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Submission: On September 15 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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Fix stale and unresponsive TikTok embeds for Discord with just s/i/n
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Β hono-rewrite
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Last commit message
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fix: long descriptions exceeding 256 character limit #15
Sep 2, 2024
32e2f32Β Β·Β Sep 2, 2024


105 Commits

minor: add visual gif tutorial, clean up
Aug 31, 2024
fix: long descriptions exceeding 256 character limit #15
Sep 2, 2024
chore: remove bun.lockb
May 25, 2024
chore: add prettier
May 26, 2024
fix + chore: remove og:description if addDesc is true + prettier
Aug 31, 2024
feat(jest): add unit tests
May 26, 2024
feat: support h265 for video embeds (#10)
Aug 6, 2024
feat(jest): add unit tests
May 26, 2024
fix: long descriptions exceeding 256 character limit #15
Sep 2, 2024
View all files




Embed TikTok videos and slideshows on Discord with just s/i/n


Click here to preview how fxTikTok looks in action

Comparing vs. embeds on Discord

Slideshow embeds

Live video embeds

Direct image/video support


Using fxTikTok is easy on Discord. Fix ugly and unresponsive embeds by sending
your TikTok link and then typing s/i/n

πŸ‘οΈ Visual learner? Click here to see a GIF tutorial


When you send s/i/n in Discord, it modifies your most recent message using the
sed format. Specifically, it replaces the first occurrence of the second
parameter (i) in the message with the third parameter (n).

Before After


Don't want all that statistic clutter on your embed and only want the video or
image? Simply change your URL to

Before After

> Alternatively, you can also set isDirect to true thru the URL query by adding
> ?isDirect=true at the end of your URL


By default, we put the description into the og:description tag, but Discord
removes that from the embed if there's a video inside the embed. We decided not
to add it to the top like what does to prevent the embed from
getting too cluttered with hashtags.

However, we want to give users the option to add it in case it brings additional
context to the video. You can change your URL to to add the
description to the top.

Before After

> Alternatively, you can also set addDesc to true thru the URL query by adding
> ?addDesc=true at the end of your URL


We check all the boxes for being one of the best TikTok embedding services with
many features that others don't have. Here's a table comparing our service,, with the other TikTok embedding services as well as TikTok's default
embeds. Default TikTok Embed playable
videos β˜‘οΈ ❌ ❔ β˜‘οΈ β˜‘οΈ Embed multi-image slideshows β˜‘οΈ ❌ ❔ ❌ β˜‘οΈ Embed lives β˜‘οΈ βž– ❌
❌ β˜‘οΈ Open source β˜‘οΈ ❌ β˜‘οΈ β˜‘οΈ ❌ Supports direct embeds β˜‘οΈ ❌ ❌ ❌ ❌ Shows like,
shares, comments β˜‘οΈ βž– βž– β˜‘οΈ β˜‘οΈ Removes tracking for redirects β˜‘οΈ ❌ β˜‘οΈ β˜‘οΈ β˜‘οΈ
Support for multi-continent short URLs β˜‘οΈ β˜‘οΈ β˜‘οΈ β˜‘οΈ ❌ Support for h265/high
quality β˜‘οΈ ❌ ❔ ❌ ❌ Last commit N/A N/A


Fix stale and unresponsive TikTok embeds for Discord with just s/i/n


tiktok cloudflare-workers




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