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Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

<form class="registration-form_box" style="" novalidate="">
  <div class="" style="">
    <div class="m-text-uppercase antialiased" style="font-size:13px;">Schritt 1 von 3 </div>
    <div class="flex justify-between items-center mb1" style="">
      <h2 class="title_form-registration m-text-bold lh-4 m-text-capitalize" style="">Ihre Informationen </h2>
      <div class="secure-server-wrapper--registration col-50" style="">
        <div class="secure-server--registration" style="">
          <div class="padlock-wrapper" style=""> <svg class="" xmlns="" width="22" height="22" viewBox="0 0 10 13">
              <path d="M9,5H8V3A3,3,0,0,0,2,3V5H1A1,1,0,0,0,0,6v6a1,1,0,0,0,1,1H9a1,1,0,0,0,1-1V6A1,1,0,0,0,9,5ZM5,11a1,1,0,0,1-1-1,1,1,0,0,1,.44-.83C4.6,9.06,4,8,5,8s.38,1.05.53,1.15A1,1,0,0,1,5,11ZM3,5V3A2,2,0,0,1,7,3V5Z" fill="#8c8c8c"
                fill-rule="evenodd" style=""></path>
            </svg></div><span class="secure-server_text m-text-bold m-text-capitalize antialiased" style="">Sicherer Server </span>
          <div class="tooltip" style="display:none;"> <span class="tooltip-detail" style=""> </span>
            <p class="lh-2 my0 antialiased" style="">Wir nehmen Ihre Sicherheit ernst. Wir schützen Ihre Zahlungsinformationen mit SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), wenn sie über das Internet gesendet werden. SSL verschlüsselt persönliche Informationen,
              einschließlich Ihres Namens und Ihrer Zahlungsinformationen, so dass sie nicht von Dritten gelesen werden können. Wir speichern Ihre Zahlungsinformationen auch in einem verschlüsselten Format. </p>
    <div class="position-relative input-username" style=""> <input class="input input-box input-registration input-border-username input_border input-state-registration" style="" id="username" name="username" tabindex="1" maxlength="60" type="email"
        placeholder="Email"><label class="input_error--msg input_error--msg--registration input_error--msg-xs" style="display:none;" for="username">Bitte geben Sie eine gültige Email-Adresse ein </label><label
        class="input_error--msg input_error--msg--registration input_error--msg-xs" style="display:none;" for="username">Bitte geben Sie ihre E-Mail-Adresse ein </label><label class="" style=""> </label></div>
    <div class="position-relative mb1" style=""> <input class="input input-box input-registration input-border-password input_border input-state-registration" style="" id="password" name="password" tabindex="2" type="password"
        placeholder="Passwort (+6 Zeichen)"><label class="input_error--msg input_error--msg--registration" style="display:none;">Das Passwort muss mindestens aus 6 Zeichen bestehen </label><label
        class="input_error--msg input_error--msg--registration" style="display:none;">Bitte geben Sie Ihr Passwort ein </label><label class="input_icon" style="" for="password"> </label></div>
    <div class="milkpay_embed" style="" id="milkpay_embed"> <iframe width="100%" height="324" frameborder="0"
    <div class="mb1 lg-down-flex lg-down-justify-center" style=""> <button class="btn btn_red btn-media-registration btn-width-de btn-de" style="" type="submit" tabindex="4">Fortsetzen </button>
      <div class="position-relative btn btn_red btn-media-registration btn-width-de btn-de btn-loading" style="display:none;">
        <div class="loading_animation" style="">
          <div class="loading_animation-mask" style="">
            <div class="loading_animation-masked-circle" style=""> </div>
      </div><button class="btn btn_red btn-media-cc btn-width btn-width-de btn-de" style="display:none;">Fortsetzen </button>
      <div class="btn btn_red btn-media-cc btn-width btn-width-de btn-de btn-loading" style="display:none;">
        <div class="loading_animation" style="">
          <div class="loading_animation-mask" style="">
            <div class="loading_animation-masked-circle" style=""> </div>
    <div class="form-text_billing antialiased lg-down-hide" style="">Alle Benutzer sind durch unsere Service-Garantie geschützt. Ihre Informationen werden sicher sein, da wir die besten Sicherheitsmaßnahmen zum Schutz unserer Mitglieder anwenden. Wir
      schätzen Ihre Privatsphäre und verkaufen oder vermieten Ihre privaten Informationen nicht an Dritte. </div>

Text Content

·Ein unerwarteter Fehler ist aufgetreten, bitte versuchen Sie es später erneut.
·Ein unerwarteter Fehler ist aufgetreten, bitte versuchen Sie es später erneut.
·Die E-Mail-adresse ist nicht gültig. · Die bereitgestellte E-Mail ist bereits
vergeben. Bitte versuchen Sie es mit einer anderen E-Mail. Bitte geben Sie eine
neue E-Mail-Adresse ein. · Das Passwort muss zwischen 6 und 20 Zeichen lang sein
(keine Leerzeichen erlaubt). N · Passwörter stimmen nicht überein.
·Ein unerwarteter Fehler ist aufgetreten, bitte versuchen Sie es später erneut.
Diese Karte ist mit einem anderen Konto verknüpft. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut



€ 0.00



€ 0.00

   Fügen Sie hier Ihre Zahlungsinformationen hinzu, um zukünftige Einkäufe und
   Upgrades zu vereinfachen. Wir sind nur zur Verbreitung unserer Inhalte in
   bestimmten Ländern lizenziert, daher können wir unsere Postanschrift auch mit
   einer gültigen Kreditkartennummer überprüfen. Wir GARANTIEREN, dass für die
   Eröffnung Ihres Kontos KEINE GEBÜHREN erhoben werden. Auf Ihrer
   Kreditkartenabrechnung werden keine Gebühren angezeigt, es sei denn, Sie
   führen ein Upgrade auf eine bezahlte Mitgliedschaft durch oder tätigen einen

   Free Access bedeutet, dass Sie uneingeschränkten Zugriff auf unseren
   Basiskatalog haben.

   Unbegrenzter Zugang bedeutet, dass wir Ihren Verbrauch niemals begrenzen oder
   Ihnen pro Titel in Rechnung stellen. Melden Sie sich an, stöbern Sie in
   unserem Katalog und genießen Sie!

   Bitte beachten Sie, dass einige Zahlungsanbieter einen Betrag von € 1 oder
   weniger mit einer vorübergehenden Sperre sichern, wenn Sie Ihre
   Zahlungsdetails validieren. Diese Mittel werden dann schnellstmöglich

   Besuchen Sie unser -Hilfezentrum .

Schritt 1 von 3


Sicherer Server

Wir nehmen Ihre Sicherheit ernst. Wir schützen Ihre Zahlungsinformationen mit
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), wenn sie über das Internet gesendet werden. SSL
verschlüsselt persönliche Informationen, einschließlich Ihres Namens und Ihrer
Zahlungsinformationen, so dass sie nicht von Dritten gelesen werden können. Wir
speichern Ihre Zahlungsinformationen auch in einem verschlüsselten Format.

Bitte geben Sie eine gültige Email-Adresse ein Bitte geben Sie ihre
E-Mail-Adresse ein
Das Passwort muss mindestens aus 6 Zeichen bestehen Bitte geben Sie Ihr Passwort



Alle Benutzer sind durch unsere Service-Garantie geschützt. Ihre Informationen
werden sicher sein, da wir die besten Sicherheitsmaßnahmen zum Schutz unserer
Mitglieder anwenden. Wir schätzen Ihre Privatsphäre und verkaufen oder vermieten
Ihre privaten Informationen nicht an Dritte.
Alle Benutzer sind durch unsere Service-Garantie geschützt. Ihre Informationen
werden sicher sein, da wir die besten Sicherheitsmaßnahmen zum Schutz unserer
Mitglieder anwenden. Wir schätzen Ihre Privatsphäre und verkaufen oder vermieten
Ihre privaten Informationen nicht an Dritte.


   Fügen Sie hier Ihre Zahlungsinformationen hinzu, um zukünftige Einkäufe und
   Upgrades zu vereinfachen. Wir sind nur zur Verbreitung unserer Inhalte in
   bestimmten Ländern lizenziert, daher können wir unsere Postanschrift auch mit
   einer gültigen Kreditkartennummer überprüfen. Wir GARANTIEREN, dass für die
   Eröffnung Ihres Kontos KEINE GEBÜHREN erhoben werden. Auf Ihrer
   Kreditkartenabrechnung werden keine Gebühren angezeigt, es sei denn, Sie
   führen ein Upgrade auf eine bezahlte Mitgliedschaft durch oder tätigen einen

   Free Access bedeutet, dass Sie uneingeschränkten Zugriff auf unseren
   Basiskatalog haben.

   Unbegrenzter Zugang bedeutet, dass wir Ihren Verbrauch niemals begrenzen oder
   Ihnen pro Titel in Rechnung stellen. Melden Sie sich an, stöbern Sie in
   unserem Katalog und genießen Sie!

   Bitte beachten Sie, dass einige Zahlungsanbieter einen Betrag von € 1 oder
   weniger mit einer vorübergehenden Sperre sichern, wenn Sie Ihre
   Zahlungsdetails validieren. Diese Mittel werden dann schnellstmöglich

   Besuchen Sie unser -Hilfezentrum .



Maximal eine Einsendung pro Postkarte Rainbow-art bietet eine alternative
Möglichkeit, an Gewinnspielen teilzunehmen. Das Verfahren zur Verwendung dieser
alternativen Eingabemöglichkeit wird unten im Detail beschrieben. Genau wie bei
der kostenpflichtigen Methode zur Teilnahme an der Verlosung müssen Sie bei
dieser alternativen Methode alle unsere Teilnahmebedingungen akzeptieren,
einschließlich der offiziellen Regeln und Erlebnisregeln für diese Werbeaktion,
die hier zu finden sind . Schreiben Sie auf ein leeres Blatt Papier oder eine
Postkarte Ihren vollständigen, rechtsgültigen Namen, Adresse (keine
Postfachadressen akzeptiert), Stadt, Postleitzahl, Telefonnummer (optional),
E-Mail-Adresse und an welcher Verlosung Sie teilnehmen möchten. Beispiel: „
Rainbow-art IPhone 14 Pro “

Mehr sehen
Dies muss in sehr deutlicher Schrift niedergeschrieben werden, sonst kann die
Einsendung als ungültig erachtet werden. Bitte senden Sie das Blatt in einem
Umschlag oder Ihre Postkarte per Post erster oder zweiter Klasse an folgende
Adresse: Adresse: [ Rainbow-art - IPhone 14 Pro (Bitte beziehen Sie sich auf die
jeweilige Verlosung, an der Sie teilnehmen möchten) Timesen Limited 10 Barn
Mead, Harlow, Essex, CM18 6SN Pro erhaltener Postkarte oder Briefumschlag ist
maximal eine Teilnahme möglich. Die Anzahl der Einträge, die auf diese Weise
vorgenommen werden können, ist unbegrenzt. Sobald eine postalische Einsendung
bearbeitet wurde, wird sie an der nächsten verfügbaren Ziehung und allen
nachfolgenden Ziehungen bis zur endgültigen Ziehung des Hauptpreises teilnehmen.
Postalische Einsendungen haben die gleiche Gewinnchance wie jede bezahlte
Einsendung. Wenn eine postalische Einsendung einen Preis gewinnt, ist kein
weiterer Kauf oder keine weitere Zahlung erforderlich, um über den Gewinn
benachrichtigt oder den Preis zu erhalten. Wenn die obigen Schritte nicht wie
beschrieben befolgt werden, ist eine postalische Einsendung ungültig. Sie werden
nicht benachrichtigt, wenn Ihre Eingabe ungültig ist.

Alternativ können Sie auch ohne Eingabe fortfahren.
Geh zurück



Timesen Limited ("Timesen Limited", "we", "our" or "us") provides a personalised
subscription service (the "Service") that offers content (jointly or severally,
the "Content") on this website (the "Site") as provided in these Terms and
Conditions of Use (the "Terms").

This service agreement ("Agreement") is entered into by and between Timesen
Limited and you and is effective as of the date of your use of the Site or the
date of electronic acceptance. This Agreement sets forth the general terms and
conditions (the "Terms") of your use of the Site and/or our Services as
purchased or accessed through the Site. By using this Site or signing up for any
part of our Service you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you do not agree
with or do not comply with the Terms, you should not enter the Site or register
for the Service.

We may, at our discretion, and at any time, make changes to the Terms. If we
make material changes to the Terms we will provide you with notification as
appropriate e.g. by banner pop-up on this Site. Any changes shall be deemed to
be in effect immediately on their publication and your continued utilisation of
the Service after modification will constitute your acceptance of the changes.

If you disagree with any changes to the Terms and do not wish to continue using
the Service after changes have been made, you may terminate this Agreement by
contacting our Customer Support team.


Content is available for use on the Site through the creation of a user profile
under one account ("Your Account"). Only the Account holder, and those with
expressed permission from the Account holder, may create a profile.

We will require the following information from you to create an Account and
provide you with the Service ("Account Details"):

 * Full name;
 * Payment Card details;
 * Residential address; and
 * Mobile phone number.

"Payment Card" means a current, valid charge or credit card. By providing a
Payment Card you authorise us to charge you a monthly fee and any applicable
taxes corresponding to the payment plan selected below.

Information provided during sign-up can be amended at any time during the
sign-up process by returning to earlier steps and amending the information
previously entered.

Our practices surrounding the collection and use of information you provide us
is governed by our Privacy Policy which is incorporated into these Terms by this
reference. By agreeing to these Terms, you acknowledge and agree that your
presence on the Site and use of the Service are governed by our Privacy Policy.

Your use of the Service is contingent upon your access to the Internet via a
computer, mobile device, streaming media player, or other device. You are also
required to download and install our specific software applications; and provide
us with one or more Payment Cards.



At our discretion, we may offer a variety of Monthly Premium Memberships,
including promotions.

Some Monthly Premium Memberships may have differing conditions and limitations,
which will be disclosed at your sign-up or in other communications made
available to you.

The requisite Monthly Premium Cost and any other charges you may incur in
connection with your use of the Service will be charged to you on a monthly
basis Card on the calendar day corresponding with the commencement of your
Monthly Premium Membership.

We reserve the right to change the terms of your Monthly Premium Membership,
including price, from time to time. Any changes relative to pricing will become
effective at the beginning of your next billing cycle following the date of the

You may be able to modify your Monthly Premium Membership e.g. through an
upgrade or downgrade. To change your Monthly Premium Membership, call our
Customer Support team on our 24-hour accessible line
+1-833-420-5464+1-618-205-6852. You will also have to authorise any applicable
changes in pricing to be charged to your Payment Card.

You can also cancel your Monthly Premium Membership at any time. See further
details below.

Please note that should you cancel your Membership you may be able to enter the
Members Area and view available Content. You will not be entitled to benefit
from the use of our Content or any of the other features available on the Site.
Should you wish to access Content you will be required to upgrade your
Membership to a Monthly Membership Plan.


We may, at our discretion, provide promotional offers, including but not limited
to a free trial period, which may be subject to terms and conditions different
from these Terms. Any additional and/or differential terms will be disclosed to
you at the time of sign-up. You are solely responsible for reviewing any
additional terms governing the promotional offer.

Promotional costs will only be applicable during the specified promotional
period. At the end of the promotional period, your Monthly Premium Plan will
automatically renew and the Monthly Premium Cost will become payable at the end
of the next Billing Period.



By subscribing to a Monthly Premium Membership, you authorise us or our payment
processor to charge the applicable recurring subscription fees to your
designated Payment Card unless and until you cancel your subscription. We
automatically charge your Payment Card on the calendar day corresponding to
commencement of your subscription. The interval of time between each payment due
date will correspond to the term of your Monthly Premium Plan (the "Billing
Period"). In the event your Monthly Premium Membership began on a day not
contained in a subsequent month following your registration, we charge your
Payment Card on the last day of the subsequent month (e.g. if your Monthly
Premium Membership commenced on January 31, your Payment Card would next be
billed on February 28).


If, for any reason, we are unable to charge the Monthly Premium Cost to your
Payment Card, you will have nine (9) calendar days (or other period as advised
by your financial institution) from the date the charge was declined to make the
details related to your Payment Card valid. If we are unable to charge your
Payment Card after the expiration of this period, your Monthly Premium
Membership and/or any other applicable part of the Service will be suspended
until we have successfully charged a valid Payment Card.


You agree that, on registration for a Membership, you authorise us to place a
pre-authorisation hold (usually between USD $1.00 to 2.00) to validate on your
Payment Card to validate your billing address and other Payment Card
information. This temporary hold will be released in typically three (3) to
seven (7) business days. We advise that you check with your service provider for
details of their authorisation arrangements. You agree that we will not be
responsible for any results, such as an overdraft fee, that may occur to your
account with a financial institution as a result of such authorisations.

We reserve the right to charge you reasonable “administrative” fees" for: (i)
tasks we may perform outside the normal scope of our Services, (ii) additional
time and/or costs Timesen Limited may incur in providing our Services, and/or
(iii) your noncompliance with this Agreement (as we determine in our sole and
absolute discretion). These fees may include, but are not limited to: (i)
customer service issues that require additional personal time or attention; (ii)
disputes that require accounting or legal services, whether performed by Timesen
Limited or by external professional retained by Timesen Limited; (iii) recouping
any and all costs and fees, including the cost of Services, incurred by Timesen
Limited as the results of chargebacks or other payment disputes brought by you,
your bank or Payment Card processor.

Be aware that your Payment Card issuer may charge you certain fees, such as
foreign transaction fees or other fees relating to the processing of your
payment. Local tax charges may vary depending on the payment method used. Check
with your service provider for details.


If you elect to use a different Payment Card from the one you selected during
registration, or if there is a change in your Payment Card’s validity or
expiration date, you may edit your Payment Card the details in the "My Account"
section of the Site. You are solely responsible for keeping your Payment Card
details up to date and, through acceptance of these Terms, you authorise us to
continue billing you and acknowledge and accept that you will remain responsible
for any accumulated unpaid fees.

If your Payment Card expires and you do not edit your Payment Card information
or cancel your account, you authorise us to continue billing you, and you will
remain responsible for any accumulated unpaid fees relating to our Service.


To avoid any unwanted charges, please be sure to read the complete details of
the intended Membership during signup.

To the extent permitted by the applicable law, payments are non-refundable, and
we do not provide refunds or credits for any partial-month membership periods or
for unused Content. You may, however, be entitled to a refund of the Monthly
Premium Cost where this sum has been applied to your account in breach of the
Terms and Conditions.

We may, in our sole discretion, issue refunds in the following circumstances:

 * Technical issues - You’ve been unable to use our Service because of technical
   faults with the service itself;
 * Payment error - You were charged in error;
 * Fraud - it has been determined that your account has been the subject of

We do not offer refunds where:

 * You forgot to cancel your membership before a payment deadline or did not
   complete the cancellation procedure;
 * You were unable to log into your Account to cancel your membership due to
   incorrect personal information;
 * Charges related to add-ons you agreed to pay for during the sign-up process;

Where applicable, free trial offers continue until cancelled. The membership
lasts for the period specified during sign-up. If you cancel your subscription
during the initial free trial period, you will not be charged. By starting your
free trial, you authorise us to continue your month-to-month subscription (and
to charge you at our then-current monthly rate) automatically after the
conclusion of the initial free trial. Subscription fees will be charged monthly
to the payment method provided until your subscription is cancelled.


The Service and the Content remain the property of Timesen Limited or our
licensors. On registering for a Membership Plan, you will be granted a limited,
non-exclusive, non-transferrable revocable licence to view available Content for
your personal, non-commercial use only on the condition that our intellectual
property rights in relation to the Content and our materials are observed.

The materials displayed on or found in the Site including, without limitation,
all software, layouts, content, editorial materials, informative content,
photos, images, gaming apps, sound files and clips, video footage, short
features, visuals, and other graphic materials, and names, logos, trademarks and
service symbols (the "Resources"), are the personal property of Timesen Limited
or our licensors and protected by intellectual personal property laws.

Our company name, design and related symbols are trademarks of Timesen Limited
and all rights are reserved.

You agree not to duplicate, modify, create derivative works from, display,
perform, disseminate, spread, publicise or circulate any Resources to any party
(including, without restriction, the display and intent to distribute the
Content via a third-party website). You further agree that you will not
disassemble, take apart, or otherwise amend the Resources. UNAUTHORISED USE,
Resources other than as permitted by these Terms will violate these Terms and
may infringe upon our rights or the rights of the third party that owns the
affected Resource. You agree to report any violation of these Terms by others
that you become aware of. You are advised that we will aggressively enforce our
rights to the fullest extent of the law. We may add, change, discontinue, remove
or suspend any of the Resources at any time, without notice and without



You agree not to use the Site or Services in any way that:

 1.  violates the rights of others, including any intellectual property
     (copyright, trademarks, design or other intellectual property rights) or
     other proprietary / ownership rights;
 2.  involves accessing the Service or the Content for a business or commercial
 3.  uses technology or other mean to access, index, frame or link to the
     Services (including any Content) which is not authorised by us (e.g. by
     removing, disabling, by-passing or circumventing any content protection or
     access control mechanisms intended to prevent the unauthorised download,
     streaming, linking, framing, reproduction, access to or distribution of the
 4.  involves accessing the Services, including any Content, by any automated
     means, including "bots", "spiders", or any "offline reader" which is not
     permitted by us;
 5.  introduces any virus or other computer code, files, or programmes that
     interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software,
     hardware or other telecommunications devices;
 6.  damages, alters, disables, overburdens, impairs or gains unauthorised
     access to the Services, including our computer servers, networks or
     accounts and the Content;
 7.  removes, modifies, disables, blocks, obscures or impairs in any way any
     advertising in connection with the Services, including any advertising of
     the Content;
 8.  uses the Services to advertise or promote any third-party services which
     are not expressly approved by us in writing;
 9.  collects any information in violation of Timesen Limited’s privacy policy;
 10. engages in or encourages any third party to participate in conduct which
     constitutes a criminal offense or would give rise to civil liability;
 11. violates any of the Terms and Conditions in any manner;
 12. interferes with any third party’s use and/or enjoyment of the Service;
 13. attempts to do any of the foregoing.


All Account Details you submit must be accurate and updated, where appropriate
via the "My Account" area login. You are required to keep your private
information including your password confidential. You will not be required to
disclose your password to any of our representatives. You should notify us by
email at if your password is lost or stolen, or you
suspect any unauthorised use of your account.


Respecting intellectual property rights is important to us. If you deem that we
have infringed your intellectual property rights e.g. copyright, you must alert
us, in writing, and provide us with the following details:

 1. A digital or actual physical signature of the individual sanctioned
    implement with respect to the owner of the trademark interest;
 2. An outline of the protected work which you believe has also been infringed
 3. An account of where the information that you assert is infringing is located
    on the Site;
 4. Your address, telephone number, and e-mail address;
 5. A statement from you that you have a good-faith belief that the disputed use
    is not sanctioned by the copyright proprietor, its agent, or the law;
 6. A statement by none other than, made under penalty of perjury, that the
    above important information in your notice is detailed and also that you are
    the trademark owner or allowed to operate on the trademark owner's behalf.

This information should be sent to The supply of the
aforementioned information in no way constitutes an admission on our part as to
any alleged infringement and shall be used for investigative purposes only.


Our Service is provided "as is" and "as available".

We make no guarantee as to the availability of a specific item of Content or the
minimum amount of Content available in any Monthly Premium Plan. Additional
terms applicable to a given Membership will be indicated upon sign-up. The Site
may be unavailable from time to time due to maintenance or malfunction of
computer equipment or for various other reasons. We assume no responsibility for
any delays, interruptions, errors, defects, omissions, or deletions, related to
the communications line failure, operation or transmission, or alteration of, or
theft or destruction or unauthorised access to, user communications. We are not
responsible for any technical or non-technical malfunction or other problems of
any hosting services, computer systems, servers or providers, telephone networks
or telephone services, computer or mobile phone equipment, software, failure of
e-mail or players on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the
Internet or in connection with the Site, including injury or damage to a user’s
or to any other person's computer, mobile phone, or other hardware or software,
related to or resulting from using or downloading materials in connection with
the Web and/or in connection with the Site.


This Agreement and, consequently the Service we provide to you, will continue
until terminated by you or us. The licence to utilise specified Content,
however, remains revocable at any time.

Should this Agreement be terminated (by either party and for any reason) or if
we suspend your Account or access to our Service, you acknowledge and agree that
we will have no liability to refund you any sums already paid to the fullest
extent as the law permits.

We reserve the right, in our absolute discretion, to decline to provide you with
any or all of the Service or to refrain from conducting any business with you.


You can terminate this Agreement and cancel your Membership at any time. You
will continue to have access to the Service through the end of the applicable
monthly billing period. To the extent permitted by applicable law, payments are
non-refundable and we do not provide refunds or credits for any partial-month
membership periods.

To cancel your plan, call our Customer Support team on our 24-hour accessible
line +1-833-420-5464+1-618-205-6852.


We reserve the right to immediately terminate or restrict your use of the
Service at any time, without notice or liability, and for any reasonable cause
e.g. if we determine that you have breached these Terms, made unauthorised use
of the Service, violated any law, rule, or regulation, engaged in other
inappropriate conduct, or for any other business reason.


The Site, the Content, the Service and any Resources needed for the Service are
provided to you on an "as is" basis, as well as an "as available" basis and
without warranty or condition. In this regard, the Service may not be
uninterrupted or error-free. You waive all special, indirect and consequential
damages against us. These terms will not limit any non-waivable warranties or
consumer protection rights that you may be entitled to under the laws of your
country of residence.

The Internet may be subject to breaches of security. We are not responsible for
any resulting damage to any user's computer from any such security breach, or
from any virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorised intervention, fraud, error,
omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission,
computer line failure or any other technical or other malfunction. You should
also be aware that email submissions over the Internet may not be secure, and
you should consider this before submitting any information to anyone over the
internet. We make no representation or warranty whatsoever regarding the
suitability, functionality, availability or operation of the Site.


Under no circumstance shall we, our affiliates, and/or any of their respective
directors, officeholders, employees, brokers or other representatives be liable
for any direct, indirect, incidental, or aggravated losses (including loss of
data, revenue or profit, loss of or damage to your property, as well as
unaffiliated claims) or any additional losses of any kind, arising out of or in
connection with: the Site; any Materials or information appearing on the Site;
any software, tools, tips, goods, or offerings available through, found in or
publicised on the Site; any link provided on the Site.


To the fullest extent applicable under law, you agree to indemnify and hold
harmless Timesen Limited, our directors, shareholders and officers from damages,
losses and reasonable legal fees and costs related to: (a) your violation of
these Terms; and; (b) your utilisation of the Site or our Service; (c) any user
Consent; or (d) any violation of any law or the rights of a third party.


All assertions, problems, or controversies (regardless whether in contract or
regulation, or otherwise, and regardless whether current, past, or future)
arising out of or with reference to: (a) the Terms; (b) the Site; (c) the
Service; (d) any advertising campaign relating to the Terms or the Site
(collectively "Claims").

Where permitted by applicable law you and Timesen Limited agree that each party
may bring claims against each other in an individual capacity. You agree not to
commence or participate in any class or representative action against us.


All of the Terms and Conditions must be managed by, interpreted and enforced
with regards to the regulations of the country of the United States of America,
without reference to conflict of laws.


Timesen Limited
10 Barn Mead




Timesen Limited services are restricted in the following countries:
Andorra,Afghanistan,Anguilla,Albania,Angola,Bosnia and
Herzegovina,Barbados,Burkina Faso,Burundi,Benin,Botswana,The Democratic Republic
of the Congo,Central African Republic,Congo,Cote
Republic of Iran,Kenya,Liberia,Lesotho,Libyan Arab
Leone,Senegal,Somalia,Syrian Arab Republic,Swaziland,Chad,Togo,Tunisia,United
Republic of Tanzania,Ukraine,Uganda,Zambia,Zimbabwe



Timesen Limited (throughout this Notice we will refer to Timesen Limited as
"we", "us" or "our") operates a variety of websites ("Websites" or "Sites")
including and is committed to protecting the privacy of our
Website users ("Users") and Our members ("Members").


This privacy notice (the "Notice") advises how we collect and process
information that may identify you (“Personal Information”) when you use our
sites, sign in as a user, buy products or Services, or interact with us in other
ways. We may show you other privacy notices when we collect or share your
personal data and this privacy notice is in addition to those.

It also explains how we may collect, store, use or otherwise process your
Personal Information. We respect your privacy and will take reasonable steps to
protect your Personal Information in accordance with this Notice and applicable

This Notice will explain:

 * The type of information we may collect about you;
 * How we will use the information we collect;
 * When we may use your details to contact you;
 * How and when we may disclose your details to a third party;
 * The use of cookies on our Site and how you can reject them; and
 * The rights you may have in relation to your information.

Our Websites may contain hyperlinks to third party websites which are not owned
or operated by Us. We urge you to review those policies as we are not
responsible for any information collected about you from websites which we do
not own or operate. Your use of such websites is at your own risk.


This Notice was last updated on 7 January 2020. We reserve the right to make
changes to this Notice at our discretion. If we do make any changes, this page
will be updated. We therefore recommend that you review this page periodically
so that you are aware of any changes.

If you have any questions regarding this Notice, please visit
select "Contact Us" and complete the contact form or contact us at


As you visit our Sites and use our Services, we may collect the following
information about you:

 1. Direct Identifying Information: This may include your name, address, email
    address, username and password.
 2. Indirect Identifying Information: We automatically receive and record
    certain information from your device or web browser when you interact with
    our Sites, e.g. your internet protocol (IP) address, mobile device ID, time
    zone setting, location data, language preference, operating system and
    platform. We may also create a user ID that may similarly indirectly
    identify you.
 3. Location Data: To assist with our analytics and to provide a tailored
    service for you, we may collect geo-data which tells us where you are. We
    may also collect the language option or country you choose. We may link
    location data to other information we have collected about you.
 4. Profile Data: This data may include your name, address, e-mail address,
    username, password and other information you give us when registering for
    our Services.
 5. Marketing and Communications Data: This may include information about your
    subscriptions to newsletters and your marketing preferences.
 6. Financial Data: We will need to collect your credit card details when you
    register for our Services or make purchases on our Site.

All data collected will be securely and safely stored on servers specific for
this purpose.


We may collect information from you in the following ways:

 1. Information You Provide Us: This information includes information you
    provide on registration: your name, e-mail address, date of birth, gender,
    credit card information, billing address, SIP code and/or postcode and other
    information (“Personal Information”). We may also collect information if you
    participate in a survey, promotion, competition or sweepstakes, if you
    contact us through our customer support team or if you adjust the
    preferences in Your Account.
 2. Information We Collect Automatically: Information is collected when you use
    our Services. This may include, but is not limited to, information about the
    device you use to access our Services, your IP address, browser and software
    features, referral URLs, crash reports and your activities and use of our
    Service e.g. which games you play.
 3. Information Collected Through Cookies: Please see the below section "The Use
    of Cookies Technology".


A "cookie" is a small data file which is transferred to your computer’s hard
drive. We use cookie technology to make your use of our Site and our Services
more convenient and to support our internal business purposes. For more
information on our use of cookies and other tracking mechanisms, please see our
Cookie Notice.


Our Site may use technology such as web beacons, web bugs or clear GIFs to track
and analyse non-personally identifiable usage information and to compile
statistical information about our Users (e.g. their IP address, browser type,
internet service provider etc.) in order to improve the Site"s quality and to
support our business.

You should note that We also use HTML5 localStorage technology to enhance your
user experience. This technology operates in the same fashion as cookies
technology and therefore we will use this mechanism to collect and store
information as well as configure your experience in the same ways outlined


We will use your Personal Information to help cater and deliver to you a unique
User experience. We may use your information in the following ways:

 * to provide our Services, activities or online content, to provide you with
   information about them and to deal with your requests and enquiries;
 * to improve our Services;
 * to provide you with the most user-friendly online experience;
 * to use IP addresses and device identifiers to: identify the location of
   users, block disruptive use, establish the number of visits from different
   countries and other statistical purposes;


We will use your Personal Information for our internal business purposes e.g.

 * monitor, develop and improve the Services and/or your experience based on a
   monitoring of your preferences and behaviours;
 * administer the provision of your Services;
 * process payments and/or collections;
 * process and deal with any complaints or enquiries made by or about you;
 * investigate any suspected breach of our Terms and Conditions or the breach of
   other terms and conditions otherwise relating to you;
 * investigate any suspected fraud occurring on your account;
 * contact you if you are the lucky winner of a sweepstakes or competition;


In accordance with our Terms and Conditions, only individuals 18 years and over
may use our Site and Services. If you are aware or become aware of any person
under the age of 18 using our Services, please contact us immediately and,
unless permission is obtained from their parent and/or guardian and/or the bill
payer, we will take steps to delete their account and all Personal Information.
We are committed to protecting children"s privacy on the Internet and we comply
fully with the Children"s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).

Where appropriate, we will instruct children not to provide such information to
us. If a parent becomes aware that a child has provided us with Personal
Information, we ask that the parent or legal guardian of the child contact us by
visiting, selecting "Contact Us".


Generally, we will only send you marketing e-mails if you consent to us doing
so. If you do subscribe to our marketing e-mail service, we may periodically
contact you to tell you about any additional services, special offers and
upcoming promotions or events offered by Us, our subsidiaries, our affiliates or
our marketing partners that we think may be of interest to you ("Direct
Marketing"). You can unsubscribe from this part of our Service at any time.


We will never sell your Personal Information. We may, however, share your
Personal Information in the following ways:

 1. Your Public Postings: If you post a review or make a comment anywhere on our
    Site or platform and your post contains your Personal Information, those
    details may be shared with other Users to have access to that particular
    part of our Service.
 2. Sharing with Third Party Providers: We may need to use third party service
    providers to provide the best possible Services to you. At times, we may
    need to employ external vendors, service providers and suppliers to assist
    us with e.g. processing credit card payments, fraud scoring and prevention,
    debt collection and telecommunications. These third parties may need access
    to your Personal Information as is reasonably necessary to perform their
    obligations; they are not permitted to use your Personal Information for any
    other reason.
 3. Sharing with Affiliate Companies: Where you permit us to, We, our affiliates
    and subsidiaries (where We have granted permission) may disclose to their
    affiliates and business partners certain Personal Information and other
    details of the use of our Services so our partners can send you their own
    Direct Marketing communications. If you do not want us to disclose your
    Personal Information to our affiliates or business partners for Direct
    Marketing purposes, you may opt out by (a) checking the appropriate "Opt
    Out" box in any applicable e-mail communication or e-newsletter, (b)
    visiting, selecting "Contact Us".
 4. Third Party Features: We may, at times, include on our Sites additional
    features and functionality from third parties. Some of these features may
    require us to send selected information about your use of our Service (e.g.
    content viewed) to third parties. If you do not wish for Us to share this
    information, you may opt out. We will never send your password or your
    financial information to any third party through these features or
 5. Cleaned Data: Periodically, we take steps to "clean" Personal Information
    provided to us, e.g. we may remove information which can be used to identify
    individuals anonymising, pseudonymising, summarising, aggregating or
    removing certain data elements. The resulting cleaned data is no longer
    considered personal information and is not subject to this Privacy Notice.
    The cleaned data may be provided to various third parties as necessary to
    provide you with our Services.
 6. Business Restructuring: If We undergo a reorganisation or restructuring we
    may need to share your Personal Information within our group of companies so
    we can continue to deliver our Services to you without interruption. We may
    also share your information to a third party if we participate in a merger,
    acquisition, reorganisation, restructure or other sale of some or all of our
    assets. You should however note that if, due to a reorganisation or
    restructure, we become subject to a new owner, your information may be
    subject to the new owner’s Notice. In these circumstances, you will be
    notified by e-mail or through an update of this Notice prior to the change.
 7. Legal Necessity: Where permitted or required by any law or regulation we may
    collect, use or disclose your Personal Information or other information
    without your consent, e.g. in response to a court order or subpoena or to
    comply with a legally permitted inquiry by a government agency. We may also
    share your information to detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud,
    security, or technical issues.

Be assured that, whilst we may share your information as indicated above, your
Personal Information and other information will remain subject to and will be
governed by this Notice at all times.


We take the protection of your Personal Information seriously and we endeavour
to take all reasonable measures to protect any information we collect, use,
store or disclose. Where possible we have implemented technological and
organisational procedures designed to protect the integrity and security, and to
ensure the appropriate use of your Personal Information. These procedures are
proportionate to the nature, sensitivity and format of the personal information
collected, used, stored or disclosed by us.

Our users the European Economic Area (“EEA”) and European Union (“EU”) should be
aware that some companies we work with to provide our Services operate outside
the EEA. We only let that happen if we are satisfied with their levels of
security. So, keep in mind that when you give us Personal Information it could
be transferred, stored or processed in a location outside the EEA or EU.


We maintain servers in various locations worldwide and therefore your
information may be processed in a jurisdiction different from the one in which
you live. We comply with data protection laws in all applicable jurisdictions
and provide equal protections to all information.


Any Personal Information given to us will only be held for as long as legally
required or permitted and in accordance with the following measures. We will
only retain your Personal Information for as long as necessary for us to provide
you with our Services or have a legitimate reason to keep it.



If you reside in the European Union and/or the European Economic Area, you may
have certain legal rights relative to the collection and use of your Personal
Information. You may have the right to:

 1. Change and update your information as necessary;
 2. Have the entirety or part of your Personal Information to be erased or
 3. Delete your Personal Information at any time and for any reason;
 4. Object to, restrict or limit the use of your Personal Information; and
 5. Ask us for a copy of your Personal Information.

You can do all of this by visiting the "My Account" area on our Site or by
contacting our Privacy Team / Data Protection Officer at Where the law provides, you may also send
queries to your local data protection authority.


If you are a resident of the United Kingdom be advised that, after the United
Kingdom has left the European Union, we will maintain and treat your data in
accordance with the laws of the United Kingdom. We advise that you direct any
questions or complaints regarding your rights to the UK Information
Commissioner"s Office.


If you have any questions pertaining to the collection, use and storage of your
Personal Information or any questions relative to this Privacy Notice contact
our Privacy Team at


The data controller of your Personal Information is:

Timesen Limited
10 Barn Mead

Feel free to contact us at the above mailing address or at if you have any concerns about this Notice
or your rights.

Please be aware that if you contact us to assist you, we may need to
authenticate your identity before fulfilling your request.




Das „ Rainbow-art Apple IPhone 14 Pro Giveaway“ beginnt am oder um July 1, 2023
um 00:01 Uhr Eastern Time („ET“) und endet am September 30, 2023 um 11:59 ET
(der „Aktionszeitraum“). Das Gewinnspiel besteht aus einer Reihe von Zeichnungen
(jeweils eine „Zeichnung“). Der Aktionszeitraum ist in monatliche
Ziehungszeiträume (jeweils ein „Ziehungszeitraum“) unterteilt, wobei jeder
Ziehungszeitraum am ersten Tag jedes Monats während des Aktionszeitraums um
00:01 Uhr ET beginnt und um 23:59 Uhr ET endet am letzten Tag jedes Monats
während des Aktionszeitraums.


Wenn in einem bestimmten Ziehungszeitraum weniger als dreitausend (3.000)
einzelne Teilnahmen eingehen, findet keine Ziehung statt und die Teilnahmen
werden auf die nachfolgenden Ziehungsperioden übertragen, bis dreitausend
(3.000) einzelne Teilnahmen vorhanden sind. Am Ende jedes Ziehungszeitraums wird
unter allen teilnahmeberechtigten Einsendungen, die vor oder während dieses
Ziehungszeitraums eingegangen sind, eine zufällige Ziehung durchgeführt, um
einen (1) Gewinner des Hauptpreises auszuwählen, wie nachstehend ausführlicher


Offizielle Regeln und Entscheidungen von Timesen Limited („Sponsor“), die in
jeder Hinsicht endgültig und bindend sind. Durch die Teilnahme am Gewinnspiel
akzeptiert jeder Teilnehmer diese bedingungslos und stimmt zu, diese einzuhalten
und einzuhalten Offizielle Regeln und die Entscheidungen von Timesen Limited
(„Sponsor“), die in jeder Hinsicht endgültig und bindend sind.

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