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Submitted URL: http://www.bestdealbuys.com/products/casual-ethnic-winter-micro-elasticity-daily-loose-jersey-regular-h-line-t-shirt-for-wom...
Effective URL: https://www.bestdealbuys.com/products/casual-ethnic-winter-micro-elasticity-daily-loose-jersey-regular-h-line-t-shirt-for-wom...
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Clothes Length:Regular

Sleeve Length:Long sleeve

Edition type:Loose

Elasticity:No Elasticity



Size Type:Regular Size



Neckline:Crew Neck






Fabric:Polyester95%; Spandex5%

Size Chart

SizeSleeve Length Shoulder Length Bust


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How should I make a return?

1.Email return request→2.Request approved→3.Receive return address→4.Customer
send shipping info after return→5.Returned package received→6.Release refund

 1. Submitting return request by dropping an email.
 2. Our customer service will communicate with you in the email, please pay
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 3. Please return through your local post office to avoid tax when it arrives in
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 4. Please send us tracking info after you return, which is quite important.
    Without return info, there will be no refund.
 5. Refund will be released within 5 working days after we received the package.


 How should I make an exchange?

 1. Return package first, as steps above.
 2. Resend will be arranged once we get return info.



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