </option>
<option value="171" title="New Zealand" code="64"> New Zealand </option>
<option value="165" title="Nicaragua" code="505"> Nicaragua </option>
<option value="162" title="Niger" code="227"> Niger </option>
<option value="164" title="Nigeria" code="234"> Nigeria </option>
<option value="170" title="Niue" code="683"> Niue </option>
<option value="163" title="Norfolk Island" code="6723"> Norfolk Island </option>
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<option value="">Select Country</option>
<option value="3" title="Afghanistan" code="93"> Afghanistan </option>
<option value="15" title="Aland Islands" code="358"> Aland Islands </option>
<option value="6" title="Albania" code="355"> Albania </option>
<option value="62" title="Algeria" code="213"> Algeria </option>
<option value="11" title="American Samoa" code="1"> American Samoa </option>
<option value="1" title="Andorra" code="376"> Andorra </option>
<option value="8" title="Angola" code="244"> Angola </option>
<option value="5" title="Anguilla" code="1"> Anguilla </option>
<option value="9" title="Antarctica" code="10"> Antarctica </option>
<option value="4" title="Antigua And Barbuda" code="1"> Antigua And Barbuda </option>
<option value="10" title="Argentina" code="54"> Argentina </option>
<option value="7" title="Armenia" code="374"> Armenia </option>
<option value="14" title="Aruba" code="297"> Aruba </option>
<option value="13" title="Australia" code="61"> Australia </option>
<option value="12" title="Austria" code="43"> Austria </option>
<option value="16" title="Azerbaijan" code="994"> Azerbaijan </option>
<option value="32" title="Bahamas" code="1"> Bahamas </option>
<option value="23" title="Bahrain" code="973"> Bahrain </option>
<option value="19" title="Bangladesh" code="880"> Bangladesh </option>
<option value="18" title="Barbados" code="1"> Barbados </option>
<option value="36" title="Belarus" code="375"> Belarus </option>
<option value="20" title="Belgium" code="32"> Belgium </option>
<option value="37" title="Belize" code="501"> Belize </option>
<option value="25" title="Benin" code="229"> Benin </option>
<option value="27" title="Bermuda" code="1"> Bermuda </option>
<option value="33" title="Bhutan" code="975"> Bhutan </option>
<option value="29" title="Bolivia" code="591"> Bolivia </option>
<option value="30" title="Bonaire" code="599"> Bonaire </option>
<option value="17" title="Bosnia Herzegovina" code="387"> Bosnia Herzegovina </option>
<option value="35" title="Botswana" code="267"> Botswana </option>
<option value="34" title="Bouvet Island" code="74"> Bouvet Island </option>
<option value="31" title="Brazil" code="55"> Brazil </option>
<option value="106" title="British Indian Ocean Territory" code="86"> British Indian Ocean Territory </option>
<option value="28" title="Brunei" code="673"> Brunei </option>
<option value="22" title="Bulgaria" code="359"> Bulgaria </option>
<option value="21" title="Burkina Faso" code="226"> Burkina Faso </option>
<option value="24" title="Burundi" code="257"> Burundi </option>
<option value="117" title="Cambodia" code="855"> Cambodia </option>
<option value="47" title="Cameroon" code="237"> Cameroon </option>
<option value="38" title="Canada" code="1"> Canada </option>
<option value="52" title="Cape Verde" code="238"> Cape Verde </option>
<option value="124" title="Cayman Islands" code="1"> Cayman Islands </option>
<option value="41" title="Central African Republic" code="236"> Central African Republic </option>
<option value="215" title="Chad" code="235"> Chad </option>
<option value="46" title="Chile" code="56"> Chile </option>
<option value="48" title="China" code="86"> China </option>
<option value="54" title="Christmas Island" code="162"> Christmas Island </option>
<option value="39" title="Cocos Keeling Islands" code="166"> Cocos Keeling Islands </option>
<option value="49" title="Colombia" code="57"> Colombia </option>
<option value="119" title="Comoros" code="269"> Comoros </option>
<option value="40" title="Congo" code="242"> Congo </option>
<option value="45" title="Cook Islands" code="682"> Cook Islands </option>
<option value="50" title="Costa Rica" code="506"> Costa Rica </option>
<option value="44" title="Cote Divoire" code="225"> Cote Divoire </option>
<option value="98" title="Croatia" code="385"> Croatia </option>
<option value="51" title="Cuba" code="53"> Cuba </option>
<option value="53" title="Curacao" code="599"> Curacao </option>
<option value="55" title="Cyprus" code="357"> Cyprus </option>
<option value="56" title="Czech Republic" code="420"> Czech Republic </option>
<option value="59" title="Denmark" code="45"> Denmark </option>
<option value="58" title="Djibouti" code="253"> Djibouti </option>
<option value="60" title="Dominica" code="1"> Dominica </option>
<option value="61" title="Dominican Republic" code="1"> Dominican Republic </option>
<option value="221" title="East Timor" code="670"> East Timor </option>
<option value="63" title="Ecuador" code="593"> Ecuador </option>
<option value="65" title="Egypt" code="20"> Egypt </option>
<option value="210" title="El Salvador" code="503"> El Salvador </option>
<option value="88" title="Equatorial Guinea" code="240"> Equatorial Guinea </option>
<option value="67" title="Eritrea" code="291"> Eritrea </option>
<option value="64" title="Estonia" code="372"> Estonia </option>
<option value="69" title="Ethiopia" code="251"> Ethiopia </option>
<option value="72" title="Falkland Islands" code="500"> Falkland Islands </option>
<option value="74" title="Faroe Islands" code="298"> Faroe Islands </option>
<option value="71" title="Fiji" code="679"> Fiji </option>
<option value="70" title="Finland" code="358"> Finland </option>
<option value="75" title="France" code="33"> France </option>
<option value="80" title="French Guiana" code="594"> French Guiana </option>
<option value="175" title="French Polynesia" code="689"> French Polynesia </option>
<option value="216" title="French Southern Territories" code="262"> French Southern Territories </option>
<option value="76" title="Gabon" code="241"> Gabon </option>
<option value="85" title="Gambia" code="220"> Gambia </option>
<option value="79" title="Georgia" code="995"> Georgia </option>
<option value="57" title="Germany" code="49"> Germany </option>
<option value="82" title="Ghana" code="233"> Ghana </option>
<option value="83" title="Gibraltar" code="350"> Gibraltar </option>
<option value="89" title="Greece" code="30"> Greece </option>
<option value="84" title="Greenland" code="299"> Greenland </option>
<option value="78" title="Grenada" code="1"> Grenada </option>
<option value="87" title="Guadeloupe" code="590"> Guadeloupe </option>
<option value="92" title="Guam" code="1"> Guam </option>
<option value="91" title="Guatemala" code="502"> Guatemala </option>
<option value="81" title="Guernsey" code="44"> Guernsey </option>
<option value="86" title="Guinea" code="224"> Guinea </option>
<option value="93" title="Guinea Bissau" code="245"> Guinea Bissau </option>
<option value="94" title="Guyana" code="592"> Guyana </option>
<option value="99" title="Haiti" code="509"> Haiti </option>
<option value="96" title="Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands" code="334"> Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands </option>
<option value="237" title="Holy See" code="379"> Holy See </option>
<option value="97" title="Honduras" code="504"> Honduras </option>
<option value="95" title="Hong Kong" code="852"> Hong Kong </option>
<option value="100" title="Hungary" code="36"> Hungary </option>
<option value="109" title="Iceland" code="354"> Iceland </option>
<option value="105" title="India" code="91"> India </option>
<option value="101" title="Indonesia" code="62"> Indonesia </option>
<option value="108" title="Iran" code="98"> Iran </option>
<option value="107" title="Iraq" code="964"> Iraq </option>
<option value="102" title="Ireland" code="353"> Ireland </option>
<option value="104" title="Isle Of Man" code="44"> Isle Of Man </option>
<option value="103" title="Israel" code="972"> Israel </option>
<option value="110" title="Italy" code="39"> Italy </option>
<option value="112" title="Jamaica" code="1"> Jamaica </option>
<option value="114" title="Japan" code="81"> Japan </option>
<option value="111" title="Jersey" code="44"> Jersey </option>
<option value="113" title="Jordan" code="962"> Jordan </option>
<option value="125" title="Kazakhstan" code="7"> Kazakhstan </option>
<option value="115" title="Kenya" code="254"> Kenya </option>
<option value="118" title="Kiribati" code="686"> Kiribati </option>
<option value="123" title="Kuwait" code="965"> Kuwait </option>
<option value="116" title="Kyrgyzstan" code="996"> Kyrgyzstan </option>
<option value="126" title="Laos" code="856"> Laos </option>
<option value="135" title="Latvia" code="371"> Latvia </option>
<option value="127" title="Lebanon" code="961"> Lebanon </option>
<option value="132" title="Lesotho" code="266"> Lesotho </option>
<option value="131" title="Liberia" code="231"> Liberia </option>
<option value="136" title="Libya" code="218"> Libya </option>
<option value="129" title="Liechtenstein" code="423"> Liechtenstein </option>
<option value="133" title="Lithuania" code="370"> Lithuania </option>
<option value="134" title="Luxembourg" code="352"> Luxembourg </option>
<option value="148" title="Macao" code="446"> Macao </option>
<option value="144" title="Macedonia" code="389"> Macedonia </option>
<option value="142" title="Madagascar" code="261"> Madagascar </option>
<option value="156" title="Malawi" code="265"> Malawi </option>
<option value="158" title="Malaysia" code="60"> Malaysia </option>
<option value="155" title="Maldives" code="960"> Maldives </option>
<option value="145" title="Mali" code="223"> Mali </option>
<option value="153" title="Malta" code="356"> Malta </option>
<option value="143" title="Marshall Islands" code="692"> Marshall Islands </option>
<option value="150" title="Martinique" code="596"> Martinique </option>
<option value="151" title="Mauritania" code="222"> Mauritania </option>
<option value="154" title="Mauritius" code="230"> Mauritius </option>
<option value="247" title="Mayotte" code="262"> Mayotte </option>
<option value="157" title="Mexico" code="52"> Mexico </option>
<option value="73" title="Micronesia" code="583"> Micronesia </option>
<option value="139" title="Moldova" code="373"> Moldova </option>
<option value="138" title="Monaco" code="377"> Monaco </option>
<option value="147" title="Mongolia" code="976"> Mongolia </option>
<option value="140" title="Montenegro" code="382"> Montenegro </option>
<option value="152" title="Montserrat" code="1"> Montserrat </option>
<option value="137" title="Morocco" code="212"> Morocco </option>
<option value="159" title="Mozambique" code="258"> Mozambique </option>
<option value="146" title="Myanmar" code="95"> Myanmar </option>
<option value="160" title="Namibia" code="264"> Namibia </option>
<option value="169" title="Nauru" code="674"> Nauru </option>
<option value="168" title="Nepal" code="977"> Nepal </option>
<option value="166" title="Netherlands" code="31"> Netherlands </option>
<option value="161" title="New Caledonia" code="687"> New Caledonia </option>
<option value="171" title="New Zealand" code="64"> New Zealand </option>
<option value="165" title="Nicaragua" code="505"> Nicaragua </option>
<option value="162" title="Niger" code="227"> Niger </option>
<option value="164" title="Nigeria" code="234"> Nigeria </option>
<option value="170" title="Niue" code="683"> Niue </option>
<option value="163" title="Norfolk Island" code="6723"> Norfolk Island </option>
<option value="122" title="North Korea" code="850"> North Korea </option>
<option value="149" title="Northern Mariana Islands" code="580"> Northern Mariana Islands </option>
<option value="167" title="Norway" code="47"> Norway </option>
<option value="172" title="Oman" code="968"> Oman </option>
<option value="252" title="Other" code="123"> Other </option>
<option value="178" title="Pakistan" code="92"> Pakistan </option>
<option value="185" title="Palau" code="680"> Palau </option>
<option value="183" title="Palestine" code="970"> Palestine </option>
<option value="173" title="Panama" code="507"> Panama </option>
<option value="176" title="Papua New Guinea" code="675"> Papua New Guinea </option>
<option value="186" title="Paraguay" code="595"> Paraguay </option>
<option value="174" title="Peru" code="51"> Peru </option>
<option value="177" title="Philippines" code="63"> Philippines </option>
<option value="181" title="Pitcairn Islands" code="612"> Pitcairn Islands </option>
<option value="179" title="Poland" code="48"> Poland </option>
<option value="184" title="Portugal" code="351"> Portugal </option>
<option value="182" title="Puerto Rico" code="1"> Puerto Rico </option>
<option value="187" title="Qatar" code="974"> Qatar </option>
<option value="188" title="Reunion" code="262"> Reunion </option>
<option value="189" title="Romania" code="40"> Romania </option>
<option value="191" title="Russia" code="7"> Russia </option>
<option value="192" title="Rwanda" code="250"> Rwanda </option>
<option value="26" title="Saint Barthelemy" code="590"> Saint Barthelemy </option>
<option value="199" title="Saint Helena" code="290"> Saint Helena </option>
<option value="120" title="Saint Kitts And Nevis" code="1"> Saint Kitts And Nevis </option>
<option value="128" title="Saint Lucia" code="1"> Saint Lucia </option>
<option value="141" title="Saint Martin French Part" code="590"> Saint Martin French Part </option>
<option value="180" title="Saint Pierre And Miquelon" code="508"> Saint Pierre And Miquelon </option>
<option value="238" title="Saint Vincent" code="1"> Saint Vincent </option>
<option value="245" title="Samoa" code="685"> Samoa </option>
<option value="204" title="San Marino" code="378"> San Marino </option>
<option value="209" title="Sao Tome And Principe" code="239"> Sao Tome And Principe </option>
<option value="193" title="Saudi Arabia" code="966"> Saudi Arabia </option>
<option value="205" title="Senegal" code="221"> Senegal </option>
<option value="190" title="Serbia" code="381"> Serbia </option>
<option value="195" title="Seychelles" code="248"> Seychelles </option>
<option value="203" title="Sierra Leone" code="232"> Sierra Leone </option>
<option value="198" title="Singapore" code="65"> Singapore </option>
<option value="211" title="Sint Maarten" code="1"> Sint Maarten </option>
<option value="202" title="Slovakia" code="421"> Slovakia </option>
<option value="200" title="Slovenia" code="386"> Slovenia </option>
<option value="194" title="Solomon Islands" code="677"> Solomon Islands </option>
<option value="206" title="Somalia" code="252"> Somalia </option>
<option value="248" title="South Africa" code="27"> South Africa </option>
<option value="90" title="South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands" code="995"> South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands </option>
<option value="121" title="South Korea" code="82"> South Korea </option>
<option value="208" title="South Sudan" code="211"> South Sudan </option>
<option value="68" title="Spain" code="34"> Spain </option>
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<option value="196" title="Sudan" code="249"> Sudan </option>
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<option value="201" title="Svalbard And Jan Mayen" code="744"> Svalbard And Jan Mayen </option>
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<option value="197" title="Sweden" code="46"> Sweden </option>
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Entered incorrect captcha Information has been saved successfully. Incorrect data, please correct your data and submit it again. Premium Services * For Buyer * Post Buy Requirements * Product Alert * Sourcing Solution * Free Consultancy - Buyer * For Supplier * Post Products * View Products * Premium Services * Free Consultancy - Supplier * Sign-In Sign-Up * 中文 Type Products Supplier Buyers Products keyword Search Ice Towel Sunshade Solar Fan Roller Blinds Floor Fan Cooler Bags Water Bottle Portable AC View All Request For Quotation MENU * Premium Services * Guaranteed Orders * Amazon Services * FOR BUYER * Post Buy Requirements * Sourcing Solution * Free Consultancy - Buyer * FOR SUPPLIER * Post Products * View Products * Premium Services * Free Consultancy - Supplier * * * | * Reviews Sign-Up Login Type Products Supplier Buyers Products keyword Search Company Profile Verify Company Manufacturer, Trading Company ANJI LIANSHENG FURNITURE CO., LTD. Claim Your Company China,Beijing Average Lead Time: 30 days Annual Revenue: US$50 Million - US$100 Million Membership Year: 2018 Plant Area: 5,000-10,000 square meters Accepted Payment Modes: USD, AUD, HKD, CNY Certification: ISO9001, CE Main Products: Bar Stool , Bar Chair , Leisure Chair , Dining Chair , Office Chair Anji Liansheng Furniture Co.,Ltd was established in 2009 and is located in Anji Zhejiang where an-hour drive from Hangzhou or three-hour drive from Shanghai. Our company covers an area of around 5000 square meters and has about 80 employees. We are specialized in bar stools, leisure chairs and office chairs and have an annual production capacity of 6000,00 pcs. Low M O Q and short delivery time are acceptable. Strict quality control is performed in every procedure from material sourcing, processing and testing to packing.Recent years, we are making great efforts to develop new products to meet different requirements.Our products are exported to clients in such countries as the USA, France, the UK, Germany, South Africa and so on. Adhering to the business principle of mutual benefits, we have had a good reputation among our customers because of our perfect services, quality products and competitive prices. We warmly welcome customers from at home and abroad to cooperate with us for common success. TRADE CAPACITY Average Lead Time: 30 days Total Number of Employees: 101 - 200 People Membership: gs8 Year of Established: 2017 Trade Capacity: FOB, CFR, CIF, EXW, Express Delivery Terms of Payment: T/T, L/C, D/P D/A, Western Union, Cash, Escrow Main Markets: Western Europe 43.00%,North America 30.00%,South America 5.00% Nearest Port: Shanghai, Ningbo No of R&D Staff: 101 - 200 People Overseas Agent/Branch Fantan Industrial Zone, Anji County, Huzhou, Zhejiang, China (Mainland) Response Level Response Rate Response Time Rating Reviews 71.4% <24h 4.7/5 5 Reviews Contact Now! PRODUCTION CAPACITY No. of Production Lines: 4 Annual Output Value: US$50 Million - US$100 Million Contract Manufacturing: OEM Service Offered Design Service Offered Buyer Label Offered Contact Now! TRADESHOW China International Furniture Fair Date Attended: 2024 Host Country: CN Contact Now! COMPANY CONTACT City: Beijing Province: Beijing Country: China Export Percentage: 71%~90% Total Revenue: US$50 Million - US$100 Million Company Name: Anji Liansheng Furniture Co., Ltd. Company Website: http://www.lsbarchair.com Factory Location: Fantan Industrial Zone, Anji County, Zhejiang Province. China Phone: View Phone Mobile: View Mobile Total Export Revenue: confidential Trade Department Employees: 6-10 People Registered Capital: 5000000 RMB Import Export Mode: Have Own Export Lisence Contact Now! SIMILAR PRODUCTS S Sichuan Meishitong Furniture Co., LTD China Contact Now D DongGuan SaoSen Furniture China 2022 Year Contact Now L Long Xing Furniture Co.,LTD China Contact Now COMPANY CONTACT Entered incorrect captcha Signup Successful! :We have sent your login details on email. A verification email has also been sent to your email address. Error :Email already exists ! Full Name * Enter Your Email Address * Company Name * Select Your Country Select Country Afghanistan Aland Islands Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Antigua And Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bonaire Bosnia Herzegovina Botswana Bouvet Island Brazil British Indian Ocean Territory Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile China Christmas Island Cocos Keeling Islands Colombia Comoros Congo Cook Islands Costa Rica Cote Divoire Croatia Cuba Curacao Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic East Timor Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Falkland Islands Faroe Islands Fiji Finland France French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern Territories Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Gibraltar Greece Greenland Grenada Guadeloupe Guam Guatemala Guernsey Guinea Guinea Bissau Guyana Haiti Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands Holy See Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Isle Of Man Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jersey Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macao Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte Mexico Micronesia Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Montserrat Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Niue Norfolk Island North Korea Northern Mariana Islands Norway Oman Other Pakistan Palau Palestine Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Pitcairn Islands Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Reunion Romania Russia Rwanda Saint Barthelemy Saint Helena Saint Kitts And Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Martin French Part Saint Pierre And Miquelon Saint Vincent Samoa San Marino Sao Tome And Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Sint Maarten Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands South Korea South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Svalbard And Jan Mayen Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Togo Tokelau Tonga Trinidad And Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Turks And Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States United States Minor Outlying Islands Uruguay Us Virgin Islands Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela Vietnam Virgin Islands British Wallis And Futuna Islands Western Sahara Yemen Yugoslavia Zambia Zimbabwe United Kingdom Loading... 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We will begin manufacturing when we receive the agreed upon advance payment. The package will be shipped out after we get your full payment. Q6. What kind of packaging do you offer? Throughout the packing process, preventive measures will be taken so that the goods are in an excellent condition while in transit. Contact Supplier Ms. AMELIE CAI General Manager Director/CEO/General Manager View Phone | View Mobile Related Manufacturers COMOCH INC Hangzhou Ming Ao Furniture Co.,Ltd. long-green furniture co. Foshan Shunbang Furniture IM Wooden Bedroom Furniture CO.,LTD BAZHOU RUICHENG TRADE CO.,LTD XINGYU CHAIRS CO.,LTD SANLI INDUSTRY CO.,LTD GUANGZHOU HUILING FURNITURE Jiande City Zhi Qiang Import & Export Co,. LTD nicholes furniture industrial co.ltd HONGLIN FURNITURE CO.,LTD shuntian metal furniture factory EDEO Furniture Factory Century Yatai Furniture CONTACT ANJI LIANSHENG FURNITURE CO., LTD. Success!!Your message has been sent successfully. Success!!Your enquiry successfully sent. 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